Interface OptimisticCacheSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
EntityPersister, Loadable, Lockable, OuterJoinLoadable, PostInsertIdentityPersister, Queryable, SQLLoadable, UniqueKeyLoadable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityPersister, JoinedSubclassEntityPersister, SingleTableEntityPersister, UnionSubclassEntityPersister

public interface OptimisticCacheSource

Contract for sources of optimistically lockable data sent to the second level cache.

Note currently EntityPersisters are the only viable source.

Method Summary
 Comparator getVersionComparator()
          Get the comparator used to compare two different version values.
 boolean isVersioned()
          Is the data to be cached considered versioned?

If true, it is illegal for getVersionComparator() to return null.


Method Detail


boolean isVersioned()
Is the data to be cached considered versioned?

If true, it is illegal for getVersionComparator() to return null.

True if the data is versioned; false otherwise.


Comparator getVersionComparator()
Get the comparator used to compare two different version values.

May return null if isVersioned() returns false.

Comparator used to compare two different version values.

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