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Code Developer’s Subversion Access

MapServer’s source code and documentation are under Subversion control. Subversion access is mostly intended for use by developers, but users can also access the MapServer source between releases as it is being developed. CVS access is only recommended for those who need the absolute latest and greatest code, if they are not afraid of getting their hands dirty building the source. The Subversion version does not contain GD or any of the support libraries, and it requires flex and bison to build it. Building MapScript will also require SWIG be installed on your machine. Here’s how to access the read-only source:

  1. Install a Subversion client, see Subversion Homepage for more information. TortoiseSVN is a good solution if you are on Windows, and most Unixes should have a client available.
  2. Issue svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/trunk/mapserver mapserver to check out a copy of the current trunk into your working directory.

Support Libraries

Information about supporting libraries and how to compile MapServer from source can be found in the Compiling on Unix.

How to Obtain Commit Access

If you find yourself submitting a lot of patches to Trac, or you would like to be an active developer that picks up the maintenance of a portion of MapServer, contact Steve Lime or one of the other developers. To obtain Subversion commit access, an individual must:

  • demonstrate expertise about a specific area
  • be willing to put more time into the project than just the short term (dumping code into the project and providing no way to maintain it is almost as bad as having no code at all)
  • be active instead of casual about the project.
  • election of Subversion committers is covered in MS RFC 7.1: MapServer SVN Commit Management

Subversion Web View

You can find an html viewer for the Subversion repository at http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/browser