MediaWiki  REL1_20
ResourceLoader Class Reference

Dynamic JavaScript and CSS resource loading system. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 Registers core modules and runs registration hooks.
 addSource ($id, $properties=null)
 Add a foreign source of modules.
 getModule ($name)
 Get the ResourceLoaderModule object for a given module name.
 getModuleNames ()
 Get a list of module names.
 getSources ()
 Get the list of sources.
 getTestModuleNames ($framework= 'all')
 Get a list of test module names for one (or all) frameworks.
 makeModuleResponse (ResourceLoaderContext $context, array $modules, $missing=array())
 Generates code for a response.
 preloadModuleInfo (array $modules, ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Loads information stored in the database about modules.
 register ($name, $info=null)
 Registers a module with the ResourceLoader system.
 registerTestModules ()
 respond (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Outputs a response to a resource load-request, including a content-type header.

Static Public Member Functions

static inDebugMode ()
 Determine whether debug mode was requested Order of priority is 1) request param, 2) cookie, 3) $wg setting.
static isValidModuleName ($moduleName)
 Check a module name for validity.
static makeConfigSetScript (array $configuration)
 Returns JS code which will set the MediaWiki configuration array to the given value.
static makeCustomLoaderScript ($name, $version, $dependencies, $group, $source, $script)
 Returns JS code which calls the script given by $script.
static makeLoaderConditionalScript ($script)
 Returns JS code which runs given JS code if the client-side framework is present.
static makeLoaderImplementScript ($name, $scripts, $styles, $messages)
 Returns JS code to call to mw.loader.implement for a module with given properties.
static makeLoaderQuery ($modules, $lang, $skin, $user=null, $version=null, $debug=false, $only=null, $printable=false, $handheld=false, $extraQuery=array())
 Build a query array (array representation of query string) for load.php.
static makeLoaderRegisterScript ($name, $version=null, $dependencies=null, $group=null, $source=null)
 Returns JS code which calls mw.loader.register with the given parameters.
static makeLoaderSourcesScript ($id, $properties=null)
 Returns JS code which calls mw.loader.addSource() with the given parameters.
static makeLoaderStateScript ($name, $state=null)
 Returns a JS call to mw.loader.state, which sets the state of a module or modules to a given value.
static makeLoaderURL ($modules, $lang, $skin, $user=null, $version=null, $debug=false, $only=null, $printable=false, $handheld=false, $extraQuery=array())
 Build a load.php URL.
static makeMessageSetScript ($messages)
 Returns JS code which, when called, will register a given list of messages.
static makePackedModulesString ($modules)
 Convert an array of module names to a packed query string.

Protected Member Functions

 filter ($filter, $data)
 Runs JavaScript or CSS data through a filter, caching the filtered result for future calls.
 formatException ($e)
 Handle exception display.
 makeComment ($text)
 sendResponseHeaders (ResourceLoaderContext $context, $mtime, $errors)
 Send content type and last modified headers to the client.
 tryRespondFromFileCache (ResourceFileCache $fileCache, ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Send out code for a response from file cache if possible.
 tryRespondLastModified (ResourceLoaderContext $context, $mtime)
 If there's an If-Modified-Since header, respond with a 304 appropriately and clear out the output buffer.

Protected Attributes

 $moduleInfos = array()
 Associative array mapping module name to info associative array.
 $modules = array()
 Array: List of module name/ResourceLoaderModule object pairs.
 $sources = array()
 array( 'source-id' => array( 'loadScript' => 'http://.../load.php' ) )
 $testModuleNames = array()
 Associative array mapping framework ids to a list of names of test suite modules.

Static Protected Attributes

static $filterCacheVersion = 7
static $requiredSourceProperties = array( 'loadScript' )

Static Private Member Functions

static makeCombinedStyles (array $stylePairs)
 Combines an associative array mapping media type to CSS into a single stylesheet with "@media" blocks.

Detailed Description

Dynamic JavaScript and CSS resource loading system.

Most of the documention is on the MediaWiki documentation wiki starting at:

Definition at line 31 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Registers core modules and runs registration hooks.

Definition at line 192 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $IP, addSource(), registerTestModules(), wfProfileIn(), wfProfileOut(), wfRunHooks(), and wfScript().

Member Function Documentation

ResourceLoader::addSource ( id,
properties = null 

Add a foreign source of modules.

Source properties: 'loadScript': URL (either fully-qualified or protocol-relative) of load.php for this source

$idMixed: source ID (string), or array( id1 => props1, id2 => props2, ... )
$propertiesArray: source properties

Definition at line 314 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $value.

Referenced by __construct().

ResourceLoader::filter ( filter,
) [protected]

Runs JavaScript or CSS data through a filter, caching the filtered result for future calls.

Available filters are:

$filterString: Name of filter to run
$dataString: Text to filter, such as JavaScript or CSS text
String: Filtered data, or a comment containing an error message

Definition at line 134 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $result, formatException(), JavaScriptMinifier\minify(), CSSMin\minify(), wfGetCache(), wfMemcKey(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by makeModuleResponse().

ResourceLoader::formatException ( e) [protected]

Handle exception display.

Exception$eto be shown to the user
string sanitized text that can be returned to the user

Definition at line 671 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References makeComment(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by filter(), makeModuleResponse(), and respond().

Get the ResourceLoaderModule object for a given module name.

$nameString: Module name
ResourceLoaderModule if module has been registered, null otherwise

Definition at line 376 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Referenced by MessageBlobStore\getFromDB(), preloadModuleInfo(), respond(), and ResourceLoaderTest\testRegisteredValidModulesAreAccessible().

Get a list of module names.

Array: List of module names

Definition at line 346 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Get the list of sources.

Array: array( id => array of properties, .. )

Definition at line 407 of file ResourceLoader.php.

ResourceLoader::getTestModuleNames ( framework = 'all')

Get a list of test module names for one (or all) frameworks.

If the given framework id is unknkown, or if the in-object variable is not an array, then it will return an empty array.

$frameworkString: Optional. Get only the test module names for one particular framework.

Definition at line 359 of file ResourceLoader.php.

static ResourceLoader::inDebugMode ( ) [static]

Determine whether debug mode was requested Order of priority is 1) request param, 2) cookie, 3) $wg setting.


Definition at line 1091 of file ResourceLoader.php.

static ResourceLoader::isValidModuleName ( moduleName) [static]

Check a module name for validity.

Module names may not contain pipes (|), commas (,) or exclamation marks (!) and can be at most 255 bytes.

$moduleNamestring Module name to check
bool Whether $moduleName is a valid module name

Definition at line 1171 of file ResourceLoader.php.

static ResourceLoader::makeCombinedStyles ( array $  stylePairs) [static, private]

Combines an associative array mapping media type to CSS into a single stylesheet with "@media" blocks.

$stylesArray: Array keyed by media type containing (arrays of) CSS strings.

Definition at line 904 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $out, and OutputPage\transformCssMedia().

ResourceLoader::makeComment ( text) [protected]

Definition at line 660 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Referenced by formatException(), and respond().

static ResourceLoader::makeConfigSetScript ( array $  configuration) [static]

Returns JS code which will set the MediaWiki configuration array to the given value.

$configurationArray: List of configuration values keyed by variable name

Definition at line 1056 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by MWDebug\getDebugHTML(), and Skin\makeVariablesScript().

static ResourceLoader::makeCustomLoaderScript ( name,
) [static]

Returns JS code which calls the script given by $script.

The script will be called with local variables name, version, dependencies and group, which will have values corresponding to $name, $version, $dependencies and $group as supplied.

$nameString: Module name
$versionInteger: Module version number as a timestamp
$dependenciesArray: List of module names on which this module depends
$groupString: Group which the module is in.
$sourceString: Source of the module, or 'local' if not foreign.
$scriptString: JavaScript code

Definition at line 969 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $source, and Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderStartUpModule\getModuleRegistrations().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderConditionalScript ( script) [static]

Returns JS code which runs given JS code if the client-side framework is present.

$scriptString: JavaScript code

Definition at line 1044 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Referenced by ProtectionForm\buildCleanupScript(), MWDebug\getDebugHTML(), and Skin\makeVariablesScript().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderImplementScript ( name,
) [static]

Returns JS code to call to mw.loader.implement for a module with given properties.

$namestring Module name
$scriptsMixed: List of URLs to JavaScript files or String of JavaScript code
$stylesMixed: Array of CSS strings keyed by media type, or an array of lists of URLs to CSS files keyed by media type
$messagesMixed: List of messages associated with this module. May either be an associative array mapping message key to value, or a JSON-encoded message blob containing the same data, wrapped in an XmlJsCode object.

Definition at line 863 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $messages, and Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by makeModuleResponse().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderQuery ( modules,
user = null,
version = null,
debug = false,
only = null,
printable = false,
handheld = false,
extraQuery = array() 
) [static]

Build a query array (array representation of query string) for load.php.

Helper function for makeLoaderURL().


Definition at line 1132 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $user.

Referenced by makeLoaderURL().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderRegisterScript ( name,
version = null,
dependencies = null,
group = null,
source = null 
) [static]

Returns JS code which calls mw.loader.register with the given parameters.

Has three calling conventions:

  • ResourceLoader::makeLoaderRegisterScript( array( array( $name1, $version1, $dependencies1, $group1, $source1 ), array( $name2, $version2, $dependencies1, $group2, $source2 ), ... ) ): Registers modules with the given names and parameters.
$nameString: Module name
$versionInteger: Module version number as a timestamp
$dependenciesArray: List of module names on which this module depends
$groupString: group which the module is in.
$sourceString: source of the module, or 'local' if not foreign

Definition at line 1001 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $source, and Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderStartUpModule\getModuleRegistrations().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderSourcesScript ( id,
properties = null 
) [static]

Returns JS code which calls mw.loader.addSource() with the given parameters.

Has two calling conventions:

$idString: source ID
$propertiesArray: source properties (see addSource())

Definition at line 1028 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderStartUpModule\getModuleRegistrations().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderStateScript ( name,
state = null 
) [static]

Returns a JS call to mw.loader.state, which sets the state of a module or modules to a given value.

Has two calling conventions:


Definition at line 946 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by makeModuleResponse().

static ResourceLoader::makeLoaderURL ( modules,
user = null,
version = null,
debug = false,
only = null,
printable = false,
handheld = false,
extraQuery = array() 
) [static]

Build a load.php URL.

$modulesarray of module names (strings)
$langstring Language code
$skinstring Skin name
$userstring|null User name. If null, the &user= parameter is omitted
$versionstring|null Versioning timestamp
$debugbool Whether the request should be in debug mode
$onlystring|null &only= parameter
$printablebool Printable mode
$handheldbool Handheld mode
$extraQueryarray Extra query parameters to add
string URL to load.php. May be protocol-relative (if $wgLoadScript is procol-relative)

Definition at line 1115 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $user, makeLoaderQuery(), wfAppendQuery(), and wfExpandUrl().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderModule\getScriptURLsForDebug(), and ResourceLoaderModule\getStyleURLsForDebug().

static ResourceLoader::makeMessageSetScript ( messages) [static]

Returns JS code which, when called, will register a given list of messages.

$messagesMixed: Either an associative array mapping message key to value, or a JSON-encoded message blob containing the same data, wrapped in an XmlJsCode object.

Definition at line 892 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $messages, and Xml\encodeJsCall().

Referenced by makeModuleResponse().

ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse ( ResourceLoaderContext context,
array $  modules,
missing = array() 

Generates code for a response.

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context in which to generate a response
$modulesArray: List of module objects keyed by module name
$missingArray: List of unavailable modules (optional)
String: Response data

Definition at line 689 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $exceptions, $out, filter(), formatException(), MessageBlobStore\get(), ResourceLoaderContext\getDebug(), ResourceLoaderContext\getLanguage(), ResourceLoaderContext\getOnly(), ResourceLoaderContext\getRaw(), makeLoaderImplementScript(), makeLoaderStateScript(), makeMessageSetScript(), ResourceLoaderContext\shouldIncludeMessages(), ResourceLoaderContext\shouldIncludeScripts(), ResourceLoaderContext\shouldIncludeStyles(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by respond().

static ResourceLoader::makePackedModulesString ( modules) [static]

Convert an array of module names to a packed query string.

For example, array( '', 'foo.baz', 'bar.baz', 'bar.quux' ) becomes ',baz|bar.baz,quux'

$modulesarray of module names (strings)
string Packed query string

Definition at line 1068 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Referenced by ResourceLoaderStartUpModule\getScript(), and ResourceLoaderTest\testMakePackedModulesString().

ResourceLoader::preloadModuleInfo ( array $  modules,
ResourceLoaderContext context 

Loads information stored in the database about modules.

This method grabs modules dependencies from the database and updates modules objects.

This is not inside the module code because it is much faster to request all of the information at once than it is to have each module requests its own information. This sacrifice of modularity yields a substantial performance improvement.

$modulesArray: List of module names to preload information for
$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context to load the information within

Definition at line 66 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $dbr, $res, FormatJson\decode(), ResourceLoaderContext\getLanguage(), getModule(), ResourceLoaderContext\getSkin(), wfGetDB(), and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by respond().

ResourceLoader::register ( name,
info = null 

Registers a module with the ResourceLoader system.

$nameMixed: Name of module as a string or List of name/object pairs as an array
$infoarray Module info array. For backwards compatibility with 1.17alpha, this may also be a ResourceLoaderModule object. Optional when using multiple-registration calling style.
MWException,:If a duplicate module registration is attempted
MWException,:If a module name contains illegal characters (pipes or commas)
MWException,:If something other than a ResourceLoaderModule is being registered
Boolean: False if there were any errors, in which case one or more modules were not registered

Definition at line 230 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderTest\testRegisteredValidModulesAreAccessible().

Definition at line 273 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $IP, wfProfileIn(), wfProfileOut(), and wfRunHooks().

Referenced by __construct().

ResourceLoader::sendResponseHeaders ( ResourceLoaderContext context,
) [protected]

Send content type and last modified headers to the client.

$mtimestring TS_MW timestamp to use for last-modified
$errorbool Whether there are commented-out errors in the response

Definition at line 537 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References ResourceLoaderContext\getDebug(), ResourceLoaderContext\getOnly(), ResourceLoaderContext\getVersion(), and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by respond(), and tryRespondFromFileCache().

Send out code for a response from file cache if possible.

$fileCacheResourceFileCache: Cache object for this request URL
$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context in which to generate a response
bool If this found a cache file and handled the response

Definition at line 616 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References $response, FileCacheBase\cacheTimestamp(), echo, FileCacheBase\fetchText(), ResourceLoaderContext\getDebug(), ResourceLoaderContext\getVersion(), FileCacheBase\isCacheGood(), sendResponseHeaders(), tryRespondLastModified(), wfGetDB(), and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by respond().

ResourceLoader::tryRespondLastModified ( ResourceLoaderContext context,
) [protected]

If there's an If-Modified-Since header, respond with a 304 appropriately and clear out the output buffer.

If the client cache is too old then do nothing.

$mtimestring The TS_MW timestamp to check the header against
bool True iff 304 header sent and output handled

Definition at line 575 of file ResourceLoader.php.

References ResourceLoaderContext\getDebug(), ResourceLoaderContext\getRequest(), and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by respond(), and tryRespondFromFileCache().

Member Data Documentation

ResourceLoader::$filterCacheVersion = 7 [static, protected]

Definition at line 34 of file ResourceLoader.php.

ResourceLoader::$moduleInfos = array() [protected]

Associative array mapping module name to info associative array.

Definition at line 41 of file ResourceLoader.php.

ResourceLoader::$modules = array() [protected]

Array: List of module name/ResourceLoaderModule object pairs.

Definition at line 38 of file ResourceLoader.php.

Referenced by respond().

ResourceLoader::$requiredSourceProperties = array( 'loadScript' ) [static, protected]

Definition at line 35 of file ResourceLoader.php.

ResourceLoader::$sources = array() [protected]

array( 'source-id' => array( 'loadScript' => 'http://.../load.php' ) )

Definition at line 48 of file ResourceLoader.php.

ResourceLoader::$testModuleNames = array() [protected]

Associative array mapping framework ids to a list of names of test suite modules.

like array( 'qunit' => array( 'mediawiki.tests.qunit.suites', '', .. ), .. )

Definition at line 45 of file ResourceLoader.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: