Input Validation

Luminus uses Bouncer as the default validation library. Bouncer is a Clojure/Script library and allows us to share validation logic between the client and the server.

Bouncer provides bouncer.core/validate and bouncer.core/valid? functions for handling validation. These functions each accept a map containing the parameters followed by the validators.

Bouncer provides the following validators out of the box:

  • required args: [v] - validates that the value is present
  • number args: [v] - validates that the value is numeric
  • positive args: [v] - validates that the value is a positive number
  • member args: [v coll] - validates whether the value is a member of a collection
  • custom args: [v pred] - validates the value using a custom validator
  • every args: [coll pred] - checks that every member of the collection matches the predicate
  • matches args: [v regex] - checks that the value matches the suppied regex
  • email args: [v] - checks that the value is an email address
  • datetime args: [v & [format]] - checks that the value is a date(time) with optional format string
  • max-count args: [coll n] - validates that the collection has at most n elements
  • min-count args: [coll n] - validates that the collection has at least n elements

Before we see how validation works, let's include bouncer.core along with the bouncer.validators in our namespace.

(ns myapp.home
    [bouncer.core :as b]
    [bouncer.validators :as v]))

Next, we'll define our map of parameter:

(def user {:id nil :pass "secret"})

We can now validate the data using some of the built in validators as follows:

(b/valid? user
  :id v/required
  :pass v/required)

The valid? function will return a boolean value indicating whether the data is valid or not. When we want to see the errors then we must use the validate function instead.

(b/validate user
  :id v/required
  :pass v/required)

The function returns a vector where the first element is the map of errors. The second element will be the original map with a :bouncer.core/errors key appended in case of errors as seen below.

[{:id ("id must be present")}
 {:bouncer.core/errors {:id ("id must be present")}
  :id nil
  :pass "secret"}]

We can apply multiple validators to the value by putting them into a vector:

(b/validate user
  :id v/required
  :pass [v/required [v/min-count 8]])

Note how validators that take additional parameters such as min-count are placed in a vector, the value and will be passed in implicitly as the first parameter.

We can also validate nested maps:

(def person
   {:unit 10
    :street nil
    :country "Canada"}})

(b/validate person
    [:address :street] v/required
    [:address :unit]   v/number
    [:address :phone]  [[v/matches #"^\d+$"]])

Finally, we can easily define custom validators using bouncer.validators/defvalidator:

(v/defvalidator valid-password
  {:default-message-format "%s must be at least 7 characters long"}
  (and p (> (count p) 7)))

(b/validate user
  :id v/required
  :pass valid-password)

For further examples, please refer to the official project page.