The mx.effects package contains the classes to support behaviors.
| Class | Description |
| AddChildAction |
The AddChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds
to the AddChild property of a view state definition. |
| AddItemAction |
The AddItemAction class defines an action effect that determines
when the item renderer appears in the control for an item being added
to a list-based control, such as List or TileList,
or for an item that replaces an existing item in the control. |
| AnimateProperty |
The AnimateProperty effect animates a property or style of a component. |
| Blur |
The Blur effect lets you apply a blur visual effect to a component. |
| CompositeEffect |
The CompositeEffect class is the parent class for the Parallel
and Sequence classes, which define the <mx:Parallel>
and <mx:Sequence> MXML tags. |
| DefaultListEffect | The DefaultListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers
of a List control when the data in the data provider changes. |
| DefaultTileListEffect | The DefaultTileListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers
of a TileList control when the data in the data provider changes. |
| Dissolve |
Animate the component from transparent to opaque,
or from opaque to transparent. |
| Effect |
The Effect class is an abstract base class that defines the basic
functionality of all Flex effects. |
| EffectInstance |
The EffectInstance class represents an instance of an effect
playing on a target. |
| EffectManager |
The EffectManager class listens for events, such as the show
and move events, dispatched by objects in a Flex application. |
| EffectTargetFilter |
The EffectTargetFilter class defines a custom filter that is executed
by each transition effect on each target of the effect. |
| Fade |
The Fade effect animates the alpha property of a component,
either from transparent to opaque, or from opaque to transparent. |
| Glow |
The Glow effect lets you apply a visual glow effect to a component. |
| Iris |
The Iris effect animates the effect target by expanding or contracting
a rectangular mask centered on the target. |
| MaskEffect |
The MaskEffect class is an abstract base class for all effects
that animate a mask, such as the wipe effects and the Iris effect. |
| Move |
The Move effect changes the position of a component
over a specified time interval. |
| Parallel |
The Parallel effect plays multiple child effects at the same time. |
| Pause |
The Pause effect is useful when sequencing effects. |
| RemoveChildAction |
The RemoveChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds
to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition. |
| RemoveItemAction |
The RemoveItemAction class defines an action effect that determines
when the item renderer disappears from the control for the item renderer
of an item being removed from a list-based control, such as List or TileList,
or for an item that is replaced by a new item added to the control. |
| Resize |
The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions
of a component over a specified time interval. |
| Rotate |
The Rotate effect rotates a component around a specified point. |
| Sequence |
The Sequence effect plays multiple child effects one after the other,
in the order in which they are added. |
| SetPropertyAction |
The SetPropertyAction class defines an action effect that corresponds
to the SetProperty property of a view state definition. |
| SetStyleAction |
The SetStyleAction class defines an action effect that corresponds
to the SetStyle property of a view state definition. |
| SoundEffect |
The SoundEffect class plays an MP3 audio file. |
| Tween |
The Tween class defines a tween, a property animation performed
on a target object over a period of time. |
| TweenEffect |
The TweenEffect class is the superclass for all effects
that are based on the Tween object. |
| UnconstrainItemAction |
The UnconstrainItemAction class defines an action effect that
is used in a data-effect definition
to temporarily stop item renderers from being positioned by the
layout algorithm of the parent control. |
| WipeDown |
The WipeDown class defines a bar wipe down effect. |
| WipeLeft |
The WipeLeft class defines a bar wipe left effect. |
| WipeRight |
The WipeRight class defines a bar wipe right effect. |
| WipeUp |
The WipeUp class defines a bar wipe up effect. |
| Zoom |
The Zoom effect zooms the object in or out on a center point. |