11.2. User and group shared folders

If file sharing module is installed and enabled in eBox, you may want to share files among users within the same group or publish files within the local network. To achieve so, you should go into Users and edit the user which can publish files on the local network. There, you can enable this user to do so and , furthermore, you can set him administrative rights to add machines to the domain, if the working mode is PDC. Check User accounts to know more about the eBox user configuration.

If you want to share a directory among the users within a group, you should reach Groups and edit the group you want. There you can set a name to that directory.


The current file permission allows to read, write and execute a file to the owner and read and write to the group. Regarding to subdirectories, the setgid bit is set, so subdirectories group owner will be the group. Furthermore, the new subdirectories will have full access to the group.