The mx.core package contains the base classes and interfaces, such as UIComponent, used by Flex.
Interface | Description | |
IBorder | The IBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for border skins should implement. | |
IButton | The IButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a button. | |
IChildList | The IChildList interface defines the properties and methods for accessing and manipulating child lists, which are subsets of a DisplayObjectContainer's children. | |
IConstraintClient | The IConstraintClient interface defines the interface for components that support layout constraints. | |
IContainer | IContainer is a interface that indicates a component extends or mimics mx.core.Container | |
IDataRenderer | The IDataRenderer interface defines the interface for components that have a data property. | |
IDeferredInstance | The IDeferredInstance interface defines the Flex deferred instance factory interface. | |
IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent | The IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent interface defines the interface for a component or object that defers instantiation. | |
IFactory | The IFactory interface defines the interface that factory classes such as ClassFactory must implement. | |
IFlexAsset | IFlexAsset is a marker interface with the following meaning: if a class declares that it implements IFlexAsset, then that class represents an asset -- such as a bitmap, a font, or a sound -- that has been embedded in a Flex application. | |
IFlexDisplayObject | The IFlexDisplayObject interface defines the interface for skin elements. | |
IFlexModule | The IFlexModule interface is used as an optional contract with IFlexModuleFactory. | |
IFlexModuleFactory | The IFlexModuleFactory interface represents the contract expected for bootstrapping Flex applications and dynamically loaded modules. | |
IFontContextComponent | Allows a component to support a font context property. | |
IIMESupport | The IIMESupport interface defines the interface for any component that supports IME (input method editor). | |
IInvalidating | The IInvalidating interface defines the interface for components that use invalidation to do delayed -- rather than immediate -- property commitment, measurement, drawing, and layout. | |
IMXMLObject | The IMXMLObject interface defines the APIs that a non-visual component must implement in order to work properly with the MXML compiler. | |
IProgrammaticSkin | The IProgrammaticSkin interface defines the interface that skin classes must implement if they use the name property skin interface. | |
IPropertyChangeNotifier | The IPropertyChangeNotifier interface defines a marker interface. | |
IRawChildrenContainer | The IRawChildrenContainer interface defines the APIs for containers that can return an IChildList that represents all their children. | |
IRectangularBorder | The IRectangularBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for rectangular border skins should implement. | |
IRepeater | The IRepeater interface defines the APIs for Repeater public APIs of the Repeater object. | |
IRepeaterClient | The IRepeaterClient interface defines the APIs for components that can have multiple instances created by a Repeater. | |
IStateClient | The IStateClient interface defines the interface that components must implement to support view states. | |
ISWFBridgeGroup | A sandbox bridge group is a group of bridges that represent applications that this application can communicate with. | |
ISWFBridgeProvider | An implementor of ISWFBridgeProvider provides a bridge to an application in a different security sandbox or to an application that was compiled with a different version of the Flex compiler and is running in a separate ApplicationDomain. | |
ISWFLoader | The ISWFLoader interface defines an API with special properties and method required when loading compatible applications and untrusted applications. | |
IToggleButton | The IToggleButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a toggleable button. | |
IToolTip | The IToolTip interface defines the API that tooltip-like components must implement in order to work with the ToolTipManager. | |
IUIComponent | The IUIComponent interface defines the basic set of APIs that you must implement to create a child of a Flex container or list. | |
IUID | The IUID interface defines the interface for objects that must have Unique Identifiers (UIDs) to uniquely identify the object. | |
IUITextField | The IUITextField interface defines the basic set of APIs for UITextField instances. | |
IWindow ![]() | The IWindow interface defines the API for components that serve as top-level containers in Flex-based AIR applications (containers that represent operating system windows). |
Class | Description | |
Application | Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container. | |
BitmapAsset | BitmapAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Bitmap class which represents bitmap images that you embed in a Flex application. | |
ButtonAsset | ButtonAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.SimpleButton class which represents button symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash. | |
ByteArrayAsset | ByteArrayAsset is a subclass of the flash.utils.ByteArray class which represents an arbitrary sequence of byte data that you embed in a Flex application. | |
ClassFactory | A ClassFactory instance is a "factory object" which Flex uses to generate instances of another class, each with identical properties. | |
ComponentDescriptor | ComponentDescriptor is the base class for the UIComponentDescriptor class, which encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. | |
Container | The Container class is an abstract base class for components that controls the layout characteristics of child components. | |
ContainerCreationPolicy | The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the creationPolicy property of the Container class. | |
ContainerLayout | The ContainerLayout class defines the constant values for the layout property of container classes. | |
ContextualClassFactory | A class factory that provides a system manager as a context of where the class should be created. | |
DeferredInstanceFromClass | A deferred instance factory that creates and returns an instance of a specified class. | |
DeferredInstanceFromFunction | A deferred instance factory that uses a generator function to create an instance of the required object. | |
DragSource | The DragSource class contains the data being dragged. | |
EdgeMetrics | The EdgeMetrics class specifies the thickness, in pixels, of the four edge regions around a visual component. | |
EventPriority | The EventPriority class defines constant values for the priority argument of the addEventListener() method of EventDispatcher. | |
FlexBitmap | FlexBitmap is a subclass of the Player's Bitmap class. | |
FlexHTMLLoader ![]() | FlexHTMLLoader is a subclass of the Player's HTMLLoader class used by the Flex HTML control. | |
FlexMovieClip | FlexMovieClip is a subclass of the Player's MovieClip class. | |
FlexShape | FlexShape is a subclass of the Player's Shape class. | |
FlexSimpleButton | FlexSimpleButton is a subclass of the Player's SimpleButton class. | |
FlexSprite | FlexSprite is a subclass of the Player's Sprite class and the superclass of UIComponent. | |
FlexTextField | FlexTextField is a subclass of the Player's TextField class and the superclass of UITextField. | |
FlexVersion | This class controls the backward-compatibility of the framework. | |
FontAsset | FontAsset is a subclass of the flash.text.Font class which represents fonts that you embed in a Flex application. | |
LayoutContainer | Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your module or Application without explicitly defining another container. | |
MovieClipAsset | MovieClipAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.MovieClip class which represents movieclip symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash. | |
MovieClipLoaderAsset | MovieClipLoaderAsset is a subclass of the MovieClipAsset class which represents SWF files that you embed in a Flex application. | |
Repeater | The Repeater class is the runtime object that corresponds to the <mx:Repeater> tag. | |
ScrollControlBase | The ScrollControlBase class is the base class for controls with scroll bars. | |
ScrollPolicy | Values for the horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy properties of the Container and ScrollControlBase classes. | |
SoundAsset | SoundAsset is a subclass of the class which represents sounds that you embed in a Flex application. | |
SpriteAsset | SpriteAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Sprite class which represents vector graphic images that you embed in a Flex application. | |
SWFBridgeGroup | A SWFBridgeGroup represents all of the sandbox bridges that an application needs to communicate with its parent and children. | |
TextFieldAsset | TextFieldAsset is a subclass of the flash.text.TextField class which represents TextField symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash. | |
UIComponent | The UIComponent class is the base class for all visual components, both interactive and noninteractive. | |
UIComponentCachePolicy | The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the cachePolicy property of the UIComponent class. | |
UIComponentDescriptor | A UIComponentDescriptor instance encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. | |
UITextField | The UITextField class defines the component used by many Flex components to display text. | |
UITextFormat | The UITextFormat class represents character formatting information for the UITextField class. | |
Window ![]() | The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application. | |
WindowedApplication ![]() | The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications. |