Classes | Defines

gem.h File Reference

#include <iengine/mesh.h>
#include <iengine/sector.h>
#include <iutil/vfs.h>
#include <csutil/csobject.h>
#include <csutil/csstring.h>
#include <csutil/hash.h>
#include <csutil/weakreferenced.h>
#include "bulkobjects/activespell.h"
#include "bulkobjects/buffable.h"
#include "bulkobjects/pscharacter.h"
#include "util/gameevent.h"
#include "util/consoleout.h"
#include "net/npcmessages.h"
#include "msgmanager.h"
#include "deathcallback.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  AttackerHistory
 A record in a gemActor's attacker history. More...
struct  gemActor::ChatHistoryEntry
 Info: Stores a chat history element. More...
class  DamageHistory
 An AttackerHistory entry for a regular, one-time damaging attack. More...
struct  gemNPC::DialogCounter
class  DOTHistory
 An AttackerHistory entry for a DOT (damage over time) attack. More...
struct  gemActor::DRstate
class  FrozenBuffable
class  gemActionLocation
class  gemActiveObject
 Any PS Object with which a player may have interaction (i.e. More...
class  gemActor
 Any semi-autonomous object, either a player or an NPC. More...
class  gemContainer
 gemContainers are the public containers in the world for crafting, like forges or ovens. More...
class  gemItem
class  gemNPC
class  gemObject
 A gemObject is any solid, graphical object visible in PS with normal physics and normal collision detection. More...
class  gemPet
class  GEMSupervisor
 This class holds the refs to the core factories, etc in CEL. More...
class  gemContainer::psContainerIterator
class  psGEMEvent
 This class automatically implements timed events which depend on the existence and validity of a gemObject of any kind. More...
class  psGemServerMeshAttach
 Helper class to attach a PlaneShift gem object to a particular mesh. More...
class  psResurrectEvent


#define BUFF_INDICATOR   "+"
#define DEBUFF_INDICATOR   "-"
#define UNSTICK_TIME   15000