Response types


  1. Responses
  2. Response encoding
  3. Setting headers
  4. Setting content type
  5. Setting custom status
  6. Redirects


A Ring respones are generated using the ring-http-response library. The library provides a number of helpers for producing responses with their respective HTTP Status codes.

For example, the ring.util.http-response/ok helper is used to generate a response with the status 200. The following code will produce a valid response map with the content set as its :body key.

(ok {:foo "bar"})

;;result of calling response
{:status  200
 :headers {}
 :body    {:foo "bar"}}

The response body can be one of a string, a sequence, a file, or an input stream. The body must correspond appropriately with the response's status code.

A string, it will be sent back to the client as is. For a sequence, a string representing each element is sent to the client. Finally, if the response is a file or an input stream, then the server sends its contents to the client.

Response encoding

By default ring-middleware-format middleware is used to infer the response type when a route returns a map containing the:body key:

(GET "/json" [] {:body {:foo "bar"}})

The middleware is found in the <app-name>.middleware namespace of your application. The middleware function is called wrap-formats, and it enables support for ring-middleware-format using the JSON and Transit encodings.

  (defn wrap-base [handler]
  (-> handler
      wrap-formats ;; enables JSON/Transit serialization and deserialization
        (-> site-defaults
            (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
            (assoc-in  [:session :store] (ttl-memory-store (* 60 30)))))

The formats are controlled by the :formats key and can be selected as follows:

(defn wrap-formats [handler]
  (wrap-restful-format handler {:formats [:json-kw :transit-json :transit-msgpack]}))

The available formats are:

  • :json - JSON with string keys in :params and :body-params
  • :json-kw - JSON with keywodized keys in :params and :body-params
  • :edn - native Clojure format.
  • :yaml - YAML format
  • :yaml-kw - YAML format with keywodized keys in :params and :body-params
  • :yaml-in-html - yaml in a html page

When no format is supplied in the Accept header or the format specified is unknown, the first format from the :formats vector in the handler will be used (JSON by default).

Setting headers

Setting additional response headers is done by calling ring.util.http-response/header, and passing it a map of HTTP headers. Note that the keys must be strings.

(-> "hello world" response (header "x-csrf" "csrf"))

Setting content type

You can set a custom response type by using the ring.util.http-response/content-type function, eg:

(GET "/project" []
  (-> ( "report.pdf")
      (content-type "application/pdf")))

Setting custom status

Setting a custom status is accomplished by passing the content to the ring.util.http-response/status function:

(GET "/missing-page" []
  (-> "your page could not be found"
      (status 404)))


Redirects are handled by the ring.util.http-response/found function. The function will set a 302 redirect status on the response.

(GET "/old-location" []
  (found "/new-location"))

Please refer to the ring-http-response to see other available helpers.