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To enable the simple authentication mechanism for the Apache ActiveMQ JMX connector, perform the following steps:

  1. If not already present in the ACTIVEMQ_BASE/conf/ directory, create the password file, ACTIVEMQ_BASE/conf/jmx.password, and add the following lines using your favorite text editor:

    # The "admin" user has password "activemq".
    admin activemq

    The preceding file defines a single user identity, admin, and the corresponding password, activemq.

  2. If not already present in the ACTIVEMQ_BASE/conf/ directory, create the access file, ACTIVEMQ_BASE/conf/jmx.access, and add the following lines:

    # The "admin" user has readwrite access.
    admin readwrite

    This file enables you to define two kinds of access:

  3. Using file system permissions, ensure that the jmx.password file you created in the previous step is readable and writable only by the user that runs the Apache ActiveMQ broker. All other users must have read and write permissions disabled.


    If you do not modify the file permissions as specified here, the Apache ActiveMQ broker will refuse to start up, when JMX authentication is enabled.

  4. Using your favorite text editor, edit the broker configuration file, ACTIVEMQ_BASE/conf/activemq.xml, adding the following lines to configure the JMX connector:


    In the current example, SSL is disabled. This configuration is not recommended in a production environment, because it leaves your JMX login credentials vulnerable to snooping.

  5. Start up the standalone broker. Open a new command prompt and run the startup script, as follows:

  6. You should now be able to connect to the JVM platform JMX connector using the following JMX URL:


    Where you substitute Hostname with the name of the host where the broker is running. In the course of establishing the connection, you will be prompted to log in.

    For example, to run the standard JConsole provided with the JDK, enter the following command at a command prompt:


    When the JConsole: New Connection dialog pops up, enter the preceding JMX URL in the Remote Process: field, and enter the credentials for one of the JMX users in the Username and Password fields, as shown. Click Connect.

To enable JAAS authentication for the Apache ActiveMQ JMX connector, perform the following steps:

  1. Using your favorite text editor, create the file, conf/login.config, and add the following lines:

    PropertiesAuth {
        org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required

    The current example illustrates how to configure JAAS using the PropertiesLoginModule, as described in JAAS Username/Password Authentication Plug-In. In practice, however, you could use any of the login modules described in JAAS Authentication.

  2. Create the conf/ file (which defines credentials in the format, User=Password), and add the following line:


    Create the conf/ file (which defines user groups in the format, Group=UserList), and add the following lines:

  3. Using your favorite text editor, edit the broker configuration file, ACTIVEMQ_BASE/conf/activemq.xml, adding the following lines to configure the JMX connector:


    In the current example, SSL is disabled. This configuration is not recommended in a production environment, because it leaves your JMX login credentials vulnerable to snooping.

  4. Start up the standalone broker. Open a new command prompt and run the startup script, as follows:

  5. Using a JMX client, you should now be able to connect to the JVM platform JMX connector using the following JMX URL:


    When prompted, enter one of the configured credentials to log on to JMX—for example, with the username, system, and the password, manager.

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