Interfacepublic interface ISWFBridgeProvider
Implementors SystemManager, WindowedSystemManager

An implementor of ISWFBridgeProvider provides a bridge to an application in a different security sandbox or to an application that was compiled with a different version of the Flex compiler and is running in a separate ApplicationDomain. This interface lets a caller get a bridge to that application. Once the caller has the bridge, it can then dispatch events to the application.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  childAllowsParent : Boolean
[read-only] Tests if the child allows its parent to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the child.
  parentAllowsChild : Boolean
[read-only] Tests if the parent allows its child to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the parent.
  swfBridge : IEventDispatcher
[read-only] A bridge to the application that is associated with the implementor of this interface.
Property Detail
childAllowsParent:Boolean  [read-only]

Tests if the child allows its parent to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the child. true if access if allowed; otherwise false.

    public function get childAllowsParent():Boolean
parentAllowsChild:Boolean  [read-only]

Tests if the parent allows its child to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the parent. true if access if allowed; otherwise false.

    public function get parentAllowsChild():Boolean
swfBridge:IEventDispatcher  [read-only]

A bridge to the application that is associated with the implementor of this interface. The IEventDispatcher that can be used to send events to an application in a different ApplicationDomain or a different sandbox.

    public function get swfBridge():IEventDispatcher