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Chapter 2. Quick Start Jetty

Table of Contents

Downloading Jetty
Running Jetty
Deploying Web Applications
Finding in Maven

You can use Jetty in many different ways ranging from embedding Jetty in applications, launching it from different build systems, from different JVM-based languages, or as a standalone distribution. This documentation covers the latter, a standalone distribution suitable for deploying web applications.

Downloading Jetty

Downloading the Jetty Distribution

The standalone Jetty distribution is available for download from the Eclipse Foundation:

It is available in both zip and gzip formats; download the one most appropriate for your system. Notice that there are a number of other files with extensions of .sha or .md5 which are checksum files. When you download and unpack the binary, it is extracted into a directory called jetty-distribution-VERSION. Put this directory in a convenient location. The rest of the instructions in this documentation refer to this location as either JETTY_HOME or as $(jetty.home).

Distribution Content

This is a quick rundown of the distribution's contents. The top-level directory contains:

Table 2.1. Contents

license-eplv10-aslv20.htmlLicense file for Jetty
README.txtUseful getting started information
VERSION.txtRelease information
binUtility shell scripts to help run Jetty on Unix systems
etcDirectory for Jetty configuration files
libAll the JAR files necessary to run Jetty
logsDirectory for request logs
notice.htmlLicense information and exceptions
resourcesDirectory containing additional resources for classpath, activated via configuration
start.iniConfiguration file for starting Jetty
start.jarJar that invokes Jetty (see also Running Jetty)
webappsDirectory containing webapps which will be run under the default configuration of Jetty; contains demo webapps

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