Top level or global functions are available in any part of a SWF file where ActionScript is used, or in any user-defined class. Most of the global functions from ActionScript 2.0 have been migrated into classes.
Global Methods
 FunctionDefined By
Creates a new array.
Top Level
Converts the expression parameter to a Boolean value and returns the value.
Top Level
Decodes an encoded URI into a string.
Top Level
Decodes an encoded URI component into a string.
Top Level
Encodes a string into a valid URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
Top Level
Encodes a string into a valid URI component.
Top Level
Converts the parameter to a string and encodes it in a URL-encoded format, where most nonalphanumeric characters are replaced with % hexadecimal sequences.
Top Level
Converts a given numeric value to an integer value.
Top Level
Returns true if the value is a finite number, or false if the value is Infinity or -Infinity.
Top Level
Returns true if the value is NaN(not a number).
Top Level
Determines whether the specified string is a valid name for an XML element or attribute.
Top Level
Converts a given value to a Number value.
Top Level
Every value in ActionScript 3.0 is an object, which means that calling Object() on a value returns that value.
Top Level
Converts a string to a floating-point number.
Top Level
parseInt(str:String, radix:uint = 0):Number
Converts a string to an integer.
Top Level
Returns a string representation of the specified parameter.
Top Level
trace(... arguments):void
Displays expressions, or writes to log files, while debugging.
Top Level
trace(... args):void
Displays expressions, or writes to log files, while debugging.
Top Level
Converts a given numeric value to an unsigned integer value.
Top Level
Evaluates the parameter str as a string, decodes the string from URL-encoded format (converting all hexadecimal sequences to ASCII characters), and returns the string.
Top Level
Creates a new Vector instance whose elements are instances of the specified data type.
Top Level
Converts an object to an XML object.
Top Level
Converts an object to an XMLList object.
Top Level

Top level or global constants are available in every script, and are visible to every Timeline and scope in your document.
Global Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  Infinity : Number
A special value representing positive Infinity.
Top Level
  -Infinity : Number
A special value representing negative Infinity.
Top Level
  NaN : Number
A special member of the Number data type that represents a value that is "not a number" (NaN).
Top Level
  undefined : *
A special value that applies to untyped variables that have not been initialized or dynamic object properties that are not initialized.
Top Level
Constant Detail
public const Infinity:Number

A special value representing positive Infinity. The value of this constant is the same as Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

See also


The result of division by 0 is Infinity, but only when the divisor is a positive number.

trace(0 / 0);  // NaN
trace(7 / 0);  // Infinity
trace(-7 / 0); // -Infinity

public const -Infinity:Number

A special value representing negative Infinity. The value of this constant is the same as Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

See also


The result of division by 0 is -Infinity, but only when the divisor is a negative number.

trace(0 / 0);  // NaN
trace(7 / 0);  // Infinity
trace(-7 / 0); // -Infinity

public const NaN:Number

A special member of the Number data type that represents a value that is "not a number" (NaN). When a mathematical expression results in a value that cannot be expressed as a number, the result is NaN. The following list describes common expressions that result in NaN.

The NaN value is not a member of the int or uint data types.

The NaN value is not considered equal to any other value, including NaN, which makes it impossible to use the equality operator to test whether an expression is NaN. To determine whether a number is the NaN function, use isNaN().

See also

public const undefined:*

A special value that applies to untyped variables that have not been initialized or dynamic object properties that are not initialized. In ActionScript 3.0, only variables that are untyped can hold the value undefined, which is not true in ActionScript 1.0 and ActionScript 2.0. For example, both of the following variables are undefined because they are untyped and unitialized:

The undefined value also applies to uninitialized or undefined properties of dynamic objects. For example, if an object is an instance of the Object class, the value of any dynamically added property is undefined until a value is assigned to that property.

Results vary when undefined is used with various functions:

Do not confuse undefined with null. When null and undefined are compared with the equality (==) operator, they compare as equal. However, when null and undefined are compared with the strict equality (===) operator, they compare as not equal.

See also


In the following example, an untyped variable, myVar is declared but not initialized. The value of myVar is undefined because the variable is untyped. This is true whether the variable has no type annotation or uses the special (*) untyped annotation (var myVar:*;).

// trace value of untyped and uninitialized variable
var myVar;
trace(myVar); // undefined

The same rule applies to uninitialized properties of a dynamic object. For example, given an instance, obj, of the dynamic class A, the value of obj.propName, which is an uninitialized property of the obj instance, is undefined.

dynamic class A {}
var obj:A = new A()

// trace undefined property of obj
trace(obj.propName); // undefined

Function detail
public function Array(... args):Array

Creates a new array. The array can be of length zero or more, or an array populated by a list of specified elements, possibly of different data types. The number and data type of the arguments you use determine the contents of the returned array.

Using the Array() function is similar to creating an array with the Array class constructor.

Use the as operator for explicit type conversion, or type casting, when the argument is not a primitive value. For more information, see the Example section of this entry.


... args — You can pass no arguments for an empty array, a single integer argument for an array of a specific length, or a series of comma-separated values of various types for an array populated with those values.

Array — An array of length zero or more.

See also


The following example demonstrates the behavior of the Array() function when an argument is not a primitive value. A common use case of casting to an array is the conversion of an Object instance that stores its values in array format. If Array() is called with an argument of type Object, or any other non-primitive data type, a reference to the object is stored in an element of the new array. In other words, if the only argument passed is an object, a reference to that object becomes the first element of the new array.
var obj:Object = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
var newArray:Array = Array( obj );

trace(newArray == obj);    // false
trace(newArray[0] == obj); // true
trace(newArray[0][0])      // a
trace(newArray[0][1])      // b
trace(newArray[0][2])      // c

To cast obj to an array, use the as operator, which returns an array reference if obj is a valid array and null otherwise:
var obj:Object = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
var newArray:Array = obj as Array;

trace(newArray == obj); // true
trace(newArray[0]);     // a
trace(newArray[1]);     // b
trace(newArray[2]);     // c
public function Boolean(expression:Object):Boolean

Converts the expression parameter to a Boolean value and returns the value.

The return value depends on the data type and value of the argument, as described in the following table:

Input ValueExampleReturn Value
Number (not 0 or NaN)Boolean(4)true
Empty stringBoolean("")false
Non-empty stringBoolean("6")true
Instance of Object classBoolean(new Object())true
No argumentBoolean()false

Unlike previous versions of ActionScript, the Boolean() function returns the same results as does the Boolean class constructor.


expression:Object — An expression or object to convert to Boolean.

Boolean — The result of the conversion to Boolean.

See also

public function decodeURI(uri:String):String

Decodes an encoded URI into a string. Returns a string in which all characters previously encoded by the encodeURI function are restored to their unencoded representation.

The following table shows the set of escape sequences that are not decoded to characters by the decodeURI function. Use decodeURIComponent() to decode the escape sequences in this table.

Escape sequences not decodedCharacter equivalents


uri:String — A string encoded with the encodeURI function.

String — A string in which all characters previously escaped by the encodeURI function are restored to their unescaped representation.

See also


package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class DecodeURIExample extends Sprite {
        public function DecodeURIExample() {
            var uri:String = "<user name='some user'></user>";
            var encoded:String = encodeURI(uri);
            var decoded:String = decodeURI(encoded);
            trace(uri);        //<user name='some user'></user>
            trace(encoded);    //'some%20user'%3E%3C/user%3E
            trace(decoded);    //<user name='some user'></user>
public function decodeURIComponent(uri:String):String

Decodes an encoded URI component into a string. Returns a string in which all characters previously escaped by the encodeURIComponent function are restored to their uncoded representation.

This function differs from the decodeURI() function in that it is intended for use only with a part of a URI string, called a URI component. A URI component is any text that appears between special characters called component separators (: / ; and ? ). Common examples of a URI component are "http" and "".

Another important difference between this function and decodeURI() is that because this function assumes that it is processing a URI component it treats the escape sequences that represent special separator characters (; / ? : @ & = + $ , #) as regular text that should be decoded.


uri:String — A string encoded with the encodeURIComponent function.

String — A string in which all characters previously escaped by the encodeURIComponent function are restored to their unescaped representation.

See also

public function encodeURI(uri:String):String

Encodes a string into a valid URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). Converts a complete URI into a string in which all characters are encoded as UTF-8 escape sequences unless a character belongs to a small group of basic characters.

The following table shows the entire set of basic characters that are not converted to UTF-8 escape sequences by the encodeURI function.

Characters not encoded
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
; / ? : @ & = + $ , #
- _ . ! ~ * ' ( )


uri:String — A string representing a complete URI.

String — A string with certain characters encoded as UTF-8 escape sequences.

See also


package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class EncodeURIExample extends Sprite {
        public function EncodeURIExample() {
            var uri:String = "<user name='some user'></user>";
            var encoded:String = encodeURI(uri);
            var decoded:String = decodeURI(encoded);
            trace(uri);        //<user name='some user'></user>
            trace(encoded);    //'some%20user'%3E%3C/user%3E
            trace(decoded);    //<user name='some user'></user>
public function encodeURIComponent(uri:String):String

Encodes a string into a valid URI component. Converts a substring of a URI into a string in which all characters are encoded as UTF-8 escape sequences unless a character belongs to a very small group of basic characters.

The encodeURIComponent() function differs from the encodeURI() function in that it is intended for use only with a part of a URI string, called a URI component. A URI component is any text that appears between special characters called component separators (: / ; and ? ). Common examples of a URI component are "http" and "".

Another important difference between this function and encodeURI() is that because this function assumes that it is processing a URI component it treats the special separator characters (; / ? : @ & = + $ , #) as regular text that should be encoded.

The following table shows all characters that are not converted to UTF-8 escape sequences by the encodeURIComponent function.

Characters not encoded
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- _ . ! ~ * ' ( )




See also

public function escape(str:String):String

Converts the parameter to a string and encodes it in a URL-encoded format, where most nonalphanumeric characters are replaced with % hexadecimal sequences. When used in a URL-encoded string, the percentage symbol (%) is used to introduce escape characters, and is not equivalent to the modulo operator (%).

The following table shows all characters that are not converted to escape sequences by the escape() function.

Characters not encoded
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
@ - _ . * + /


str:String — The expression to convert into a string and encode in a URL-encoded format.

String — A URL-encoded string.

See also

public function int(value:Number):int

Converts a given numeric value to an integer value. Decimal values are truncated at the decimal point.


value:Number — A value to be converted to an integer.

int — The converted integer value.

See also

public function isFinite(num:Number):Boolean

Returns true if the value is a finite number, or false if the value is Infinity or -Infinity. The presence of Infinity or -Infinity indicates a mathematical error condition such as division by 0.


num:Number — A number to evaluate as finite or infinite.

Boolean — Returns true if it is a finite number or false if it is infinity or negative infinity
public function isNaN(num:Number):Boolean

Returns true if the value is NaN(not a number). The isNaN() function is useful for checking whether a mathematical expression evaluates successfully to a number. The most common use of isNaN() is to check the value returned from the parseInt()and parseFloat() functions. The NaN value is a special member of the Number data type that represents a value that is "not a number."

Note: The NaN value is not a member of the int or uint data types.

The following table describes the return value of isNaN() on various input types and values. (If your compiler warnings are set to Strict Mode, some of the following operations will generate compiler warnings.)

Input Type/ValueExampleReturn Value
0 divided by 0isNaN(0/0)true
Non-zero number divided by 0isNaN(5/0)false
Square root of a negative numberisNaN(Math.sqrt(-1))true
Arcsine of number greater than 1 or less than 0isNaN(Math.asin(2))true
String that can be converted to NumberisNaN("5")false
String that cannot be converted to NumberisNaN("5a")true


num:Number — A numeric value or mathematical expression to evaluate.

Boolean — Returns true if the value is NaN(not a number) and false otherwise.
public function isXMLName(str:String):Boolean

Determines whether the specified string is a valid name for an XML element or attribute.


str:String — A string to evaluate.

Boolean — Returns true if the str argument is a valid XML name; false otherwise.
public function Number(expression:Object):Number

Converts a given value to a Number value. The following table shows the result of various input types:

Input Type/ValueExampleReturn Value
Empty stringNumber("")0
String that converts to NumberNumber("5")The number (e.g. 5)
String that does not convert to NumberNumber("5a")NaN


expression:Object — A value to be converted to a number.

Number — The converted number value

See also

public function Object(value:Object):Object

Every value in ActionScript 3.0 is an object, which means that calling Object() on a value returns that value.


value:Object — An object or a number, string, or Boolean value to convert.

Object — The value specified by the value parameter.

See also

public function parseFloat(str:String):Number

Converts a string to a floating-point number. The function reads, or parses, and returns the numbers in a string until it reaches a character that is not a part of the initial number. If the string does not begin with a number that can be parsed, parseFloat() returns NaN. White space preceding valid integers is ignored, as are trailing nonnumeric characters.


str:String — The string to read and convert to a floating-point number.

Number — A number or NaN (not a number).
public function parseInt(str:String, radix:uint = 0):Number

Converts a string to an integer. If the specified string in the parameters cannot be converted to a number, the function returns NaN. Strings beginning with 0x are interpreted as hexadecimal numbers. Unlike in previous versions of ActionScript, integers beginning with 0 are not interpreted as octal numbers. You must specify a radix of 8 for octal numbers. White space and zeroes preceding valid integers are ignored, as are trailing nonnumeric characters.


str:String — A string to convert to an integer.
radix:uint (default = 0) — An integer representing the radix (base) of the number to parse. Legal values are from 2 to 36.

Number — A number or NaN (not a number).
public function String(expression:Object):String

Returns a string representation of the specified parameter.

The following table shows the result of various input types:

Input Type/ValueReturn Value
NumberString representation of the number


expression:Object — An expression to convert to a string.

String — A string representation of the value passed for the expression parameter.

See also

public function trace(... arguments):void

Displays expressions, or writes to log files, while debugging. A single trace statement can support multiple arguments. If any argument in a trace statement includes a data type other than a String, the trace function invokes the associated toString() method for that data type. For example, if the argument is a Boolean value the trace function invokes Boolean.toString() and displays the return value.


... arguments — One or more (comma separated) expressions to evaluate. For multiple expressions, a space is inserted between each expression in the output.


The following example uses the class TraceExample to show how the trace() method can be used to print a simple string. Generally, the message will be printed to a "Debug" console.
package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class TraceExample extends Sprite {

        public function TraceExample() {
            trace("Hello World");
public function trace(... args):void

Displays expressions, or writes to log files, while debugging. A single trace statement can support multiple arguments. If any argument in a trace statement includes a data type other than a String, the trace function invokes the associated toString() method for that data type. For example, if the argument is a Boolean value the trace function invokes Boolean.toString() and displays the return value.


... args — One or more (comma separated) expressions to evaluate. For multiple expressions, a space is inserted between each expression in the output.


The following example uses the class TraceExample to show how the trace() method can be used to print a simple string. Generally, the message will be printed to a "Debug" console.
package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class TraceExample extends Sprite {

        public function TraceExample() {
            trace("Hello World");
public function uint(value:Number):uint

Converts a given numeric value to an unsigned integer value. Decimal values are truncated at the decimal point.

The following table describes the return value of uint() on various input types and values.

Input Type/ValueExampleReturn Value
Positive floating-point numberuint(5.31)Truncated unsigned integer (e.g. 5)
Negative floating-point numberuint(-5.78)Truncates to integer then applies rule for negative integers
Negative integeruint(-5)Sum of uint.MAX_VALUE and the negative integer (for example, uint.MAX_VALUE + (-5))
Empty Stringuint("")0
String that converts to Numberuint("5")The number
String that does not convert to Numberuint("5a")0


value:Number — A value to be converted to an integer.

uint — The converted integer value.

See also

public function unescape(str:String):String

Evaluates the parameter str as a string, decodes the string from URL-encoded format (converting all hexadecimal sequences to ASCII characters), and returns the string.


str:String — A string with hexadecimal sequences to escape.

String — A string decoded from a URL-encoded parameter.
public function Vector(sourceArray:Object):Vector.<T>

Creates a new Vector instance whose elements are instances of the specified data type. When calling this function, you specify the data type of the result Vector's elements (the Vector's base type) using a type parameter. This function uses the same syntax that's used when declaring a Vector instance or calling the new Vector.<T>() constructor:

var v:Vector.<String> = Vector.<String>(["Hello", "World"]);

The resulting Vector is populated with the values in the elements of the sourceArray argument. If the sourceArray argument is already a Vector.<T> instance where T is the base type, the function returns that Vector. Otherwise, the result Vector is populated with the elements of the sourceArray Array or Vector.

In either case, the data type of all the elements of the sourceArray argument must match the base type T specified in the function call.

If the sourceArray argument has length 0, the function returns an empty Vector.

If a Vector is passed as the sourceArray argument and its base type is not T, or if an Array is passed and its elements are not all instances of data type T, an attempt is made to convert the values to the base type. If the values can be automatically converted, the result Vector contains the converted values. If no conversion can be made, an error occurs.

Likewise, if an element in the sourceArray argument is an instance of a subclass of the base type T, the call succeeds and the element is added to the resulting Vector. This works even if the sourceArray argument is a Vector whose base type is a subclass of T. In fact, this is the only way to convert a Vector with base type T to a Vector with a base type that's a superclass of T.

For example, the following code results in a compile error in strict mode, or a TypeError at run time, because it attempts to assign a Vector.<Sprite> to a Vector.<DisplayObject> variable (Sprite is a subclass of DisplayObject):

  var v1:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>();
  v1[0] = new Sprite();
  var v2:Vector.<DisplayObject> = v1;

The following alternative version of the code successfully copies the elements of a Vector.<Sprite> instance to a Vector.<DisplayObject> instance:

  var v1:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>();
  v1[0] = new Sprite();
  var v2:Vector.<DisplayObject> = Vector.<DisplayObject>(v1);


sourceArray:Object — An Array or Vector instance whose elements become the elements of the result Vector. If the argument is a Vector instance whose associated data type is the same as the specified data type, the argument is returned as the function result.

Vector.<T> — A Vector instance populated with the elements of the sourceArray array.

TypeError — If the sourceArray argument contains an element that can't be converted to the specified data type.

See also

public function XML(expression:Object):XML

Converts an object to an XML object.

The following table describes return values for various input types.

Parameter TypeReturn Value
BooleanValue is first converted to a string, then converted to an XML object.
NullA runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).
NumberValue is first converted to a string, then converted to an XML object.
ObjectConverts to XML only if the value is a String, Number or Boolean value. Otherwise a runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).
StringValue is converted to XML.
UndefinedA runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).
XMLInput value is returned unchanged.
XMLListReturns an XML object only if the XMLList object contains only one property of type XML. Otherwise a runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).


expression:Object — Object to be converted to XML.

XML — An XML object containing values held in the converted object.

See also

public function XMLList(expression:Object):XMLList

Converts an object to an XMLList object.

The following table describes return values for various input types.

Parameter TypeReturn Value
BooleanValue is first converted to a string, then converted to an XMLList object.
NullA runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).
NumberValue is first converted to a string, then converted to an XMLList object.
ObjectConverts to XMLList only if the value is a String, Number or Boolean value. Otherwise a runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).
StringValue is converted to an XMLList object.
UndefinedA runtime error occurs (TypeError exception).
XMLValue is converted to an XMLList object.
XMLListInput value is returned unchanged.


expression:Object — Object to be converted into an XMLList object.

XMLList — An XMLList object containing values held in the converted object.

See also