RESTful Services


  1. Working with Swagger
  2. CSRF

The recommended way to write REST services in Luminus is by using the Compojure-API library. The library uses Prismatic Schema to generate and check request and response parameters for the endpoints.

The easiest way to add Swagger support is by using the +swagger profile:

lein new luminus swag +swagger

The resulting project will contain a namespace with a few example routes defined.

Working with Swagger

We can see that routes are declared using the Compojure-API helpers such compojure.api.sweet/GET* as opposed to compojure.core/GET that we'd use normally.

The syntax for these endpoints is similar to the standard Compojure syntax except that it also requires us to annotate each service operation as seen below:

(GET* "/plus" []
        :return       Long
        :query-params [x :- Long {y :- Long 1}]
        :summary      "x+y with query-parameters. y defaults to 1."
        (ok (+ x y)))

The above service operation can be called from ClojureScript as follows:

(ns swag.core
  (:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
            [ajax.core :refer [GET]]))

(defn add [params result]
  (GET "/api/plus"
       {:headers {"Accept" "application/transit+json"}
        :params @params
        :handler #(reset! result %)}))

(defn int-value [v]
  (-> v .-target .-value int))

(defn home-page []
  (let [params (atom {})
        result (atom nil)]
    (fn []
         [:label "x"]
          {:type :text
           :on-change #(swap! params assoc :x (int-value %))}]]
         [:label "y"]
          {:type :text
           :on-change #(swap! params assoc :y (int-value %))}]]]
       [:button.btn.btn-primary {:on-click #(add params result)} "Add"]
       (when @result
         [:p "result: " @result])])))

(reagent/render-component [home-page] (.getElementById js/document "app"))

We must specify the return type, the query parameter types, and provide a description for each service operation. When working with complex types we must provide a schema definition for each one:

(s/defschema Thingie {:id Long
                      :hot Boolean
                      :tag (s/enum :kikka :kukka)
                      :chief [{:name String
                               :type #{{:id String}}}]})

(POST* "/echo" []
        :return   Thingie
        :body     [thingie Thingie]
        :summary  "echoes a Thingie from json-body"
        (ok thingie))

The project is also setup to generate a documentation page for the services using the ring-swagger-ui library. The API documentation is available at the /swagger-ui URL.

   :api-url "/swagger-docs")


CSRF protection provided by the ring-anti-forgery middleware is enabled by default. The +swagger profile creates the service-routes that aren't wrapped by CSRF protection.

(def app
  (-> (routes
        service-routes ;; no CSRF protection
        (wrap-routes home-routes middleware/wrap-csrf)