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Deprecated List
Member G3D::Array< T, MIN_ELEMENTS >::deleteAll ()
Member G3D::Array< T, MIN_ELEMENTS >::fastClear ()
Class G3D::CollisionDetection
Routines moving to the G3D::Intersect class in G3D 9.0
Member G3D::Color1::operator+ (const float other) const
Member G3D::Color1::operator- (const float other) const
Class G3D::Conduit
Member G3D::CoordinateFrame::toXML () const
Member G3D::GameTime
use SimTime
Member G3D::gaussRandom (float mean=0.0f, float stdev=1.0f)
See also
Member G3D::ImageFormat::conversionAvailable (const ImageFormat *srcFormat, int srcRowPadBits, const ImageFormat *dstFormat, int dstRowPadBits, bool invertY=false)
See also
Member G3D::ImageFormat::convert (const Array< const void * > &srcBytes, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, const ImageFormat *srcFormat, int srcRowPadBits, const Array< void * > &dstBytes, const ImageFormat *dstFormat, int dstRowPadBits, bool invertY=false, BayerAlgorithm bayerAlg=BayerAlgorithm::MHC)
See also
Member G3D::iMax (int x, int y)
use G3D::min
Member G3D::iMin (int x, int y)
use G3D::min
Member G3D::iRandom (int low, int hi)
Use Random::integer
Member G3D::license ()
Use System::license
Class G3D::LightweightConduit
Member G3D::MeshAlg::computeAdjacency (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< int > &indexArray, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Array< int > > &facesAdjacentToVertex)
Use the other version of computeAdjacency, which takes Array<Vertex>.
facesAdjacentToVertexOutput adjacentFaceArray[v] is an array of indices for faces touching vertex index v
Member G3D::MeshAlg::computeNormals (const Array< Vector3 > &vertexArray, const Array< Face > &faceArray, const Array< Array< int > > &adjacentFaceArray, Array< Vector3 > &vertexNormalArray, Array< Vector3 > &faceNormalArray)
Member G3D::MeshAlg::computeWeld (const Array< Vector3 > &oldVertexPositions, Array< Vector3 > &newVertexPositions, Array< int > &toNew, Array< int > &toOld, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)
Use weld.
Member G3D::MeshAlg::Primitive
Member G3D::MeshAlg::weldAdjacency (const Array< Vector3 > &originalGeometry, Array< Face > &faceArray, Array< Edge > &edgeArray, Array< Vertex > &vertexArray, float radius=fuzzyEpsilon32)
Use weld.
Member G3D::MeshEdgeTable::Iterator::hasMore () const
Use isValid
Member G3D::NetAddress::broadcastAddress (uint16 port)
Use G3D::NetworkDevice::broadcastAddressArray()
Class G3D::NetListener
Class G3D::NetworkDevice
Member G3D::NetworkDevice::localHostAddresses (Array< NetAddress > &array) const
Use adapterArray()
Member G3D::pathConcat (const std::string &dirname, const std::string &file)
Use FilePath::concat
Member G3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::beginSphereIntersection (const Sphere &sphere) const
See also
Member G3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::BoxIterator::hasMore () const
Use isValid
Member G3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::CellIterator::hasMore () const
Use isValid
Member G3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::endSphereIntersection () const
See also
Member G3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator::hasMore () const
Use isValid
Member G3D::PointHashGrid< Value, PosFunc, EqualsFunc >::SphereIterator::hasMore () const
use isValid
Member G3D::Rect2D::border (float delta) const
See also
Class G3D::ReliableConduit
Member G3D::rsqrt (double x)
Use rsq
Member G3D::rsqrt (float x)
Use rsq
Member G3D::Set< T, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator::hasMore () const
Use isValid
Member G3D::Sphere::culledBy (const class Plane *plane, int numPlanes, int32 &cullingPlaneIndex=dummy, const uint32 testMask=0xFFFFFFFF) const
Use culledBy(Array<Plane>&)
Member G3D::Sphere::culledBy (const class Plane *plane, int numPlanes, int32 &cullingPlaneIndex, const uint32 testMask, uint32 &childMask) const
Use culledBy(Array<Plane>&)
Member G3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::get (const Key &key) const
Use get(key, val) or getPointer(key)
Member G3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::getKeys () const
Member G3D::Table< Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc >::Iterator::hasMore () const
Use isValid
Member G3D::TextInput::TokenException::sourceFile
Use filename
Member G3D::uniformRandom (float low=0.0f, float hi=1.0f)
See also