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Example 3.8 shows how to configure a JAAS login entry for the use case where only those users with no credentials are logged in as guests. To support this use case, you must set the credentialsInvalidate option to true in the configuration of the guest login module. You should also note that, compared with the preceding example, the order of the login modules is reversed and the flag attached to the properties login module is changed to requisite.

Depending on the user login data, authentication proceeds as follows:

  • User logs in with a valid password—the guest login module fails to authenticate the user (because the user has presented a password while the credentialsInvalidate option is enabled) and authentication proceeds to the properties login module. The properties login module sucessfully authenticates the user and returns.

  • User logs in with an invalid password—the guest login module fails to authenticate the user and authentication proceeds to the properties login module. The properties login module also fails to authenticate the user. The nett result is authentication failure.

  • User logs in with a blank password—the guest login module sucessfully authenticates the user and returns immediately. The properties login module is not invoked.

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