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ResourceLoaderModule Class Reference

Abstraction for resource loader modules, with name registration and maxage functionality. More...

Inheritance diagram for ResourceLoaderModule:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 getDependencies ()
 Get a list of modules this module depends on.
 getFileDependencies ($skin)
 Get the files this module depends on indirectly for a given skin.
 getFlip ($context)
 getGroup ()
 Get the group this module is in.
 getLoaderScript ()
 Get the loader JS for this module, if set.
 getMessages ()
 Get the messages needed for this module.
 getModifiedTime (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Get this module's last modification timestamp for a given combination of language, skin and debug mode flag.
 getMsgBlobMtime ($lang)
 Get the last modification timestamp of the message blob for this module in a given language.
 getName ()
 Get this module's name.
 getOrigin ()
 Get this module's origin.
 getPosition ()
 Where on the HTML page should this module's JS be loaded?
 getScript (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Get all JS for this module for a given language and skin.
 getScriptURLsForDebug (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Get the URL or URLs to load for this module's JS in debug mode.
 getSource ()
 Get the origin of this module.
 getStyles (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Get all CSS for this module for a given skin.
 getStyleURLsForDebug (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Get the URL or URLs to load for this module's CSS in debug mode.
 isKnownEmpty (ResourceLoaderContext $context)
 Check whether this module is known to be empty.
 isRaw ()
 Whether this module's JS expects to work without the client-side ResourceLoader module.
 setFileDependencies ($skin, $deps)
 Set preloaded file dependency information.
 setMsgBlobMtime ($lang, $mtime)
 Set a preloaded message blob last modification timestamp.
 setName ($name)
 Set this module's name.
 setOrigin ($origin)
 Set this module's origin.
 supportsURLLoading ()
 Whether this module supports URL loading.

Public Attributes

const ORIGIN_ALL = 10
const TYPE_COMBINED = 'combined'
const TYPE_MESSAGES = 'messages'
const TYPE_SCRIPTS = 'scripts'
const TYPE_STYLES = 'styles'

Protected Member Functions

 validateScriptFile ($fileName, $contents)
 Validate a given script file; if valid returns the original source.

Static Protected Member Functions

static javaScriptParser ()

Protected Attributes

 $fileDeps = array()
 $msgBlobMtime = array()
 $name = null
 $origin = self::ORIGIN_CORE_SITEWIDE

Static Private Attributes

static $jsParser
static $parseCacheVersion = 1

Detailed Description

Abstraction for resource loader modules, with name registration and maxage functionality.

Definition at line 28 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Member Function Documentation

Get a list of modules this module depends on.

Dependency information is taken into account when loading a module on the client side. When adding a module on the server side, dependency information is NOT taken into account and YOU are responsible for adding dependent modules as well. If you don't do this, the client side loader will send a second request back to the server to fetch the missing modules, which kind of defeats the purpose of the resource loader.

To add dependencies dynamically on the client side, use a custom loader script, see getLoaderScript()

Array: List of module names as strings

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule, ResourceLoaderLanguageDataModule, and ResourceLoaderUserCSSPrefsModule.

Definition at line 287 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get the files this module depends on indirectly for a given skin.

Currently these are only image files referenced by the module's CSS.

$skinString: Skin name
Array: List of files

Definition at line 299 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $dbr, FormatJson\decode(), getName(), and wfGetDB().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderFileModule\getModifiedTime(), and ResourceLoaderFileModule\getStyles().


Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule.

Definition at line 114 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $wgContLang.

Referenced by ResourceLoaderUserCSSPrefsModule\getStyles(), and ResourceLoaderWikiModule\getStyles().

Get the loader JS for this module, if set.

Mixed: JavaScript loader code as a string or boolean false if no custom loader set

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule.

Definition at line 267 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get the messages needed for this module.

To get a JSON blob with messages, use MessageBlobStore::get()

Array: List of message keys. Keys may occur more than once

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule.

Definition at line 215 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Referenced by MessageBlobStore\generateMessageBlob(), getMsgBlobMtime(), and MessageBlobStore\insertMessageBlob().

Get this module's last modification timestamp for a given combination of language, skin and debug mode flag.

This is typically the highest of each of the relevant components' modification timestamps. Whenever anything happens that changes the module's contents for these parameters, the mtime should increase.

NOTE: The mtime of the module's messages is NOT automatically included. If you want this to happen, you'll need to call getMsgBlobMtime() yourself and take its result into consideration.

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context object
Integer: UNIX timestamp

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule, ResourceLoaderStartUpModule, ResourceLoaderWikiModule, ResourceLoaderLanguageDataModule, ResourceLoaderUserCSSPrefsModule, and ResourceLoaderUserOptionsModule.

Definition at line 382 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get the last modification timestamp of the message blob for this module in a given language.

$langString: Language code
Integer: UNIX timestamp, or 0 if the module doesn't have messages

Definition at line 335 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $dbr, $msgBlobMtime, getMessages(), getName(), wfGetDB(), wfTimestamp(), and wfTimestampNow().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderWikiModule\getModifiedTime(), and ResourceLoaderFileModule\getModifiedTime().

Get this module's name.

This is set when the module is registered with ResourceLoader::register()

Mixed: Name (string) or null if no name was set

Definition at line 75 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Referenced by getFileDependencies(), getMsgBlobMtime(), getScriptURLsForDebug(), ResourceLoaderFileModule\getStyles(), and getStyleURLsForDebug().

Get this module's origin.

This is set when the module is registered with ResourceLoader::register()

Int ResourceLoaderModule class constant, the subclass default if not set manuall

Definition at line 96 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Where on the HTML page should this module's JS be loaded?

  • 'top': in the "<head>"
  • 'bottom': at the bottom of the "<body>"

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule.

Definition at line 247 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get all JS for this module for a given language and skin.

Includes all relevant JS except loader scripts.

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context object
String: JavaScript code

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule, ResourceLoaderStartUpModule, ResourceLoaderWikiModule, ResourceLoaderLanguageDataModule, ResourceLoaderUserOptionsModule, and ResourceLoaderUserTokensModule.

Definition at line 127 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get the URL or URLs to load for this module's JS in debug mode.

The default behavior is to return a load.php?only=scripts URL for the module, but file-based modules will want to override this to load the files directly.

This function is called only when 1) we're in debug mode, 2) there is no only= parameter and 3) supportsURLLoading() returns true. #2 is important to prevent an infinite loop, therefore this function MUST return either an only= URL or a non-load.php URL.

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context object
Array of URLs

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule.

Definition at line 146 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $url, ResourceLoaderContext\getLanguage(), getName(), ResourceLoaderContext\getRequest(), ResourceLoaderContext\getSkin(), ResourceLoaderContext\getUser(), ResourceLoaderContext\getVersion(), and ResourceLoader\makeLoaderURL().

Get the origin of this module.

Should only be overridden for foreign modules.

String: Origin name, 'local' for local modules

Definition at line 235 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get all CSS for this module for a given skin.

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context object
Array: List of CSS strings or array of CSS strings keyed by media type. like array( 'screen' => '.foo { width: 0 }' ); or array( 'screen' => array( '.foo { width: 0 }' ) );

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule, ResourceLoaderWikiModule, and ResourceLoaderUserCSSPrefsModule.

Definition at line 179 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Get the URL or URLs to load for this module's CSS in debug mode.

The default behavior is to return a load.php?only=styles URL for the module, but file-based modules will want to override this to load the files directly. See also getScriptURLsForDebug()

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context object
Array: array( mediaType => array( URL1, URL2, ... ), ... )

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule.

Definition at line 193 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $url, ResourceLoaderContext\getLanguage(), getName(), ResourceLoaderContext\getRequest(), ResourceLoaderContext\getSkin(), ResourceLoaderContext\getUser(), ResourceLoaderContext\getVersion(), and ResourceLoader\makeLoaderURL().

Check whether this module is known to be empty.

If a child class has an easy and cheap way to determine that this module is definitely going to be empty, it should override this method to return true in that case. Callers may optimize the request for this module away if this function returns true.

$contextResourceLoaderContext: Context object

Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderWikiModule.

Definition at line 396 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Whether this module's JS expects to work without the client-side ResourceLoader module.

Returning true from this function will prevent mw.loader.state() call from being appended to the bottom of the script.


Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule, and ResourceLoaderStartUpModule.

Definition at line 258 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

static ResourceLoaderModule::javaScriptParser ( ) [static, protected]

Definition at line 445 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $jsParser.

Referenced by validateScriptFile().

Set preloaded file dependency information.

Used so we can load this information for all modules at once.

$skinString: Skin name
$depsArray: Array of file names

Definition at line 325 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

ResourceLoaderModule::setMsgBlobMtime ( lang,

Set a preloaded message blob last modification timestamp.

Used so we can load this information for all modules at once.

$langString: Language code
$mtimeInteger: UNIX timestamp or 0 if there is no such blob

Definition at line 362 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Set this module's name.

This is called by ResourceLodaer::register() when registering the module. Other code should not call this.

$nameString: Name

Definition at line 85 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $name.

Set this module's origin.

This is called by ResourceLodaer::register() when registering the module. Other code should not call this.

$originInt origin

Definition at line 106 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $origin.

Whether this module supports URL loading.

If this function returns false, getScript() will be used even in cases (debug mode, no only param) where getScriptURLsForDebug() would normally be used instead.


Reimplemented in ResourceLoaderFileModule, ResourceLoaderStartUpModule, ResourceLoaderUserOptionsModule, and ResourceLoaderUserTokensModule.

Definition at line 167 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

ResourceLoaderModule::validateScriptFile ( fileName,
) [protected]

Validate a given script file; if valid returns the original source.

If invalid, returns replacement JS source that throws an exception.

string JS with the original, or a replacement error

Definition at line 413 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

References $result, Xml\encodeJsVar(), javaScriptParser(), wfGetCache(), and wfMemcKey().

Referenced by ResourceLoaderWikiModule\getScript(), and ResourceLoaderFileModule\readScriptFiles().

Member Data Documentation

ResourceLoaderModule::$fileDeps = array() [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

ResourceLoaderModule::$jsParser [static, private]

Definition at line 402 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Referenced by javaScriptParser().

ResourceLoaderModule::$msgBlobMtime = array() [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Referenced by getMsgBlobMtime().

ResourceLoaderModule::$origin = self::ORIGIN_CORE_SITEWIDE [protected]
ResourceLoaderModule::$parseCacheVersion = 1 [static, private]

Definition at line 403 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Definition at line 50 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Definition at line 34 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Definition at line 33 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Definition at line 31 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

Definition at line 32 of file ResourceLoaderModule.php.

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