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G3D::Matrix Class Reference

#include <Matrix.h>


class  Impl
class  SortRank

Public Types

typedef float T

Public Member Functions

 Matrix ()
 Matrix (const Matrix3 &M)
 Matrix (const Matrix4 &M)
 Matrix (int R, int C)
int rows () const
int cols () const
Matrixoperator*= (const T &B)
Matrixoperator/= (const T &B)
Matrixoperator+= (const T &B)
Matrixoperator-= (const T &B)
Matrixoperator*= (const Matrix &B)
Matrixoperator+= (const Matrix &B)
Matrixoperator-= (const Matrix &B)
Matrix subMatrix (int r1, int r2, int c1, int c2) const
Matrix operator* (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix operator* (const T &B) const
Matrix operator+ (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix operator- (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix operator+ (const T &v) const
Matrix operator- (const T &v) const
Matrix operator> (const T &scalar) const
Matrix operator< (const T &scalar) const
Matrix operator>= (const T &scalar) const
Matrix operator<= (const T &scalar) const
Matrix operator== (const T &scalar) const
Matrix operator!= (const T &scalar) const
Matrix lsub (const T &B) const
Matrix arrayMul (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix3 toMatrix3 () const
Matrix4 toMatrix4 () const
Vector2 toVector2 () const
Vector3 toVector3 () const
Vector4 toVector4 () const
void arrayMulInPlace (const Matrix &B)
void arrayDivInPlace (const Matrix &B)
Matrix operator- () const
Matrix inverse () const
T determinant () const
Matrix transpose () const
void transpose (Matrix &out) const
Matrix adjoint () const
Matrix pseudoInverse (float tolerance=-1) const
 Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse, equivalent to (ATA)-1AT). The SVD method is used for performance when the matrix has more than four rows or columns. More...
Matrix svdPseudoInverse (float tolerance=-1) const
Matrix gaussJordanPseudoInverse () const
void svd (Matrix &U, Array< T > &d, Matrix &V, bool sort=true) const
void set (int r, int c, T v)
void setCol (int c, const Matrix &vec)
void setRow (int r, const Matrix &vec)
Matrix col (int c) const
Matrix row (int r) const
T get (int r, int c) const
Vector2int16 size () const
int numElements () const
void swapRows (int r0, int r1)
void swapAndNegateCols (int c0, int c1)
void mulRow (int r, const T &v)
bool anyNonZero () const
bool allNonZero () const
bool allZero () const
bool anyZero () const
void serialize (TextOutput &t) const
std::string toString (const std::string &name) const
std::string toString () const
double normSquared () const
double norm () const

Static Public Member Functions

template<class S >
static Matrix fromDiagonal (const Array< S > &d)
static Matrix fromDiagonal (const Matrix &d)
static Matrix zero (int R, int C)
static Matrix one (int R, int C)
static Matrix identity (int N)
static Matrix random (int R, int C)
static const char * svdCore (float **U, int rows, int cols, float *D, float **V)

Static Public Attributes

static int debugNumCopyOps = 0
static int debugNumAllocOps = 0

Private Types

typedef shared_ptr< ImplImplRef

Private Member Functions

 Matrix (ImplRef i)
 Matrix (Impl *i)
Matrix vectorPseudoInverse () const
Matrix partitionPseudoInverse () const
Matrix colPartPseudoInverse () const
Matrix rowPartPseudoInverse () const
Matrix col2PseudoInverse (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix col3PseudoInverse (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix col4PseudoInverse (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix row2PseudoInverse (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix row3PseudoInverse (const Matrix &B) const
Matrix row4PseudoInverse (const Matrix &B) const

Private Attributes

ImplRef impl

Detailed Description

N x M matrix.

The actual data is tracked internally by a reference counted pointer; it is efficient to pass and assign Matrix objects because no data is actually copied. This avoids the headache of pointers and allows natural math notation:

   Matrix A, B, C;
   // ...
   C = A * f(B);
   C = C.inverse();
   A = Matrix::identity(4);
   C = A;
   C.set(0, 0, 2.0); // Triggers a copy of the data so that A remains unchanged.
   // etc.

The Matrix::debugNumCopyOps and Matrix::debugNumAllocOps counters increment every time an operation forces the copy and allocation of matrices. You can use these to detect slow operations when efficiency is a major concern.

Some methods accept an output argument instead of returning a value. For example, A = B.transpose() can also be invoked as B.transpose(A). The latter may be more efficient, since Matrix may be able to re-use the storage of A (if it has approximatly the right size and isn't currently shared with another matrix).

See also
G3D::Matrix3, G3D::Matrix4, G3D::Vector2, G3D::Vector3, G3D::Vector4, G3D::CoordinateFrame

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef shared_ptr<Impl> G3D::Matrix::ImplRef
typedef float G3D::Matrix::T

Internal precision. Currently float, but this may become a templated class in the future to allow operations like Matrix<double> and Matrix<ComplexFloat>.

Not necessarily a plain-old-data type (e.g., could ComplexFloat), but must be something with no constructor, that can be safely memcpyd, and that has a bit pattern of all zeros when zero.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G3D::Matrix::Matrix ( ImplRef  i)
241 : impl(i) {}
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
G3D::Matrix::Matrix ( Impl i)
242 : impl(ImplRef(i)) {}
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
shared_ptr< Impl > ImplRef
Definition: Matrix.h:237
G3D::Matrix::Matrix ( )
289 : impl(new Impl(0, 0)) {}
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G3D::Matrix::Matrix ( const Matrix3 M)
291 : impl(new Impl(M)) {}
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
G3D::Matrix::Matrix ( const Matrix4 M)
293 : impl(new Impl(M)) {}
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
G3D::Matrix::Matrix ( int  R,
int  C 

Returns a new matrix that is all zero.

307  : impl(new Impl(R, C)) {
308  impl->setZero();
309  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

Member Function Documentation

Matrix G3D::Matrix::adjoint ( ) const
497  {
498  Impl* A = new Impl(cols(), rows());
499  impl->adjoint(*A);
500  return Matrix(A);
501  }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::Matrix::allNonZero ( ) const

Returns true if all elements are non-zero

420  {
421  return impl->allNonZero();
422 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::Matrix::allZero ( ) const
571  {
572  return !anyNonZero();
573  }
bool anyNonZero() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:415

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool G3D::Matrix::anyNonZero ( ) const

Returns true if any element is non-zero

415  {
416  return impl->anyNonZero();
417 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::Matrix::anyZero ( ) const
575  {
576  return !allNonZero();
577  }
bool allNonZero() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:420

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::arrayDivInPlace ( const Matrix B)

Mutates this

140  {
141  const Impl& B = *_B.impl;
142  INPLACE(arrayDiv)
143 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix G3D::Matrix::arrayMul ( const Matrix B) const
423  {
424  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
425  impl->arrayMul(*B.impl, *C.impl);
426  return C;
427  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::arrayMulInPlace ( const Matrix B)

Mutates this

134  {
135  const Impl& B = *_B.impl;
137 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix arrayMul(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.h:423

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::col ( int  c) const
217  {
218  debugAssert(c >= 0);
219  debugAssert(c < cols());
220  Matrix out(rows(), 1);
222  T* outData = out.impl->data;
223  // Get a pointer to the first element in the column
224  const T* inElt = &(impl->elt[0][c]);
225  int R = rows();
226  int C = cols();
227  for (int r = 0; r < R; ++r) {
228  outData[r] = *inElt;
229  // Skip around to the next row
230  inElt += C;
231  }
233  return out;
234 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::col2PseudoInverse ( const Matrix B) const
1111  {
1113  Matrix A = *this;
1114  int m = rows();
1115  int n = cols();
1116  (void)n;
1118  // Row-major 2x2 matrix
1119  const float B2[2][2] =
1120  {{B.get(0,0), B.get(0,1)},
1121  {B.get(1,0), B.get(1,1)}};
1123  float det = (B2[0][0]*B2[1][1]) - (B2[0][1]*B2[1][0]);
1125  if (fuzzyEq(det, T(0))) {
1127  // Matrix was singular; the block matrix pseudo-inverse can't
1128  // handle that, so fall back to the old case
1129  return svdPseudoInverse();
1131  } else {
1132  // invert using formula at
1134  // Multiply by Binv * A'
1135  Matrix X(cols(), rows());
1137  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
1138  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1139  float binv00 = B2[1][1]/det, binv01 = -B2[1][0]/det;
1140  float binv10 = -B2[0][1]/det, binv11 = B2[0][0]/det;
1141  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
1142  const T* Arow = Aelt[j];
1143  float a0 = Arow[0];
1144  float a1 = Arow[1];
1145  Xelt[0][j] = binv00 * a0 + binv01 * a1;
1146  Xelt[1][j] = binv10 * a0 + binv11 * a1;
1147  }
1148  return X;
1149  }
1150 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::col3PseudoInverse ( const Matrix B) const
1152  {
1153  Matrix A = *this;
1154  int m = rows();
1155  int n = cols();
1157  Matrix3 B3 = B.toMatrix3();
1158  if (fuzzyEq(B3.determinant(), (T)0.0)) {
1160  // Matrix was singular; the block matrix pseudo-inverse can't
1161  // handle that, so fall back to the old case
1162  return svdPseudoInverse();
1164  } else {
1165  Matrix3 B3inv = B3.inverse();
1167  // Multiply by Binv * A'
1168  Matrix X(cols(), rows());
1170  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
1171  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1172  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1173  T* Xrow = Xelt[i];
1174  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
1175  const T* Arow = Aelt[j];
1176  T sum = 0;
1177  const float* Binvrow = B3inv[i];
1178  for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
1179  sum += Binvrow[k] * Arow[k];
1180  }
1181  Xrow[j] = sum;
1182  }
1183  }
1184  return X;
1185  }
1186 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::col4PseudoInverse ( const Matrix B) const
1188  {
1189  Matrix A = *this;
1190  int m = rows();
1191  int n = cols();
1193  Matrix4 B4 = B.toMatrix4();
1194  if (fuzzyEq(B4.determinant(), (T)0.0)) {
1196  // Matrix was singular; the block matrix pseudo-inverse can't
1197  // handle that, so fall back to the old case
1198  return svdPseudoInverse();
1200  } else {
1201  Matrix4 B4inv = B4.inverse();
1203  // Multiply by Binv * A'
1204  Matrix X(cols(), rows());
1206  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
1207  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1208  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1209  T* Xrow = Xelt[i];
1210  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
1211  const T* Arow = Aelt[j];
1212  T sum = 0;
1213  const float* Binvrow = B4inv[i];
1214  for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
1215  sum += Binvrow[k] * Arow[k];
1216  }
1217  Xrow[j] = sum;
1218  }
1219  }
1220  return X;
1221  }
1222 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::colPartPseudoInverse ( ) const
1073  {
1074  int m = rows();
1075  int n = cols();
1076  alwaysAssertM((m>=n),"Column-partitioned block matrix pseudoinverse requires R>C");
1077  // TODO: Put each of the individual cases in its own helper function
1078  // TODO: Push the B computation down into the individual cases
1079  // B = A' * A
1080  Matrix A = *this;
1081  Matrix B = Matrix(n, n);
1082  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1083  T** Belt = B.impl->elt;
1084  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1085  for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
1086  T sum = 0;
1087  for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k) {
1088  sum += Aelt[k][i] * Aelt[k][j];
1089  }
1090  Belt[i][j] = sum;
1091  }
1092  }
1094  // B has size n x n
1095  switch (n) {
1096  case 2:
1097  return col2PseudoInverse(B);
1099  case 3:
1100  return col3PseudoInverse(B);
1102  case 4:
1103  return col4PseudoInverse(B);
1105  default:
1106  alwaysAssertM(false, "G3D internal error: Should have used the vector or general case!");
1107  return Matrix();
1108  }
1109 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
Matrix col4PseudoInverse(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1188
Matrix col2PseudoInverse(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1111
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
#define alwaysAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:165
Matrix col3PseudoInverse(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1152

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::Matrix::cols ( ) const

Number of columns

329  {
330  return impl->C;
331  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

T G3D::Matrix::determinant ( ) const
481  {
482  return impl->determinant();
483  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class S >
static Matrix G3D::Matrix::fromDiagonal ( const Array< S > &  d)
296  {
297  Matrix D = zero(d.length(), d.length());
298  for (int i = 0; i < d.length(); ++i) {
299  D.set(i, i, d[i]);
300  }
301  return D;
302  }
void set(int r, int c, T v)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:159
Definition: Matrix.h:289
static Matrix zero(int R, int C)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:237

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::fromDiagonal ( const Matrix d)
147  {
148  debugAssert((d.rows() == 1) || (d.cols() == 1));
150  int n = d.numElements();
151  Matrix D = zero(n, n);
152  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
153  D.set(i, i, d.impl->data[i]);
154  }
156  return D;
157 }
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
Definition: Matrix.h:289
static Matrix zero(int R, int C)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:237

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::gaussJordanPseudoInverse ( ) const

(ATA)-1AT) computed using Gauss-Jordan elimination.

521  {
522  Matrix trans = transpose();
523  return (trans * (*this)).inverse() * trans;
524  }
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix transpose() const
Definition: Matrix.h:488

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix::T G3D::Matrix::get ( int  r,
int  c 
) const
203  {
204  return impl->get(r, c);
205 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::identity ( int  N)

Returns a new identity matrix

262  {
263  Impl* m = new Impl(N, N);
264  m->setZero();
265  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
266  m->elt[i][i] = 1.0;
267  }
268  return Matrix(m);
269 }
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::inverse ( ) const

A-1 computed using the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, for square matrices. Run time is O(R3), where R is the number of rows.

475  {
476  Impl* A = new Impl(*impl);
477  A->inverseInPlaceGaussJordan();
478  return Matrix(A);
479  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::lsub ( const T B) const

scalar B - this

417  {
418  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
419  impl->lsub(B, *C.impl);
420  return C;
421  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::mulRow ( int  r,
const T v 
289  {
290  debugAssert(r >= 0 && r < rows());
292  if (! impl.unique()) {
293  impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
294  }
296  impl->mulRow(r, v);
297 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
double G3D::Matrix::norm ( ) const

2-norm (sqrt(sum(squares))

523  {
524  return sqrt(normSquared());
525 }
double normSquared() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:508

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

double G3D::Matrix::normSquared ( ) const

2-norm squared: sum(squares). (i.e., dot product with itself)

508  {
509  int R = rows();
510  int C = cols();
511  int N = R * C;
513  double sum = 0.0;
515  const T* raw = impl->data;
516  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
517  sum += square(raw[i]);
518  }
520  return sum;
521 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
double square(double fValue)
Definition: g3dmath.h:698
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::Matrix::numElements ( ) const
554  {
555  return rows() * cols();
556  }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::one ( int  R,
int  C 

Returns a new matrix that is all one.

244  {
245  Impl* A = new Impl(R, C);
246  for (int i = R * C - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
247  A->data[i] = 1.0;
248  }
249  return Matrix(A);
250 }
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator!= ( const T scalar) const
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator* ( const Matrix B) const

Matrix multiplication. To perform element-by-element multiplication, see arrayMul.

362  {
363  Matrix C(impl->R, B.impl->C);
364  impl->mul(*B.impl, *C.impl);
365  return C;
366  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator* ( const T B) const

See also A *= B, which is more efficient in many cases

369  {
370  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
371  impl->mul(B, *C.impl);
372  return C;
373  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator*= ( const T B)

Generally more efficient than A * B

89  {
90  INPLACE(mul)
91  return *this;
92 }
float mul(float a, float b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:453
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator*= ( const Matrix B)

No performance advantage over A * B because matrix multiplication requires intermediate storage.

113  {
114  // We can't optimize this one
115  *this = *this * B;
116  return *this;
117 }
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator+ ( const Matrix B) const

See also A += B, which is more efficient in many cases

376  {
377  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
378  impl->add(*B.impl, *C.impl);
379  return C;
380  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator+ ( const T v) const

See also A += B, which is more efficient in many cases

390  {
391  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
392  impl->add(v, *C.impl);
393  return C;
394  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator+= ( const T B)

Generally more efficient than A + B

101  {
102  INPLACE(add)
103  return *this;
104 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator+= ( const Matrix B)

Generally more efficient than A + B

127  {
128  const Impl& B = *_B.impl;
129  INPLACE(add)
130  return *this;
131 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator- ( const Matrix B) const

See also A -= B, which is more efficient in many cases

383  {
384  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
385  impl->sub(*B.impl, *C.impl);
386  return C;
387  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator- ( const T v) const

See also A -= B, which is more efficient in many cases

397  {
398  Matrix C(impl->R, impl->C);
399  impl->sub(v, *C.impl);
400  return C;
401  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator- ( ) const
465  {
466  return negate();
467  }
static G3D::Matrix::T negate(G3D::Matrix::T x)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:8

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator-= ( const T B)

Generally more efficient than A - B

95  {
96  INPLACE(sub)
97  return *this;
98 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator-= ( const Matrix B)

Generally more efficient than A - B

120  {
121  const Impl& B = *_B.impl;
122  INPLACE(sub)
123  return *this;
124 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix & G3D::Matrix::operator/= ( const T B)

Generally more efficient than A / B

107  {
108  INPLACE(div)
109  return *this;
110 }
#define INPLACE(OP)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:80
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator< ( const T scalar) const
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator<= ( const T scalar) const
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator== ( const T scalar) const
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator> ( const T scalar) const
Matrix G3D::Matrix::operator>= ( const T scalar) const
Matrix G3D::Matrix::partitionPseudoInverse ( ) const
1334  {
1336  // Logic:
1337  // A^-1 = (A'A)^-1 A'
1338  // A has few (n) columns, so A'A is small (n x n) and fast to invert
1340  int m = rows();
1341  int n = cols();
1343  if (m < n) {
1344  // TODO: optimize by pushing through the transpose
1345  //return transpose().partitionPseudoInverse().transpose();
1346  return rowPartPseudoInverse();
1348  } else {
1349  return colPartPseudoInverse();
1350  }
1351 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
Matrix colPartPseudoInverse() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1073
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Matrix rowPartPseudoInverse() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1033

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::pseudoInverse ( float  tolerance = -1) const

Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse, equivalent to (ATA)-1AT). The SVD method is used for performance when the matrix has more than four rows or columns.


toleranceUse -1 for automatic tolerance.
885  {
886  if ((cols() == 1) || (rows() == 1)) {
887  return vectorPseudoInverse();
888  } else if ((cols() <= 4) || (rows() <= 4)) {
889  return partitionPseudoInverse();
890  } else {
891  return svdPseudoInverse(tolerance);
892  }
893 }
Matrix vectorPseudoInverse() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1012
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
Matrix partitionPseudoInverse() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1334
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::random ( int  R,
int  C 

Uniformly distributed values between zero and one.

253  {
254  Impl* A = new Impl(R, C);
255  for (int i = R * C - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
256  A->data[i] = G3D::uniformRandom(0.0, 1.0);
257  }
258  return Matrix(A);
259 }
float uniformRandom(float low=0.0f, float hi=1.0f)
Definition: g3dmath.h:694
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::row ( int  r) const
208  {
209  debugAssert(r >= 0);
210  debugAssert(r < rows());
211  Matrix out(1, cols());
212  out.impl->setRow(1, impl->elt[r]);
213  return out;
214 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::row2PseudoInverse ( const Matrix B) const
1224  {
1226  Matrix A = *this;
1227  int m = rows();
1228  int n = cols();
1229  (void)m;
1231  // Row-major 2x2 matrix
1232  const float B2[2][2] =
1233  {{B.get(0,0), B.get(0,1)},
1234  {B.get(1,0), B.get(1,1)}};
1236  float det = (B2[0][0]*B2[1][1]) - (B2[0][1]*B2[1][0]);
1238  if (fuzzyEq(det, T(0))) {
1240  // Matrix was singular; the block matrix pseudo-inverse can't
1241  // handle that, so fall back to the old case
1242  return svdPseudoInverse();
1244  } else {
1245  // invert using formula at
1247  // Multiply by Binv * A'
1248  Matrix X(cols(), rows());
1250  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
1251  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1252  float binv00 = B2[1][1]/det, binv01 = -B2[1][0]/det;
1253  float binv10 = -B2[0][1]/det, binv11 = B2[0][0]/det;
1254  for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
1255  Xelt[j][0] = Aelt[0][j] * binv00 + Aelt[1][j] * binv10;
1256  Xelt[j][1] = Aelt[0][j] * binv01 + Aelt[1][j] * binv11;
1257  }
1258  return X;
1259  }
1260 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::row3PseudoInverse ( const Matrix B) const
1262  {
1264  Matrix A = *this;
1265  int m = rows();
1266  int n = cols();
1268  Matrix3 B3 = B.toMatrix3();
1269  if (fuzzyEq(B3.determinant(), (T)0.0)) {
1271  // Matrix was singular; the block matrix pseudo-inverse can't
1272  // handle that, so fall back to the old case
1273  return svdPseudoInverse();
1275  } else {
1276  Matrix3 B3inv = B3.inverse();
1278  // Multiply by Binv * A'
1279  Matrix X(cols(), rows());
1281  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
1282  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1283  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1284  T* Xrow = Xelt[i];
1285  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
1286  T sum = 0;
1287  for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k) {
1288  sum += Aelt[k][i] * B3inv[j][k];
1289  }
1290  Xrow[j] = sum;
1291  }
1292  }
1293  return X;
1294  }
1295 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::row4PseudoInverse ( const Matrix B) const
1297  {
1299  Matrix A = *this;
1300  int m = rows();
1301  int n = cols();
1303  Matrix4 B4 = B.toMatrix4();
1304  if (fuzzyEq(B4.determinant(), (T)0.0)) {
1306  // Matrix was singular; the block matrix pseudo-inverse can't
1307  // handle that, so fall back to the old case
1308  return svdPseudoInverse();
1310  } else {
1311  Matrix4 B4inv = B4.inverse();
1313  // Multiply by Binv * A'
1314  Matrix X(cols(), rows());
1316  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
1317  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1318  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1319  T* Xrow = Xelt[i];
1320  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
1321  T sum = 0;
1322  for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k) {
1323  sum += Aelt[k][i] * B4inv[j][k];
1324  }
1325  Xrow[j] = sum;
1326  }
1327  }
1328  return X;
1329  }
1330 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::rowPartPseudoInverse ( ) const
1033  {
1034  int m = rows();
1035  int n = cols();
1036  alwaysAssertM((m<=n),"Row-partitioned block matrix pseudoinverse requires R<C");
1038  // B = A * A'
1039  Matrix A = *this;
1040  Matrix B = Matrix(m,m);
1042  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1043  T** Belt = B.impl->elt;
1044  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
1045  const T* Arow = Aelt[i];
1046  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
1047  const T* Brow = Aelt[j];
1048  T sum = 0;
1049  for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
1050  sum += Arow[k] * Brow[k];
1051  }
1052  Belt[i][j] = sum;
1053  }
1054  }
1056  // B has size m x m
1057  switch (m) {
1058  case 2:
1059  return row2PseudoInverse(B);
1061  case 3:
1062  return row3PseudoInverse(B);
1064  case 4:
1065  return row4PseudoInverse(B);
1067  default:
1068  alwaysAssertM(false, "G3D internal error: Should have used the vector or general case!");
1069  return Matrix();
1070  }
1071 }
Matrix row3PseudoInverse(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1262
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Matrix row4PseudoInverse(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1297
Definition: Matrix.h:289
Matrix row2PseudoInverse(const Matrix &B) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1224
#define alwaysAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:165

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::Matrix::rows ( ) const

The number of rows

324  {
325  return impl->R;
326  }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::serialize ( TextOutput t) const

Serializes in Matlab source format

17  {
18  t.writeSymbol("%");
19  t.writeNumber(rows());
20  t.writeSymbol("x");
21  t.writeNumber(cols());
22  t.pushIndent();
23  t.writeNewline();
25  t.writeSymbol("[");
26  for (int r = 0; r < rows(); ++r) {
27  for (int c = 0; c < cols(); ++c) {
28  t.writeNumber(impl->get(r, c));
29  if (c < cols() - 1) {
30  t.writeSymbol(",");
31  } else {
32  if (r < rows() - 1) {
33  t.writeSymbol(";");
34  t.writeNewline();
35  }
36  }
37  }
38  }
39  t.writeSymbol("]");
40  t.popIndent();
41  t.writeNewline();
42 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::set ( int  r,
int  c,
T  v 
159  {
160  if (! impl.unique()) {
161  // Copy the data before mutating; this object is shared
162  impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
163  }
164  impl->set(r, c, v);
165 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::setCol ( int  c,
const Matrix vec 
185  {
186  debugAssertM(vec.rows() == rows(),
187  "A column must be set to a vector of the same size.");
188  debugAssertM(vec.cols() == 1,
189  "A column must be set to a column vector.");
191  debugAssert(c >= 0);
193  debugAssert(c < cols());
195  if (! impl.unique()) {
196  // Copy the data before mutating; this object is shared
197  impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
198  }
199  impl->setCol(c, vec.impl->data);
200 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define debugAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:161
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: adtfile.h:39
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::setRow ( int  r,
const Matrix vec 
168  {
169  debugAssertM(vec.cols() == cols(),
170  "A row must be set to a vector of the same size.");
171  debugAssertM(vec.rows() == 1,
172  "A row must be set to a row vector.");
174  debugAssert(r >= 0);
175  debugAssert(r < rows());
177  if (! impl.unique()) {
178  // Copy the data before mutating; this object is shared
179  impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
180  }
181  impl->setRow(r, vec.impl->data);
182 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define debugAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:161
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Definition: adtfile.h:39
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2int16 G3D::Matrix::size ( ) const
550  {
551  return Vector2int16(rows(), cols());
552  }
Definition: Vector2int16.h:28
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::subMatrix ( int  r1,
int  r2,
int  c1,
int  c2 
) const

Returns a new matrix that is a subset of this one, from r1:r2 to c1:c2, inclusive.

395  {
396  debugAssert(r2>=r1);
397  debugAssert(c2>=c1);
398  debugAssert(c2<cols());
399  debugAssert(r2<rows());
400  debugAssert(r1>=0);
401  debugAssert(c1>=0);
403  Matrix X(r2 - r1 + 1, c2 - c1 + 1);
405  for (int r = 0; r < X.rows(); ++r) {
406  for (int c = 0; c < X.cols(); ++c) {
407  X.set(r, c, get(r + r1, c + c1));
408  }
409  }
411  return X;
412 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::svd ( Matrix U,
Array< T > &  d,
Matrix V,
bool  sort = true 
) const

Singular value decomposition. Factors into three matrices such that this = U * fromDiagonal(d) * V.transpose().

The matrix must have at least as many rows as columns.

Run time is O(C2*R).

sortIf true (default), the singular values are arranged so that D is sorted from largest to smallest.
425  {
426  debugAssert(rows() >= cols());
427  debugAssertM(&U != &V, "Arguments to SVD must be different matrices");
428  debugAssertM(&U != this, "Arguments to SVD must be different matrices");
429  debugAssertM(&V != this, "Arguments to SVD must be different matrices");
431  int R = rows();
432  int C = cols();
434  // Make sure we don't overwrite a shared matrix
435  if (! V.impl.unique()) {
436  V = Matrix::zero(C, C);
437  } else {
438  V.impl->setSize(C, C);
439  }
441  if (&U != this || ! impl.unique()) {
442  // Make a copy of this for in-place SVD
443  U.impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
444  }
446  d.resize(C);
447  const char* ret = svdCore(U.impl->elt, R, C, d.getCArray(), V.impl->elt);
449  debugAssertM(ret == NULL, ret);
450  (void)ret;
452  if (sort) {
453  // Sort the singular values from greatest to least
455  Array<SortRank> rank;
456  rank.resize(C);
457  for (int c = 0; c < C; ++c) {
458  rank[c].col = c;
459  rank[c].value = d[c];
460  }
462  rank.sort(SORT_INCREASING);
464  Matrix Uold = U;
465  Matrix Vold = V;
467  U = Matrix(U.rows(), U.cols());
468  V = Matrix(V.rows(), V.cols());
470  // Now permute U, d, and V appropriately
471  for (int c0 = 0; c0 < C; ++c0) {
472  const int c1 = rank[c0].col;
474  d[c0] = rank[c0].value;
475  U.setCol(c0, Uold.col(c1));
476  V.setCol(c0, Vold.col(c1));
477  }
479  }
480 }
static const char * svdCore(float **U, int rows, int cols, float *D, float **V)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1505
void resize(size_t n, bool shrinkIfNecessary=true)
Definition: Array.h:490
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
void sort(const LessThan &lessThan)
Definition: Array.h:1109
T * getCArray()
Definition: Array.h:256
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
#define debugAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:161
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Definition: Array.h:46
Definition: Matrix.h:289
static Matrix zero(int R, int C)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:237

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char * G3D::Matrix::svdCore ( float **  U,
int  rows,
int  cols,
float *  D,
float **  V 

Low-level SVD functionality. Useful for applications that do not want to construct a Matrix but need to perform the SVD operation.

this = U * D * V'

Assumes that rows >= cols

NULL on success, a string describing the error on failure.
Urows x cols matrix to be decomposed, gets overwritten with U, a rows x cols matrix with orthogonal columns.
Dvector of singular values of a (diagonal of the D matrix). Length cols.
Vreturns the right orthonormal transformation matrix, size cols x cols

[Based] on Dianne Cook's implementation, which is adapted from svdecomp.c in XLISP-STAT 2.1, which is code from Numerical Recipes adapted by Luke Tierney and David Betz. The Numerical Recipes code is adapted from Forsythe et al, who based their code on Golub and Reinsch's original implementation.

1505  {
1506  const int MAX_ITERATIONS = 30;
1508  int flag, i, its, j, jj, k, l = 0, nm = 0;
1509  double c, f, h, s, x, y, z;
1510  double anorm = 0.0, g = 0.0, scale = 0.0;
1512  // Temp row vector
1513  double* rv1;
1515  debugAssertM(rows >= cols, "Must have more rows than columns");
1517  rv1 = (double*)System::alignedMalloc(cols * sizeof(double), 16);
1518  debugAssert(rv1);
1520  // Householder reduction to bidiagonal form
1521  for (i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
1523  // Left-hand reduction
1524  l = i + 1;
1525  rv1[i] = scale * g;
1526  g = s = scale = 0.0;
1528  if (i < rows) {
1530  for (k = i; k < rows; ++k) {
1531  scale += fabs((double)U[k][i]);
1532  }
1534  if (scale) {
1535  for (k = i; k < rows; ++k) {
1536  U[k][i] = (float)((double)U[k][i]/scale);
1537  s += ((double)U[k][i] * (double)U[k][i]);
1538  }
1540  f = (double)U[i][i];
1542  g = -sign(f)*(sqrt(s));
1543  h = f * g - s;
1544  U[i][i] = (float)(f - g);
1546  if (i != cols - 1) {
1547  for (j = l; j < cols; ++j) {
1549  for (s = 0.0, k = i; k < rows; ++k) {
1550  s += ((double)U[k][i] * (double)U[k][j]);
1551  }
1553  f = s / h;
1554  for (k = i; k < rows; ++k) {
1555  U[k][j] += (float)(f * (double)U[k][i]);
1556  }
1557  }
1558  }
1559  for (k = i; k < rows; ++k) {
1560  U[k][i] = (float)((double)U[k][i]*scale);
1561  }
1562  }
1563  }
1564  D[i] = (float)(scale * g);
1566  // right-hand reduction
1567  g = s = scale = 0.0;
1568  if (i < rows && i != cols - 1) {
1569  for (k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1570  scale += fabs((double)U[i][k]);
1571  }
1573  if (scale) {
1574  for (k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1575  U[i][k] = (float)((double)U[i][k]/scale);
1576  s += ((double)U[i][k] * (double)U[i][k]);
1577  }
1579  f = (double)U[i][l];
1580  g = -SIGN(sqrt(s), f);
1581  h = f * g - s;
1582  U[i][l] = (float)(f - g);
1584  for (k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1585  rv1[k] = (double)U[i][k] / h;
1586  }
1588  if (i != rows - 1) {
1590  for (j = l; j < rows; ++j) {
1591  for (s = 0.0, k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1592  s += ((double)U[j][k] * (double)U[i][k]);
1593  }
1595  for (k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1596  U[j][k] += (float)(s * rv1[k]);
1597  }
1598  }
1599  }
1601  for (k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1602  U[i][k] = (float)((double)U[i][k]*scale);
1603  }
1604  }
1605  }
1607  anorm = max(anorm, fabs((double)D[i]) + fabs(rv1[i]));
1608  }
1610  // accumulate the right-hand transformation
1611  for (i = cols - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1612  if (i < cols - 1) {
1613  if (g) {
1614  for (j = l; j < cols; ++j) {
1615  V[j][i] = (float)(((double)U[i][j] / (double)U[i][l]) / g);
1616  }
1618  // double division to avoid underflow
1619  for (j = l; j < cols; ++j) {
1620  for (s = 0.0, k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1621  s += ((double)U[i][k] * (double)V[k][j]);
1622  }
1624  for (k = l; k < cols; ++k) {
1625  V[k][j] += (float)(s * (double)V[k][i]);
1626  }
1627  }
1628  }
1630  for (j = l; j < cols; ++j) {
1631  V[i][j] = V[j][i] = 0.0;
1632  }
1633  }
1635  V[i][i] = 1.0;
1636  g = rv1[i];
1637  l = i;
1638  }
1640  // accumulate the left-hand transformation
1641  for (i = cols - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1642  l = i + 1;
1643  g = (double)D[i];
1644  if (i < cols - 1) {
1645  for (j = l; j < cols; ++j) {
1646  U[i][j] = 0.0;
1647  }
1648  }
1650  if (g) {
1651  g = 1.0 / g;
1652  if (i != cols - 1) {
1653  for (j = l; j < cols; ++j) {
1654  for (s = 0.0, k = l; k < rows; ++k) {
1655  s += ((double)U[k][i] * (double)U[k][j]);
1656  }
1658  f = (s / (double)U[i][i]) * g;
1660  for (k = i; k < rows; ++k) {
1661  U[k][j] += (float)(f * (double)U[k][i]);
1662  }
1663  }
1664  }
1666  for (j = i; j < rows; ++j) {
1667  U[j][i] = (float)((double)U[j][i]*g);
1668  }
1670  } else {
1671  for (j = i; j < rows; ++j) {
1672  U[j][i] = 0.0;
1673  }
1674  }
1675  ++U[i][i];
1676  }
1678  // diagonalize the bidiagonal form
1679  for (k = cols - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
1680  // loop over singular values
1681  for (its = 0; its < MAX_ITERATIONS; ++its) {
1682  // loop over allowed iterations
1683  flag = 1;
1685  for (l = k; l >= 0; --l) {
1686  // test for splitting
1687  nm = l - 1;
1688  if (fabs(rv1[l]) + anorm == anorm) {
1689  flag = 0;
1690  break;
1691  }
1693  if (fabs((double)D[nm]) + anorm == anorm) {
1694  break;
1695  }
1696  }
1698  if (flag) {
1699  c = 0.0;
1700  s = 1.0;
1701  for (i = l; i <= k; ++i) {
1702  f = s * rv1[i];
1703  if (fabs(f) + anorm != anorm) {
1704  g = (double)D[i];
1705  h = pythag(f, g);
1706  D[i] = (float)h;
1707  h = 1.0 / h;
1708  c = g * h;
1709  s = (- f * h);
1710  for (j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
1711  y = (double)U[j][nm];
1712  z = (double)U[j][i];
1713  U[j][nm] = (float)(y * c + z * s);
1714  U[j][i] = (float)(z * c - y * s);
1715  }
1716  }
1717  }
1718  }
1720  z = (double)D[k];
1721  if (l == k) {
1722  // convergence
1723  if (z < 0.0) {
1724  // make singular value nonnegative
1725  D[k] = (float)(-z);
1727  for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
1728  V[j][k] = (-V[j][k]);
1729  }
1730  }
1731  break;
1732  }
1734  if (its >= MAX_ITERATIONS) {
1735  free(rv1);
1736  rv1 = NULL;
1737  return "Failed to converge.";
1738  }
1740  // shift from bottom 2 x 2 minor
1741  x = (double)D[l];
1742  nm = k - 1;
1743  y = (double)D[nm];
1744  g = rv1[nm];
1745  h = rv1[k];
1746  f = ((y - z) * (y + z) + (g - h) * (g + h)) / (2.0 * h * y);
1747  g = pythag(f, 1.0);
1748  f = ((x - z) * (x + z) + h * ((y / (f + SIGN(g, f))) - h)) / x;
1750  // next QR transformation
1751  c = s = 1.0;
1752  for (j = l; j <= nm; ++j) {
1753  i = j + 1;
1754  g = rv1[i];
1755  y = (double)D[i];
1756  h = s * g;
1757  g = c * g;
1758  z = pythag(f, h);
1759  rv1[j] = z;
1760  c = f / z;
1761  s = h / z;
1762  f = x * c + g * s;
1763  g = g * c - x * s;
1764  h = y * s;
1765  y = y * c;
1767  for (jj = 0; jj < cols; ++jj) {
1768  x = (double)V[jj][j];
1769  z = (double)V[jj][i];
1770  V[jj][j] = (float)(x * c + z * s);
1771  V[jj][i] = (float)(z * c - x * s);
1772  }
1773  z = pythag(f, h);
1774  D[j] = (float)z;
1775  if (z) {
1776  z = 1.0 / z;
1777  c = f * z;
1778  s = h * z;
1779  }
1780  f = (c * g) + (s * y);
1781  x = (c * y) - (s * g);
1782  for (jj = 0; jj < rows; ++jj) {
1783  y = (double)U[jj][j];
1784  z = (double)U[jj][i];
1785  U[jj][j] = (float)(y * c + z * s);
1786  U[jj][i] = (float)(z * c - y * s);
1787  }
1788  }
1789  rv1[l] = 0.0;
1790  rv1[k] = f;
1791  D[k] = (float)x;
1792  }
1793  }
1795  System::alignedFree(rv1);
1796  rv1 = NULL;
1798  return NULL;
1799 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
static void alignedFree(void *ptr)
Definition: System.cpp:1546
#define debugAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:161
T max(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:320
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
G3D::int16 z
Definition: Vector3int16.h:46
G3D::int16 y
Definition: Vector2int16.h:38
static void * alignedMalloc(size_t bytes, size_t alignment)
Definition: System.cpp:1482
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
#define SIGN(a, b)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1503
G3D::int16 x
Definition: Vector2int16.h:37
double sign(double fValue)
Definition: g3dmath.h:669
static double pythag(double a, double b)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:1486

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::svdPseudoInverse ( float  tolerance = -1) const

Called from pseudoInverse when the matrix has size > 4 along some dimension.

900  {
901  if (cols() > rows()) {
902  return transpose().svdPseudoInverse(tolerance).transpose();
903  }
905  // Matrices from SVD
906  Matrix U, V;
908  // Diagonal elements
909  Array<T> d;
911  svd(U, d, V);
913  if (rows() == 1) {
914  d.resize(1, false);
915  }
917  if (tolerance < 0) {
918  // TODO: Should be eps(d[0]), which is the largest diagonal
919  tolerance = G3D::max(rows(), cols()) * 0.0001f;
920  }
922  Matrix X;
924  int r = 0;
925  for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i) {
926  if (d[i] > tolerance) {
927  d[i] = Matrix::T(1) / d[i];
928  ++r;
929  }
930  }
932  if (r == 0) {
933  // There were no non-zero elements
934  X = zero(cols(), rows());
935  } else {
936  // Use the first r columns
938  // Test code (the rest is below)
939  /*
940  d.resize(r);
941  Matrix testU = U.subMatrix(0, U.rows() - 1, 0, r - 1);
942  Matrix testV = V.subMatrix(0, V.rows() - 1, 0, r - 1);
943  Matrix testX = testV * Matrix::fromDiagonal(d) * testU.transpose();
944  X = testX;
945  */
948  // We want to do this:
949  //
950  // d.resize(r);
951  // U = U.subMatrix(0, U.rows() - 1, 0, r - 1);
952  // X = V * Matrix::fromDiagonal(d) * U.transpose();
953  //
954  // but creating a large diagonal matrix and then
955  // multiplying by it is wasteful. So we instead
956  // explicitly perform A = (D * U')' = U * D, and
957  // then multiply X = V * A'.
959  Matrix A = Matrix(U.rows(), r);
961  const T* dPtr = d.getCArray();
962  for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); ++i) {
963  const T* Urow = U.impl->elt[i];
964  T* Arow = A.impl->elt[i];
965  const int Acols = A.cols();
966  for (int j = 0; j < Acols; ++j) {
967  // A(i,j) = U(i,:) * D(:,j)
968  // This is non-zero only at j = i because D is diagonal
969  // A(i,j) = U(i,j) * D(j,j)
970  Arow[j] = Urow[j] * dPtr[j];
971  }
972  }
974  //
975  // Compute X = V.subMatrix(0, V.rows() - 1, 0, r - 1) * A.transpose()
976  //
977  // Avoid the explicit subMatrix call, and by storing A' instead of A, avoid
978  // both the transpose and the memory incoherence of striding across memory
979  // in big steps.
981  alwaysAssertM(A.cols() == r,
982  "Internal dimension mismatch during pseudoInverse()");
983  alwaysAssertM(V.cols() >= r,
984  "Internal dimension mismatch during pseudoInverse()");
986  X = Matrix(V.rows(), A.rows());
987  T** Xelt = X.impl->elt;
988  for (int i = 0; i < X.rows(); ++i) {
989  const T* Vrow = V.impl->elt[i];
990  for (int j = 0; j < X.cols(); ++j) {
991  const T* Arow = A.impl->elt[j];
992  T sum = 0;
993  for (int k = 0; k < r; ++k) {
994  sum += Vrow[k] * Arow[k];
995  }
996  Xelt[i][j] = sum;
997  }
998  }
1000  /*
1001  // Test that results are the same after optimizations:
1002  Matrix diff = X - testX;
1003  T n = diff.norm();
1004  debugAssert(n < 0.0001);
1005  */
1006  }
1008  return X;
1009 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
#define X
Definition: CollisionDetection.cpp:2281
T max(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:320
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
Definition: Matrix.h:289
void svd(Matrix &U, Array< T > &d, Matrix &V, bool sort=true) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:425
static Matrix zero(int R, int C)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:237
#define alwaysAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:165
Matrix svdPseudoInverse(float tolerance=-1) const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:900
Matrix transpose() const
Definition: Matrix.h:488

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::swapAndNegateCols ( int  c0,
int  c1 

Swaps columns c0 and c1 and negates both

380  {
381  debugAssert(c0 >= 0 && c0 < cols());
382  debugAssert(c1 >= 0 && c1 < cols());
384  if (c0 == c1) {
385  return;
386  }
388  if (! impl.unique()) {
389  impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
390  }
392  impl->swapAndNegateCols(c0, c1);
393 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::swapRows ( int  r0,
int  r1 
364  {
365  debugAssert(r0 >= 0 && r0 < rows());
366  debugAssert(r1 >= 0 && r1 < rows());
368  if (r0 == r1) {
369  return;
370  }
372  if (! impl.unique()) {
373  impl.reset(new Impl(*impl));
374  }
376  impl->swapRows(r0, r1);
377 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix3 G3D::Matrix::toMatrix3 ( ) const
310  {
311  debugAssert(impl->R == 3);
312  debugAssert(impl->C == 3);
313  return Matrix3(
314  impl->get(0,0), impl->get(0,1), impl->get(0,2),
315  impl->get(1,0), impl->get(1,1), impl->get(1,2),
316  impl->get(2,0), impl->get(2,1), impl->get(2,2));
317 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix4 G3D::Matrix::toMatrix4 ( ) const
320  {
321  debugAssert(impl->R == 4);
322  debugAssert(impl->C == 4);
323  return Matrix4(
324  impl->get(0,0), impl->get(0,1), impl->get(0,2), impl->get(0,3),
325  impl->get(1,0), impl->get(1,1), impl->get(1,2), impl->get(1,3),
326  impl->get(2,0), impl->get(2,1), impl->get(2,2), impl->get(2,3),
327  impl->get(3,0), impl->get(3,1), impl->get(3,2), impl->get(3,3));
328 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string G3D::Matrix::toString ( const std::string &  name) const
45  {
46  std::string s;
48  if (name != "") {
49  s += format("%s = \n", name.c_str());
50  }
52  s += "[";
53  for (int r = 0; r < rows(); ++r) {
54  for (int c = 0; c < cols(); ++c) {
55  double v = impl->get(r, c);
57  if (::fabs(v) < 0.00001) {
58  // Don't print "negative zero"
59  s += format("% 10.04g", 0.0);
60  } else if (v == iRound(v)) {
61  // Print integers nicely
62  s += format("% 10.04g", v);
63  } else {
64  s += format("% 10.04f", v);
65  }
67  if (c < cols() - 1) {
68  s += ",";
69  } else if (r < rows() - 1) {
70  s += ";\n ";
71  } else {
72  s += "]\n";
73  }
74  }
75  }
76  return s;
77 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
int iRound(double fValue)
Definition: g3dmath.h:226
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
std::string __cdecl format(const char *fmt...) G3D_CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string G3D::Matrix::toString ( ) const
584  {
585  static const std::string name = "";
586  return toString(name);
587  }
std::string toString() const
Definition: Matrix.h:584
Vector2 G3D::Matrix::toVector2 ( ) const
331  {
332  debugAssert(impl->R * impl->C == 2);
333  if (impl->R > impl->C) {
334  return Vector2(impl->get(0,0), impl->get(1,0));
335  } else {
336  return Vector2(impl->get(0,0), impl->get(0,1));
337  }
338 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
Vector3 G3D::Matrix::toVector3 ( ) const
341  {
342  debugAssert(impl->R * impl->C == 3);
343  if (impl->R > impl->C) {
344  return Vector3(impl->get(0,0), impl->get(1,0), impl->get(2, 0));
345  } else {
346  return Vector3(impl->get(0,0), impl->get(0,1), impl->get(0, 2));
347  }
348 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
Vector4 G3D::Matrix::toVector4 ( ) const
351  {
352  debugAssert(
353  ((impl->R == 4) && (impl->C == 1)) ||
354  ((impl->R == 1) && (impl->C == 4)));
356  if (impl->R > impl->C) {
357  return Vector4(impl->get(0,0), impl->get(1,0), impl->get(2, 0), impl->get(3,0));
358  } else {
359  return Vector4(impl->get(0,0), impl->get(0,1), impl->get(0, 2), impl->get(0,3));
360  }
361 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
#define debugAssert(exp)
Definition: debugAssert.h:160
Matrix G3D::Matrix::transpose ( ) const


488  {
489  Impl* A = new Impl(cols(), rows());
490  impl->transpose(*A);
491  return Matrix(A);
492  }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Matrix::transpose ( Matrix out) const

Transpose in place; more efficient than transpose

300  {
301  if ((out.impl == impl) && impl.unique() && (impl->R == impl->C)) {
302  // In place
303  impl->transpose(*out.impl);
304  } else {
305  out = this->transpose();
306  }
307 }
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
Matrix transpose() const
Definition: Matrix.h:488

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::vectorPseudoInverse ( ) const
1012  {
1013  // If vector A has nonzero elements: transpose A, then divide each elt. by the squared norm
1014  // If A is zero vector: transpose A
1015  double x = 0.0;
1017  if (anyNonZero()) {
1018  x = 1.0 / normSquared();
1019  }
1021  Matrix A(cols(), rows());
1022  T** Aelt = A.impl->elt;
1023  for (int r = 0; r < rows(); ++r) {
1024  const T* MyRow = impl->elt[r];
1025  for (int c = 0; c < cols(); ++c) {
1026  Aelt[c][r] = T(MyRow[c] * x);
1027  }
1028  }
1029  return Matrix(A);
1030 }
int rows() const
Definition: Matrix.h:324
ImplRef impl
Definition: Matrix.h:239
int cols() const
Definition: Matrix.h:329
float T
Definition: Matrix.h:65
bool anyNonZero() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:415
Definition: Matrix.h:289
double normSquared() const
Definition: Matrix.cpp:508
G3D::int16 x
Definition: Vector2int16.h:37

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Matrix G3D::Matrix::zero ( int  R,
int  C 

Returns a new matrix that is all zero.

237  {
238  Impl* A = new Impl(R, C);
239  A->setZero();
240  return Matrix(A);
241 }
Definition: Matrix.h:289

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

int G3D::Matrix::debugNumAllocOps = 0

Incremented every time a new matrix object is allocated. Useful for profiling your own code that uses Matrix to determine when it is slow due to allocation.

int G3D::Matrix::debugNumCopyOps = 0

Incremented every time the elements of a matrix are copied. Useful for profiling your own code that uses Matrix to determine when it is slow due to copying.

ImplRef G3D::Matrix::impl

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: