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G3D::Vector2 Class Reference

#include <Vector2.h>

Public Member Functions

 Vector2 (const Any &any)
Any toAny () const
 Vector2 ()
 Vector2 (class TextInput &t)
 Vector2 (class BinaryInput &b)
 Vector2 (float x, float y)
 Vector2 (float coordinate[2])
 Vector2 (double coordinate[2])
 Vector2 (const Vector2 &other)
 Vector2 (const Vector2int16 &other)
 Vector2 (const Vector2unorm16 &other)
 Vector2 (const Vector2int32 &other)
Vector2operator= (const Any &a)
void serialize (class BinaryOutput &b) const
void deserialize (class BinaryInput &b)
void serialize (class TextOutput &t) const
void deserialize (class TextInput &t)
float & operator[] (int i)
const float & operator[] (int i) const
Vector2operator= (const Vector2 &other)
bool operator== (const Vector2 &other) const
bool operator!= (const Vector2 &other) const
size_t hashCode () const
bool fuzzyEq (const Vector2 &other) const
bool fuzzyNe (const Vector2 &other) const
bool isFinite () const
bool isNaN () const
bool isZero () const
bool isUnit () const
Vector2 operator+ (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 operator- (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 operator* (float s) const
Vector2 pow (float p) const
Vector2 operator* (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 operator/ (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 operator/ (float s) const
Vector2 operator- () const
float sum () const
Vector2 lerp (const Vector2 &v, float alpha) const
Vector2 clamp (const Vector2 &low, const Vector2 &high) const
Vector2 clamp (float low, float high) const
Vector2operator+= (const Vector2 &)
Vector2operator-= (const Vector2 &)
Vector2operator*= (float)
Vector2operator/= (float)
Vector2operator*= (const Vector2 &)
Vector2operator/= (const Vector2 &)
float length () const
Vector2 direction () const
Vector2 directionOrZero () const
Vector2 fastDirection () const
float squaredLength () const
float dot (const Vector2 &s) const
Vector2 abs () const
Vector2 min (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 max (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 maxAbs (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector2 minAbs (const Vector2 &v) const
std::string toString () const
Vector2 xx () const
Vector2 yx () const
Vector2 xy () const
Vector2 yy () const
Vector3 xxx () const
Vector3 yxx () const
Vector3 xyx () const
Vector3 yyx () const
Vector3 xxy () const
Vector3 yxy () const
Vector3 xyy () const
Vector3 yyy () const
Vector4 xxxx () const
Vector4 yxxx () const
Vector4 xyxx () const
Vector4 yyxx () const
Vector4 xxyx () const
Vector4 yxyx () const
Vector4 xyyx () const
Vector4 yyyx () const
Vector4 xxxy () const
Vector4 yxxy () const
Vector4 xyxy () const
Vector4 yyxy () const
Vector4 xxyy () const
Vector4 yxyy () const
Vector4 xyyy () const
Vector4 yyyy () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector2 random (Random &r=Random::common())
static const Vector2zero ()
static const Vector2one ()
static const Vector2unitX ()
static const Vector2unitY ()
static const Vector2inf ()
static const Vector2nan ()
static const Vector2minFinite ()
static const Vector2maxFinite ()

Public Attributes

float x
float y

Private Member Functions

bool operator< (const Vector2 &) const
bool operator> (const Vector2 &) const
bool operator<= (const Vector2 &) const
bool operator>= (const Vector2 &) const

Detailed Description

Do not subclass– this implementation makes assumptions about the memory layout.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( const Any any)
anyMust either Vector2(#, #) or Vector2 {x = #, y = #}
33  {
34  any.verifyName("Vector2", "Point2");
35  any.verifyType(Any::TABLE, Any::ARRAY);
36  any.verifySize(2);
38  if (any.type() == Any::ARRAY) {
39  x = any[0];
40  y = any[1];
41  } else {
42  // Table
43  x = any["x"];
44  y = any["y"];
45  }
46 }
Definition: Any.h:187
bool any(float x)
Definition: g3dmath.h:424
Definition: Any.h:187
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( )

Creates the zero vector

282  : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) {
283 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( class TextInput t)
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( class BinaryInput b)
114  {
115  deserialize(b);
116 }
void deserialize(class BinaryInput &b)
Definition: Vector2.cpp:119

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( float  x,
float  y 
286  : x(_x), y(_y) {
287 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( float  coordinate[2])
290  {
291  x = afCoordinate[0];
292  y = afCoordinate[1];
293 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( double  coordinate[2])
297  {
298  x = (float)afCoordinate[0];
299  y = (float)afCoordinate[1];
300 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( const Vector2 other)
303  {
304  x = rkVector.x;
305  y = rkVector.y;
306 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( const Vector2int16 other)
309  : x(v.x), y(v.y) {
310 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( const Vector2unorm16 other)
311  : x(float(v.x)), y(float(v.y)) {
312 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
G3D::Vector2::Vector2 ( const Vector2int32 other)
29  : x((float)other.x), y((float)other.y) {
30 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

Member Function Documentation

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::abs ( ) const

Componentwise absolute value

184  {
185  return Vector2(fabs(x), fabs(y));
186  }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::clamp ( const Vector2 low,
const Vector2 high 
) const
137  {
138  return Vector2(
139  G3D::clamp(x, low.x, high.x),
140  G3D::clamp(y, low.y, high.y));
141  }
double clamp(double val, double low, double hi)
Definition: g3dmath.h:571
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::clamp ( float  low,
float  high 
) const
143  {
144  return Vector2(
145  (float)G3D::clamp(x, low, high),
146  (float)G3D::clamp(y, low, high));
147  }
double clamp(double val, double low, double hi)
Definition: g3dmath.h:571
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::Vector2::deserialize ( class BinaryInput b)
119  {
120  x = b.readFloat32();
121  y = b.readFloat32();
122 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Vector2::deserialize ( class TextInput t)
131  {
132  t.readSymbol("(");
133  x = (float)t.readNumber();
134  t.readSymbol(",");
135  y = (float)t.readNumber();
136  t.readSymbol(")");
137 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::direction ( ) const

Returns a unit-length version of this vector. Returns nan if length is almost zero.

424  {
425  float lenSquared = x * x + y * y;
427  if (lenSquared != 1.0f) {
428  return *this / sqrtf(lenSquared);
429  } else {
430  return *this;
431  }
432 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::directionOrZero ( ) const

Returns Vector2::zero() is magnitude is almost zero, otherwise returns unit-length vector.

434  {
435  float mag = length();
436  if (mag < 0.0000001f) {
437  return Vector2::zero();
438  } else if (mag < 1.00001f && mag > 0.99999f) {
439  return *this;
440  } else {
441  return *this * (1.0f / mag);
442  }
443 }
float length() const
Definition: Vector2.h:419
static const Vector2 & zero()
Definition: Vector2.cpp:67

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float G3D::Vector2::dot ( const Vector2 s) const
446  {
447  return x*rkVector.x + y*rkVector.y;
448 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::fastDirection ( ) const

Potentially less accurate but faster than direction(). Only works if System::hasSSE is true.

176  {
177  return direction();
178  }
Vector2 direction() const
Definition: Vector2.h:424

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool G3D::Vector2::fuzzyEq ( const Vector2 other) const
464  {
465  return G3D::fuzzyEq((*this - other).squaredLength(), 0);
466 }
float squaredLength() const
Definition: Vector2.h:414
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool G3D::Vector2::fuzzyNe ( const Vector2 other) const
470  {
471  return G3D::fuzzyNe((*this - other).squaredLength(), 0);
472 }
bool fuzzyNe(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:861
float squaredLength() const
Definition: Vector2.h:414

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

size_t G3D::Vector2::hashCode ( ) const
106  {
107  unsigned int xhash = (*(int*)(void*)(&x));
108  unsigned int yhash = (*(int*)(void*)(&y));
110  return xhash + (yhash * 37);
111 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::inf ( )
82  {
83  static Vector2 v(G3D::finf(), G3D::finf());
84  return v;
85 }
float finf()
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:71
Definition: Vector2.h:282

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::Vector2::isFinite ( ) const

Returns true if this vector has finite length

476  {
477  return G3D::isFinite(x) && G3D::isFinite(y);
478 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
bool isFinite(double x)
Definition: g3dmath.h:525

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::Vector2::isNaN ( ) const

True if any field is NaN

95  {
96  return G3D::isNaN(x) || G3D::isNaN(y);
97  }
bool isNaN(double x)
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:56
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::Vector2::isUnit ( ) const

Returns true if this vector has length == 1

488  {
489  return G3D::fuzzyEq(squaredLength(), 1.0f);
490 }
float squaredLength() const
Definition: Vector2.h:414
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool G3D::Vector2::isZero ( ) const

Returns true if this vector has length == 0

482  {
483  return G3D::fuzzyEq(fabsf(x) + fabsf(y), 0.0f);
484 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
bool fuzzyEq(double a, double b)
Definition: g3dmath.h:857

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float G3D::Vector2::length ( ) const

Magnitude of the vector

419  {
420  return sqrtf(x*x + y*y);
421 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::lerp ( const Vector2 v,
float  alpha 
) const

Linear interpolation

133  {
134  return (*this) + (v - *this) * alpha;
135  }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::max ( const Vector2 v) const

Component-wise maximum

458  {
459  return Vector2(G3D::max(v.x, x), G3D::max(v.y, y));
460 }
T max(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:320
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::maxAbs ( const Vector2 v) const

Component-wise argmax(abs(), v.abs()).

For the larger magnitude vector, simply use (a.squaredMagnitude() > b.squaredMagnitude) ? a : b.

See also
199  {
200  return Vector2(::fabsf(x) > ::fabsf(v.x) ? x : v.x, ::fabsf(y) > ::fabsf(v.y) ? y : v.y);
201  }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::maxFinite ( )

Largest representable vector

100  {
101  static Vector2 v(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
102  return v;
103 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::min ( const Vector2 v) const

Component-wise minimum

452  {
453  return Vector2(G3D::min(v.x, x), G3D::min(v.y, y));
454 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
T min(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:305
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::minAbs ( const Vector2 v) const

Component-wise argmin(abs(), v.abs()).

For the smaller magnitude vector, simply use (a.squaredMagnitude() < b.squaredMagnitude) ? a : b.

See also
208  {
209  return Vector2(::fabsf(x) < ::fabsf(v.x) ? x : v.x, ::fabsf(y) < ::fabsf(v.y) ? y : v.y);
210  }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::minFinite ( )

smallest (most negative) representable vector

94  {
95  static Vector2 v(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
96  return v;
97 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282
const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::nan ( )
88  {
89  static Vector2 v(G3D::fnan(), G3D::fnan());
90  return v;
91 }
float fnan()
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:82
Definition: Vector2.h:282

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::one ( )
62  {
63  static const Vector2 v(1, 1); return v;
64 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282
bool G3D::Vector2::operator!= ( const Vector2 other) const
336  {
337  return ( x != rkVector.x || y != rkVector.y);
338 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator* ( float  s) const
351  {
352  return Vector2(fScalar*x, fScalar*y);
353 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator* ( const Vector2 v) const

Array (pointwise) multiplication

403  {
404  return Vector2(x * rkVector.x, y * rkVector.y);
405 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator*= ( float  fScalar)
379  {
380  x *= fScalar;
381  y *= fScalar;
382  return *this;
383 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator*= ( const Vector2 rkVector)
388  {
389  x *= rkVector.x;
390  y *= rkVector.y;
391  return *this;
392 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator+ ( const Vector2 v) const
341  {
342  return Vector2(x + rkVector.x, y + rkVector.y);
343 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator+= ( const Vector2 rkVector)
363  {
364  x += rkVector.x;
365  y += rkVector.y;
366  return *this;
367 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator- ( const Vector2 v) const
346  {
347  return Vector2(x - rkVector.x, y - rkVector.y);
348 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator- ( ) const

Unary minus

357  {
358  return Vector2( -x, -y);
359 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator-= ( const Vector2 rkVector)
371  {
372  x -= rkVector.x;
373  y -= rkVector.y;
374  return *this;
375 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator/ ( const Vector2 v) const

Array division

409  {
410  return Vector2(x / rkVector.x, y / rkVector.y);
411 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::operator/ ( float  s) const
162  {
163  return *this * (1.0f / k);
164 }
Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator/= ( float  k)
166  {
167  this->x /= k;
168  this->y /= k;
169  return *this;
170 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator/= ( const Vector2 rkVector)
396  {
397  x /= rkVector.x;
398  y /= rkVector.y;
399  return *this;
400 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
bool G3D::Vector2::operator< ( const Vector2 ) const
bool G3D::Vector2::operator<= ( const Vector2 ) const
Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator= ( const Any a)
49  {
50  *this = Vector2(a);
51  return *this;
52 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::operator= ( const Vector2 other)
324  {
325  x = rkVector.x;
326  y = rkVector.y;
327  return *this;
328 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
bool G3D::Vector2::operator== ( const Vector2 other) const
331  {
332  return ( x == rkVector.x && y == rkVector.y);
333 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
bool G3D::Vector2::operator> ( const Vector2 ) const
bool G3D::Vector2::operator>= ( const Vector2 ) const
float & G3D::Vector2::operator[] ( int  i)
314  {
315  return ((float*)this)[i];
316 }
const float & G3D::Vector2::operator[] ( int  i) const
319  {
320  return ((float*)this)[i];
321 }
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::pow ( float  p) const

Raise each component of this vector to a power

111  {
112  return Vector2(powf(x, p), powf(y, p));
113  }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector2 G3D::Vector2::random ( G3D::Random r = Random::common())

Uniformly distributed random vector on the unit sphere

150  {
151  Vector2 result;
153  do {
154  result = Vector2(r.uniform(-1, 1), r.uniform(-1, 1));
156  } while (result.squaredLength() >= 1.0f);
158  return result.direction();
159 }
virtual float uniform(float low, float high)
Definition: Random.h:113
Definition: Vector2.h:282

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::Vector2::serialize ( class BinaryOutput b) const
125  {
126  b.writeFloat32(x);
127  b.writeFloat32(y);
128 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::Vector2::serialize ( class TextOutput t) const
140  {
141  t.writeSymbol("(");
142  t.writeNumber(x);
143  t.writeSymbol(",");
144  t.writeNumber(y);
145  t.writeSymbol(")");
146 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

float G3D::Vector2::squaredLength ( ) const
414  {
415  return x*x + y*y;
416 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

float G3D::Vector2::sum ( ) const

x + y

126  {
127  return x + y;
128  }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Any G3D::Vector2::toAny ( ) const

Converts the Vector2 to an Any.

55  {
56  Any any(Any::ARRAY, "Vector2");
57  any.append(x, y);
58  return any;
59 }
bool any(float x)
Definition: g3dmath.h:424
Definition: Any.h:187
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string G3D::Vector2::toString ( ) const
175  {
176  return G3D::format("(%g, %g)", x, y);
177 }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
std::string __cdecl format(const char *fmt...) G3D_CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::unitX ( )
72  {
73  static Vector2 v(1, 0);
74  return v;
75 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282
const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::unitY ( )
77  {
78  static Vector2 v(0, 1);
79  return v;
80 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::xx ( ) const
181 { return Vector2 (x, x); }
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector3 G3D::Vector2::xxx ( ) const
188 { return Vector3 (x, x, x); }
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xxxx ( ) const
199 { return Vector4 (x, x, x, x); }
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xxxy ( ) const
207 { return Vector4 (x, x, x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector3 G3D::Vector2::xxy ( ) const
192 { return Vector3 (x, x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xxyx ( ) const
203 { return Vector4 (x, x, y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xxyy ( ) const
211 { return Vector4 (x, x, y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::xy ( ) const
183 { return Vector2 (x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector3 G3D::Vector2::xyx ( ) const
190 { return Vector3 (x, y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xyxx ( ) const
201 { return Vector4 (x, y, x, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xyxy ( ) const
209 { return Vector4 (x, y, x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector3 G3D::Vector2::xyy ( ) const
194 { return Vector3 (x, y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xyyx ( ) const
205 { return Vector4 (x, y, y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::xyyy ( ) const
213 { return Vector4 (x, y, y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::yx ( ) const
182 { return Vector2 (y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Vector3 G3D::Vector2::yxx ( ) const
189 { return Vector3 (y, x, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yxxx ( ) const
200 { return Vector4 (y, x, x, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yxxy ( ) const
208 { return Vector4 (y, x, x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector3 G3D::Vector2::yxy ( ) const
193 { return Vector3 (y, x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yxyx ( ) const
204 { return Vector4 (y, x, y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yxyy ( ) const
212 { return Vector4 (y, x, y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector2 G3D::Vector2::yy ( ) const
184 { return Vector2 (y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Definition: Vector2.h:282

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector3 G3D::Vector2::yyx ( ) const
191 { return Vector3 (y, y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yyxx ( ) const
202 { return Vector4 (y, y, x, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yyxy ( ) const
210 { return Vector4 (y, y, x, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector3 G3D::Vector2::yyy ( ) const
195 { return Vector3 (y, y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yyyx ( ) const
206 { return Vector4 (y, y, y, x); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
float x
Definition: Vector2.h:49
Vector4 G3D::Vector2::yyyy ( ) const
214 { return Vector4 (y, y, y, y); }
float y
Definition: Vector2.h:50
const Vector2 & G3D::Vector2::zero ( )
67  {
68  static Vector2 v(0, 0);
69  return v;
70 }
Definition: Vector2.h:282

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

float G3D::Vector2::x
float G3D::Vector2::y

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: