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boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 boss_volkhanAI (Creature *creature)
void Initialize ()
void Reset () override
void EnterCombat (Unit *) override
void AttackStart (Unit *who) override
void JustDied (Unit *) override
void KilledUnit (Unit *who) override
void DespawnGolem ()
void ShatterGolem ()
void JustSummoned (Creature *summoned) override
void JustReachedHome () override
uint32 GetData (uint32 data) const override
void UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from BossAI
 BossAI (Creature *creature, uint32 bossId)
virtual ~BossAI ()
void SummonedCreatureDespawn (Creature *summon) override
virtual void ExecuteEvent (uint32)
virtual void ScheduleTasks ()
bool CanAIAttack (Unit const *target) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ScriptedAI
 ScriptedAI (Creature *creature)
virtual ~ScriptedAI ()
void AttackStartNoMove (Unit *target)
void DamageTaken (Unit *, uint32 &) override
void SpellHit (Unit *, SpellInfo const *) override
void SpellHitTarget (Unit *, SpellInfo const *) override
void OnPossess (bool)
void DoStartMovement (Unit *target, float distance=0.0f, float angle=0.0f)
void DoStartNoMovement (Unit *target)
void DoStopAttack ()
void DoCastSpell (Unit *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, bool triggered=false)
void DoPlaySoundToSet (WorldObject *source, uint32 soundId)
void DoResetThreat ()
float DoGetThreat (Unit *unit)
void DoModifyThreatPercent (Unit *unit, int32 pct)
void DoTeleportTo (float x, float y, float z, uint32 time=0)
void DoTeleportTo (float const pos[4])
void DoTeleportPlayer (Unit *unit, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void DoTeleportAll (float x, float y, float z, float o)
UnitDoSelectLowestHpFriendly (float range, uint32 minHPDiff=1)
std::list< Creature * > DoFindFriendlyCC (float range)
std::list< Creature * > DoFindFriendlyMissingBuff (float range, uint32 spellId)
PlayerGetPlayerAtMinimumRange (float minRange)
CreatureDoSpawnCreature (uint32 entry, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float angle, uint32 type, uint32 despawntime)
bool HealthBelowPct (uint32 pct) const
bool HealthAbovePct (uint32 pct) const
SpellInfo constSelectSpell (Unit *target, uint32 school, uint32 mechanic, SelectTargetType targets, float rangeMin, float rangeMax, SelectEffect effect)
void SetEquipmentSlots (bool loadDefault, int32 mainHand=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE, int32 offHand=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE, int32 ranged=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE)
void SetCombatMovement (bool allowMovement)
bool IsCombatMovementAllowed () const
bool IsHeroic () const
Difficulty GetDifficulty () const
bool Is25ManRaid () const
template<class T >
const T & DUNGEON_MODE (const T &normal5, const T &heroic10) const
template<class T >
const T & RAID_MODE (const T &normal10, const T &normal25) const
template<class T >
const T & RAID_MODE (const T &normal10, const T &normal25, const T &heroic10, const T &heroic25) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI
void Talk (uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr)
 CreatureAI (Creature *creature)
virtual ~CreatureAI ()
void MoveInLineOfSight_Safe (Unit *who)
 == Reactions At ================================= More...
void TriggerAlert (Unit const *who) const
virtual bool CanRespawn ()
virtual void EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER)
virtual void IsSummonedBy (Unit *)
virtual void SummonedCreatureDies (Creature *, Unit *)
virtual void AttackedBy (Unit *)
virtual bool IsEscorted () const
virtual void JustRespawned ()
virtual void MovementInform (uint32, uint32)
void OnCharmed (bool apply) override
void DoZoneInCombat (Creature *creature=NULL, float maxRangeToNearestTarget=50.0f)
virtual void ReceiveEmote (Player *, uint32)
virtual void OwnerAttackedBy (Unit *)
virtual void OwnerAttacked (Unit *)
virtual void CorpseRemoved (uint32 &)
 == Triggered Actions Requested ================== More...
virtual void PassengerBoarded (Unit *, int8, bool)
 == Fields ======================================= More...
virtual void OnSpellClick (Unit *, bool &)
virtual bool CanSeeAlways (WorldObject const *)
int32 VisualizeBoundary (uint32 duration, Unit *owner=nullptr, bool fill=false) const
virtual bool CheckInRoom ()
CreatureBoundary constGetBoundary () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from UnitAI
 UnitAI (Unit *unit)
virtual ~UnitAI ()
virtual void InitializeAI ()
virtual void DoAction (int32)
virtual void SetData (uint32, uint32)
virtual void SetGUID (ObjectGuid, int32=0)
virtual ObjectGuid GetGUID (int32=0) const
UnitSelectTarget (SelectAggroTarget targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, int32 aura=0)
template<class PREDICATE >
UnitSelectTarget (SelectAggroTarget targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate)
void SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectAggroTarget targetType, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, int32 aura=0)
template<class PREDICATE >
void SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, PREDICATE const &predicate, uint32 maxTargets, SelectAggroTarget targetType)
virtual void DamageDealt (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType)
virtual void HealReceived (Unit *, uint32 &)
virtual void HealDone (Unit *, uint32 &)
virtual void SpellInterrupted (uint32, uint32)
void AttackStartCaster (Unit *victim, float dist)
void DoCast (uint32 spellId)
void DoCast (Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false)
void DoCastVictim (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false)
void DoCastAOE (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false)
void DoMeleeAttackIfReady ()
bool DoSpellAttackIfReady (uint32 spellId)
virtual void sGossipHello (Player *)
virtual void sGossipSelect (Player *, uint32, uint32)
virtual void sGossipSelectCode (Player *, uint32, uint32, char const *)
virtual void sQuestAccept (Player *, Quest const *)
virtual void sQuestSelect (Player *, Quest const *)
virtual void sQuestReward (Player *, Quest const *, uint32)
virtual bool sOnDummyEffect (Unit *, uint32, SpellEffIndex)
virtual void sOnGameEvent (bool, uint16)

Private Attributes

GuidList m_lGolemGUIDList
uint32 m_uiHealthAmountModifier
uint8 GolemsShattered
uint32 m_uiDelay_Timer
uint32 m_uiSummonPhase
bool m_bHasTemper
bool m_bIsStriking
bool m_bCanShatterGolem

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CreatureAI
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UnitAI
static void FillAISpellInfo ()
- Public Attributes inherited from BossAI
InstanceScript *const instance
- Public Attributes inherited from ScriptedAI
bool IsFleeing
- Static Public Attributes inherited from UnitAI
static AISpellInfoTypeAISpellInfo
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BossAI
void _Reset ()
void _EnterCombat ()
void _JustDied ()
void _JustReachedHome ()
void _DespawnAtEvade ()
void TeleportCheaters ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI
bool UpdateVictim ()
bool UpdateVictimWithGaze ()
void SetGazeOn (Unit *target)
CreatureDoSummon (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN)
CreatureDoSummon (uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float radius=5.0f, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN)
CreatureDoSummonFlyer (uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float flightZ, float radius=5.0f, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN)
bool CheckBoundary (Position const *who=nullptr) const
void SetBoundary (CreatureBoundary const *boundary)
virtual void MoveInLineOfSight (Unit *)
bool _EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BossAI
EventMap events
SummonList summons
TaskScheduler scheduler
- Protected Attributes inherited from CreatureAI
Creature *const me
CreatureBoundary const_boundary
- Protected Attributes inherited from UnitAI
Unit *const me

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::boss_volkhanAI ( Creature creature)
95  : BossAI(creature, DATA_VOLKHAN)
96  {
97  Initialize();
98  }
void Initialize()
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:100
BossAI(Creature *creature, uint32 bossId)
Definition: ScriptedCreature.cpp:444
Definition: halls_of_lightning.h:30

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::AttackStart ( Unit who)

Reimplemented from ScriptedAI.

133  {
134  if (me->Attack(who, true))
135  {
136  me->AddThreat(who, 0.0f);
137  me->SetInCombatWith(who);
138  who->SetInCombatWith(me);
140  if (!m_bHasTemper)
141  me->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(who);
142  }
143  }
void AddThreat(Unit *victim, float fThreat, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask=SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, SpellInfo const *threatSpell=NULL)
Definition: Unit.cpp:10691
bool Attack(Unit *victim, bool meleeAttack)
Definition: Unit.cpp:7222
void MoveChase(Unit *target, float dist=0.0f, float angle=0.0f)
Definition: MotionMaster.cpp:241
MotionMaster * GetMotionMaster()
Definition: Unit.h:2101
Creature *const me
Definition: CreatureAI.h:71
bool m_bHasTemper
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:355
void SetInCombatWith(Unit *enemy)
Definition: Unit.cpp:9840

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::DespawnGolem ( )
160  {
161  if (m_lGolemGUIDList.empty())
162  return;
164  for (ObjectGuid guid : m_lGolemGUIDList)
165  {
166  if (Creature* temp = ObjectAccessor::GetCreature(*me, guid))
167  if (temp->IsAlive())
168  temp->DespawnOrUnsummon();
169  }
171  m_lGolemGUIDList.clear();
172  }
GuidList m_lGolemGUIDList
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:349
Definition: Creature.h:467
Creature *const me
Definition: CreatureAI.h:71
TC_GAME_API Creature * GetCreature(WorldObject const &u, ObjectGuid const &guid)
Definition: ObjectAccessor.cpp:174
Definition: ObjectGuid.h:189

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::EnterCombat ( Unit )

Reimplemented from BossAI.

123  {
124  Talk(SAY_AGGRO);
129  _EnterCombat();
130  }
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:60
void _EnterCombat()
Definition: ScriptedCreature.cpp:480
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:82
void SetPhase(uint8 phase)
Definition: EventMap.cpp:27
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:62
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:34
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:61
void Talk(uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr)
Definition: CreatureAI.cpp:42
void ScheduleEvent(uint32 eventId, Milliseconds const &time, uint32 group=0, uint8 phase=0)
Definition: EventMap.h:123
Definition: Common.h:103
EventMap events
Definition: ScriptedCreature.h:371

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32 boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::GetData ( uint32  data) const

Reimplemented from UnitAI.

217  {
218  if (data == DATA_SHATTER_RESISTANT)
219  return GolemsShattered;
221  return 0;
222  }
uint8 GolemsShattered
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:351
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:76
void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::Initialize ( void  )
101  {
102  m_bIsStriking = false;
103  m_bHasTemper = false;
104  m_bCanShatterGolem = false;
105  m_uiDelay_Timer = 1000;
106  m_uiSummonPhase = 0;
107  GolemsShattered = 0;
110  }
bool m_bCanShatterGolem
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:357
uint32 m_uiHealthAmountModifier
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:350
bool m_bIsStriking
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:356
uint8 GolemsShattered
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:351
uint32 m_uiDelay_Timer
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:352
bool m_bHasTemper
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:355
uint32 m_uiSummonPhase
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:353

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::JustDied ( Unit )

Reimplemented from BossAI.

146  {
147  Talk(SAY_DEATH);
148  DespawnGolem();
150  _JustDied();
151  }
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:38
void _JustDied()
Definition: ScriptedCreature.cpp:471
void Talk(uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr)
Definition: CreatureAI.cpp:42
void DespawnGolem()
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:159

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::JustReachedHome ( )

Reimplemented from BossAI.

208  {
209  if (m_uiSummonPhase == 2)
210  {
211  me->SetOrientation(2.29f);
212  m_uiSummonPhase = 3;
213  }
214  }
void SetOrientation(float orientation)
Definition: Position.h:99
Creature *const me
Definition: CreatureAI.h:71
uint32 m_uiSummonPhase
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:353

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::JustSummoned ( Creature summoned)

Reimplemented from BossAI.

194  {
195  if (summoned->GetEntry() == NPC_MOLTEN_GOLEM)
196  {
197  m_lGolemGUIDList.push_back(summoned->GetGUID());
199  if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0))
200  summoned->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(target, 0.0f, 0.0f);
202  // Why healing when just summoned?
203  summoned->CastSpell(summoned, SPELL_HEAT, false, NULL, NULL, me->GetGUID());
204  }
205  }
GuidList m_lGolemGUIDList
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:349
MotionMaster * GetMotionMaster()
Definition: Unit.h:2101
arena_t NULL
Definition: jemalloc_internal.h:624
Creature *const me
Definition: CreatureAI.h:71
Definition: UnitAI.h:35
Unit * SelectTarget(SelectAggroTarget targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, int32 aura=0)
Definition: UnitAI.cpp:91
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:45
ObjectGuid const & GetGUID() const
Definition: Object.h:105
uint32 GetEntry() const
Definition: Object.h:107
Definition: Unit.h:1305
void CastSpell(SpellCastTargets const &targets, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, CustomSpellValues const *value, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=NULL, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=NULL, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty)
Definition: Unit.cpp:869
void MoveFollow(Unit *target, float dist, float angle, MovementSlot slot=MOTION_SLOT_ACTIVE)
Definition: MotionMaster.cpp:265
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:73

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::KilledUnit ( Unit who)

Reimplemented from ScriptedAI.

154  {
155  if (who->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
156  Talk(SAY_SLAY);
157  }
TypeID GetTypeId() const
Definition: Object.h:113
void Talk(uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr)
Definition: CreatureAI.cpp:42
Definition: ObjectGuid.h:33
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:37

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::Reset ( )

Reimplemented from BossAI.

113  {
114  Initialize();
115  _Reset();
116  DespawnGolem();
117  m_lGolemGUIDList.clear();
120  }
GuidList m_lGolemGUIDList
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:349
void SetPhase(uint8 phase)
Definition: EventMap.cpp:27
void Initialize()
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:100
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:81
void _Reset()
Definition: ScriptedCreature.cpp:457
void ScheduleEvent(uint32 eventId, Milliseconds const &time, uint32 group=0, uint8 phase=0)
Definition: EventMap.h:123
Definition: Common.h:103
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:63
EventMap events
Definition: ScriptedCreature.h:371
void DespawnGolem()
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:159

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::ShatterGolem ( )
175  {
176  if (m_lGolemGUIDList.empty())
177  return;
179  for (ObjectGuid guid : m_lGolemGUIDList)
180  {
181  if (Creature* temp = ObjectAccessor::GetCreature(*me, guid))
182  {
183  // Only shatter brittle golems
184  if (temp->IsAlive() && temp->GetEntry() == NPC_BRITTLE_GOLEM)
185  {
186  temp->CastSpell(temp, SPELL_SHATTER, false);
187  GolemsShattered += 1;
188  }
189  }
190  }
191  }
GuidList m_lGolemGUIDList
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:349
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:74
Definition: Creature.h:467
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:55
Creature *const me
Definition: CreatureAI.h:71
uint8 GolemsShattered
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:351
TC_GAME_API Creature * GetCreature(WorldObject const &u, ObjectGuid const &guid)
Definition: ObjectAccessor.cpp:174
Definition: ObjectGuid.h:189

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::UpdateAI ( uint32  diff)

Reimplemented from BossAI.

225  {
226  // Return since we have no target and are in CombatPhase
228  return;
230  events.Update(diff);
233  return;
235  while (uint32 eventId = events.ExecuteEvent())
236  {
237  switch (eventId)
238  {
239  case EVENT_PAUSE:
240  if (m_bIsStriking)
241  {
243  if (me->GetVictim())
246  m_bHasTemper = false;
247  m_bIsStriking = false;
249  }
250  break;
253  {
254  // Should he stomp even if he has no brittle golem to shatter?
255  Talk(SAY_STOMP);
261  m_bCanShatterGolem = true;
262  }
263  break;
264  case EVENT_SHATTER:
265  if (m_bCanShatterGolem)
266  {
267  ShatterGolem();
269  m_bCanShatterGolem = false;
270  }
271  break;
275  break;
276  default:
277  break;
278  }
279  }
281  // Health check
283  {
286  if (me->IsNonMeleeSpellCast(false))
287  me->InterruptNonMeleeSpells(false);
289  Talk(SAY_FORGE);
291  m_bHasTemper = true;
293  m_uiSummonPhase = 1;
294  }
296  switch (m_uiSummonPhase)
297  {
298  case 1:
299  // 1 - Start run to Anvil
302  m_uiSummonPhase = 2; // Set Next Phase
303  break;
304  case 2:
305  // 2 - Check if reached Anvil
306  // This is handled in: void JustReachedHome() override
307  break;
308  case 3:
309  // 3 - Cast Temper on the Anvil
310  if (Unit* target = GetClosestCreatureWithEntry(me, NPC_VOLKHAN_ANVIL, 1000.0f, true))
311  {
312  me->SetOrientation(2.29f);
313  DoCast(target, SPELL_TEMPER, false);
314  DoCast(target, SPELL_TEMPER_DUMMY, false);
315  }
316  m_uiDelay_Timer = 1000; // Delay 2 seconds before next phase can begin
317  m_uiSummonPhase = 4; // Set Next Phase
318  break;
319  case 4:
320  // 4 - Wait for delay to expire
321  if (m_uiDelay_Timer <= diff)
322  {
323  if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO, 0))
324  {
326  me->SetInCombatWith(target);
327  me->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(target, 0.0f, 0.0f);
328  }
329  m_uiSummonPhase = 5;
330  }
331  else
332  m_uiDelay_Timer -= diff;
333  break;
334  case 5:
335  // 5 - Spawn the Golems
336  if (Creature* creatureTarget = GetClosestCreatureWithEntry(me, NPC_VOLKHAN_ANVIL, 1000.0f, true))
337  for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_GOLEM; ++i)
338  me->CastSpell(creatureTarget, SPELL_SUMMON_MOLTEN_GOLEM, true);
340  m_bIsStriking = true;
341  m_uiSummonPhase = 0; // Reset back to Phase 0 for next time
342  break;
343  }
346  }
Definition: UnitAI.h:36
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:50
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:60
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:82
bool UpdateVictim()
Definition: CreatureAI.cpp:233
Definition: Unit.h:1131
Definition: Unit.h:565
TC_GAME_API Creature * GetClosestCreatureWithEntry(WorldObject *source, uint32 entry, float maxSearchRange, bool alive)
Definition: ScriptedCreature.cpp:611
bool m_bCanShatterGolem
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:357
void SetOrientation(float orientation)
Definition: Position.h:99
void MoveChase(Unit *target, float dist=0.0f, float angle=0.0f)
Definition: MotionMaster.cpp:241
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:49
uint32 m_uiHealthAmountModifier
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:350
MotionMaster * GetMotionMaster()
Definition: Unit.h:2101
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:62
void MoveTargetedHome()
Definition: MotionMaster.cpp:201
MovementGeneratorType GetCurrentMovementGeneratorType() const
Definition: MotionMaster.cpp:663
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:48
Definition: Creature.h:467
bool IsNonMeleeSpellCast(bool withDelayed, bool skipChanneled=false, bool skipAutorepeat=false, bool isAutoshoot=false, bool skipInstant=true) const
Definition: Unit.cpp:2886
bool IsInPhase(uint8 phase) const
Definition: EventMap.h:290
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:81
Creature *const me
Definition: CreatureAI.h:71
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:36
bool m_bIsStriking
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:356
void ShatterGolem()
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:174
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:46
Unit * GetVictim() const
Definition: Unit.h:1379
bool HealthBelowPct(int32 pct) const
Definition: Unit.h:1430
Unit * SelectTarget(SelectAggroTarget targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, int32 aura=0)
Definition: UnitAI.cpp:91
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
void DoCast(uint32 spellId)
Definition: UnitAI.cpp:101
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:61
void Talk(uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr)
Definition: CreatureAI.cpp:42
void ScheduleEvent(uint32 eventId, Milliseconds const &time, uint32 group=0, uint8 phase=0)
Definition: EventMap.h:123
uint32 m_uiDelay_Timer
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:352
void Update(uint32 time)
Definition: EventMap.h:54
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:39
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:35
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:47
Definition: Common.h:103
void InterruptNonMeleeSpells(bool withDelayed, uint32 spellid=0, bool withInstant=true)
Definition: Unit.cpp:2916
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:63
uint32 ExecuteEvent()
Definition: EventMap.cpp:46
void DoMeleeAttackIfReady()
Definition: UnitAI.cpp:49
bool HasUnitState(const uint32 f) const
Definition: Unit.h:1395
uint8_t uint8
Definition: Define.h:152
EventMap events
Definition: ScriptedCreature.h:371
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:72
bool m_bHasTemper
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:355
uint32 m_uiSummonPhase
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:353
Definition: MotionMaster.h:43
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:40
Definition: Unit.h:1305
void SetReactState(ReactStates st)
Definition: Creature.h:502
void CastSpell(SpellCastTargets const &targets, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, CustomSpellValues const *value, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=NULL, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=NULL, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty)
Definition: Unit.cpp:869
Definition: boss_volkhan.cpp:75
void SetInCombatWith(Unit *enemy)
Definition: Unit.cpp:9840
void MoveFollow(Unit *target, float dist, float angle, MovementSlot slot=MOTION_SLOT_ACTIVE)
Definition: MotionMaster.cpp:265

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

uint8 boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::GolemsShattered
bool boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_bCanShatterGolem
bool boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_bHasTemper
bool boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_bIsStriking
GuidList boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_lGolemGUIDList
uint32 boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_uiDelay_Timer
uint32 boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_uiHealthAmountModifier
uint32 boss_volkhan::boss_volkhanAI::m_uiSummonPhase

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: