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A service unit that configures the JMS binding component will contain two artifacts:


The xbean.xml file contains the XML configuration for the endpoint defined by the service unit. The contents of this file are the focus of this guide.


The service unit can define more than one endpoint.


The jbi.xml file is the JBI descriptor for the service unit. Example 1.1 shows a JBI descriptor for a JMS service unit.

Example 1.1. JBI Descriptor for a JMS Service Unit

<jbi xmlns="" version="1.0">
  <services binding-component="false" 1
            xmlns:b=""> 2
    <provides service-name="b:jms" 3
              endpoint-name="endpoint"/> 4
    <consumes interface-name="b:MyConsumerInterface"/>  5

The elements shown in Example 1.1 do the following:


The service element is the root element of all service unit descriptors. The value of the binding-component attribute is always false.


The service element contains namespace references for all of the namespaces defined in the xbean.xml file's bean element.


The provides element corresponds to a JMS provider endpoint. The service-name attribute derives its value from the service attribute in the JMS provider's configuration.


This attribute can also appear on a consumes element.


The endpoint-name attribute derives its value from the endpoint attribute in the JMS provider's configuration.


This attribute can also appear on a consumes element.


The consumes element corresponds to a JMS consumer endpoint. The interface-name attribute derives its value from the interfaceName attribute in the JMS consumer's configuration.


This attribute can also appear on a provides element.

The Fuse ESB Maven tooling provides two archetypes for seeding a project whose result is a service unit for the JMS binding component:

The resulting project will contain two generated artifacts:

If you want to add custom marshalers, custom destination choosers, or other custom Java code, you must add a java folder to the generated src folder. You also need to modify the generated pom.xml file to compile the code and package it with the service unit.

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