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Style holds parameters for symbolization. Multiple styles may be applied within a class.

This object is new in 4.0 and is intended to separate logic from looks. The final intent is to have named styles (Not yet supported) that will be re-usable through the mapfile. This is the new, preferred way of defining the appearance of an object, notably a class.

ANGLE [double|attribute|AUTO]

  • Angle, given in degrees, to draw the line work. Default is 0. For symbols of Type HATCH, this is the angle of the hatched lines. For its use with hatched lines, see Example#8 in the symbology examples.

  • [Attribute] was introduced in version 5.0, to specify the item name in the attribute table to use for angle values. The hard brackets [] are required. For example, if your shapefile’s DBF has a field named “MYANGLE” that holds angle values for each record, your STYLE object for hatched lines might contain:

      SYMBOL 'hatch-test'
      COLOR 255 0 0
      SIZE 4
      WIDTH 3

    The associated RFC document for this feature is MS RFC 19: Style & Label attribute binding.

  • The AUTO keyword was added in version 5.4, and currently only applies when coupled with the GEOMTRANSFORM keyword.

ANGLEITEM [string]

  • this parameter was removed in MapServer 5.0. You should use the ANGLE [attribute] parameter instead.
  • For MapServer versions <5, this is the attribute/field that stores the angle to be used in rendering. Angle is given in degrees with 0 meaning no rotation.
ANTIALIAS [true|false]
Should TrueType fonts and Cartoline symbols be antialiased.
Color to use for non-transparent symbols.

COLOR [r] [g] [b] | [attribute]

  • Color to use for drawing features.

  • [Attribute] was introduced in version 5.0, to specify the item name in the attribute table to use for color values. The hard brackets [] are required. For example, if your shapefile‘s DBF has a field named “MYCOLOR” that holds color values for each record, your STYLE object for might contain:

      OUTLINECOLOR 150 150 150

    The associated RFC document for this feature is MS RFC 19: Style & Label attribute binding.

GEOMTRANSFORM [start|end|vertices|bbox]

  • Used to indicate that the current feature will be transformed before the actual style is applied. Only applies to versions from 5.4
  • “bbox”: uses the current style for rendering the bounding box of the underlying geometry
  • “start” and “end”: uses the current style to render a marker on the first or last vertex of the current geometry. When used with ANGLE AUTO, this can be used to render arrowheads or tails on line segments.
  • “vertices”: uses the current style for rendering a marker on the intermediate vertices of the underlying geometry. When used with ANGLE AUTO, the marker is oriented by the half angle formed by the two adjacent line segments.
MAXSIZE [integer]
Maximum size in pixels to draw a symbol. Default is 50.
MINSIZE [integer]
Minimum size in pixels to draw a symbol. Default is 0.
MINWIDTH [integer]
Minimum width in pixels to draw the line work.
OFFSET [x][y]
Offset values for shadows, hollow symbols, etc ...
OPACITY [integer]
Opacity to draw the current style (applies to 5.2+, AGG Rendering Specifics only, does not apply to pixmap symbols)

OUTLINECOLOR [r] [g] [b] | [attribute]

  • Color to use for outlining polygons and certain marker symbols. Line symbols do not support outline colors.

  • [Attribute] was introduced in version 5.0, to specify the item name in the attribute table to use for color values. The hard brackets [] are required. For example, if your shapefile’s DBF has a field named “MYOUTCOLOR” that holds color values for each record, your STYLE object for might contain:

      COLOR 255 0 0

    The associated RFC document for this feature is MS RFC 19: Style & Label attribute binding.

SIZE [integer|attribute]

  • Height, in layer SIZEUNITS, of the symbol/pattern to be used. Only useful with scalable symbols. Default is 1. For symbols of Type HATCH, the SIZE is the distance between hatched lines. For its use with hatched lines, see Example#8 in the symbology examples.

  • [Attribute] was introduced in version 5.0, to specify the item name in the attribute table to use for size values. The hard brackets [] are required. For example, if your shapefile’s DBF has a field named “MYSIZE” that holds size values for each record, your STYLE object for hatched lines might contain:

      SYMBOL 'hatch-test'
      COLOR 255 0 0
      ANGLE 45
      WIDTH 3

    The associated RFC document for this feature is MS RFC 19: Style & Label attribute binding.

  • Starting from version 5.4, the value can also be a fractional value (and not only integer). Note that currently only the AGG renderer can correctly render fractional widths.

SIZEITEM [string]

  • this parameter was removed in MapServer 5.0. You should use the SIZE [attribute] parameter instead.
  • For MapServer versions <5, this is the attribute/field that stores the size to be used in rendering. Value is given in pixels.
SYMBOL [integer|string|filename]

The symbol name or number to use for all features if attribute tables are not used. The number is the index of the symbol in the symbol file, starting at 1, the 5th symbol in the file is therefore symbol number 5. You can also give your symbols names using the NAME keyword in the symbol definition file, and use those to refer to them. Default is 0, which results in a single pixel, single width line, or solid polygon fill, depending on layer type.

You can also specify a gif or png filename. The path is relative to the location of the mapfile.

WIDTH [integer|attribute]

  • Width refers to the thickness of line work drawn, in layer SIZEUNITS. Default is 1.
  • For symbols of Type HATCH, the WIDTH is how thick the hatched lines are. For its use with hatched lines, see Example#8 in the symbology examples.
  • Attribute binding was added in version 5.2
  • Starting from version 5.4, the value can also be a fractional value (and not only integer). Note that currently only the AGG renderer can correctly render fractional widths.