Uses of Interface

Packages that use IConnection

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server

Classes in org.red5.server that implement IConnection
 class BaseConnection
          Base abstract class for connections.

Fields in org.red5.server with type parameters of type IConnection
protected  ConcurrentMap<IConnection,IScope> Client.connToScope
          Scopes this client connected to

Methods in org.red5.server that return types with arguments of type IConnection
 Set<IConnection> Client.getConnections()
          Return set of connections for this client
 Set<IConnection> Client.getConnections(IScope scope)
          Return client connections to given scope

Methods in org.red5.server with parameters of type IConnection
 boolean CoreHandler.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
          Connects client to the scope
 boolean CoreHandler.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params)
          Connects client to the scope
 void CoreHandler.disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
          Called just after the a connection is disconnected.
 Collection<String> Client.getPermissions(IConnection conn)
          Return the permissions in a given context.
 boolean Client.hasPermission(IConnection conn, String permissionName)
          Check if the client has a permission in the given context.
 void Server.notifyConnected(IConnection conn)
          Notify listeners that a new connection was established.
 void Server.notifyDisconnected(IConnection conn)
          Notify listeners that a connection was disconnected.
protected  void Client.register(IConnection conn)
          Associate connection with client
 boolean CoreHandler.serviceCall(IConnection conn, IServiceCall call)
          Remote method invocation
 void Client.setPermissions(IConnection conn, Collection<String> permissions)
          Set the permissions for this client in a given context.
protected  void Client.unregister(IConnection conn)
          Removes client-connection association for given connection
protected  void Client.unregister(IConnection conn, boolean deleteIfNoConns)
          Removes client-connection association for given connection

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.adapter

Methods in org.red5.server.adapter that return types with arguments of type IConnection
 Collection<Set<IConnection>> StatefulScopeWrappingAdapter.getConnections()
          Returns all connections in the scope
 Set<IConnection> StatefulScopeWrappingAdapter.lookupConnections(IClient client)

Methods in org.red5.server.adapter with parameters of type IConnection
 boolean ApplicationLifecycle.appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
 boolean IApplication.appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
          Called per each client connect
 boolean MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
          Handler method.
 void ApplicationLifecycle.appDisconnect(IConnection conn)
 void IApplication.appDisconnect(IConnection conn)
          Called every time client disconnects from the application
 void MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.appDisconnect(IConnection conn)
          Handler method.
 boolean AbstractScopeAdapter.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params)
          Called just before every connection to a scope.
 boolean ApplicationAdapter.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params)
          Returns connection result for given scope and parameters.
 boolean MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params)
          Returns connection result for given scope and parameters.
 void AbstractScopeAdapter.disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
          Called just after the a connection is disconnected.
 void ApplicationAdapter.disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
          Returns disconnection result for given scope and parameters.
 void MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
          Returns disconnection result for given scope and parameters.
 void MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.measureBandwidth(IConnection conn)
          Try to measure bandwidth of given connection.
 boolean ApplicationLifecycle.roomConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
 boolean IApplication.roomConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
          Called every time client connects to the room
 boolean MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.roomConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
          Handler method.
 void ApplicationLifecycle.roomDisconnect(IConnection conn)
 void IApplication.roomDisconnect(IConnection conn)
          Called when client disconnects from room scope
 void MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter.roomDisconnect(IConnection conn)
          Handler method.
 boolean AbstractScopeAdapter.serviceCall(IConnection conn, IServiceCall call)
          Called when a service is called.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.api

Fields in org.red5.server.api declared as IConnection
 IConnection Red5.conn
          Connection local to the current thread

Methods in org.red5.server.api that return IConnection
 IConnection Red5.getConnection()
          Get the connection object.
static IConnection Red5.getConnectionLocal()
          Get the connection associated with the current thread.

Methods in org.red5.server.api that return types with arguments of type IConnection
 Set<IConnection> IClient.getConnections()
          Get a set of connections.
 Set<IConnection> IClient.getConnections(IScope scope)
          Get a set of connections of a given scope.

Methods in org.red5.server.api with parameters of type IConnection
 Collection<String> IClient.getPermissions(IConnection conn)
          Return the permissions in a given context.
 boolean IClient.hasPermission(IConnection conn, String permissionName)
          Check if the client has a permission in the given context.
static void Red5.setConnectionLocal(IConnection connection)
          Setter for connection
 void IClient.setPermissions(IConnection conn, Collection<String> permissions)
          Set the permissions for this client in a given context.

Constructors in org.red5.server.api with parameters of type IConnection
Red5(IConnection conn)
          Create a new Red5 object using given connection.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.api.listeners

Methods in org.red5.server.api.listeners with parameters of type IConnection
 void IConnectionListener.notifyConnected(IConnection conn)
          A new connection was established.
 void IConnectionListener.notifyDisconnected(IConnection conn)
          A connection was disconnected.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.api.remoting

Subinterfaces of IConnection in org.red5.server.api.remoting
 interface IRemotingConnection
          Connection coming from Remoting clients.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.api.scope

Methods in org.red5.server.api.scope that return types with arguments of type IConnection
 Collection<Set<IConnection>> IScope.getConnections()
          Get a connection iterator.
 Set<IConnection> IScope.lookupConnections(IClient client)
          Lookup connections.

Methods in org.red5.server.api.scope with parameters of type IConnection
 boolean IScope.connect(IConnection conn)
          Adds given connection to the scope
 boolean IScopeHandler.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params)
          Called just before every connection to a scope.
 boolean IScope.connect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
          Add given connection to the scope, overloaded for parameters pass case.
 void IScope.disconnect(IConnection conn)
          Removes given connection from list of scope connections.
 void IScopeHandler.disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
          Called just after the a connection is disconnected.
 boolean IScopeHandler.serviceCall(IConnection conn, IServiceCall call)
          Called when a service is called.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.api.service

Subinterfaces of IConnection in org.red5.server.api.service
 interface IServiceCapableConnection
          Connection that has options to invoke and handle remote calls

Methods in org.red5.server.api.service with parameters of type IConnection
static boolean ServiceUtils.invokeOnConnection(IConnection conn, String method, Object[] params)
          Invoke a method on a given connection.
static boolean ServiceUtils.invokeOnConnection(IConnection conn, String method, Object[] params, IPendingServiceCallback callback)
          Invoke a method on a given connection and handle result.
static boolean ServiceUtils.notifyOnConnection(IConnection conn, String method, Object[] params)
          Notify a method on a given connection.

Uses of IConnection in

Methods in with parameters of type IConnection
 void IClientSharedObject.connect(IConnection conn)
          Connect the shared object using the passed connection.

Uses of IConnection in

Subinterfaces of IConnection in
 interface IStreamCapableConnection
          A connection that supports streaming.

Methods in with parameters of type IConnection
 void IStreamService.closeStream(IConnection connection, int streamId)
          Close the stream but not deallocate the resources.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.jmx.mxbeans

Methods in org.red5.server.jmx.mxbeans that return types with arguments of type IConnection
 Set<IConnection> ClientMXBean.getConnections()

Methods in org.red5.server.jmx.mxbeans with parameters of type IConnection
 boolean ApplicationMXBean.appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
 void ApplicationMXBean.appDisconnect(IConnection conn)
 boolean CoreHandlerMXBean.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
 boolean CoreHandlerMXBean.connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params)
 void CoreHandlerMXBean.disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope)
 boolean ApplicationMXBean.roomConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
 void ApplicationMXBean.roomDisconnect(IConnection conn)
 boolean CoreHandlerMXBean.serviceCall(IConnection conn, IServiceCall call)

Uses of IConnection in

Methods in with parameters of type IConnection
 boolean IConnectionEventQueue.hasEventsWaiting(IConnection conn)
          Whether queue has waiting connection events
 Iterator<IEvent> IConnectionEventQueue.pickupEvents(IConnection conn)
          Return iterator over waiting events

Uses of IConnection in

Classes in that implement IConnection
 class RemotingConnection
          Connection class so the Red5 object works in methods invoked through remoting.

Uses of IConnection in

Classes in that implement IConnection
 class RTMPConnection
          RTMP connection.
 class RTMPMinaConnection
          Represents an RTMP connection using Mina.

Uses of IConnection in

Classes in that implement IConnection
 class BaseRTMPTConnection
          Base RTMPT client / session.
 class RTMPTConnection
          A RTMPT client / session.

Uses of IConnection in org.red5.server.scope

Methods in org.red5.server.scope that return types with arguments of type IConnection
 Collection<Set<IConnection>> Scope.getConnections()
          Return connection iterator
 Set<IConnection> Scope.lookupConnections(IClient client)
          Looks up connections for client

Methods in org.red5.server.scope with parameters of type IConnection
 boolean Scope.connect(IConnection conn)
          Connect to scope
 boolean Scope.connect(IConnection conn, Object[] params)
          Connect to scope with parameters.
 void Scope.disconnect(IConnection conn)
          Disconnect connection from scope

Uses of IConnection in

Methods in with parameters of type IConnection
 void ClientSharedObject.connect(IConnection conn)
          Connect the shared object using the passed connection.

Uses of IConnection in

Methods in with parameters of type IConnection
 void StreamService.closeStream(IConnection connection, int streamId)
          Close stream.
 boolean RecordingListener.init(IConnection conn, String name, boolean isAppend)
          Initialize the listener.
static void StreamService.sendNetStreamStatus(IConnection conn, String statusCode, String description, String name, String status, int streamId)
          Send NetStream.Status to client (Flash Player)
 void PlaylistSubscriberStream.Notifier.setConnection(IConnection conn)
 void SingleItemSubscriberStream.Notifier.setConnection(IConnection conn)

Uses of IConnection in

Methods in with parameters of type IConnection
 void IBandwidthDetection.calculateClientBw(IConnection conn)
 void ServerClientDetection.calculateClientBw(IConnection conn)
 void IBandwidthDetection.checkBandwidth(IConnection conn)
 void ServerClientDetection.checkBandwidth(IConnection conn)

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