This section describes the tags that are available in MXML only. The Flex MXML compiler implements these tags; therefore, they are not available in ActionScript.

  Tag Description
  fx:Binding You use the <fx:Binding> tag to tie the data in one object to another object.
  fx:Component You use the <fx:Component> tag to define an inline cell renderer or cell editor in an MXML file.
  fx:Declarations You use the <fx:Declarations> tag to declare non-default, non-visual properties of the current class.
  fx:Definition You use the <fx:Definition> tag inside a <fx:Library> tag to define graphical children that you can then use in other parts of the application.
  fx:DesignLayer You use the <fx:DesignLayer> tag is for internal use only.
  fx:Library You use the <fx:Library> tag to define zero or more named graphic <fx:Definition> children.
  fx:Metadata You use the <fx:Metadata> tag to insert metadata tags in an MXML file.
  fx:Model You use the <fx:Model> tag to declare a data model in MXML.
  fx:Private You use the <fx:Private> tag to provide meta information about the MXML or FXG document.
  fx:Reparent You use the <fx:Reparent> tag to change the parent container of a component as part of a change of view state.
  fx:Script You use the <fx:Script> tag to define blocks of ActionScript code.
  fx:Style You use the <fx:Style> tag to define styles that apply to the current document and its children.
  fx:XML You can declare an XML format data model in MXML in an <fx:XML> tag.
  fx:XMLList You can create an E4X XMLList object from a text-format model in MXML in an <fx:XMLList> tag.