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00001 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002  *
00003  * parse_clause.c
00004  *    handle clauses in parser
00005  *
00006  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
00007  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
00008  *
00009  *
00011  *    src/backend/parser/parse_clause.c
00012  *
00013  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00014  */
00016 #include "postgres.h"
00018 #include "access/heapam.h"
00019 #include "catalog/heap.h"
00020 #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
00021 #include "commands/defrem.h"
00022 #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
00023 #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
00024 #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
00025 #include "optimizer/tlist.h"
00026 #include "parser/analyze.h"
00027 #include "parser/parsetree.h"
00028 #include "parser/parse_clause.h"
00029 #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
00030 #include "parser/parse_collate.h"
00031 #include "parser/parse_expr.h"
00032 #include "parser/parse_oper.h"
00033 #include "parser/parse_relation.h"
00034 #include "parser/parse_target.h"
00035 #include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
00036 #include "utils/guc.h"
00037 #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
00038 #include "utils/rel.h"
00041 /* Convenience macro for the most common makeNamespaceItem() case */
00042 #define makeDefaultNSItem(rte)  makeNamespaceItem(rte, true, true, false, true)
00044 static void extractRemainingColumns(List *common_colnames,
00045                         List *src_colnames, List *src_colvars,
00046                         List **res_colnames, List **res_colvars);
00047 static Node *transformJoinUsingClause(ParseState *pstate,
00048                          RangeTblEntry *leftRTE, RangeTblEntry *rightRTE,
00049                          List *leftVars, List *rightVars);
00050 static Node *transformJoinOnClause(ParseState *pstate, JoinExpr *j,
00051                       List *namespace);
00052 static RangeTblEntry *transformTableEntry(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *r);
00053 static RangeTblEntry *transformCTEReference(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *r,
00054                       CommonTableExpr *cte, Index levelsup);
00055 static RangeTblEntry *transformRangeSubselect(ParseState *pstate,
00056                         RangeSubselect *r);
00057 static RangeTblEntry *transformRangeFunction(ParseState *pstate,
00058                        RangeFunction *r);
00059 static Node *transformFromClauseItem(ParseState *pstate, Node *n,
00060                         RangeTblEntry **top_rte, int *top_rti,
00061                         List **namespace);
00062 static Node *buildMergedJoinVar(ParseState *pstate, JoinType jointype,
00063                    Var *l_colvar, Var *r_colvar);
00064 static ParseNamespaceItem *makeNamespaceItem(RangeTblEntry *rte,
00065                   bool rel_visible, bool cols_visible,
00066                   bool lateral_only, bool lateral_ok);
00067 static void setNamespaceColumnVisibility(List *namespace, bool cols_visible);
00068 static void setNamespaceLateralState(List *namespace,
00069                          bool lateral_only, bool lateral_ok);
00070 static void checkExprIsVarFree(ParseState *pstate, Node *n,
00071                    const char *constructName);
00072 static TargetEntry *findTargetlistEntrySQL92(ParseState *pstate, Node *node,
00073                          List **tlist, ParseExprKind exprKind);
00074 static TargetEntry *findTargetlistEntrySQL99(ParseState *pstate, Node *node,
00075                          List **tlist, ParseExprKind exprKind);
00076 static int get_matching_location(int sortgroupref,
00077                       List *sortgrouprefs, List *exprs);
00078 static List *addTargetToSortList(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle,
00079                     List *sortlist, List *targetlist, SortBy *sortby,
00080                     bool resolveUnknown);
00081 static List *addTargetToGroupList(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle,
00082                      List *grouplist, List *targetlist, int location,
00083                      bool resolveUnknown);
00084 static WindowClause *findWindowClause(List *wclist, const char *name);
00085 static Node *transformFrameOffset(ParseState *pstate, int frameOptions,
00086                      Node *clause);
00089 /*
00090  * transformFromClause -
00091  *    Process the FROM clause and add items to the query's range table,
00092  *    joinlist, and namespace.
00093  *
00094  * Note: we assume that the pstate's p_rtable, p_joinlist, and p_namespace
00095  * lists were initialized to NIL when the pstate was created.
00096  * We will add onto any entries already present --- this is needed for rule
00097  * processing, as well as for UPDATE and DELETE.
00098  */
00099 void
00100 transformFromClause(ParseState *pstate, List *frmList)
00101 {
00102     ListCell   *fl;
00104     /*
00105      * The grammar will have produced a list of RangeVars, RangeSubselects,
00106      * RangeFunctions, and/or JoinExprs. Transform each one (possibly adding
00107      * entries to the rtable), check for duplicate refnames, and then add it
00108      * to the joinlist and namespace.
00109      *
00110      * Note we must process the items left-to-right for proper handling of
00111      * LATERAL references.
00112      */
00113     foreach(fl, frmList)
00114     {
00115         Node       *n = lfirst(fl);
00116         RangeTblEntry *rte;
00117         int         rtindex;
00118         List       *namespace;
00120         n = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, n,
00121                                     &rte,
00122                                     &rtindex,
00123                                     &namespace);
00125         checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, pstate->p_namespace, namespace);
00127         /* Mark the new namespace items as visible only to LATERAL */
00128         setNamespaceLateralState(namespace, true, true);
00130         pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, n);
00131         pstate->p_namespace = list_concat(pstate->p_namespace, namespace);
00132     }
00134     /*
00135      * We're done parsing the FROM list, so make all namespace items
00136      * unconditionally visible.  Note that this will also reset lateral_only
00137      * for any namespace items that were already present when we were called;
00138      * but those should have been that way already.
00139      */
00140     setNamespaceLateralState(pstate->p_namespace, false, true);
00141 }
00143 /*
00144  * setTargetTable
00145  *    Add the target relation of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE to the range table,
00146  *    and make the special links to it in the ParseState.
00147  *
00148  *    We also open the target relation and acquire a write lock on it.
00149  *    This must be done before processing the FROM list, in case the target
00150  *    is also mentioned as a source relation --- we want to be sure to grab
00151  *    the write lock before any read lock.
00152  *
00153  *    If alsoSource is true, add the target to the query's joinlist and
00154  *    namespace.  For INSERT, we don't want the target to be joined to;
00155  *    it's a destination of tuples, not a source.   For UPDATE/DELETE,
00156  *    we do need to scan or join the target.  (NOTE: we do not bother
00157  *    to check for namespace conflict; we assume that the namespace was
00158  *    initially empty in these cases.)
00159  *
00160  *    Finally, we mark the relation as requiring the permissions specified
00161  *    by requiredPerms.
00162  *
00163  *    Returns the rangetable index of the target relation.
00164  */
00165 int
00166 setTargetTable(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *relation,
00167                bool inh, bool alsoSource, AclMode requiredPerms)
00168 {
00169     RangeTblEntry *rte;
00170     int         rtindex;
00172     /* Close old target; this could only happen for multi-action rules */
00173     if (pstate->p_target_relation != NULL)
00174         heap_close(pstate->p_target_relation, NoLock);
00176     /*
00177      * Open target rel and grab suitable lock (which we will hold till end of
00178      * transaction).
00179      *
00180      * free_parsestate() will eventually do the corresponding heap_close(),
00181      * but *not* release the lock.
00182      */
00183     pstate->p_target_relation = parserOpenTable(pstate, relation,
00184                                                 RowExclusiveLock);
00186     /*
00187      * Now build an RTE.
00188      */
00189     rte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(pstate, pstate->p_target_relation,
00190                                         relation->alias, inh, false);
00191     pstate->p_target_rangetblentry = rte;
00193     /* assume new rte is at end */
00194     rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
00195     Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
00197     /*
00198      * Override addRangeTableEntry's default ACL_SELECT permissions check, and
00199      * instead mark target table as requiring exactly the specified
00200      * permissions.
00201      *
00202      * If we find an explicit reference to the rel later during parse
00203      * analysis, we will add the ACL_SELECT bit back again; see
00204      * markVarForSelectPriv and its callers.
00205      */
00206     rte->requiredPerms = requiredPerms;
00208     /*
00209      * If UPDATE/DELETE, add table to joinlist and namespace.
00210      */
00211     if (alsoSource)
00212         addRTEtoQuery(pstate, rte, true, true, true);
00214     return rtindex;
00215 }
00217 /*
00218  * Simplify InhOption (yes/no/default) into boolean yes/no.
00219  *
00220  * The reason we do things this way is that we don't want to examine the
00221  * SQL_inheritance option flag until parse_analyze() is run.    Otherwise,
00222  * we'd do the wrong thing with query strings that intermix SET commands
00223  * with queries.
00224  */
00225 bool
00226 interpretInhOption(InhOption inhOpt)
00227 {
00228     switch (inhOpt)
00229     {
00230         case INH_NO:
00231             return false;
00232         case INH_YES:
00233             return true;
00234         case INH_DEFAULT:
00235             return SQL_inheritance;
00236     }
00237     elog(ERROR, "bogus InhOption value: %d", inhOpt);
00238     return false;               /* keep compiler quiet */
00239 }
00241 /*
00242  * Given a relation-options list (of DefElems), return true iff the specified
00243  * table/result set should be created with OIDs. This needs to be done after
00244  * parsing the query string because the return value can depend upon the
00245  * default_with_oids GUC var.
00246  *
00247  * In some situations, we want to reject an OIDS option even if it's present.
00248  * That's (rather messily) handled here rather than reloptions.c, because that
00249  * code explicitly punts checking for oids to here.
00250  */
00251 bool
00252 interpretOidsOption(List *defList, bool allowOids)
00253 {
00254     ListCell   *cell;
00256     /* Scan list to see if OIDS was included */
00257     foreach(cell, defList)
00258     {
00259         DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);
00261         if (def->defnamespace == NULL &&
00262             pg_strcasecmp(def->defname, "oids") == 0)
00263         {
00264             if (!allowOids)
00265                 ereport(ERROR,
00266                         (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
00267                          errmsg("unrecognized parameter \"%s\"",
00268                                 def->defname)));
00269             return defGetBoolean(def);
00270         }
00271     }
00273     /* Force no-OIDS result if caller disallows OIDS. */
00274     if (!allowOids)
00275         return false;
00277     /* OIDS option was not specified, so use default. */
00278     return default_with_oids;
00279 }
00281 /*
00282  * Extract all not-in-common columns from column lists of a source table
00283  */
00284 static void
00285 extractRemainingColumns(List *common_colnames,
00286                         List *src_colnames, List *src_colvars,
00287                         List **res_colnames, List **res_colvars)
00288 {
00289     List       *new_colnames = NIL;
00290     List       *new_colvars = NIL;
00291     ListCell   *lnames,
00292                *lvars;
00294     Assert(list_length(src_colnames) == list_length(src_colvars));
00296     forboth(lnames, src_colnames, lvars, src_colvars)
00297     {
00298         char       *colname = strVal(lfirst(lnames));
00299         bool        match = false;
00300         ListCell   *cnames;
00302         foreach(cnames, common_colnames)
00303         {
00304             char       *ccolname = strVal(lfirst(cnames));
00306             if (strcmp(colname, ccolname) == 0)
00307             {
00308                 match = true;
00309                 break;
00310             }
00311         }
00313         if (!match)
00314         {
00315             new_colnames = lappend(new_colnames, lfirst(lnames));
00316             new_colvars = lappend(new_colvars, lfirst(lvars));
00317         }
00318     }
00320     *res_colnames = new_colnames;
00321     *res_colvars = new_colvars;
00322 }
00324 /* transformJoinUsingClause()
00325  *    Build a complete ON clause from a partially-transformed USING list.
00326  *    We are given lists of nodes representing left and right match columns.
00327  *    Result is a transformed qualification expression.
00328  */
00329 static Node *
00330 transformJoinUsingClause(ParseState *pstate,
00331                          RangeTblEntry *leftRTE, RangeTblEntry *rightRTE,
00332                          List *leftVars, List *rightVars)
00333 {
00334     Node       *result = NULL;
00335     ListCell   *lvars,
00336                *rvars;
00338     /*
00339      * We cheat a little bit here by building an untransformed operator tree
00340      * whose leaves are the already-transformed Vars.  This is OK because
00341      * transformExpr() won't complain about already-transformed subnodes.
00342      * However, this does mean that we have to mark the columns as requiring
00343      * SELECT privilege for ourselves; transformExpr() won't do it.
00344      */
00345     forboth(lvars, leftVars, rvars, rightVars)
00346     {
00347         Var        *lvar = (Var *) lfirst(lvars);
00348         Var        *rvar = (Var *) lfirst(rvars);
00349         A_Expr     *e;
00351         /* Require read access to the join variables */
00352         markVarForSelectPriv(pstate, lvar, leftRTE);
00353         markVarForSelectPriv(pstate, rvar, rightRTE);
00355         /* Now create the lvar = rvar join condition */
00356         e = makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=",
00357                              copyObject(lvar), copyObject(rvar),
00358                              -1);
00360         /* And combine into an AND clause, if multiple join columns */
00361         if (result == NULL)
00362             result = (Node *) e;
00363         else
00364         {
00365             A_Expr     *a;
00367             a = makeA_Expr(AEXPR_AND, NIL, result, (Node *) e, -1);
00368             result = (Node *) a;
00369         }
00370     }
00372     /*
00373      * Since the references are already Vars, and are certainly from the input
00374      * relations, we don't have to go through the same pushups that
00375      * transformJoinOnClause() does.  Just invoke transformExpr() to fix up
00376      * the operators, and we're done.
00377      */
00378     result = transformExpr(pstate, result, EXPR_KIND_JOIN_USING);
00380     result = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, result, "JOIN/USING");
00382     return result;
00383 }
00385 /* transformJoinOnClause()
00386  *    Transform the qual conditions for JOIN/ON.
00387  *    Result is a transformed qualification expression.
00388  */
00389 static Node *
00390 transformJoinOnClause(ParseState *pstate, JoinExpr *j, List *namespace)
00391 {
00392     Node       *result;
00393     List       *save_namespace;
00395     /*
00396      * The namespace that the join expression should see is just the two
00397      * subtrees of the JOIN plus any outer references from upper pstate
00398      * levels.  Temporarily set this pstate's namespace accordingly.  (We need
00399      * not check for refname conflicts, because transformFromClauseItem()
00400      * already did.)  All namespace items are marked visible regardless of
00401      * LATERAL state.
00402      */
00403     setNamespaceLateralState(namespace, false, true);
00405     save_namespace = pstate->p_namespace;
00406     pstate->p_namespace = namespace;
00408     result = transformWhereClause(pstate, j->quals,
00409                                   EXPR_KIND_JOIN_ON, "JOIN/ON");
00411     pstate->p_namespace = save_namespace;
00413     return result;
00414 }
00416 /*
00417  * transformTableEntry --- transform a RangeVar (simple relation reference)
00418  */
00419 static RangeTblEntry *
00420 transformTableEntry(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *r)
00421 {
00422     RangeTblEntry *rte;
00424     /* We need only build a range table entry */
00425     rte = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, r, r->alias,
00426                              interpretInhOption(r->inhOpt), true);
00428     return rte;
00429 }
00431 /*
00432  * transformCTEReference --- transform a RangeVar that references a common
00433  * table expression (ie, a sub-SELECT defined in a WITH clause)
00434  */
00435 static RangeTblEntry *
00436 transformCTEReference(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *r,
00437                       CommonTableExpr *cte, Index levelsup)
00438 {
00439     RangeTblEntry *rte;
00441     rte = addRangeTableEntryForCTE(pstate, cte, levelsup, r, true);
00443     return rte;
00444 }
00446 /*
00447  * transformRangeSubselect --- transform a sub-SELECT appearing in FROM
00448  */
00449 static RangeTblEntry *
00450 transformRangeSubselect(ParseState *pstate, RangeSubselect *r)
00451 {
00452     Query      *query;
00453     RangeTblEntry *rte;
00455     /*
00456      * We require user to supply an alias for a subselect, per SQL92. To relax
00457      * this, we'd have to be prepared to gin up a unique alias for an
00458      * unlabeled subselect.  (This is just elog, not ereport, because the
00459      * grammar should have enforced it already.  It'd probably be better to
00460      * report the error here, but we don't have a good error location here.)
00461      */
00462     if (r->alias == NULL)
00463         elog(ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias");
00465     /*
00466      * Set p_expr_kind to show this parse level is recursing to a subselect.
00467      * We can't be nested within any expression, so don't need save-restore
00468      * logic here.
00469      */
00470     Assert(pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_NONE);
00471     pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_FROM_SUBSELECT;
00473     /*
00474      * If the subselect is LATERAL, make lateral_only names of this level
00475      * visible to it.  (LATERAL can't nest within a single pstate level, so we
00476      * don't need save/restore logic here.)
00477      */
00478     Assert(!pstate->p_lateral_active);
00479     pstate->p_lateral_active = r->lateral;
00481     /*
00482      * Analyze and transform the subquery.
00483      */
00484     query = parse_sub_analyze(r->subquery, pstate, NULL,
00485                               isLockedRefname(pstate, r->alias->aliasname));
00487     /* Restore state */
00488     pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
00489     pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_NONE;
00491     /*
00492      * Check that we got something reasonable.  Many of these conditions are
00493      * impossible given restrictions of the grammar, but check 'em anyway.
00494      */
00495     if (!IsA(query, Query) ||
00496         query->commandType != CMD_SELECT ||
00497         query->utilityStmt != NULL)
00498         elog(ERROR, "unexpected non-SELECT command in subquery in FROM");
00500     /*
00501      * OK, build an RTE for the subquery.
00502      */
00503     rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate,
00504                                         query,
00505                                         r->alias,
00506                                         r->lateral,
00507                                         true);
00509     return rte;
00510 }
00513 /*
00514  * transformRangeFunction --- transform a function call appearing in FROM
00515  */
00516 static RangeTblEntry *
00517 transformRangeFunction(ParseState *pstate, RangeFunction *r)
00518 {
00519     Node       *funcexpr;
00520     char       *funcname;
00521     bool        is_lateral;
00522     RangeTblEntry *rte;
00524     /*
00525      * Get function name for possible use as alias.  We use the same
00526      * transformation rules as for a SELECT output expression.  For a FuncCall
00527      * node, the result will be the function name, but it is possible for the
00528      * grammar to hand back other node types.
00529      */
00530     funcname = FigureColname(r->funccallnode);
00532     /*
00533      * We make lateral_only names of this level visible, whether or not the
00534      * function is explicitly marked LATERAL.  This is needed for SQL spec
00535      * compliance in the case of UNNEST(), and seems useful on convenience
00536      * grounds for all functions in FROM.
00537      *
00538      * (LATERAL can't nest within a single pstate level, so we don't need
00539      * save/restore logic here.)
00540      */
00541     Assert(!pstate->p_lateral_active);
00542     pstate->p_lateral_active = true;
00544     /*
00545      * Transform the raw expression.
00546      */
00547     funcexpr = transformExpr(pstate, r->funccallnode, EXPR_KIND_FROM_FUNCTION);
00549     pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
00551     /*
00552      * We must assign collations now so that we can fill funccolcollations.
00553      */
00554     assign_expr_collations(pstate, funcexpr);
00556     /*
00557      * Mark the RTE as LATERAL if the user said LATERAL explicitly, or if
00558      * there are any lateral cross-references in it.
00559      */
00560     is_lateral = r->lateral || contain_vars_of_level(funcexpr, 0);
00562     /*
00563      * OK, build an RTE for the function.
00564      */
00565     rte = addRangeTableEntryForFunction(pstate, funcname, funcexpr,
00566                                         r, is_lateral, true);
00568     /*
00569      * If a coldeflist was supplied, ensure it defines a legal set of names
00570      * (no duplicates) and datatypes (no pseudo-types, for instance).
00571      * addRangeTableEntryForFunction looked up the type names but didn't check
00572      * them further than that.
00573      */
00574     if (r->coldeflist)
00575     {
00576         TupleDesc   tupdesc;
00578         tupdesc = BuildDescFromLists(rte->eref->colnames,
00579                                      rte->funccoltypes,
00580                                      rte->funccoltypmods,
00581                                      rte->funccolcollations);
00582         CheckAttributeNamesTypes(tupdesc, RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE, false);
00583     }
00585     return rte;
00586 }
00589 /*
00590  * transformFromClauseItem -
00591  *    Transform a FROM-clause item, adding any required entries to the
00592  *    range table list being built in the ParseState, and return the
00593  *    transformed item ready to include in the joinlist.  Also build a
00594  *    ParseNamespaceItem list describing the names exposed by this item.
00595  *    This routine can recurse to handle SQL92 JOIN expressions.
00596  *
00597  * The function return value is the node to add to the jointree (a
00598  * RangeTblRef or JoinExpr).  Additional output parameters are:
00599  *
00600  * *top_rte: receives the RTE corresponding to the jointree item.
00601  * (We could extract this from the function return node, but it saves cycles
00602  * to pass it back separately.)
00603  *
00604  * *top_rti: receives the rangetable index of top_rte.  (Ditto.)
00605  *
00606  * *namespace: receives a List of ParseNamespaceItems for the RTEs exposed
00607  * as table/column names by this item.  (The lateral_only flags in these items
00608  * are indeterminate and should be explicitly set by the caller before use.)
00609  */
00610 static Node *
00611 transformFromClauseItem(ParseState *pstate, Node *n,
00612                         RangeTblEntry **top_rte, int *top_rti,
00613                         List **namespace)
00614 {
00615     if (IsA(n, RangeVar))
00616     {
00617         /* Plain relation reference, or perhaps a CTE reference */
00618         RangeVar   *rv = (RangeVar *) n;
00619         RangeTblRef *rtr;
00620         RangeTblEntry *rte = NULL;
00621         int         rtindex;
00623         /* if it is an unqualified name, it might be a CTE reference */
00624         if (!rv->schemaname)
00625         {
00626             CommonTableExpr *cte;
00627             Index       levelsup;
00629             cte = scanNameSpaceForCTE(pstate, rv->relname, &levelsup);
00630             if (cte)
00631                 rte = transformCTEReference(pstate, rv, cte, levelsup);
00632         }
00634         /* if not found as a CTE, must be a table reference */
00635         if (!rte)
00636             rte = transformTableEntry(pstate, rv);
00638         /* assume new rte is at end */
00639         rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
00640         Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
00641         *top_rte = rte;
00642         *top_rti = rtindex;
00643         *namespace = list_make1(makeDefaultNSItem(rte));
00644         rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
00645         rtr->rtindex = rtindex;
00646         return (Node *) rtr;
00647     }
00648     else if (IsA(n, RangeSubselect))
00649     {
00650         /* sub-SELECT is like a plain relation */
00651         RangeTblRef *rtr;
00652         RangeTblEntry *rte;
00653         int         rtindex;
00655         rte = transformRangeSubselect(pstate, (RangeSubselect *) n);
00656         /* assume new rte is at end */
00657         rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
00658         Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
00659         *top_rte = rte;
00660         *top_rti = rtindex;
00661         *namespace = list_make1(makeDefaultNSItem(rte));
00662         rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
00663         rtr->rtindex = rtindex;
00664         return (Node *) rtr;
00665     }
00666     else if (IsA(n, RangeFunction))
00667     {
00668         /* function is like a plain relation */
00669         RangeTblRef *rtr;
00670         RangeTblEntry *rte;
00671         int         rtindex;
00673         rte = transformRangeFunction(pstate, (RangeFunction *) n);
00674         /* assume new rte is at end */
00675         rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
00676         Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
00677         *top_rte = rte;
00678         *top_rti = rtindex;
00679         *namespace = list_make1(makeDefaultNSItem(rte));
00680         rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
00681         rtr->rtindex = rtindex;
00682         return (Node *) rtr;
00683     }
00684     else if (IsA(n, JoinExpr))
00685     {
00686         /* A newfangled join expression */
00687         JoinExpr   *j = (JoinExpr *) n;
00688         RangeTblEntry *l_rte;
00689         RangeTblEntry *r_rte;
00690         int         l_rtindex;
00691         int         r_rtindex;
00692         List       *l_namespace,
00693                    *r_namespace,
00694                    *my_namespace,
00695                    *l_colnames,
00696                    *r_colnames,
00697                    *res_colnames,
00698                    *l_colvars,
00699                    *r_colvars,
00700                    *res_colvars;
00701         bool        lateral_ok;
00702         int         sv_namespace_length;
00703         RangeTblEntry *rte;
00704         int         k;
00706         /*
00707          * Recursively process the left subtree, then the right.  We must do
00708          * it in this order for correct visibility of LATERAL references.
00709          */
00710         j->larg = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, j->larg,
00711                                           &l_rte,
00712                                           &l_rtindex,
00713                                           &l_namespace);
00715         /*
00716          * Make the left-side RTEs available for LATERAL access within the
00717          * right side, by temporarily adding them to the pstate's namespace
00718          * list.  Per SQL:2008, if the join type is not INNER or LEFT then
00719          * the left-side names must still be exposed, but it's an error to
00720          * reference them.  (Stupid design, but that's what it says.)  Hence,
00721          * we always push them into the namespace, but mark them as not
00722          * lateral_ok if the jointype is wrong.
00723          *
00724          * NB: this coding relies on the fact that list_concat is not
00725          * destructive to its second argument.
00726          */
00727         lateral_ok = (j->jointype == JOIN_INNER || j->jointype == JOIN_LEFT);
00728         setNamespaceLateralState(l_namespace, true, lateral_ok);
00730         checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, pstate->p_namespace, l_namespace);
00732         sv_namespace_length = list_length(pstate->p_namespace);
00733         pstate->p_namespace = list_concat(pstate->p_namespace, l_namespace);
00735         /* And now we can process the RHS */
00736         j->rarg = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, j->rarg,
00737                                           &r_rte,
00738                                           &r_rtindex,
00739                                           &r_namespace);
00741         /* Remove the left-side RTEs from the namespace list again */
00742         pstate->p_namespace = list_truncate(pstate->p_namespace,
00743                                             sv_namespace_length);
00745         /*
00746          * Check for conflicting refnames in left and right subtrees. Must do
00747          * this because higher levels will assume I hand back a self-
00748          * consistent namespace list.
00749          */
00750         checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, l_namespace, r_namespace);
00752         /*
00753          * Generate combined namespace info for possible use below.
00754          */
00755         my_namespace = list_concat(l_namespace, r_namespace);
00757         /*
00758          * Extract column name and var lists from both subtrees
00759          *
00760          * Note: expandRTE returns new lists, safe for me to modify
00761          */
00762         expandRTE(l_rte, l_rtindex, 0, -1, false,
00763                   &l_colnames, &l_colvars);
00764         expandRTE(r_rte, r_rtindex, 0, -1, false,
00765                   &r_colnames, &r_colvars);
00767         /*
00768          * Natural join does not explicitly specify columns; must generate
00769          * columns to join. Need to run through the list of columns from each
00770          * table or join result and match up the column names. Use the first
00771          * table, and check every column in the second table for a match.
00772          * (We'll check that the matches were unique later on.) The result of
00773          * this step is a list of column names just like an explicitly-written
00774          * USING list.
00775          */
00776         if (j->isNatural)
00777         {
00778             List       *rlist = NIL;
00779             ListCell   *lx,
00780                        *rx;
00782             Assert(j->usingClause == NIL);      /* shouldn't have USING() too */
00784             foreach(lx, l_colnames)
00785             {
00786                 char       *l_colname = strVal(lfirst(lx));
00787                 Value      *m_name = NULL;
00789                 foreach(rx, r_colnames)
00790                 {
00791                     char       *r_colname = strVal(lfirst(rx));
00793                     if (strcmp(l_colname, r_colname) == 0)
00794                     {
00795                         m_name = makeString(l_colname);
00796                         break;
00797                     }
00798                 }
00800                 /* matched a right column? then keep as join column... */
00801                 if (m_name != NULL)
00802                     rlist = lappend(rlist, m_name);
00803             }
00805             j->usingClause = rlist;
00806         }
00808         /*
00809          * Now transform the join qualifications, if any.
00810          */
00811         res_colnames = NIL;
00812         res_colvars = NIL;
00814         if (j->usingClause)
00815         {
00816             /*
00817              * JOIN/USING (or NATURAL JOIN, as transformed above). Transform
00818              * the list into an explicit ON-condition, and generate a list of
00819              * merged result columns.
00820              */
00821             List       *ucols = j->usingClause;
00822             List       *l_usingvars = NIL;
00823             List       *r_usingvars = NIL;
00824             ListCell   *ucol;
00826             Assert(j->quals == NULL);   /* shouldn't have ON() too */
00828             foreach(ucol, ucols)
00829             {
00830                 char       *u_colname = strVal(lfirst(ucol));
00831                 ListCell   *col;
00832                 int         ndx;
00833                 int         l_index = -1;
00834                 int         r_index = -1;
00835                 Var        *l_colvar,
00836                            *r_colvar;
00838                 /* Check for USING(foo,foo) */
00839                 foreach(col, res_colnames)
00840                 {
00841                     char       *res_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));
00843                     if (strcmp(res_colname, u_colname) == 0)
00844                         ereport(ERROR,
00845                                 (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN),
00846                                  errmsg("column name \"%s\" appears more than once in USING clause",
00847                                         u_colname)));
00848                 }
00850                 /* Find it in left input */
00851                 ndx = 0;
00852                 foreach(col, l_colnames)
00853                 {
00854                     char       *l_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));
00856                     if (strcmp(l_colname, u_colname) == 0)
00857                     {
00858                         if (l_index >= 0)
00859                             ereport(ERROR,
00860                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN),
00861                                      errmsg("common column name \"%s\" appears more than once in left table",
00862                                             u_colname)));
00863                         l_index = ndx;
00864                     }
00865                     ndx++;
00866                 }
00867                 if (l_index < 0)
00868                     ereport(ERROR,
00869                             (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN),
00870                              errmsg("column \"%s\" specified in USING clause does not exist in left table",
00871                                     u_colname)));
00873                 /* Find it in right input */
00874                 ndx = 0;
00875                 foreach(col, r_colnames)
00876                 {
00877                     char       *r_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));
00879                     if (strcmp(r_colname, u_colname) == 0)
00880                     {
00881                         if (r_index >= 0)
00882                             ereport(ERROR,
00883                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN),
00884                                      errmsg("common column name \"%s\" appears more than once in right table",
00885                                             u_colname)));
00886                         r_index = ndx;
00887                     }
00888                     ndx++;
00889                 }
00890                 if (r_index < 0)
00891                     ereport(ERROR,
00892                             (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN),
00893                              errmsg("column \"%s\" specified in USING clause does not exist in right table",
00894                                     u_colname)));
00896                 l_colvar = list_nth(l_colvars, l_index);
00897                 l_usingvars = lappend(l_usingvars, l_colvar);
00898                 r_colvar = list_nth(r_colvars, r_index);
00899                 r_usingvars = lappend(r_usingvars, r_colvar);
00901                 res_colnames = lappend(res_colnames, lfirst(ucol));
00902                 res_colvars = lappend(res_colvars,
00903                                       buildMergedJoinVar(pstate,
00904                                                          j->jointype,
00905                                                          l_colvar,
00906                                                          r_colvar));
00907             }
00909             j->quals = transformJoinUsingClause(pstate,
00910                                                 l_rte,
00911                                                 r_rte,
00912                                                 l_usingvars,
00913                                                 r_usingvars);
00914         }
00915         else if (j->quals)
00916         {
00917             /* User-written ON-condition; transform it */
00918             j->quals = transformJoinOnClause(pstate, j, my_namespace);
00919         }
00920         else
00921         {
00922             /* CROSS JOIN: no quals */
00923         }
00925         /* Add remaining columns from each side to the output columns */
00926         extractRemainingColumns(res_colnames,
00927                                 l_colnames, l_colvars,
00928                                 &l_colnames, &l_colvars);
00929         extractRemainingColumns(res_colnames,
00930                                 r_colnames, r_colvars,
00931                                 &r_colnames, &r_colvars);
00932         res_colnames = list_concat(res_colnames, l_colnames);
00933         res_colvars = list_concat(res_colvars, l_colvars);
00934         res_colnames = list_concat(res_colnames, r_colnames);
00935         res_colvars = list_concat(res_colvars, r_colvars);
00937         /*
00938          * Check alias (AS clause), if any.
00939          */
00940         if (j->alias)
00941         {
00942             if (j->alias->colnames != NIL)
00943             {
00944                 if (list_length(j->alias->colnames) > list_length(res_colnames))
00945                     ereport(ERROR,
00946                             (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
00947                              errmsg("column alias list for \"%s\" has too many entries",
00948                                     j->alias->aliasname)));
00949             }
00950         }
00952         /*
00953          * Now build an RTE for the result of the join
00954          */
00955         rte = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate,
00956                                         res_colnames,
00957                                         j->jointype,
00958                                         res_colvars,
00959                                         j->alias,
00960                                         true);
00962         /* assume new rte is at end */
00963         j->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
00964         Assert(rte == rt_fetch(j->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
00966         *top_rte = rte;
00967         *top_rti = j->rtindex;
00969         /* make a matching link to the JoinExpr for later use */
00970         for (k = list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) + 1; k < j->rtindex; k++)
00971             pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, NULL);
00972         pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, j);
00973         Assert(list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) == j->rtindex);
00975         /*
00976          * Prepare returned namespace list.  If the JOIN has an alias then it
00977          * hides the contained RTEs completely; otherwise, the contained RTEs
00978          * are still visible as table names, but are not visible for
00979          * unqualified column-name access.
00980          *
00981          * Note: if there are nested alias-less JOINs, the lower-level ones
00982          * will remain in the list although they have neither p_rel_visible
00983          * nor p_cols_visible set.  We could delete such list items, but it's
00984          * unclear that it's worth expending cycles to do so.
00985          */
00986         if (j->alias != NULL)
00987             my_namespace = NIL;
00988         else
00989             setNamespaceColumnVisibility(my_namespace, false);
00991         /*
00992          * The join RTE itself is always made visible for unqualified column
00993          * names.  It's visible as a relation name only if it has an alias.
00994          */
00995         *namespace = lappend(my_namespace,
00996                              makeNamespaceItem(rte,
00997                                                (j->alias != NULL),
00998                                                true,
00999                                                false,
01000                                                true));
01002         return (Node *) j;
01003     }
01004     else
01005         elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(n));
01006     return NULL;                /* can't get here, keep compiler quiet */
01007 }
01009 /*
01010  * buildMergedJoinVar -
01011  *    generate a suitable replacement expression for a merged join column
01012  */
01013 static Node *
01014 buildMergedJoinVar(ParseState *pstate, JoinType jointype,
01015                    Var *l_colvar, Var *r_colvar)
01016 {
01017     Oid         outcoltype;
01018     int32       outcoltypmod;
01019     Node       *l_node,
01020                *r_node,
01021                *res_node;
01023     /*
01024      * Choose output type if input types are dissimilar.
01025      */
01026     outcoltype = l_colvar->vartype;
01027     outcoltypmod = l_colvar->vartypmod;
01028     if (outcoltype != r_colvar->vartype)
01029     {
01030         outcoltype = select_common_type(pstate,
01031                                         list_make2(l_colvar, r_colvar),
01032                                         "JOIN/USING",
01033                                         NULL);
01034         outcoltypmod = -1;      /* ie, unknown */
01035     }
01036     else if (outcoltypmod != r_colvar->vartypmod)
01037     {
01038         /* same type, but not same typmod */
01039         outcoltypmod = -1;      /* ie, unknown */
01040     }
01042     /*
01043      * Insert coercion functions if needed.  Note that a difference in typmod
01044      * can only happen if input has typmod but outcoltypmod is -1. In that
01045      * case we insert a RelabelType to clearly mark that result's typmod is
01046      * not same as input.  We never need coerce_type_typmod.
01047      */
01048     if (l_colvar->vartype != outcoltype)
01049         l_node = coerce_type(pstate, (Node *) l_colvar, l_colvar->vartype,
01050                              outcoltype, outcoltypmod,
01051                              COERCION_IMPLICIT, COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST, -1);
01052     else if (l_colvar->vartypmod != outcoltypmod)
01053         l_node = (Node *) makeRelabelType((Expr *) l_colvar,
01054                                           outcoltype, outcoltypmod,
01055                                           InvalidOid,   /* fixed below */
01056                                           COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST);
01057     else
01058         l_node = (Node *) l_colvar;
01060     if (r_colvar->vartype != outcoltype)
01061         r_node = coerce_type(pstate, (Node *) r_colvar, r_colvar->vartype,
01062                              outcoltype, outcoltypmod,
01063                              COERCION_IMPLICIT, COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST, -1);
01064     else if (r_colvar->vartypmod != outcoltypmod)
01065         r_node = (Node *) makeRelabelType((Expr *) r_colvar,
01066                                           outcoltype, outcoltypmod,
01067                                           InvalidOid,   /* fixed below */
01068                                           COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST);
01069     else
01070         r_node = (Node *) r_colvar;
01072     /*
01073      * Choose what to emit
01074      */
01075     switch (jointype)
01076     {
01077         case JOIN_INNER:
01079             /*
01080              * We can use either var; prefer non-coerced one if available.
01081              */
01082             if (IsA(l_node, Var))
01083                 res_node = l_node;
01084             else if (IsA(r_node, Var))
01085                 res_node = r_node;
01086             else
01087                 res_node = l_node;
01088             break;
01089         case JOIN_LEFT:
01090             /* Always use left var */
01091             res_node = l_node;
01092             break;
01093         case JOIN_RIGHT:
01094             /* Always use right var */
01095             res_node = r_node;
01096             break;
01097         case JOIN_FULL:
01098             {
01099                 /*
01100                  * Here we must build a COALESCE expression to ensure that the
01101                  * join output is non-null if either input is.
01102                  */
01103                 CoalesceExpr *c = makeNode(CoalesceExpr);
01105                 c->coalescetype = outcoltype;
01106                 /* coalescecollid will get set below */
01107                 c->args = list_make2(l_node, r_node);
01108                 c->location = -1;
01109                 res_node = (Node *) c;
01110                 break;
01111             }
01112         default:
01113             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized join type: %d", (int) jointype);
01114             res_node = NULL;    /* keep compiler quiet */
01115             break;
01116     }
01118     /*
01119      * Apply assign_expr_collations to fix up the collation info in the
01120      * coercion and CoalesceExpr nodes, if we made any.  This must be done now
01121      * so that the join node's alias vars show correct collation info.
01122      */
01123     assign_expr_collations(pstate, res_node);
01125     return res_node;
01126 }
01128 /*
01129  * makeNamespaceItem -
01130  *    Convenience subroutine to construct a ParseNamespaceItem.
01131  */
01132 static ParseNamespaceItem *
01133 makeNamespaceItem(RangeTblEntry *rte, bool rel_visible, bool cols_visible,
01134                   bool lateral_only, bool lateral_ok)
01135 {
01136     ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem;
01138     nsitem = (ParseNamespaceItem *) palloc(sizeof(ParseNamespaceItem));
01139     nsitem->p_rte = rte;
01140     nsitem->p_rel_visible = rel_visible;
01141     nsitem->p_cols_visible = cols_visible;
01142     nsitem->p_lateral_only = lateral_only;
01143     nsitem->p_lateral_ok = lateral_ok;
01144     return nsitem;
01145 }
01147 /*
01148  * setNamespaceColumnVisibility -
01149  *    Convenience subroutine to update cols_visible flags in a namespace list.
01150  */
01151 static void
01152 setNamespaceColumnVisibility(List *namespace, bool cols_visible)
01153 {
01154     ListCell   *lc;
01156     foreach(lc, namespace)
01157     {
01158         ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem = (ParseNamespaceItem *) lfirst(lc);
01160         nsitem->p_cols_visible = cols_visible;
01161     }
01162 }
01164 /*
01165  * setNamespaceLateralState -
01166  *    Convenience subroutine to update LATERAL flags in a namespace list.
01167  */
01168 static void
01169 setNamespaceLateralState(List *namespace, bool lateral_only, bool lateral_ok)
01170 {
01171     ListCell   *lc;
01173     foreach(lc, namespace)
01174     {
01175         ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem = (ParseNamespaceItem *) lfirst(lc);
01177         nsitem->p_lateral_only = lateral_only;
01178         nsitem->p_lateral_ok = lateral_ok;
01179     }
01180 }
01183 /*
01184  * transformWhereClause -
01185  *    Transform the qualification and make sure it is of type boolean.
01186  *    Used for WHERE and allied clauses.
01187  *
01188  * constructName does not affect the semantics, but is used in error messages
01189  */
01190 Node *
01191 transformWhereClause(ParseState *pstate, Node *clause,
01192                      ParseExprKind exprKind, const char *constructName)
01193 {
01194     Node       *qual;
01196     if (clause == NULL)
01197         return NULL;
01199     qual = transformExpr(pstate, clause, exprKind);
01201     qual = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, qual, constructName);
01203     return qual;
01204 }
01207 /*
01208  * transformLimitClause -
01209  *    Transform the expression and make sure it is of type bigint.
01210  *    Used for LIMIT and allied clauses.
01211  *
01212  * Note: as of Postgres 8.2, LIMIT expressions are expected to yield int8,
01213  * rather than int4 as before.
01214  *
01215  * constructName does not affect the semantics, but is used in error messages
01216  */
01217 Node *
01218 transformLimitClause(ParseState *pstate, Node *clause,
01219                      ParseExprKind exprKind, const char *constructName)
01220 {
01221     Node       *qual;
01223     if (clause == NULL)
01224         return NULL;
01226     qual = transformExpr(pstate, clause, exprKind);
01228     qual = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, qual, INT8OID, constructName);
01230     /* LIMIT can't refer to any variables of the current query */
01231     checkExprIsVarFree(pstate, qual, constructName);
01233     return qual;
01234 }
01236 /*
01237  * checkExprIsVarFree
01238  *      Check that given expr has no Vars of the current query level
01239  *      (aggregates and window functions should have been rejected already).
01240  *
01241  * This is used to check expressions that have to have a consistent value
01242  * across all rows of the query, such as a LIMIT.  Arguably it should reject
01243  * volatile functions, too, but we don't do that --- whatever value the
01244  * function gives on first execution is what you get.
01245  *
01246  * constructName does not affect the semantics, but is used in error messages
01247  */
01248 static void
01249 checkExprIsVarFree(ParseState *pstate, Node *n, const char *constructName)
01250 {
01251     if (contain_vars_of_level(n, 0))
01252     {
01253         ereport(ERROR,
01254                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE),
01255         /* translator: %s is name of a SQL construct, eg LIMIT */
01256                  errmsg("argument of %s must not contain variables",
01257                         constructName),
01258                  parser_errposition(pstate,
01259                                     locate_var_of_level(n, 0))));
01260     }
01261 }
01264 /*
01265  * checkTargetlistEntrySQL92 -
01266  *    Validate a targetlist entry found by findTargetlistEntrySQL92
01267  *
01268  * When we select a pre-existing tlist entry as a result of syntax such
01269  * as "GROUP BY 1", we have to make sure it is acceptable for use in the
01270  * indicated clause type; transformExpr() will have treated it as a regular
01271  * targetlist item.
01272  */
01273 static void
01274 checkTargetlistEntrySQL92(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle,
01275                           ParseExprKind exprKind)
01276 {
01277     switch (exprKind)
01278     {
01279         case EXPR_KIND_GROUP_BY:
01280             /* reject aggregates and window functions */
01281             if (pstate->p_hasAggs &&
01282                 contain_aggs_of_level((Node *) tle->expr, 0))
01283                 ereport(ERROR,
01284                         (errcode(ERRCODE_GROUPING_ERROR),
01285                          /* translator: %s is name of a SQL construct, eg GROUP BY */
01286                          errmsg("aggregate functions are not allowed in %s",
01287                                 ParseExprKindName(exprKind)),
01288                          parser_errposition(pstate,
01289                                             locate_agg_of_level((Node *) tle->expr, 0))));
01290             if (pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs &&
01291                 contain_windowfuncs((Node *) tle->expr))
01292                 ereport(ERROR,
01293                         (errcode(ERRCODE_WINDOWING_ERROR),
01294                          /* translator: %s is name of a SQL construct, eg GROUP BY */
01295                          errmsg("window functions are not allowed in %s",
01296                                 ParseExprKindName(exprKind)),
01297                          parser_errposition(pstate,
01298                                             locate_windowfunc((Node *) tle->expr))));
01299             break;
01300         case EXPR_KIND_ORDER_BY:
01301             /* no extra checks needed */
01302             break;
01303         case EXPR_KIND_DISTINCT_ON:
01304             /* no extra checks needed */
01305             break;
01306         default:
01307             elog(ERROR, "unexpected exprKind in checkTargetlistEntrySQL92");
01308             break;
01309     }
01310 }
01312 /*
01313  *  findTargetlistEntrySQL92 -
01314  *    Returns the targetlist entry matching the given (untransformed) node.
01315  *    If no matching entry exists, one is created and appended to the target
01316  *    list as a "resjunk" node.
01317  *
01318  * This function supports the old SQL92 ORDER BY interpretation, where the
01319  * expression is an output column name or number.  If we fail to find a
01320  * match of that sort, we fall through to the SQL99 rules.  For historical
01321  * reasons, Postgres also allows this interpretation for GROUP BY, though
01322  * the standard never did.  However, for GROUP BY we prefer a SQL99 match.
01323  * This function is *not* used for WINDOW definitions.
01324  *
01325  * node     the ORDER BY, GROUP BY, or DISTINCT ON expression to be matched
01326  * tlist    the target list (passed by reference so we can append to it)
01327  * exprKind identifies clause type being processed
01328  */
01329 static TargetEntry *
01330 findTargetlistEntrySQL92(ParseState *pstate, Node *node, List **tlist,
01331                          ParseExprKind exprKind)
01332 {
01333     ListCell   *tl;
01335     /*----------
01336      * Handle two special cases as mandated by the SQL92 spec:
01337      *
01338      * 1. Bare ColumnName (no qualifier or subscripts)
01339      *    For a bare identifier, we search for a matching column name
01340      *    in the existing target list.  Multiple matches are an error
01341      *    unless they refer to identical values; for example,
01342      *    we allow  SELECT a, a FROM table ORDER BY a
01343      *    but not   SELECT a AS b, b FROM table ORDER BY b
01344      *    If no match is found, we fall through and treat the identifier
01345      *    as an expression.
01346      *    For GROUP BY, it is incorrect to match the grouping item against
01347      *    targetlist entries: according to SQL92, an identifier in GROUP BY
01348      *    is a reference to a column name exposed by FROM, not to a target
01349      *    list column.  However, many implementations (including pre-7.0
01350      *    PostgreSQL) accept this anyway.  So for GROUP BY, we look first
01351      *    to see if the identifier matches any FROM column name, and only
01352      *    try for a targetlist name if it doesn't.  This ensures that we
01353      *    adhere to the spec in the case where the name could be both.
01354      *    DISTINCT ON isn't in the standard, so we can do what we like there;
01355      *    we choose to make it work like ORDER BY, on the rather flimsy
01356      *    grounds that ordinary DISTINCT works on targetlist entries.
01357      *
01358      * 2. IntegerConstant
01359      *    This means to use the n'th item in the existing target list.
01360      *    Note that it would make no sense to order/group/distinct by an
01361      *    actual constant, so this does not create a conflict with SQL99.
01362      *    GROUP BY column-number is not allowed by SQL92, but since
01363      *    the standard has no other behavior defined for this syntax,
01364      *    we may as well accept this common extension.
01365      *
01366      * Note that pre-existing resjunk targets must not be used in either case,
01367      * since the user didn't write them in his SELECT list.
01368      *
01369      * If neither special case applies, fall through to treat the item as
01370      * an expression per SQL99.
01371      *----------
01372      */
01373     if (IsA(node, ColumnRef) &&
01374         list_length(((ColumnRef *) node)->fields) == 1 &&
01375         IsA(linitial(((ColumnRef *) node)->fields), String))
01376     {
01377         char       *name = strVal(linitial(((ColumnRef *) node)->fields));
01378         int         location = ((ColumnRef *) node)->location;
01380         if (exprKind == EXPR_KIND_GROUP_BY)
01381         {
01382             /*
01383              * In GROUP BY, we must prefer a match against a FROM-clause
01384              * column to one against the targetlist.  Look to see if there is
01385              * a matching column.  If so, fall through to use SQL99 rules.
01386              * NOTE: if name could refer ambiguously to more than one column
01387              * name exposed by FROM, colNameToVar will ereport(ERROR). That's
01388              * just what we want here.
01389              *
01390              * Small tweak for 7.4.3: ignore matches in upper query levels.
01391              * This effectively changes the search order for bare names to (1)
01392              * local FROM variables, (2) local targetlist aliases, (3) outer
01393              * FROM variables, whereas before it was (1) (3) (2). SQL92 and
01394              * SQL99 do not allow GROUPing BY an outer reference, so this
01395              * breaks no cases that are legal per spec, and it seems a more
01396              * self-consistent behavior.
01397              */
01398             if (colNameToVar(pstate, name, true, location) != NULL)
01399                 name = NULL;
01400         }
01402         if (name != NULL)
01403         {
01404             TargetEntry *target_result = NULL;
01406             foreach(tl, *tlist)
01407             {
01408                 TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
01410                 if (!tle->resjunk &&
01411                     strcmp(tle->resname, name) == 0)
01412                 {
01413                     if (target_result != NULL)
01414                     {
01415                         if (!equal(target_result->expr, tle->expr))
01416                             ereport(ERROR,
01417                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN),
01419                             /*------
01420                               translator: first %s is name of a SQL construct, eg ORDER BY */
01421                                      errmsg("%s \"%s\" is ambiguous",
01422                                             ParseExprKindName(exprKind),
01423                                             name),
01424                                      parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
01425                     }
01426                     else
01427                         target_result = tle;
01428                     /* Stay in loop to check for ambiguity */
01429                 }
01430             }
01431             if (target_result != NULL)
01432             {
01433                 /* return the first match, after suitable validation */
01434                 checkTargetlistEntrySQL92(pstate, target_result, exprKind);
01435                 return target_result;
01436             }
01437         }
01438     }
01439     if (IsA(node, A_Const))
01440     {
01441         Value      *val = &((A_Const *) node)->val;
01442         int         location = ((A_Const *) node)->location;
01443         int         targetlist_pos = 0;
01444         int         target_pos;
01446         if (!IsA(val, Integer))
01447             ereport(ERROR,
01448                     (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
01449             /* translator: %s is name of a SQL construct, eg ORDER BY */
01450                      errmsg("non-integer constant in %s",
01451                             ParseExprKindName(exprKind)),
01452                      parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
01454         target_pos = intVal(val);
01455         foreach(tl, *tlist)
01456         {
01457             TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
01459             if (!tle->resjunk)
01460             {
01461                 if (++targetlist_pos == target_pos)
01462                 {
01463                     /* return the unique match, after suitable validation */
01464                     checkTargetlistEntrySQL92(pstate, tle, exprKind);
01465                     return tle;
01466                 }
01467             }
01468         }
01469         ereport(ERROR,
01470                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE),
01471         /* translator: %s is name of a SQL construct, eg ORDER BY */
01472                  errmsg("%s position %d is not in select list",
01473                         ParseExprKindName(exprKind), target_pos),
01474                  parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
01475     }
01477     /*
01478      * Otherwise, we have an expression, so process it per SQL99 rules.
01479      */
01480     return findTargetlistEntrySQL99(pstate, node, tlist, exprKind);
01481 }
01483 /*
01484  *  findTargetlistEntrySQL99 -
01485  *    Returns the targetlist entry matching the given (untransformed) node.
01486  *    If no matching entry exists, one is created and appended to the target
01487  *    list as a "resjunk" node.
01488  *
01489  * This function supports the SQL99 interpretation, wherein the expression
01490  * is just an ordinary expression referencing input column names.
01491  *
01492  * node     the ORDER BY, GROUP BY, etc expression to be matched
01493  * tlist    the target list (passed by reference so we can append to it)
01494  * exprKind identifies clause type being processed
01495  */
01496 static TargetEntry *
01497 findTargetlistEntrySQL99(ParseState *pstate, Node *node, List **tlist,
01498                          ParseExprKind exprKind)
01499 {
01500     TargetEntry *target_result;
01501     ListCell   *tl;
01502     Node       *expr;
01504     /*
01505      * Convert the untransformed node to a transformed expression, and search
01506      * for a match in the tlist.  NOTE: it doesn't really matter whether there
01507      * is more than one match.  Also, we are willing to match an existing
01508      * resjunk target here, though the SQL92 cases above must ignore resjunk
01509      * targets.
01510      */
01511     expr = transformExpr(pstate, node, exprKind);
01513     foreach(tl, *tlist)
01514     {
01515         TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
01516         Node       *texpr;
01518         /*
01519          * Ignore any implicit cast on the existing tlist expression.
01520          *
01521          * This essentially allows the ORDER/GROUP/etc item to adopt the same
01522          * datatype previously selected for a textually-equivalent tlist item.
01523          * There can't be any implicit cast at top level in an ordinary SELECT
01524          * tlist at this stage, but the case does arise with ORDER BY in an
01525          * aggregate function.
01526          */
01527         texpr = strip_implicit_coercions((Node *) tle->expr);
01529         if (equal(expr, texpr))
01530             return tle;
01531     }
01533     /*
01534      * If no matches, construct a new target entry which is appended to the
01535      * end of the target list.  This target is given resjunk = TRUE so that it
01536      * will not be projected into the final tuple.
01537      */
01538     target_result = transformTargetEntry(pstate, node, expr, exprKind,
01539                                          NULL, true);
01541     *tlist = lappend(*tlist, target_result);
01543     return target_result;
01544 }
01546 /*
01547  * transformGroupClause -
01548  *    transform a GROUP BY clause
01549  *
01550  * GROUP BY items will be added to the targetlist (as resjunk columns)
01551  * if not already present, so the targetlist must be passed by reference.
01552  *
01553  * This is also used for window PARTITION BY clauses (which act almost the
01554  * same, but are always interpreted per SQL99 rules).
01555  */
01556 List *
01557 transformGroupClause(ParseState *pstate, List *grouplist,
01558                      List **targetlist, List *sortClause,
01559                      ParseExprKind exprKind, bool useSQL99)
01560 {
01561     List       *result = NIL;
01562     ListCell   *gl;
01564     foreach(gl, grouplist)
01565     {
01566         Node       *gexpr = (Node *) lfirst(gl);
01567         TargetEntry *tle;
01568         bool        found = false;
01570         if (useSQL99)
01571             tle = findTargetlistEntrySQL99(pstate, gexpr,
01572                                            targetlist, exprKind);
01573         else
01574             tle = findTargetlistEntrySQL92(pstate, gexpr,
01575                                            targetlist, exprKind);
01577         /* Eliminate duplicates (GROUP BY x, x) */
01578         if (targetIsInSortList(tle, InvalidOid, result))
01579             continue;
01581         /*
01582          * If the GROUP BY tlist entry also appears in ORDER BY, copy operator
01583          * info from the (first) matching ORDER BY item.  This means that if
01584          * you write something like "GROUP BY foo ORDER BY foo USING <<<", the
01585          * GROUP BY operation silently takes on the equality semantics implied
01586          * by the ORDER BY.  There are two reasons to do this: it improves the
01587          * odds that we can implement both GROUP BY and ORDER BY with a single
01588          * sort step, and it allows the user to choose the equality semantics
01589          * used by GROUP BY, should she be working with a datatype that has
01590          * more than one equality operator.
01591          */
01592         if (tle->ressortgroupref > 0)
01593         {
01594             ListCell   *sl;
01596             foreach(sl, sortClause)
01597             {
01598                 SortGroupClause *sc = (SortGroupClause *) lfirst(sl);
01600                 if (sc->tleSortGroupRef == tle->ressortgroupref)
01601                 {
01602                     result = lappend(result, copyObject(sc));
01603                     found = true;
01604                     break;
01605                 }
01606             }
01607         }
01609         /*
01610          * If no match in ORDER BY, just add it to the result using default
01611          * sort/group semantics.
01612          */
01613         if (!found)
01614             result = addTargetToGroupList(pstate, tle,
01615                                           result, *targetlist,
01616                                           exprLocation(gexpr),
01617                                           true);
01618     }
01620     return result;
01621 }
01623 /*
01624  * transformSortClause -
01625  *    transform an ORDER BY clause
01626  *
01627  * ORDER BY items will be added to the targetlist (as resjunk columns)
01628  * if not already present, so the targetlist must be passed by reference.
01629  *
01630  * This is also used for window and aggregate ORDER BY clauses (which act
01631  * almost the same, but are always interpreted per SQL99 rules).
01632  */
01633 List *
01634 transformSortClause(ParseState *pstate,
01635                     List *orderlist,
01636                     List **targetlist,
01637                     ParseExprKind exprKind,
01638                     bool resolveUnknown,
01639                     bool useSQL99)
01640 {
01641     List       *sortlist = NIL;
01642     ListCell   *olitem;
01644     foreach(olitem, orderlist)
01645     {
01646         SortBy     *sortby = (SortBy *) lfirst(olitem);
01647         TargetEntry *tle;
01649         if (useSQL99)
01650             tle = findTargetlistEntrySQL99(pstate, sortby->node,
01651                                            targetlist, exprKind);
01652         else
01653             tle = findTargetlistEntrySQL92(pstate, sortby->node,
01654                                            targetlist, exprKind);
01656         sortlist = addTargetToSortList(pstate, tle,
01657                                        sortlist, *targetlist, sortby,
01658                                        resolveUnknown);
01659     }
01661     return sortlist;
01662 }
01664 /*
01665  * transformWindowDefinitions -
01666  *      transform window definitions (WindowDef to WindowClause)
01667  */
01668 List *
01669 transformWindowDefinitions(ParseState *pstate,
01670                            List *windowdefs,
01671                            List **targetlist)
01672 {
01673     List       *result = NIL;
01674     Index       winref = 0;
01675     ListCell   *lc;
01677     foreach(lc, windowdefs)
01678     {
01679         WindowDef  *windef = (WindowDef *) lfirst(lc);
01680         WindowClause *refwc = NULL;
01681         List       *partitionClause;
01682         List       *orderClause;
01683         WindowClause *wc;
01685         winref++;
01687         /*
01688          * Check for duplicate window names.
01689          */
01690         if (windef->name &&
01691             findWindowClause(result, windef->name) != NULL)
01692             ereport(ERROR,
01693                     (errcode(ERRCODE_WINDOWING_ERROR),
01694                      errmsg("window \"%s\" is already defined", windef->name),
01695                      parser_errposition(pstate, windef->location)));
01697         /*
01698          * If it references a previous window, look that up.
01699          */
01700         if (windef->refname)
01701         {
01702             refwc = findWindowClause(result, windef->refname);
01703             if (refwc == NULL)
01704                 ereport(ERROR,
01705                         (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT),
01706                          errmsg("window \"%s\" does not exist",
01707                                 windef->refname),
01708                          parser_errposition(pstate, windef->location)));
01709         }
01711         /*
01712          * Transform PARTITION and ORDER specs, if any.  These are treated
01713          * almost exactly like top-level GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses,
01714          * including the special handling of nondefault operator semantics.
01715          */
01716         orderClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
01717                                           windef->orderClause,
01718                                           targetlist,
01719                                           EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_ORDER,
01720                                           true /* fix unknowns */ ,
01721                                           true /* force SQL99 rules */ );
01722         partitionClause = transformGroupClause(pstate,
01723                                                windef->partitionClause,
01724                                                targetlist,
01725                                                orderClause,
01726                                                EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_PARTITION,
01727                                                true /* force SQL99 rules */ );
01729         /*
01730          * And prepare the new WindowClause.
01731          */
01732         wc = makeNode(WindowClause);
01733         wc->name = windef->name;
01734         wc->refname = windef->refname;
01736         /*
01737          * Per spec, a windowdef that references a previous one copies the
01738          * previous partition clause (and mustn't specify its own).  It can
01739          * specify its own ordering clause. but only if the previous one had
01740          * none.  It always specifies its own frame clause, and the previous
01741          * one must not have a frame clause.  (Yeah, it's bizarre that each of
01742          * these cases works differently, but SQL:2008 says so; see 7.11
01743          * <window clause> syntax rule 10 and general rule 1.)
01744          */
01745         if (refwc)
01746         {
01747             if (partitionClause)
01748                 ereport(ERROR,
01749                         (errcode(ERRCODE_WINDOWING_ERROR),
01750                 errmsg("cannot override PARTITION BY clause of window \"%s\"",
01751                        windef->refname),
01752                          parser_errposition(pstate, windef->location)));
01753             wc->partitionClause = copyObject(refwc->partitionClause);
01754         }
01755         else
01756             wc->partitionClause = partitionClause;
01757         if (refwc)
01758         {
01759             if (orderClause && refwc->orderClause)
01760                 ereport(ERROR,
01761                         (errcode(ERRCODE_WINDOWING_ERROR),
01762                    errmsg("cannot override ORDER BY clause of window \"%s\"",
01763                           windef->refname),
01764                          parser_errposition(pstate, windef->location)));
01765             if (orderClause)
01766             {
01767                 wc->orderClause = orderClause;
01768                 wc->copiedOrder = false;
01769             }
01770             else
01771             {
01772                 wc->orderClause = copyObject(refwc->orderClause);
01773                 wc->copiedOrder = true;
01774             }
01775         }
01776         else
01777         {
01778             wc->orderClause = orderClause;
01779             wc->copiedOrder = false;
01780         }
01781         if (refwc && refwc->frameOptions != FRAMEOPTION_DEFAULTS)
01782             ereport(ERROR,
01783                     (errcode(ERRCODE_WINDOWING_ERROR),
01784                      errmsg("cannot override frame clause of window \"%s\"",
01785                             windef->refname),
01786                      parser_errposition(pstate, windef->location)));
01787         wc->frameOptions = windef->frameOptions;
01788         /* Process frame offset expressions */
01789         wc->startOffset = transformFrameOffset(pstate, wc->frameOptions,
01790                                                windef->startOffset);
01791         wc->endOffset = transformFrameOffset(pstate, wc->frameOptions,
01792                                              windef->endOffset);
01793         wc->winref = winref;
01795         result = lappend(result, wc);
01796     }
01798     return result;
01799 }
01801 /*
01802  * transformDistinctClause -
01803  *    transform a DISTINCT clause
01804  *
01805  * Since we may need to add items to the query's targetlist, that list
01806  * is passed by reference.
01807  *
01808  * As with GROUP BY, we absorb the sorting semantics of ORDER BY as much as
01809  * possible into the distinctClause.  This avoids a possible need to re-sort,
01810  * and allows the user to choose the equality semantics used by DISTINCT,
01811  * should she be working with a datatype that has more than one equality
01812  * operator.
01813  *
01814  * is_agg is true if we are transforming an aggregate(DISTINCT ...)
01815  * function call.  This does not affect any behavior, only the phrasing
01816  * of error messages.
01817  */
01818 List *
01819 transformDistinctClause(ParseState *pstate,
01820                         List **targetlist, List *sortClause, bool is_agg)
01821 {
01822     List       *result = NIL;
01823     ListCell   *slitem;
01824     ListCell   *tlitem;
01826     /*
01827      * The distinctClause should consist of all ORDER BY items followed by all
01828      * other non-resjunk targetlist items.  There must not be any resjunk
01829      * ORDER BY items --- that would imply that we are sorting by a value that
01830      * isn't necessarily unique within a DISTINCT group, so the results
01831      * wouldn't be well-defined.  This construction ensures we follow the rule
01832      * that sortClause and distinctClause match; in fact the sortClause will
01833      * always be a prefix of distinctClause.
01834      *
01835      * Note a corner case: the same TLE could be in the ORDER BY list multiple
01836      * times with different sortops.  We have to include it in the
01837      * distinctClause the same way to preserve the prefix property. The net
01838      * effect will be that the TLE value will be made unique according to both
01839      * sortops.
01840      */
01841     foreach(slitem, sortClause)
01842     {
01843         SortGroupClause *scl = (SortGroupClause *) lfirst(slitem);
01844         TargetEntry *tle = get_sortgroupclause_tle(scl, *targetlist);
01846         if (tle->resjunk)
01847             ereport(ERROR,
01848                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE),
01849                      is_agg ?
01850                      errmsg("in an aggregate with DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in argument list") :
01851                      errmsg("for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list"),
01852                      parser_errposition(pstate,
01853                                         exprLocation((Node *) tle->expr))));
01854         result = lappend(result, copyObject(scl));
01855     }
01857     /*
01858      * Now add any remaining non-resjunk tlist items, using default sort/group
01859      * semantics for their data types.
01860      */
01861     foreach(tlitem, *targetlist)
01862     {
01863         TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlitem);
01865         if (tle->resjunk)
01866             continue;           /* ignore junk */
01867         result = addTargetToGroupList(pstate, tle,
01868                                       result, *targetlist,
01869                                       exprLocation((Node *) tle->expr),
01870                                       true);
01871     }
01873     return result;
01874 }
01876 /*
01877  * transformDistinctOnClause -
01878  *    transform a DISTINCT ON clause
01879  *
01880  * Since we may need to add items to the query's targetlist, that list
01881  * is passed by reference.
01882  *
01883  * As with GROUP BY, we absorb the sorting semantics of ORDER BY as much as
01884  * possible into the distinctClause.  This avoids a possible need to re-sort,
01885  * and allows the user to choose the equality semantics used by DISTINCT,
01886  * should she be working with a datatype that has more than one equality
01887  * operator.
01888  */
01889 List *
01890 transformDistinctOnClause(ParseState *pstate, List *distinctlist,
01891                           List **targetlist, List *sortClause)
01892 {
01893     List       *result = NIL;
01894     List       *sortgrouprefs = NIL;
01895     bool        skipped_sortitem;
01896     ListCell   *lc;
01897     ListCell   *lc2;
01899     /*
01900      * Add all the DISTINCT ON expressions to the tlist (if not already
01901      * present, they are added as resjunk items).  Assign sortgroupref numbers
01902      * to them, and make a list of these numbers.  (NB: we rely below on the
01903      * sortgrouprefs list being one-for-one with the original distinctlist.
01904      * Also notice that we could have duplicate DISTINCT ON expressions and
01905      * hence duplicate entries in sortgrouprefs.)
01906      */
01907     foreach(lc, distinctlist)
01908     {
01909         Node       *dexpr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
01910         int         sortgroupref;
01911         TargetEntry *tle;
01913         tle = findTargetlistEntrySQL92(pstate, dexpr, targetlist,
01914                                        EXPR_KIND_DISTINCT_ON);
01915         sortgroupref = assignSortGroupRef(tle, *targetlist);
01916         sortgrouprefs = lappend_int(sortgrouprefs, sortgroupref);
01917     }
01919     /*
01920      * If the user writes both DISTINCT ON and ORDER BY, adopt the sorting
01921      * semantics from ORDER BY items that match DISTINCT ON items, and also
01922      * adopt their column sort order.  We insist that the distinctClause and
01923      * sortClause match, so throw error if we find the need to add any more
01924      * distinctClause items after we've skipped an ORDER BY item that wasn't
01925      * in DISTINCT ON.
01926      */
01927     skipped_sortitem = false;
01928     foreach(lc, sortClause)
01929     {
01930         SortGroupClause *scl = (SortGroupClause *) lfirst(lc);
01932         if (list_member_int(sortgrouprefs, scl->tleSortGroupRef))
01933         {
01934             if (skipped_sortitem)
01935                 ereport(ERROR,
01936                         (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE),
01937                          errmsg("SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions"),
01938                          parser_errposition(pstate,
01939                                   get_matching_location(scl->tleSortGroupRef,
01940                                                         sortgrouprefs,
01941                                                         distinctlist))));
01942             else
01943                 result = lappend(result, copyObject(scl));
01944         }
01945         else
01946             skipped_sortitem = true;
01947     }
01949     /*
01950      * Now add any remaining DISTINCT ON items, using default sort/group
01951      * semantics for their data types.  (Note: this is pretty questionable; if
01952      * the ORDER BY list doesn't include all the DISTINCT ON items and more
01953      * besides, you certainly aren't using DISTINCT ON in the intended way,
01954      * and you probably aren't going to get consistent results.  It might be
01955      * better to throw an error or warning here.  But historically we've
01956      * allowed it, so keep doing so.)
01957      */
01958     forboth(lc, distinctlist, lc2, sortgrouprefs)
01959     {
01960         Node       *dexpr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
01961         int         sortgroupref = lfirst_int(lc2);
01962         TargetEntry *tle = get_sortgroupref_tle(sortgroupref, *targetlist);
01964         if (targetIsInSortList(tle, InvalidOid, result))
01965             continue;           /* already in list (with some semantics) */
01966         if (skipped_sortitem)
01967             ereport(ERROR,
01968                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE),
01969                      errmsg("SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions"),
01970                      parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(dexpr))));
01971         result = addTargetToGroupList(pstate, tle,
01972                                       result, *targetlist,
01973                                       exprLocation(dexpr),
01974                                       true);
01975     }
01977     return result;
01978 }
01980 /*
01981  * get_matching_location
01982  *      Get the exprLocation of the exprs member corresponding to the
01983  *      (first) member of sortgrouprefs that equals sortgroupref.
01984  *
01985  * This is used so that we can point at a troublesome DISTINCT ON entry.
01986  * (Note that we need to use the original untransformed DISTINCT ON list
01987  * item, as whatever TLE it corresponds to will very possibly have a
01988  * parse location pointing to some matching entry in the SELECT list
01989  * or ORDER BY list.)
01990  */
01991 static int
01992 get_matching_location(int sortgroupref, List *sortgrouprefs, List *exprs)
01993 {
01994     ListCell   *lcs;
01995     ListCell   *lce;
01997     forboth(lcs, sortgrouprefs, lce, exprs)
01998     {
01999         if (lfirst_int(lcs) == sortgroupref)
02000             return exprLocation((Node *) lfirst(lce));
02001     }
02002     /* if no match, caller blew it */
02003     elog(ERROR, "get_matching_location: no matching sortgroupref");
02004     return -1;                  /* keep compiler quiet */
02005 }
02007 /*
02008  * addTargetToSortList
02009  *      If the given targetlist entry isn't already in the SortGroupClause
02010  *      list, add it to the end of the list, using the given sort ordering
02011  *      info.
02012  *
02013  * If resolveUnknown is TRUE, convert TLEs of type UNKNOWN to TEXT.  If not,
02014  * do nothing (which implies the search for a sort operator will fail).
02015  * pstate should be provided if resolveUnknown is TRUE, but can be NULL
02016  * otherwise.
02017  *
02018  * Returns the updated SortGroupClause list.
02019  */
02020 static List *
02021 addTargetToSortList(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle,
02022                     List *sortlist, List *targetlist, SortBy *sortby,
02023                     bool resolveUnknown)
02024 {
02025     Oid         restype = exprType((Node *) tle->expr);
02026     Oid         sortop;
02027     Oid         eqop;
02028     bool        hashable;
02029     bool        reverse;
02030     int         location;
02031     ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
02033     /* if tlist item is an UNKNOWN literal, change it to TEXT */
02034     if (restype == UNKNOWNOID && resolveUnknown)
02035     {
02036         tle->expr = (Expr *) coerce_type(pstate, (Node *) tle->expr,
02037                                          restype, TEXTOID, -1,
02038                                          COERCION_IMPLICIT,
02039                                          COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST,
02040                                          -1);
02041         restype = TEXTOID;
02042     }
02044     /*
02045      * Rather than clutter the API of get_sort_group_operators and the other
02046      * functions we're about to use, make use of error context callback to
02047      * mark any error reports with a parse position.  We point to the operator
02048      * location if present, else to the expression being sorted.  (NB: use the
02049      * original untransformed expression here; the TLE entry might well point
02050      * at a duplicate expression in the regular SELECT list.)
02051      */
02052     location = sortby->location;
02053     if (location < 0)
02054         location = exprLocation(sortby->node);
02055     setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate, location);
02057     /* determine the sortop, eqop, and directionality */
02058     switch (sortby->sortby_dir)
02059     {
02060         case SORTBY_DEFAULT:
02061         case SORTBY_ASC:
02062             get_sort_group_operators(restype,
02063                                      true, true, false,
02064                                      &sortop, &eqop, NULL,
02065                                      &hashable);
02066             reverse = false;
02067             break;
02068         case SORTBY_DESC:
02069             get_sort_group_operators(restype,
02070                                      false, true, true,
02071                                      NULL, &eqop, &sortop,
02072                                      &hashable);
02073             reverse = true;
02074             break;
02075         case SORTBY_USING:
02076             Assert(sortby->useOp != NIL);
02077             sortop = compatible_oper_opid(sortby->useOp,
02078                                           restype,
02079                                           restype,
02080                                           false);
02082             /*
02083              * Verify it's a valid ordering operator, fetch the corresponding
02084              * equality operator, and determine whether to consider it like
02085              * ASC or DESC.
02086              */
02087             eqop = get_equality_op_for_ordering_op(sortop, &reverse);
02088             if (!OidIsValid(eqop))
02089                 ereport(ERROR,
02090                         (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE),
02091                        errmsg("operator %s is not a valid ordering operator",
02092                               strVal(llast(sortby->useOp))),
02093                          errhint("Ordering operators must be \"<\" or \">\" members of btree operator families.")));
02095             /*
02096              * Also see if the equality operator is hashable.
02097              */
02098             hashable = op_hashjoinable(eqop, restype);
02099             break;
02100         default:
02101             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized sortby_dir: %d", sortby->sortby_dir);
02102             sortop = InvalidOid;    /* keep compiler quiet */
02103             eqop = InvalidOid;
02104             hashable = false;
02105             reverse = false;
02106             break;
02107     }
02109     cancel_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate);
02111     /* avoid making duplicate sortlist entries */
02112     if (!targetIsInSortList(tle, sortop, sortlist))
02113     {
02114         SortGroupClause *sortcl = makeNode(SortGroupClause);
02116         sortcl->tleSortGroupRef = assignSortGroupRef(tle, targetlist);
02118         sortcl->eqop = eqop;
02119         sortcl->sortop = sortop;
02120         sortcl->hashable = hashable;
02122         switch (sortby->sortby_nulls)
02123         {
02124             case SORTBY_NULLS_DEFAULT:
02125                 /* NULLS FIRST is default for DESC; other way for ASC */
02126                 sortcl->nulls_first = reverse;
02127                 break;
02128             case SORTBY_NULLS_FIRST:
02129                 sortcl->nulls_first = true;
02130                 break;
02131             case SORTBY_NULLS_LAST:
02132                 sortcl->nulls_first = false;
02133                 break;
02134             default:
02135                 elog(ERROR, "unrecognized sortby_nulls: %d",
02136                      sortby->sortby_nulls);
02137                 break;
02138         }
02140         sortlist = lappend(sortlist, sortcl);
02141     }
02143     return sortlist;
02144 }
02146 /*
02147  * addTargetToGroupList
02148  *      If the given targetlist entry isn't already in the SortGroupClause
02149  *      list, add it to the end of the list, using default sort/group
02150  *      semantics.
02151  *
02152  * This is very similar to addTargetToSortList, except that we allow the
02153  * case where only a grouping (equality) operator can be found, and that
02154  * the TLE is considered "already in the list" if it appears there with any
02155  * sorting semantics.
02156  *
02157  * location is the parse location to be fingered in event of trouble.  Note
02158  * that we can't rely on exprLocation(tle->expr), because that might point
02159  * to a SELECT item that matches the GROUP BY item; it'd be pretty confusing
02160  * to report such a location.
02161  *
02162  * If resolveUnknown is TRUE, convert TLEs of type UNKNOWN to TEXT.  If not,
02163  * do nothing (which implies the search for an equality operator will fail).
02164  * pstate should be provided if resolveUnknown is TRUE, but can be NULL
02165  * otherwise.
02166  *
02167  * Returns the updated SortGroupClause list.
02168  */
02169 static List *
02170 addTargetToGroupList(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle,
02171                      List *grouplist, List *targetlist, int location,
02172                      bool resolveUnknown)
02173 {
02174     Oid         restype = exprType((Node *) tle->expr);
02176     /* if tlist item is an UNKNOWN literal, change it to TEXT */
02177     if (restype == UNKNOWNOID && resolveUnknown)
02178     {
02179         tle->expr = (Expr *) coerce_type(pstate, (Node *) tle->expr,
02180                                          restype, TEXTOID, -1,
02181                                          COERCION_IMPLICIT,
02182                                          COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST,
02183                                          -1);
02184         restype = TEXTOID;
02185     }
02187     /* avoid making duplicate grouplist entries */
02188     if (!targetIsInSortList(tle, InvalidOid, grouplist))
02189     {
02190         SortGroupClause *grpcl = makeNode(SortGroupClause);
02191         Oid         sortop;
02192         Oid         eqop;
02193         bool        hashable;
02194         ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
02196         setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate, location);
02198         /* determine the eqop and optional sortop */
02199         get_sort_group_operators(restype,
02200                                  false, true, false,
02201                                  &sortop, &eqop, NULL,
02202                                  &hashable);
02204         cancel_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate);
02206         grpcl->tleSortGroupRef = assignSortGroupRef(tle, targetlist);
02207         grpcl->eqop = eqop;
02208         grpcl->sortop = sortop;
02209         grpcl->nulls_first = false;     /* OK with or without sortop */
02210         grpcl->hashable = hashable;
02212         grouplist = lappend(grouplist, grpcl);
02213     }
02215     return grouplist;
02216 }
02218 /*
02219  * assignSortGroupRef
02220  *    Assign the targetentry an unused ressortgroupref, if it doesn't
02221  *    already have one.  Return the assigned or pre-existing refnumber.
02222  *
02223  * 'tlist' is the targetlist containing (or to contain) the given targetentry.
02224  */
02225 Index
02226 assignSortGroupRef(TargetEntry *tle, List *tlist)
02227 {
02228     Index       maxRef;
02229     ListCell   *l;
02231     if (tle->ressortgroupref)   /* already has one? */
02232         return tle->ressortgroupref;
02234     /* easiest way to pick an unused refnumber: max used + 1 */
02235     maxRef = 0;
02236     foreach(l, tlist)
02237     {
02238         Index       ref = ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(l))->ressortgroupref;
02240         if (ref > maxRef)
02241             maxRef = ref;
02242     }
02243     tle->ressortgroupref = maxRef + 1;
02244     return tle->ressortgroupref;
02245 }
02247 /*
02248  * targetIsInSortList
02249  *      Is the given target item already in the sortlist?
02250  *      If sortop is not InvalidOid, also test for a match to the sortop.
02251  *
02252  * It is not an oversight that this function ignores the nulls_first flag.
02253  * We check sortop when determining if an ORDER BY item is redundant with
02254  * earlier ORDER BY items, because it's conceivable that "ORDER BY
02255  * foo USING <, foo USING <<<" is not redundant, if <<< distinguishes
02256  * values that < considers equal.  We need not check nulls_first
02257  * however, because a lower-order column with the same sortop but
02258  * opposite nulls direction is redundant.  Also, we can consider
02259  * ORDER BY foo ASC, foo DESC redundant, so check for a commutator match.
02260  *
02261  * Works for both ordering and grouping lists (sortop would normally be
02262  * InvalidOid when considering grouping).  Note that the main reason we need
02263  * this routine (and not just a quick test for nonzeroness of ressortgroupref)
02264  * is that a TLE might be in only one of the lists.
02265  */
02266 bool
02267 targetIsInSortList(TargetEntry *tle, Oid sortop, List *sortList)
02268 {
02269     Index       ref = tle->ressortgroupref;
02270     ListCell   *l;
02272     /* no need to scan list if tle has no marker */
02273     if (ref == 0)
02274         return false;
02276     foreach(l, sortList)
02277     {
02278         SortGroupClause *scl = (SortGroupClause *) lfirst(l);
02280         if (scl->tleSortGroupRef == ref &&
02281             (sortop == InvalidOid ||
02282              sortop == scl->sortop ||
02283              sortop == get_commutator(scl->sortop)))
02284             return true;
02285     }
02286     return false;
02287 }
02289 /*
02290  * findWindowClause
02291  *      Find the named WindowClause in the list, or return NULL if not there
02292  */
02293 static WindowClause *
02294 findWindowClause(List *wclist, const char *name)
02295 {
02296     ListCell   *l;
02298     foreach(l, wclist)
02299     {
02300         WindowClause *wc = (WindowClause *) lfirst(l);
02302         if (wc->name && strcmp(wc->name, name) == 0)
02303             return wc;
02304     }
02306     return NULL;
02307 }
02309 /*
02310  * transformFrameOffset
02311  *      Process a window frame offset expression
02312  */
02313 static Node *
02314 transformFrameOffset(ParseState *pstate, int frameOptions, Node *clause)
02315 {
02316     const char *constructName = NULL;
02317     Node       *node;
02319     /* Quick exit if no offset expression */
02320     if (clause == NULL)
02321         return NULL;
02323     if (frameOptions & FRAMEOPTION_ROWS)
02324     {
02325         /* Transform the raw expression tree */
02326         node = transformExpr(pstate, clause, EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_FRAME_ROWS);
02328         /*
02329          * Like LIMIT clause, simply coerce to int8
02330          */
02331         constructName = "ROWS";
02332         node = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, node, INT8OID, constructName);
02333     }
02334     else if (frameOptions & FRAMEOPTION_RANGE)
02335     {
02336         /* Transform the raw expression tree */
02337         node = transformExpr(pstate, clause, EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_FRAME_RANGE);
02339         /*
02340          * this needs a lot of thought to decide how to support in the context
02341          * of Postgres' extensible datatype framework
02342          */
02343         constructName = "RANGE";
02344         /* error was already thrown by gram.y, this is just a backstop */
02345         elog(ERROR, "window frame with value offset is not implemented");
02346     }
02347     else
02348     {
02349         Assert(false);
02350         node = NULL;
02351     }
02353     /* Disallow variables in frame offsets */
02354     checkExprIsVarFree(pstate, node, constructName);
02356     return node;
02357 }