Classes | Defines | Functions | Variables



class  Behavior
 A set of operations building a generic behavior for a NPC. More...
class  BehaviorSet
 This is the set of Behaviors available for an NPC. More...
class  gemNPCActor
class  gemNPCItem
class  gemNPCObject
class  HateList
 This object represents the entities which have attacked or hurt the NPC and prioritizes them. More...
struct  HateListEntry
class  NetworkManager
 Handle all network messages inn and out of the NPC Client. More...
class  NPC
 This object represents each NPC managed by this superclient. More...
class  NpcGui
class  npcMesh
 This is a helper class that defines a mesh on the server. More...
class  NPCStatus
 This class is used to record the status of the npcclient to display it on a website so people can see the status of it. More...
class  NPCType
 A collection of behaviors and reactions will represent a type of npc. More...
class  pawsNPCClientWindow
class  psGameObject
class  psNPCClient
 The main NPC Client class holding references to important superclient objects. More...
class  psNpcMeshAttach
 Helper class to attach a PlaneShift npc gem object to a particular mesh. More...
class  psNPCReconnect
class  psNPCTick
 The event that makes the NPC brain go TICK. More...
class  Reaction
 A reaction embodies the change in desire which occurs in an NPC when he perceives something. More...
class  Recipe
 This object represents recipes for the tribe AI. More...
class  RecipeManager
 Class that represents the Recipe Manager of the game. More...
class  RecipeTreeNode
 This class represents a leaf in a recipe tree. More...
class  Tribe
 Class used to define a Tribal Object. More...


#define NPC_BRAIN_TICK   200
#define NPCDebug(npc, debug,...)   { if (npc->IsDebugging()) { npc->Printf(debug, __VA_ARGS__); }}




iDataConnection * db
 Global connection to the Database. Set from the psDatabase class.
 Global connection to the NPC Client.

Define Documentation


Definition at line 43 of file recipetreenode.h.

#define NPC_BRAIN_TICK   200

Definition at line 64 of file npc.h.

#define NPCDebug (   npc,
)    { if (npc->IsDebugging()) { npc->Printf(debug, __VA_ARGS__); }}

Definition at line 70 of file npc.h.


Definition at line 60 of file tribe.h.

Function Documentation

CREATE_PAWS_FACTORY ( pawsNPCClientWindow  )

Variable Documentation

iDataConnection* db

Global connection to the Database. Set from the psDatabase class.

Global connection to the NPC Client.