MediaWiki  REL1_20
WikiPage Class Reference

Class representing a MediaWiki article and history. More...

Inheritance diagram for WikiPage:
Collaboration diagram for WikiPage:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct (Title $title)
 Constructor and clear the article.
 checkFlags ($flags)
 Check flags and add EDIT_NEW or EDIT_UPDATE to them as needed.
 checkTouched ()
 Loads page_touched and returns a value indicating if it should be used.
 clear ()
 Clear the object.
 commitRollback ($fromP, $summary, $bot, &$resultDetails, User $guser)
 Backend implementation of doRollback(), please refer there for parameter and return value documentation.
 createUpdates ($rev)
 Perform article updates on a special page creation.
 doCascadeProtectionUpdates (ParserOutput $parserOutput)
 Updates cascading protections.
 doDeleteArticle ($reason, $suppress=false, $id=0, $commit=true, &$error= '', User $user=null)
 Same as doDeleteArticleReal(), but returns a simple boolean.
 doDeleteArticleReal ($reason, $suppress=false, $id=0, $commit=true, &$error= '', User $user=null)
 Back-end article deletion Deletes the article with database consistency, writes logs, purges caches.
 doDeleteUpdates ($id)
 Do some database updates after deletion.
 doEdit ($text, $summary, $flags=0, $baseRevId=false, $user=null)
 Change an existing article or create a new article.
 doEditUpdates (Revision $revision, User $user, array $options=array())
 Do standard deferred updates after page edit.
 doPurge ()
 Perform the actions of a page purging.
 doQuickEdit ($text, User $user, $comment= '', $minor=0)
 Edit an article without doing all that other stuff The article must already exist; link tables etc are not updated, caches are not flushed.
 doRollback ($fromP, $summary, $token, $bot, &$resultDetails, User $user)
 Roll back the most recent consecutive set of edits to a page from the same user; fails if there are no eligible edits to roll back to, e.g.
 doUpdateRestrictions (array $limit, array $expiry, &$cascade, $reason, User $user)
 Update the article's restriction field, and leave a log entry.
 doViewUpdates (User $user)
 Do standard deferred updates after page view.
 estimateRevisionCount ()
 Get the approximate revision count of this page.
 exists ()
 followRedirect ()
 Get the Title object or URL this page redirects to.
 getActionOverrides ()
 Returns overrides for action handlers.
 getAutoDeleteReason (&$hasHistory)
 Auto-generates a deletion reason.
 getComment ($audience=Revision::FOR_PUBLIC)
 getContributors ()
 Get a list of users who have edited this article, not including the user who made the most recent revision, which you can get from $article->getUser() if you want it.
 getCount ()
 getCreator ($audience=Revision::FOR_PUBLIC)
 Get the User object of the user who created the page.
 getDeletionUpdates ()
 getHiddenCategories ()
 getId ()
 getLastNAuthors ($num, $revLatest=0)
 Get the last N authors.
 getLatest ()
 Get the page_latest field.
 getMinorEdit ()
 Returns true if last revision was marked as "minor edit".
 getOldestRevision ()
 Get the Revision object of the oldest revision.
 getParserOutput (ParserOptions $parserOptions, $oldid=null)
 Get a ParserOutput for the given ParserOptions and revision ID.
 getRawText ()
 Get the text of the current revision.
 getRedirectTarget ()
 If this page is a redirect, get its target.
 getRedirectURL ($rt)
 Get the Title object or URL to use for a redirect.
 getRevision ()
 Get the latest revision.
 getText ($audience=Revision::FOR_PUBLIC)
 Get the text of the current revision.
 getTimestamp ()
 getTitle ()
 Get the title object of the article.
 getTouched ()
 Get the page_touched field.
 getUndoText (Revision $undo, Revision $undoafter=null)
 Get the text that needs to be saved in order to undo all revisions between $undo and $undoafter.
 getUsedTemplates ()
 Return a list of templates used by this article.
 getUser ($audience=Revision::FOR_PUBLIC)
 getUserText ($audience=Revision::FOR_PUBLIC)
 hasViewableContent ()
 Check if this page is something we're going to be showing some sort of sensible content for.
 insertOn ($dbw)
 Insert a new empty page record for this article.
 insertRedirect ()
 Insert an entry for this page into the redirect table.
 insertRedirectEntry ($rt)
 Insert or update the redirect table entry for this page to indicate it redirects to $rt .
 isBigDeletion ()
 Check whether the number of revisions of this page surpasses $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit.
 isCountable ($editInfo=false)
 Determine whether a page would be suitable for being counted as an article in the site_stats table based on the title & its content.
 isParserCacheUsed (ParserOptions $parserOptions, $oldid)
 Should the parser cache be used?
 isRedirect ($text=false)
 Tests if the article text represents a redirect.
 loadFromRow ($data, $from)
 Load the object from a database row.
 loadPageData ($from= 'fromdb')
 Set the general counter, title etc data loaded from some source.
 makeParserOptions ($context)
 Get parser options suitable for rendering the primary article wikitext.
 pageDataFromId ($dbr, $id, $options=array())
 Fetch a page record matching the requested ID.
 pageDataFromTitle ($dbr, $title, $options=array())
 Fetch a page record matching the Title object's namespace and title using a sanitized title string.
 prepareTextForEdit ($text, $revid=null, User $user=null)
 Prepare text which is about to be saved.
 preSaveTransform ($text, User $user=null, ParserOptions $popts=null)
 This function is called right before saving the wikitext, so we can do things like signatures and links-in-context.
 quickEdit ($text, $comment= '', $minor=0)
 replaceSection ($section, $text, $sectionTitle= '', $edittime=null)
 setCachedLastEditTime ($timestamp)
 Set the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.
 setTimestamp ($ts)
 Set the page timestamp (use only to avoid DB queries)
 updateCategoryCounts ($added, $deleted)
 Update all the appropriate counts in the category table, given that we've added the categories $added and deleted the categories $deleted.
 updateIfNewerOn ($dbw, $revision)
 If the given revision is newer than the currently set page_latest, update the page record.
 updateRedirectOn ($dbw, $redirectTitle, $lastRevIsRedirect=null)
 Add row to the redirect table if this is a redirect, remove otherwise.
 updateRestrictions ($limit=array(), $reason= '', &$cascade=0, $expiry=array(), User $user=null)
 Update the article's restriction field, and leave a log entry.
 updateRevisionOn ($dbw, $revision, $lastRevision=null, $lastRevIsRedirect=null)
 Update the page record to point to a newly saved revision.
 useParserCache ($oldid)
 viewUpdates ()

Static Public Member Functions

static factory (Title $title)
 Create a WikiPage object of the appropriate class for the given title.
static getAutosummary ($oldtext, $newtext, $flags)
 Return an applicable autosummary if one exists for the given edit.
static newFromID ($id, $from= 'fromdb')
 Constructor from a page id.
static newFromRow ($row, $from= 'fromdb')
 Constructor from a database row.
static onArticleCreate ($title)
 The onArticle*() functions are supposed to be a kind of hooks which should be called whenever any of the specified actions are done.
static onArticleDelete ($title)
 Clears caches when article is deleted.
static onArticleEdit ($title)
 Purge caches on page update etc.
static selectFields ()
 Return the list of revision fields that should be selected to create a new page.

Public Attributes

 $mDataLoadedFrom = self::READ_NONE
 $mTimestamp = ''
Title $mTitle = null
 $mDataLoaded = false
 $mIsRedirect = false
 $mLatest = false
 $mPreparedEdit = false

Protected Member Functions

 clearCacheFields ()
 Clear the object cache fields.
 getCachedLastEditTime ()
 Get the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.
 loadLastEdit ()
 Loads everything except the text This isn't necessary for all uses, so it's only done if needed.
 pageData ($dbr, $conditions, $options=array())
 Fetch a page record with the given conditions.
 setLastEdit (Revision $revision)
 Set the latest revision.

Static Protected Member Functions

static flattenRestrictions ($limit)
 Take an array of page restrictions and flatten it to a string suitable for insertion into the page_restrictions field.

Protected Attributes

int null $mCounter = null
Revision $mLastRevision = null
Title $mRedirectTarget = null
string $mTouched = '19700101000000'
 one of the READ_* constants
 timestamp of the current revision or empty string if not loaded

Static Private Member Functions

static convertSelectType ($type)
 Convert 'fromdb', 'fromdbmaster' and 'forupdate' to READ_* constants.

Detailed Description

Class representing a MediaWiki article and history.

Some fields are public only for backwards-compatibility. Use accessors. In the past, this class was part of Article.php and everything was public.

Definition at line 36 of file WikiPage.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Constructor and clear the article.

$titleTitle Reference to a Title object.

Definition at line 80 of file WikiPage.php.

Member Function Documentation

WikiPage::checkFlags ( flags)

Check flags and add EDIT_NEW or EDIT_UPDATE to them as needed.

Int updated $flags

Definition at line 1347 of file WikiPage.php.

Loads page_touched and returns a value indicating if it should be used.

boolean true if not a redirect

Definition at line 435 of file WikiPage.php.

Clear the object.


Definition at line 198 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::clearCacheFields ( ) [protected]

Clear the object cache fields.


Definition at line 209 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::commitRollback ( fromP,
&$  resultDetails,
User guser 

Backend implementation of doRollback(), please refer there for parameter and return value documentation.

NOTE: This function does NOT check ANY permissions, it just commits the rollback to the DB. Therefore, you should only call this function direct- ly if you want to use custom permissions checks. If you don't, use doRollback() instead.

$fromPString: Name of the user whose edits to rollback.
$summaryString: Custom summary. Set to default summary if empty.
$botBoolean: If true, mark all reverted edits as bot.
$resultDetailsArray: contains result-specific array of additional values
$guserUser The user performing the rollback

Definition at line 2345 of file WikiPage.php.

static WikiPage::convertSelectType ( type) [static, private]

Convert 'fromdb', 'fromdbmaster' and 'forupdate' to READ_* constants.


Definition at line 158 of file WikiPage.php.

References IDBAccessObject\READ_LATEST, IDBAccessObject\READ_LOCKING, and IDBAccessObject\READ_NORMAL.

Perform article updates on a special page creation.

$revRevision object
This is a shitty interface function. Kill it and replace the other shitty functions like doEditUpdates and such so it's not needed anymore.
since 1.18, use doEditUpdates()

Definition at line 2888 of file WikiPage.php.

Updates cascading protections.

$parserOutputParserOutput object for the current version

Definition at line 2820 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::doDeleteArticle ( reason,
suppress = false,
id = 0,
commit = true,
&$  error = '',
User user = null 

Same as doDeleteArticleReal(), but returns a simple boolean.

This is kept around for backwards compatibility, if you care about error reporting you should use doDeleteArticleReal() instead.

Deletes the article with database consistency, writes logs, purges caches

$reasonstring delete reason for deletion log
$suppressboolean suppress all revisions and log the deletion in the suppression log instead of the deletion log
$idint article ID
$commitboolean defaults to true, triggers transaction end
&$errorArray of errors to append to
$userUser The deleting user
boolean true if successful

Definition at line 2112 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by WikiPageTest\testExists().

WikiPage::doDeleteArticleReal ( reason,
suppress = false,
id = 0,
commit = true,
&$  error = '',
User user = null 

Back-end article deletion Deletes the article with database consistency, writes logs, purges caches.

$reasonstring delete reason for deletion log
$suppressboolean suppress all revisions and log the deletion in the suppression log instead of the deletion log
$commitboolean defaults to true, triggers transaction end
&$errorArray of errors to append to
$userUser The deleting user
Status: Status object; if successful, $status->value is the log_id of the deletion log entry. If the page couldn't be deleted because it wasn't found, $status is a non-fatal 'cannotdelete' error

Definition at line 2135 of file WikiPage.php.

Do some database updates after deletion.

$idInt: page_id value of the page being deleted (B/C, currently unused)

Definition at line 2251 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::doEdit ( text,
flags = 0,
baseRevId = false,
user = null 

Change an existing article or create a new article.

Updates RC and all necessary caches, optionally via the deferred update array.

$textString: new text
$summaryString: edit summary
$flagsInteger bitfield: EDIT_NEW Article is known or assumed to be non-existent, create a new one EDIT_UPDATE Article is known or assumed to be pre-existing, update it EDIT_MINOR Mark this edit minor, if the user is allowed to do so EDIT_SUPPRESS_RC Do not log the change in recentchanges EDIT_FORCE_BOT Mark the edit a "bot" edit regardless of user rights EDIT_DEFER_UPDATES Defer some of the updates until the end of index.php EDIT_AUTOSUMMARY Fill in blank summaries with generated text where possible

If neither EDIT_NEW nor EDIT_UPDATE is specified, the status of the article will be detected. If EDIT_UPDATE is specified and the article doesn't exist, the function will return an edit-gone-missing error. If EDIT_NEW is specified and the article does exist, an edit-already-exists error will be returned. These two conditions are also possible with auto-detection due to MediaWiki's performance-optimised locking strategy.

bool | int$baseRevIdint the revision ID this edit was based off, if any
$userUser the user doing the edit
Status object. Possible errors: edit-hook-aborted: The ArticleSave hook aborted the edit but didn't set the fatal flag of $status edit-gone-missing: In update mode, but the article didn't exist edit-conflict: In update mode, the article changed unexpectedly edit-no-change: Warning that the text was the same as before edit-already-exists: In creation mode, but the article already exists

Extensions may define additional errors.

$return->value will contain an associative array with members as follows: new: Boolean indicating if the function attempted to create a new article revision: The revision object for the inserted revision, or null

Compatibility note: this function previously returned a boolean value indicating success/failure

Definition at line 1406 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::doEditUpdates ( Revision revision,
User user,
array $  options = array() 

Do standard deferred updates after page edit.

Update links tables, site stats, search index and message cache. Purges pages that include this page if the text was changed here. Every 100th edit, prune the recent changes table.

$revisionRevision object
$userUser object that did the revision
$optionsArray of options, following indexes are used:
  • changed: boolean, whether the revision changed the content (default true)
  • created: boolean, whether the revision created the page (default false)
  • oldcountable: boolean or null (default null):
    • boolean: whether the page was counted as an article before that revision, only used in changed is true and created is false
    • null: don't change the article count

Definition at line 1717 of file WikiPage.php.

Perform the actions of a page purging.


Reimplemented in WikiFilePage.

Definition at line 1052 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::doQuickEdit ( text,
User user,
comment = '',
minor = 0 

Edit an article without doing all that other stuff The article must already exist; link tables etc are not updated, caches are not flushed.

$textString: text submitted
$userUser The relevant user
$commentString: comment submitted
$minorBoolean: whereas it's a minor modification

Definition at line 1835 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::doRollback ( fromP,
&$  resultDetails,
User user 

Roll back the most recent consecutive set of edits to a page from the same user; fails if there are no eligible edits to roll back to, e.g.

user is the sole contributor. This function performs permissions checks on $user, then calls commitRollback() to do the dirty work

: seperate the business/permission stuff out from backend code
$fromPString: Name of the user whose edits to rollback.
$summaryString: Custom summary. Set to default summary if empty.
$tokenString: Rollback token.
$botBoolean: If true, mark all reverted edits as bot.
$resultDetailsArray: contains result-specific array of additional values 'alreadyrolled' : 'current' (rev) success : 'summary' (str), 'current' (rev), 'target' (rev)
$userUser The user performing the rollback
array of errors, each error formatted as array(messagekey, param1, param2, ...). On success, the array is empty. This array can also be passed to OutputPage::showPermissionsErrorPage().

Definition at line 2303 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::doUpdateRestrictions ( array $  limit,
array $  expiry,
&$  cascade,
User user 

Update the article's restriction field, and leave a log entry.

This works for protection both existing and non-existing pages.

$limitArray: set of restriction keys
&$cascadeInteger. Set to false if cascading protection isn't allowed.
$expiryArray: per restriction type expiration
$userUser The user updating the restrictions

Definition at line 1864 of file WikiPage.php.

Do standard deferred updates after page view.

$userUser The relevant user

Definition at line 1032 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the approximate revision count of this page.

in 1.19; use Title::estimateRevisionCount() instead.

Definition at line 2937 of file WikiPage.php.

References wfDeprecated().

bool Whether or not the page exists in the database

Definition at line 386 of file WikiPage.php.

static WikiPage::flattenRestrictions ( limit) [static, protected]

Take an array of page restrictions and flatten it to a string suitable for insertion into the page_restrictions field.


Definition at line 2079 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the Title object or URL this page redirects to.

mixed false, Title of in-wiki target, or string with URL

Reimplemented in WikiFilePage.

Definition at line 822 of file WikiPage.php.

Returns overrides for action handlers.

Classes listed here will be used instead of the default one when (and only when) $wgActions[$action] === true. This allows subclasses to override the default behavior.

: move this UI stuff somewhere else

Reimplemented in WikiFilePage.

Definition at line 182 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::getAutoDeleteReason ( &$  hasHistory)

Auto-generates a deletion reason.

&$hasHistoryBoolean: whether the page has a history
mixed String containing deletion reason or empty string, or boolean false if no revision occurred

Definition at line 2660 of file WikiPage.php.

static WikiPage::getAutosummary ( oldtext,
) [static]

Return an applicable autosummary if one exists for the given edit.

$oldtextString: the previous text of the page.
$newtextString: The submitted text of the page.
$flagsInt bitmask: a bitmask of flags submitted for the edit.
string An appropriate autosummary, or an empty string.

Definition at line 2602 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.

This is only used to help handle slave lag by comparing to page_touched.

string MW timestamp

Definition at line 686 of file WikiPage.php.

$audienceInteger: one of: Revision::FOR_PUBLIC to be displayed to all users Revision::FOR_THIS_USER to be displayed to $wgUser Revision::RAW get the text regardless of permissions
string Comment stored for the last article revision

Definition at line 658 of file WikiPage.php.

Get a list of users who have edited this article, not including the user who made the most recent revision, which you can get from $article->getUser() if you want it.


Definition at line 874 of file WikiPage.php.

int The view count for the page

Definition at line 405 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the User object of the user who created the page.

$audienceInteger: one of: Revision::FOR_PUBLIC to be displayed to all users Revision::FOR_THIS_USER to be displayed to $wgUser Revision::RAW get the text regardless of permissions

Definition at line 625 of file WikiPage.php.

Definition at line 2269 of file WikiPage.php.


Returns a list of hidden categories this page is a member of. Uses the page_props and categorylinks tables.

Array of Title objects

Definition at line 2571 of file WikiPage.php.

int Page ID

Definition at line 379 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::getLastNAuthors ( num,
revLatest = 0 

Get the last N authors.

$numInteger: number of revisions to get
$revLatestString: the latest rev_id, selected from the master (optional)
array Array of authors, duplicates not removed

Definition at line 926 of file WikiPage.php.

References $res, wfGetDB(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Get the page_latest field.

integer rev_id of current revision

Definition at line 457 of file WikiPage.php.

Returns true if last revision was marked as "minor edit".

boolean Minor edit indicator for the last article revision.

Definition at line 672 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the Revision object of the oldest revision.


Definition at line 468 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::getParserOutput ( ParserOptions parserOptions,
oldid = null 

Get a ParserOutput for the given ParserOptions and revision ID.

The parser cache will be used if possible.

$parserOptionsParserOptions to use for the parse operation
$oldidRevision ID to get the text from, passing null or 0 will get the current revision (default value)
ParserOutput or false if the revision was not found

Definition at line 999 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the text of the current revision.

No side-effects...

String|bool The text of the current revision. False on failure

Definition at line 572 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by insertRedirect().

If this page is a redirect, get its target.

The target will be fetched from the redirect table if possible. If this page doesn't have an entry there, call insertRedirect()

Title|mixed object, or null if this page is not a redirect

Reimplemented in WikiFilePage.

Definition at line 754 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the Title object or URL to use for a redirect.

We use Title objects for same-wiki, non-special redirects and URLs for everything else.

$rtTitle Redirect target
mixed false, Title object of local target, or string with URL

Definition at line 833 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the latest revision.


Definition at line 542 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the text of the current revision.

No side-effects...

$audienceInteger: one of: Revision::FOR_PUBLIC to be displayed to all users Revision::FOR_THIS_USER to be displayed to $wgUser Revision::RAW get the text regardless of permissions
String|bool The text of the current revision. False on failure

Definition at line 559 of file WikiPage.php.

string MW timestamp of last article revision

Definition at line 583 of file WikiPage.php.

Get the title object of the article.

Title object of this page

Definition at line 190 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by Article\setRedirectedFrom().

Get the page_touched field.

string containing GMT timestamp

Definition at line 446 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::getUndoText ( Revision undo,
Revision undoafter = null 

Get the text that needs to be saved in order to undo all revisions between $undo and $undoafter.

Revisions must belong to the same page, must exist and must not be deleted

$undoafterRevision Must be an earlier revision than $undo
mixed string on success, false on failure

Definition at line 1264 of file WikiPage.php.

Return a list of templates used by this article.

Uses the templatelinks table

in 1.19; use Title::getTemplateLinksFrom()
Array of Title objects

Definition at line 2874 of file WikiPage.php.

$audienceInteger: one of: Revision::FOR_PUBLIC to be displayed to all users Revision::FOR_THIS_USER to be displayed to $wgUser Revision::RAW get the text regardless of permissions
int user ID for the user that made the last article revision

Definition at line 608 of file WikiPage.php.

$audienceInteger: one of: Revision::FOR_PUBLIC to be displayed to all users Revision::FOR_THIS_USER to be displayed to $wgUser Revision::RAW get the text regardless of permissions
string username of the user that made the last article revision

Definition at line 642 of file WikiPage.php.

Check if this page is something we're going to be showing some sort of sensible content for.

If we return false, page views (plain action=view) will return an HTTP 404 response, so spiders and robots can know they're following a bad link.


Reimplemented in WikiCategoryPage.

Definition at line 398 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::insertOn ( dbw)

Insert a new empty page record for this article.

This *must* be followed up by creating a revision and running $this->updateRevisionOn( ... ); or else the record will be left in a funky state. Best if all done inside a transaction.

int The newly created page_id key, or false if the title already existed

Definition at line 1095 of file WikiPage.php.

Insert an entry for this page into the redirect table.

Don't call this function directly unless you know what you're doing.

Title object or null if not a redirect

Definition at line 788 of file WikiPage.php.

References getRawText(), insertRedirectEntry(), and Title\newFromRedirectRecurse().

Insert or update the redirect table entry for this page to indicate it redirects to $rt .

$rtTitle redirect target

Definition at line 803 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by insertRedirect().

Check whether the number of revisions of this page surpasses $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit.

in 1.19; use Title::isBigDeletion() instead.

Definition at line 2926 of file WikiPage.php.

References wfDeprecated().

WikiPage::isCountable ( editInfo = false)

Determine whether a page would be suitable for being counted as an article in the site_stats table based on the title & its content.

$editInfoObject|bool (false): object returned by prepareTextForEdit(), if false, the current database state will be used

Definition at line 712 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::isParserCacheUsed ( ParserOptions parserOptions,

Should the parser cache be used?

$parserOptionsParserOptions to check

Definition at line 979 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::isRedirect ( text = false)

Tests if the article text represents a redirect.

$textmixed string containing article contents, or boolean

Reimplemented in WikiFilePage.

Definition at line 419 of file WikiPage.php.

References loadPageData(), and Title\newFromRedirect().

WikiPage::loadFromRow ( data,

Load the object from a database row.

$dataobject: database row containing at least fields returned by selectFields()
$fromstring|int One of the following:

Definition at line 343 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::loadLastEdit ( ) [protected]

Loads everything except the text This isn't necessary for all uses, so it's only done if needed.

Definition at line 507 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::loadPageData ( from = 'fromdb')

Set the general counter, title etc data loaded from some source.

$fromobject|string|int One of the following:

Definition at line 300 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by isRedirect().

Get parser options suitable for rendering the primary article wikitext.

IContextSource | User | string$contextOne of the following:
  • IContextSource: Use the User and the Language of the provided context
  • User: Use the provided User object and $wgLang for the language, so use an IContextSource object if possible.
  • 'canonical': Canonical options (anonymous user with default preferences and content language).

Definition at line 1646 of file WikiPage.php.

static WikiPage::newFromID ( id,
from = 'fromdb' 
) [static]

Constructor from a page id.

$idInt article ID to load
$fromstring|int one of the following values:

Definition at line 124 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by RefreshLinks\fixLinksFromArticle(), RefreshLinks\fixRedirect(), and ApiBase\getTitleOrPageId().

static WikiPage::newFromRow ( row,
from = 'fromdb' 
) [static]

Constructor from a database row.

$rowobject: database row containing at least fields returned by selectFields().
$fromstring|int: source of $data:

Definition at line 146 of file WikiPage.php.

static WikiPage::onArticleCreate ( title) [static]

The onArticle*() functions are supposed to be a kind of hooks which should be called whenever any of the specified actions are done.

This is a good place to put code to clear caches, for instance.

This is called on page move and undelete, as well as edit

$titleTitle object

Definition at line 2481 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by Title\moveToInternal().

static WikiPage::onArticleDelete ( title) [static]

Clears caches when article is deleted.


Definition at line 2502 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by Title\moveToInternal().

static WikiPage::onArticleEdit ( title) [static]

Purge caches on page update etc.

$titleTitle object
: verify that $title is always a Title object (and never false or null), add Title hint to parameter $title

Definition at line 2548 of file WikiPage.php.

References DeferredUpdates\addHTMLCacheUpdate(), HTMLFileCache\clearFileCache(), and Title\purgeSquid().

WikiPage::pageData ( dbr,
options = array() 
) [protected]

Fetch a page record with the given conditions.

$dbrDatabaseBase object
mixed Database result resource, or false on failure

Definition at line 249 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::pageDataFromId ( dbr,
options = array() 

Fetch a page record matching the requested ID.

mixed Database result resource, or false on failure

Definition at line 284 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::pageDataFromTitle ( dbr,
options = array() 

Fetch a page record matching the Title object's namespace and title using a sanitized title string.

$dbrDatabaseBase object
$titleTitle object
mixed Database result resource, or false on failure

Definition at line 270 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::prepareTextForEdit ( text,
revid = null,
User user = null 

Prepare text which is about to be saved.

Returns a stdclass with source, pst and output members


Definition at line 1672 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::preSaveTransform ( text,
User user = null,
ParserOptions popts = null 

This function is called right before saving the wikitext, so we can do things like signatures and links-in-context.

in 1.19; use Parser::preSaveTransform() instead
$textString article contents
$userUser object: user doing the edit
$poptsParserOptions object: parser options, default options for the user loaded if null given
string article contents with altered wikitext markup (signatures converted, {{subst:}}, templates, etc.)

Definition at line 2906 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::quickEdit ( text,
comment = '',
minor = 0 
since 1.18

Definition at line 2966 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::replaceSection ( section,
sectionTitle = '',
edittime = null 
$sectionnull|bool|int or a section number (0, 1, 2, T1, T2...)
$textString: new text of the section
$sectionTitleString: new section's subject, only if $section is 'new'
$edittimeString: revision timestamp or null to use the current revision
string Complete article text, or null if error

Definition at line 1293 of file WikiPage.php.

static WikiPage::selectFields ( ) [static]

Return the list of revision fields that should be selected to create a new page.


Definition at line 226 of file WikiPage.php.

Referenced by ArticleTest\testStaticFunctions().

Set the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.

This is only used to help handle slave lag by comparing to page_touched.


Definition at line 698 of file WikiPage.php.

References $wgMemc, wfMemcKey(), and wfTimestamp().

WikiPage::setLastEdit ( Revision revision) [protected]

Set the latest revision.

Definition at line 533 of file WikiPage.php.

Set the page timestamp (use only to avoid DB queries)

$tsstring MW timestamp of last article revision

Definition at line 597 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::updateCategoryCounts ( added,

Update all the appropriate counts in the category table, given that we've added the categories $added and deleted the categories $deleted.

$addedarray The names of categories that were added
$deletedarray The names of categories that were deleted

Definition at line 2759 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::updateIfNewerOn ( dbw,

If the given revision is newer than the currently set page_latest, update the page record.

Otherwise, do nothing.

$dbwDatabaseBase object
$revisionRevision object

Definition at line 1226 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::updateRedirectOn ( dbw,
lastRevIsRedirect = null 

Add row to the redirect table if this is a redirect, remove otherwise.

$redirectTitleTitle object pointing to the redirect target, or NULL if this is not a redirect
$lastRevIsRedirectnull|bool If given, will optimize adding and removing rows in redirect table.
bool true on success, false on failure

Definition at line 1191 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::updateRestrictions ( limit = array(),
reason = '',
&$  cascade = 0,
expiry = array(),
User user = null 

Update the article's restriction field, and leave a log entry.

since 1.19
$limitArray: set of restriction keys
&$cascadeInteger. Set to false if cascading protection isn't allowed.
$expiryArray: per restriction type expiration
$userUser The user updating the restrictions
bool true on success

Definition at line 2953 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::updateRevisionOn ( dbw,
lastRevision = null,
lastRevIsRedirect = null 

Update the page record to point to a newly saved revision.

$dbwDatabaseBase: object
$revisionRevision: For ID number, and text used to set length and redirect status fields
$lastRevisionInteger: if given, will not overwrite the page field when different from the currently set value. Giving 0 indicates the new page flag should be set on.
$lastRevIsRedirectBoolean: if given, will optimize adding and removing rows in redirect table.
bool true on success, false on failure

Definition at line 1139 of file WikiPage.php.

since 1.18

Definition at line 2986 of file WikiPage.php.

since 1.18

Definition at line 2975 of file WikiPage.php.

Member Data Documentation

int null WikiPage::$mCounter = null [protected]

Definition at line 74 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::$mDataLoaded = false



Definition at line 46 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::$mDataLoadedFrom = self::READ_NONE

Definition at line 54 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::$mIsRedirect = false



Definition at line 47 of file WikiPage.php.

Revision WikiPage::$mLastRevision = null [protected]

Definition at line 62 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::$mLatest = false



Definition at line 48 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::$mPreparedEdit = false



Definition at line 49 of file WikiPage.php.

Title WikiPage::$mRedirectTarget = null [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::$mTimestamp = ''

Definition at line 66 of file WikiPage.php.

Title WikiPage::$mTitle = null

Definition at line 41 of file WikiPage.php.

string WikiPage::$mTouched = '19700101000000' [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::int [protected]

one of the READ_* constants

Definition at line 54 of file WikiPage.php.

WikiPage::string [protected]

timestamp of the current revision or empty string if not loaded

Definition at line 66 of file WikiPage.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: