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Consumer endpoints use the following algorithm to determine the reply destination for a message exchange:

  1. If the in message of the exchange includes a value for the JMSReplyTo property, that value is used as the reply destination.

  2. If the JMSReplyTo is not specified, the endpoint looks for a destination chooser implementation to use.

    If you have configured your endpoint with a destination chooser, the endpoint will use the destination chooser to select the reply destination.

    For more information on using destination choosers see Using a Custom Destination Chooser.

  3. If the JMSReplyTo is not specified and there is no configured destination chooser, the endpoint checks its replyDestination attribute for a destination.

    You configure a destination using a Spring bean. The recommend method to configure the destination is to configure the bean separately and refer the bean using the endpoint's replyDestination attribute as shown in Example 3.11. You can also add the bean directly to the endpoint by wrapping it in a jms:replyDestination child element.

  4. As a last resort, the endpoint will use the value of the replyDestinationName attribute to determine the reply destination.

    The replyDestinationName attribute takes a string that is used as the name of the destination to use. The binding component's default behavior when you provide a destination name is to resolve the destination using the standard JMS Session.createTopic() and Session.createTopic() methods to resolve the JMS destination.


    You can override the binding component's default behavior by providing a custom DestinationResolver implementation. See Using a Custom Destination Resolver.

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