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CRemoteWnd Class Reference

#include <WndMonitor.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CRemoteWnd ()
virtual ~CRemoteWnd ()
BOOL Create (CMonitorBarCtrl *pMonitor)
BOOL IsVisible ()
void OnSkinChange ()

Protected Member Functions

CmdButtonHitTestButtons (const CPoint &ptIn, BOOL bAll=FALSE) const
void UpdateCmdButtons ()
void PaintHistory (CDC *pDC, CGraphItem *pTxItem, CGraphItem *pRxItem, DWORD nMaximum)
void PaintFlow (CDC *pDC, BOOL *pbDest, CRect *prcDest, BOOL *pbSrc, CRect *prcSrc, CGraphItem *pItem, DWORD nMaximum)
void PaintScaler (CDC *pDC)
void PaintMedia (CDC *pDC)
void PaintStatus (CDC *pDC)
void TrackScaler ()
void TrackSeek ()
void TrackVol ()
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging (WINDOWPOS FAR *lpwndpos)
afx_msg LONG OnIdleUpdateCmdUI (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT nIDEvent)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
afx_msg void OnNcPaint ()
afx_msg BOOL OnNcActivate (BOOL bActive)
afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize (BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *lpncsp)
afx_msg UINT OnNcHitTest (CPoint point)
afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcLButtonDblClk (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
virtual INT_PTR OnToolHitTest (CPoint point, TOOLINFO *pTI) const

Protected Attributes

CList< CmdButton * > m_pButtons
CString m_sStatus
BOOL m_bStatus
int m_nTimer
CRect m_rcBackground
BOOL m_bsStatusText
CRect m_rcsStatusText
BOOL m_bsHistoryDest
CRect m_rcsHistoryDest
BOOL m_bsHistoryTx [2]
CRect m_rcsHistoryTx [2]
BOOL m_bsHistoryRx [2]
CRect m_rcsHistoryRx [2]
BOOL m_bsFlowTxDest
CRect m_rcsFlowTxDest
BOOL m_bsFlowTxSrc [2]
CRect m_rcsFlowTxSrc [2]
BOOL m_bsFlowRxDest
CRect m_rcsFlowRxDest
BOOL m_bsFlowRxSrc [2]
CRect m_rcsFlowRxSrc [2]
BOOL m_bsScalerTrack
CRect m_rcsScalerTrack
BOOL m_bsScalerTab
CRect m_rcsScalerTab
BOOL m_bsScalerBar
CRect m_rcsScalerBar
BOOL m_bScaler
CRect m_rcScalerTab
BOOL m_bsMediaSeekTrack
CRect m_rcsMediaSeekTrack
BOOL m_bsMediaSeekTab
CRect m_rcsMediaSeekTab
BOOL m_bsMediaSeekBar
CRect m_rcsMediaSeekBar
BOOL m_bsMediaVolTrack
CRect m_rcsMediaVolTrack
BOOL m_bsMediaVolTab
CRect m_rcsMediaVolTab
BOOL m_bsMediaVolBar
CRect m_rcsMediaVolBar
BOOL m_bMediaSeek
float m_nMediaSeek
CRect m_rcMediaSeekTab
BOOL m_bMediaVol
float m_nMediaVol
CRect m_rcMediaVolTab
BOOL m_bsMediaStates [2][3]
CRect m_rcsMediaStates [2][3]

Static Protected Attributes

static LPCTSTR m_hClass = NULL


class  CmdButton

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CRemoteWnd::CRemoteWnd  ) 

Definition at line 64 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

CRemoteWnd::~CRemoteWnd  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 82 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References m_pButtons.

Member Function Documentation

BOOL CRemoteWnd::Create CMonitorBarCtrl pMonitor  ) 

Definition at line 90 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References m_hClass, m_pMonitor, m_pSkin, and NULL.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnCreate(), and CMainWnd::OnWindowRemote().

CRemoteWnd::CmdButton * CRemoteWnd::HitTestButtons const CPoint &  ptIn,
const [protected]

Definition at line 207 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CRemoteWnd::CmdButton::HitTest(), m_pButtons, m_pSkin, and NULL.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnMouseMove(), OnSetCursor(), OnTimer(), and OnToolHitTest().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::IsVisible  ) 

Definition at line 101 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References NULL.

Referenced by CMainWnd::OnClose(), CMainWnd::OnDestroy(), CMainWnd::OnRemoteClose(), CMainWnd::OnUpdateWindowRemote(), and CMainWnd::OnWindowRemote().

int CRemoteWnd::OnCreate LPCREATESTRUCT  lpCreateStruct  )  [protected]

Definition at line 106 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References NULL, and OnSkinChange().

void CRemoteWnd::OnDestroy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 128 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References NULL, CSettings::SaveWindow(), and Settings.

LONG CRemoteWnd::OnIdleUpdateCmdUI WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam

Definition at line 170 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References UpdateCmdButtons().

void CRemoteWnd::OnLButtonDown UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 739 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References HitTestButtons(), m_bsMediaSeekTrack, m_bsMediaVolTrack, m_bsScalerTrack, m_pCmdDown, m_pCmdHover, m_rcsMediaSeekTrack, m_rcsMediaVolTrack, m_rcsScalerTrack, TrackScaler(), TrackSeek(), and TrackVol().

void CRemoteWnd::OnLButtonUp UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 769 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CRemoteWnd::CmdButton::Execute(), m_pCmdDown, m_pCmdHover, NULL, and UpdateCmdButtons().

void CRemoteWnd::OnMouseMove UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 726 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References HitTestButtons(), m_pCmdDown, m_pCmdHover, and NULL.

BOOL CRemoteWnd::OnNcActivate BOOL  bActive  )  [protected]

Definition at line 377 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

void CRemoteWnd::OnNcCalcSize BOOL  bCalcValidRects,

Definition at line 661 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

UINT CRemoteWnd::OnNcHitTest CPoint  point  )  [protected]

Definition at line 665 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

void CRemoteWnd::OnNcLButtonDblClk UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 793 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References ID_TAB_HOME, ID_TAB_MEDIA, ID_TRAY_OPEN, m_bsHistoryDest, m_bsStatusText, m_rcsHistoryDest, and m_rcsStatusText.

void CRemoteWnd::OnNcPaint  )  [protected]

Definition at line 373 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

void CRemoteWnd::OnPaint  )  [protected]

Definition at line 321 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CoolInterface, CCoolInterface::GetBuffer(), m_bsFlowRxDest, m_bsFlowRxSrc, m_bsFlowTxDest, m_bsFlowTxSrc, m_bStatus, CSkinWindow::m_crCaptionText, CSkinWindow::m_dcSkin, CSkinWindow::m_fnCaption, CCoolInterface::m_fntNormal, CMonitorBarCtrl::m_nMaximum, m_pButtons, m_pCmdDown, m_pCmdHover, m_pMonitor, CMonitorBarCtrl::m_pRxItem, m_pSkin, CMonitorBarCtrl::m_pTxItem, m_rcBackground, m_rcsFlowRxDest, m_rcsFlowRxSrc, m_rcsFlowTxDest, m_rcsFlowTxSrc, NULL, PaintFlow(), PaintHistory(), PaintMedia(), PaintScaler(), PaintStatus(), and CSkinWindow::Prepare().

void CRemoteWnd::OnRButtonDown UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point

Definition at line 809 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CSkin::GetMenu(), ID_TRAY_OPEN, NULL, and Skin.

BOOL CRemoteWnd::OnSetCursor CWnd *  pWnd,
UINT  nHitTest,
UINT  message

Definition at line 670 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CMediaFrame::g_pMediaFrame, HitTestButtons(), IDC_HAND, m_bMediaSeek, m_bMediaVol, m_bScaler, m_bsMediaSeekTrack, m_bsMediaVolTrack, m_bsScalerTrack, m_rcMediaSeekTab, m_rcMediaVolTab, m_rcScalerTab, m_rcsMediaSeekTrack, m_rcsMediaVolTrack, m_rcsScalerTrack, and NULL.

void CRemoteWnd::OnSize UINT  nType,
int  cx,
int  cy

Definition at line 314 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References m_pSkin, NULL, and CSkinWindow::OnSize().

void CRemoteWnd::OnSkinChange  ) 

Definition at line 238 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CSkinWindow::GetAnchor(), CSkinWindow::GetPart(), CSkin::GetWindowSkin(), m_bsFlowRxDest, m_bsFlowRxSrc, m_bsFlowTxDest, m_bsFlowTxSrc, m_bsHistoryDest, m_bsHistoryRx, m_bsHistoryTx, m_bsMediaSeekBar, m_bsMediaSeekTab, m_bsMediaSeekTrack, m_bsMediaStates, m_bsMediaVolBar, m_bsMediaVolTab, m_bsMediaVolTrack, m_bsScalerBar, m_bsScalerTab, m_bsScalerTrack, m_bsStatusText, CSkinWindow::m_pAnchorList, m_pButtons, m_pCmdDown, m_pCmdHover, m_pSkin, m_rcBackground, m_rcsFlowRxDest, m_rcsFlowRxSrc, m_rcsFlowTxDest, m_rcsFlowTxSrc, m_rcsHistoryDest, m_rcsHistoryRx, m_rcsHistoryTx, m_rcsMediaSeekBar, m_rcsMediaSeekTab, m_rcsMediaSeekTrack, m_rcsMediaStates, m_rcsMediaVolBar, m_rcsMediaVolTab, m_rcsMediaVolTrack, m_rcsScalerBar, m_rcsScalerTab, m_rcsScalerTrack, m_rcsStatusText, NULL, CSkinWindow::OnSize(), and Skin.

Referenced by OnCreate(), and CMainWnd::OnSkinChanged().

void CRemoteWnd::OnTimer UINT  nIDEvent  )  [protected]

Definition at line 176 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CGraphItem::GetValue(), GRC_DOWNLOADS_TRANSFERS, GRC_GNUTELLA_CONNECTIONS, GRC_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH_IN, GRC_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH_OUT, GRC_UPLOADS_TRANSFERS, HitTestButtons(), IDS_TRAY_TIP, LoadString(), m_nTimer, m_pCmdHover, m_sStatus, NULL, Settings, CSettings::SmartVolume(), and UpdateCmdButtons().

INT_PTR CRemoteWnd::OnToolHitTest CPoint  point,
const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 827 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References HitTestButtons(), and LoadString().

void CRemoteWnd::OnWindowPosChanging WINDOWPOS FAR *  lpwndpos  )  [protected]

Definition at line 139 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References SNAP_PIXELS.

void CRemoteWnd::PaintFlow CDC *  pDC,
BOOL *  pbDest,
CRect *  prcDest,
BOOL *  pbSrc,
CRect *  prcSrc,
CGraphItem pItem,
DWORD  nMaximum

Definition at line 460 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CGraphItem::GetValue(), CSkinWindow::m_dcSkin, CGraphItem::m_nCode, CGraphItem::m_nLength, and m_pSkin.

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CRemoteWnd::PaintHistory CDC *  pDC,
CGraphItem pTxItem,
CGraphItem pRxItem,
DWORD  nMaximum

Definition at line 385 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CGraphItem::GetValueAt(), m_bsHistoryDest, m_bsHistoryRx, m_bsHistoryTx, CSkinWindow::m_dcSkin, CGraphItem::m_nLength, m_pSkin, m_rcsHistoryDest, m_rcsHistoryRx, m_rcsHistoryTx, and CGraphItem::SetHistory().

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CRemoteWnd::PaintMedia CDC *  pDC  )  [protected]

Definition at line 533 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CMediaFrame::g_pMediaFrame, CMediaFrame::GetPosition(), CMediaFrame::GetState(), m_bMediaSeek, m_bMediaVol, m_bsMediaSeekBar, m_bsMediaSeekTab, m_bsMediaSeekTrack, m_bsMediaStates, m_bsMediaVolBar, m_bsMediaVolTab, m_bsMediaVolTrack, m_bsStatusText, m_bStatus, CSkinWindow::m_dcSkin, m_nMediaSeek, m_nMediaVol, m_pSkin, m_rcMediaSeekTab, m_rcMediaVolTab, m_rcsMediaSeekBar, m_rcsMediaSeekTab, m_rcsMediaSeekTrack, m_rcsMediaStates, m_rcsMediaVolBar, m_rcsMediaVolTab, m_rcsMediaVolTrack, m_rcsStatusText, CSettings::MediaPlayer, NULL, CMediaFrame::PaintStatusMicro(), Settings, Shareaza::smsPaused, Shareaza::smsPlaying, and CSettings::sMediaPlayer::Volume.

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CRemoteWnd::PaintScaler CDC *  pDC  )  [protected]

Definition at line 485 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CSettings::sLive::BandwidthScale, CSettings::Live, m_bScaler, m_bsScalerBar, m_bsScalerTab, m_bsScalerTrack, CSkinWindow::m_dcSkin, m_pSkin, m_rcScalerTab, m_rcsScalerBar, m_rcsScalerTab, m_rcsScalerTrack, and Settings.

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CRemoteWnd::PaintStatus CDC *  pDC  )  [protected]

Definition at line 636 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CShareazaApp::m_bRTL, m_bsStatusText, m_bStatus, m_rcsStatusText, m_sStatus, and theApp.

Referenced by OnPaint().

void CRemoteWnd::TrackScaler  )  [protected]

Definition at line 860 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CSettings::sLive::BandwidthScale, CSettings::Live, m_rcScalerTab, m_rcsScalerTrack, NULL, and Settings.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown().

void CRemoteWnd::TrackSeek  )  [protected]

Definition at line 903 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CMediaFrame::g_pMediaFrame, m_nMediaSeek, m_rcMediaSeekTab, m_rcsMediaSeekTrack, NULL, and CMediaFrame::SeekTo().

Referenced by OnLButtonDown().

void CRemoteWnd::TrackVol  )  [protected]

Definition at line 950 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CMediaFrame::g_pMediaFrame, m_nMediaVol, m_rcMediaVolTab, m_rcsMediaVolTrack, NULL, and CMediaFrame::SetVolume().

Referenced by OnLButtonDown().

void CRemoteWnd::UpdateCmdButtons  )  [protected]

Definition at line 220 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

References CRemoteWnd::CmdButton::m_bChanged, and m_pButtons.

Referenced by OnIdleUpdateCmdUI(), OnLButtonUp(), and OnTimer().

Member Data Documentation

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bMediaSeek [protected]

Definition at line 131 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSetCursor(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bMediaVol [protected]

Definition at line 134 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSetCursor(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bScaler [protected]

Definition at line 116 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSetCursor(), and PaintScaler().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsFlowRxDest [protected]

Definition at line 106 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsFlowRxSrc[2] [protected]

Definition at line 108 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsFlowTxDest [protected]

Definition at line 102 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsFlowTxSrc[2] [protected]

Definition at line 104 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsHistoryDest [protected]

Definition at line 96 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnNcLButtonDblClk(), OnSkinChange(), and PaintHistory().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsHistoryRx[2] [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintHistory().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsHistoryTx[2] [protected]

Definition at line 98 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintHistory().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaSeekBar [protected]

Definition at line 123 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaSeekTab [protected]

Definition at line 121 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaSeekTrack [protected]

Definition at line 119 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnSetCursor(), OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaStates[2][3] [protected]

Definition at line 137 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaVolBar [protected]

Definition at line 129 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaVolTab [protected]

Definition at line 127 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsMediaVolTrack [protected]

Definition at line 125 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnSetCursor(), OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsScalerBar [protected]

Definition at line 114 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintScaler().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsScalerTab [protected]

Definition at line 112 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintScaler().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsScalerTrack [protected]

Definition at line 110 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnSetCursor(), OnSkinChange(), and PaintScaler().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bsStatusText [protected]

Definition at line 93 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnNcLButtonDblClk(), OnSkinChange(), PaintMedia(), and PaintStatus().

BOOL CRemoteWnd::m_bStatus [protected]

Definition at line 89 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), PaintMedia(), and PaintStatus().

LPCTSTR CRemoteWnd::m_hClass = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 56 of file WndMonitor.cpp.

Referenced by Create().

float CRemoteWnd::m_nMediaSeek [protected]

Definition at line 132 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by PaintMedia(), and TrackSeek().

float CRemoteWnd::m_nMediaVol [protected]

Definition at line 135 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by PaintMedia(), and TrackVol().

int CRemoteWnd::m_nTimer [protected]

Definition at line 90 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnTimer().

CList<CmdButton*> CRemoteWnd::m_pButtons [protected]

Definition at line 85 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by HitTestButtons(), OnPaint(), OnSkinChange(), UpdateCmdButtons(), and ~CRemoteWnd().

CmdButton* CRemoteWnd::m_pCmdDown [protected]

Definition at line 87 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnLButtonUp(), OnMouseMove(), OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

CmdButton* CRemoteWnd::m_pCmdHover [protected]

Definition at line 86 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnLButtonUp(), OnMouseMove(), OnPaint(), OnSkinChange(), and OnTimer().

CMonitorBarCtrl* CRemoteWnd::m_pMonitor [protected]

Definition at line 82 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by Create(), and OnPaint().

CSkinWindow* CRemoteWnd::m_pSkin [protected]

Definition at line 84 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by Create(), HitTestButtons(), OnPaint(), OnSize(), OnSkinChange(), PaintFlow(), PaintHistory(), PaintMedia(), and PaintScaler().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcBackground [protected]

Definition at line 92 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcMediaSeekTab [protected]

Definition at line 133 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSetCursor(), PaintMedia(), and TrackSeek().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcMediaVolTab [protected]

Definition at line 136 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSetCursor(), PaintMedia(), and TrackVol().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcScalerTab [protected]

Definition at line 117 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSetCursor(), PaintScaler(), and TrackScaler().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsFlowRxDest [protected]

Definition at line 107 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsFlowRxSrc[2] [protected]

Definition at line 109 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsFlowTxDest [protected]

Definition at line 103 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsFlowTxSrc[2] [protected]

Definition at line 105 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnPaint(), and OnSkinChange().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsHistoryDest [protected]

Definition at line 97 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnNcLButtonDblClk(), OnSkinChange(), and PaintHistory().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsHistoryRx[2] [protected]

Definition at line 101 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintHistory().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsHistoryTx[2] [protected]

Definition at line 99 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintHistory().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaSeekBar [protected]

Definition at line 124 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaSeekTab [protected]

Definition at line 122 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaSeekTrack [protected]

Definition at line 120 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnSetCursor(), OnSkinChange(), PaintMedia(), and TrackSeek().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaStates[2][3] [protected]

Definition at line 138 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaVolBar [protected]

Definition at line 130 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaVolTab [protected]

Definition at line 128 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintMedia().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsMediaVolTrack [protected]

Definition at line 126 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnSetCursor(), OnSkinChange(), PaintMedia(), and TrackVol().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsScalerBar [protected]

Definition at line 115 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintScaler().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsScalerTab [protected]

Definition at line 113 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnSkinChange(), and PaintScaler().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsScalerTrack [protected]

Definition at line 111 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnLButtonDown(), OnSetCursor(), OnSkinChange(), PaintScaler(), and TrackScaler().

CRect CRemoteWnd::m_rcsStatusText [protected]

Definition at line 94 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnNcLButtonDblClk(), OnSkinChange(), PaintMedia(), and PaintStatus().

CString CRemoteWnd::m_sStatus [protected]

Definition at line 88 of file WndMonitor.h.

Referenced by OnTimer(), and PaintStatus().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:11 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2