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To create a custom consumer marshaler, you implement the org.apache.servicemix.jms.endpoints.JmsConsumerMarshaler interface. The JmsConsumerMarshaler interface, shown in Example 6.1, has five methods that need implementing:


The createContext() method takes the JMS message and returns an object that implements the JmsContext interface.


The createExchange() creates a message exchange using the JMS message and the JBI context. Creating a message exchange entails the creation of the exchange, populating the exchange's in message, specifying the message exchange pattern to use, and setting any other required properties.


The createOut() method takes the response message from the message exchange and converts it into a JMS message. The method takes the message exchange, the outgoing message, the active JMS session, and the JMS context.


The createFault() method is called if a fault message is returned. It takes the message exchange, the fault message, the active JMS session, and the JMS context and returns a JMS message that encapsulates the fault message.


The createError() method is called if an exception is thrown while the message exchange is being processed. It takes the message exchange, the exception, the active JMS session, and the JMS context and returns a JMS message that encapsulates the exception.

In addition to implementing the methods, you need to provide an implementation of the JmsContext interface. The JmsContext interface has a single method called getMessage() which returns the JMS message contained in the context.

Example 6.2 shows a simple consumer marshaler implementation.

Example 6.2. Consumer Marshaler Implementation

package com.widgetVendor.example;


import javax.jbi.component.ComponentContext;
import javax.jbi.messaging.Fault;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchange;
import javax.jbi.messaging.NormalizedMessage;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;

import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.jaxp.SourceTransformer;
import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.jaxp.StringSource;
import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.messaging.MessageExchangeSupport;

public class widgetConsumerMarshaler implements JmsConsumerMarshaler 
    public JmsContext createContext(Message message) throws Exception
        return new Context(message);

    public MessageExchange createExchange(JmsContext jmsContext, ComponentContext jbiContext) throws Exception 
        Context ctx = (Context) jmsContext;
        MessageExchange exchange = jbiContext.getDeliveryChannel().createExchangeFactory().createExchange(MessageExchangeSupport.IN_ONLY);
        NormalizedMessage inMessage = exchange.createMessage();
        TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) ctx.message;
        Source source = new StringSource(textMessage.getText());
        exchange.setMessage(inMessage, "in");
        return exchange;

    public Message createOut(MessageExchange exchange, NormalizedMessage outMsg, Session session, JmsContext context) throws Exception 
        String text = new SourceTransformer().contentToString(outMsg);
        return session.createTextMessage(text);

    public Message createFault(MessageExchange exchange, Fault fault, Session session, JmsContext context) throws Exception
        String text = new SourceTransformer().contentToString(fault);
        return session.createTextMessage(text);

    public Message createError(MessageExchange exchange, Exception error, Session session, JmsContext context) throws Exception
        throw error;

    protected static class Context implements JmsContext
        Message message;

        Context(Message message)
          this.message = message;

        public Message getMessage()
            return this.message;


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