- Class _DiffOp
- document
- Class _DiffOp_Add
- document
- Class _DiffOp_Change
- document
- Class _DiffOp_Copy
- document
- Class _DiffOp_Delete
- document
- Class _HWLDF_WordAccumulator
- document
- Member ApiTest ()
- Finish filling me out...what are we trying to test here?
- Class ApiWatchTest
- This test suite is severly broken and need a full review
- Class Article
- move and rewrite code to an Action class
- Member Article ($reason)
- FIXME: Move to another file?
- Member AtomFeed ($ts)
- document
- Member BackupDumper ()
- Fixme: the --server parameter is currently not respected, as it doesn't seem terribly easy to ask the load balancer for a particular connection by name.
- Member BagOStuff ()
- : what is this?
- File Benchmarker.php
Report PHP version, OS ..
- Member BitmapHandler ($image, $scalerParams)
- fixme: no rotation support
- Class BitmapMetadataHandler
other image formats.
- Member BitmapMetadataHandler ($filename)
- Add XMP support, so this function actually makes sense to put here.
- Member Block ($address= '', $user=0, $by=0, $reason= '', $timestamp=0, $auto=0, $expiry= '', $anonOnly=0, $createAccount=0, $enableAutoblock=0, $hideName=0, $blockEmail=0, $allowUsertalk=0, $byText= '')
- FIXME: Don't know what the best format to have for this constructor is, but fourteen optional parameters certainly isn't it.
- Member Block ()
- FIXME: This should be an integral part of the Block member variables
- Member Categoryfinder ($article_ids, $categories, $mode= 'AND')
- FIXME: $categories/$mode
- File cdb.php
- Class ChannelFeed
- document (needs one-sentence top-level class description).
- Member CleanUpTest ($head, $tail)
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ($head, $tail)
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ($head, $tail)
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- Member CleanUpTest ()
- document
- File CologneBlue.php
- Member CompressOld ($start=0, $extdb= '')
- document
- Member CompressOld ($row, $extdb)
- document
- Member CompressOld
- document
- Member ContribsPager ($row)
- This would probably look a lot nicer in a table.
- Member ConverterRule ()
- FIXME: code this function :)
- Member Cookie ($domain, $originDomain=null)
fixme fails to detect 3-letter top-level domains
fixme fails to detect 2-letter top-level domains for single-domain use (probably not a big problem in practice, but there are test cases)
- Member CoreParserFunctions ($parser, $page= '', $raw=null)
FIXME: This doesn't work correctly on preview for getting the size of the current page.
FIXME: Title::getLength() documentation claims that it adds things to the link cache, so the local cache here should be unnecessary, but in fact calling getLength() repeatedly for the same $page does seem to run one query for each call?
Document parameters
- Member CoreTagHooks ($content, $attributes, $parser)
- break Parser::renderImageGallery out here too.
- Member DatabaseBase ($db)
- Explain what exactly will fail if this is not overridden.
- Member DatabaseMssql ()
- Remove magic date
- Member DatabasePostgres ($destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname= 'DatabasePostgres::insertSelect', $insertOptions=array(), $selectOptions=array())
- FIXME: Implement this a little better (seperate select/insert)?
- Member DatabaseSqlite ()
- : check if it should be true like parent class
- Member DatabaseSqliteTest ()
- : currently only checks list of tables
- Class DateFormatter
preferences, OutputPage
- Member DateFormatter ()
- document
- Member DateFormatter ($year)
- document
- Member DateFormatter ($iso)
- document
- Member DeletedContribsPager ($row)
- This would probably look a lot nicer in a table.
- Member DeletedContributionsPage ($userObj)
- FIXME: Almost the same as contributionsSub in SpecialContributions.php. Could be combined.
- File deleteOrphanedRevisions.php
- More efficient cleanup of text records
- Class Diff
- document
- Class DifferenceEngine
- Class DiffFormatter
- document
- File dumpMessages.php
- Make this more useful, right now just dumps $wgContLang
- Member EditPage ()
- This doesn't include category or interlanguage links. Would need to enhance it a bit, "<s>maybe wrap them in XML
or something...</s>" that might also require more skin initialization, so check whether that's a problem.
- Member EditPage (&$editText)
- document
- Member Exif ($file, $byteOrder= '')
- FIXME: The following are broke: SubjectArea. Need to test the more obscure tags.
- Member ExifBitmapHandler ($data)
- FIXME orientation can include flipping as well; see if this is an issue!
- Member FauxResponse ($name, $value, $expire=0, $prefix=null, $domain=null)
- document.
- Member ForeignAPIFile ()
- FIXME: May guess wrong on file types that can be eg audio or video
- Member FormatJson ($value, $isHtml=false)
- FIXME: "$isHtml" parameter's purpose is not documented. It appears to map to a parameter labeled "pretty-print output with indents and
newlines" in Services_JSON::encode(), which has no string relation to HTML output.
- Class FormOptions
- This badly need some examples and tests :-)
- Member FormOptions$options
- Document!
- Member FormOptions ($name)
- Document
- Member FormOptions ($names)
- Document
- Member FormOptions ($option)
- Document
- Member GIFHandler ($image)
- unittests
- Member HistoryPager ($row, $next, $notificationtimestamp=false, $latest=false, $firstInList=false)
- document some more, and maybe clean up the code (some params redundant?)
- Member Html ($contents)
- do some useful escaping as well, like if $contents contains literal "</script>" or (for XML) literal "]]>".
- Class HTMLBlockedUsersItemSelect
- Do not release 1.19 with this.
- Member HTMLForm ($fields, $sectionName= '', $fieldsetIDPrefix= '')
- Document
- Member HTMLForm ($p)
- currently only used for the "<fieldset>" legend on forms with multiple sections; should be used elsewhre?
- Member HTMLForm ($t)
- FIXME: Integrity of $t is *not* validated
- Class HTMLSelectAndOtherField
- FIXME: If made 'required', only the text field should be compulsory.
- Member HtmlTest ()
- Move to MediaWikiTestCase
- Member HtmlTest ()
- Move to MediaWikiTestCase
- Member Http ($uri)
- FIXME this is wildly inaccurate and fails to actually check most stuff
- Class HttpStatus
- document
- File IEContentAnalyzer.php
- Define the exact license of this file.
- Member ImagePage ($metadata)
- FIXME: Bad interface, see note on MediaHandler::formatMetadata().
- Class ImportStreamSource
- document (e.g.
- Class ImportStringSource
- document (e.g.
- Member IPTC ($date, $time, $c)
- Potentially this should also capture the timezone offset.
- Member IPTest ()
- Most probably incomplete
- Class JpegMetadataExtractorTest
- Could use a test of extended XMP segments.
- Member Language ($text, $isTitle=false)
- this should get integrated somewhere sane
- Member Language ($expiry, $format=true)
- FIXME: why are we returnings DBMS-dependent strings???
- Member Language ($number, $nocommafy=false)
- check if it's viable to use localeconv() for the decimal separator thing.
- Member Language ($seconds, $format=array())
- Document
- Member Language ($format, $ts)
- handling of "o" format character for Iranian, Hebrew, Hijri & Thai?
- Member Language ($str)
- Maybe translate block durations.
- Member LanguageAr ($s)
- FIXME: This is language-specific for now only to avoid the negative performance impact of enabling it for all languages.
- Member LanguageMl ($s)
- FIXME: This is language-specific for now only to avoid the negative performance impact of enabling it for all languages.
- Member LanguageYue ($string)
- FIXME: Only do this for Han characters...
- Member LanguageZh_hans ($string)
- FIXME: Only do this for Han characters...
- Member LegacyTemplate ()
- Exterminate! ...that, and replace it with normal SkinTemplate stuff
- Member Linker ($comment, $title=null, $local=false)
- FIXME: Doesn't handle sub-links as in image thumb texts like the main parser
- Member Linker (Title $title, $file, $html= '')
- Handle invalid or missing images better.
- Class LinkFilter
- implement the filter. Currently these are just some functions to help maintenance/cleanupSpam.php remove links to a single specified domain. The next thing is to implement functions for checking a given page against a big list of domains.
- Member LinkHolderArray (&$text)
- FIXME: Update documentation.
- Class LinksUpdate
- document (e.g. one-sentence top-level class description).
- Class LoadBalancer
- Member LocalFile ($thumbName)
- : do we still care about this? Perhaps a maintenance script can be made instead.
- Member LogFormatter ($key)
- Would it be better to require replacing the global context instead?
- Member LogPage ($type)
- handle missing log types
- Member MagicWord ($magicarr, $subject, &$result)
- Should this be static? It doesn't seem to be used at all
- Class MappedDiff
- document, bad name.
- File mcc.php
- Member MediaHandler ($image)
- FIXME: I don't really like this interface, it's not very flexible I think the media handler should generate HTML instead.
- Class Message
- test, can we have tests?
- this documentation needs to be extended
- Member Message ()
- FIXME: Merge with isDisabled()?
- Member MimeMagic ($path=null, $mime=null)
analyse file if need be
look at multiple extension, separately and together.
- Member MimeMagic ($extension)
- Be more accurate when using fancy mime detector plugins; right now this is the bare minimum getimagesize() list.
- File Modern.php
- Class ModernTemplate
- File MonoBook.php
- Class MonoBookTemplate
- Class MWDebug
- Profiler support
- Member MWDebug ($str)
- Add support for passing objects
- File mwdocgen.php
- Member MWHttpRequest ($args)
- overload the args param
- Member MWNamespaceTest ()
Implement testGetCanonicalNamespaces().
Implement testGetCanonicalName().
Implement testGetCanonicalIndex().
Implement testGetValidNamespaces().
- Member MWNamespaceTest ()
- Implement testExists().
- Member MWNamespaceTest ()
- split groups of assertions in autonomous testing functions
- Member MWNamespaceTest ()
- Write more texts, handle $wgAllowImageMoving setting
- File MWTerm.php
- Fixme: Make this more generic
- Member NamespaceConflictChecker ($fix, $suffix= '')
- Document
- Member NamespaceConflictChecker ($ns, $name, $fix, $suffix= '')
- Document
- Member NamespaceConflictChecker ($key, $prefix, $fix, $suffix= '')
- : do this for reals
- Member NamespaceConflictChecker ()
- Needs to respect interwiki cache!
- Member NewParserTest ()
- fixme Needs some work to not eat memory until the world explodes
- File nextJobDB.php
Make this work on PostgreSQL and maybe other database servers
- Member Orphans ($fix)
- DON'T USE THIS YET! It will remove entries which have children, but which aren't properly attached (eg if page_latest is bogus but valid revisions do exist)
- Class OutputPage
FIXME: Another class handles sending the whole page to the client.
- Member OutputPage$mDoNothing
- document
- Member OutputPage$mInlineMsg
- FIXME: Is this still used ?
- Member OutputPage ($header, $option=null)
- FIXME: Document the $option parameter; it appears to be for X-Vary-Options but what format is acceptable?
- Member OutputPage ($source=null, $protected=false, $reasons=array(), $action=null)
- Needs to be split into multiple functions.
- Member PageArchive ()
- Does this belong in Image for fuller encapsulation?
- Member Parser (&$text, $options=0)
- FIXME: Update documentation.
- Member Parser ($url)
- This can merge genuinely required bits in the path or query string, breaking legit URLs. A proper fix would treat the various parts of the URL differently; as a workaround, just use the output for statistical records, not for actual linking/output.
- Member Parser ($tag, $callback)
- better document or deprecate this
- Class ParserCache
- document
- Member ParserCache ($article, $popts, $useOutdated=true)
- Document parameter $useOutdated
- File parserTest.inc
Make this more independent of the configuration (and if possible the database)
- Member PostgresUpdater ()
- FIXME: Postgres should use sequential updates like Mysql, Sqlite and everybody else.
- Class Profiler
- document
- Class ProfilerSimple
document methods (?)
- Class ProfilerSimpleTrace
document methods (?)
- Class ProtectedPagesPager
- Class ProtectedTitlesPager
- Class RCCacheEntry
- document
- File rebuildrecentchanges.php
- Document
- File rebuildtextindex.php
- document
- Class RecentChange
- document functions and variables
- Member RecentChange ($timestamp, &$title, $minor, &$user, $comment, $bot, $ip='', $size=0, $newId=0, $patrol=0)
- Document parameters and return
- Member RecentChangeTest ($expected, $type, $action, $params, $comment=null, $msg= '')
- : Emulate these edits somehow and extract raw edit summary from RecentChange object --
- Class Revision
- document
- Member Revision ($row, $overrides=array())
- FIXME: Should be a subclass for RevisionDelete. [TS]
- Member Sanitizer ($class)
- For extra validity, input should be validated UTF-8.
- Member Sanitizer ($a, $b)
- implement merging for other attributes such as style
- Member Sanitizer ($attribs, $whitelist)
Check for legal values where the DTD limits things.
Check for unique id attribute :P
- Member Sanitizer ($attribs, $element)
Check for legal values where the DTD limits things.
Check for unique id attribute :P
- Class SearchEngineDummy
FIXME: Dummy class should probably try something at least mildly useful, such as a LIKE search through titles.
- Member SearchIBM_DB2 ($filteredText, $fulltext)
- document
- Member SearchMssql ($filteredText, $fulltext)
- document
- Class SearchResult
- FIXME: This class is horribly factored.
- Member Selenium$url
- this shouldn't have to be static
- Member Services_JSON ($data, $code=null)
- Ultimately, this should just call PEAR::isError()
- Class Services_JSON_Error
Ultimately, this class shall be descended from PEAR_Error
- File Setup.php
- Member Skin (OutputPage $out)
- delete
- Class SkinCologneBlue
- Class SkinModern
- Class SkinMonoBook
- Class SkinNostalgia
- Class SkinStandard
- Class SkinTemplate
- Needs some serious refactoring into functions that correspond to the computations individual esi snippets need. Most importantly no body parsing for most of those of course.
- Member SpecialBlock ($lang=null)
- FIXME: This uses a rather odd syntax for the options, should it be converted to the standard "**<duration>|<displayname>" format?
- Class SpecialBookSources
Validate ISBNs using the standard check-digit method
- Member SpecialContributions ($userObj)
- FIXME: Almost the same as getSubTitle in SpecialDeletedContributions.php. Could be combined.
- Class SpecialCreateAccount
- FIXME: This (and the rest of the login frontend) needs to die a horrible painful death
- Member SpecialRecentChanges (FormOptions $opts)
- Uses radio buttons (HASHAR)
- Member SpecialRevisionDelete ()
- FIXME: Wikimedia-specific policy text
- File SpecialWhatlinkshere.php
- Use some variant of Pager or something; the pagination here is lousy.
- Class StripState
- document, briefly.
- Class TableDiffFormatter
- document
- Member Title ()
- check if needed (used only in SpecialBrokenRedirects.php, and should use redirect table in this case)
- Member Title ($action, $user, $doExpensiveQueries=true, $ignoreErrors=array())
- FIXME: This *does not* check throttles (User::pingLimiter()).
- Member Title ()
- fold these checks into userCan()
- File update.php
- Member UploadBase ($element, $attribs)
- Replace this with a whitelist filter!
- Member UploadFromUrlTest ()
- Document why we test login, since the $wgUser hack used doesn't require login
- Member User ($uid)
- It should not be static and some day should be merged as proper member function / deprecated -- domas
- Member User ()
- FIXME: Need to check the old failback system [AV]
- Member User ()
- document
- Member User ()
- FIXME: This does not belong here; put it in Html or Linker or somewhere
- Member User ()
- document
- Member User ()
- Only rarely do all these fields need to be set!
- Member UserrightsPage ($usergroups, $user)
- Just pass the username string?
- File Vector.php
- Member wfAssembleUrl ($urlParts)
- Need to integrate this into wfExpandUrl (bug 32168)
- Member wfClientAcceptsGzip ($force=false)
FIXME: We may want to blacklist some broken browsers
- Member wfExpandIRI ($url)
- handle punycode domains too
- Member wfExpandUrl ($url, $defaultProto=PROTO_CURRENT)
- this won't work with current-path-relative URLs like "subdir/foo.html", etc.
- Member wfLogProfilingData ()
- document
- Member wfNegotiateType ($cprefs, $sprefs)
- FIXME: Doesn't handle params like 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' XXX: generalize to negotiate other stuff
- Member wfRemoveDotSegments ($urlPath)
- Need to integrate this into wfExpandUrl (bug 32168)
- Member wfShowingResults ($offset, $limit)
- document
- Member WikiMap ($wikiID)
- We can give more info than just the wiki id!
- Member WikiPage ($rev)
- This is a shitty interface function. Kill it and replace the other shitty functions like doEditUpdates and such so it's not needed anymore.
- Member WikiPage ($fromP, $summary, $token, $bot, &$resultDetails, User $user)
- : seperate the business/permission stuff out from backend code
- Member WikiPage ()
- : move this UI stuff somewhere else
- Member WikiPage ($title)
- : verify that $title is always a Title object (and never false or null), add Title hint to parameter $title
- Member WikiPageTest ()
- FIXME: this is a better rollback test than the one below, but it keeps failing in jenkins for some reason.
- Member WikiPageTest ()
- FIXME: the above rollback test is better, but it keeps failing in jenkins for some reason.
- Member WikiReference ($page)
- FIXME: This may be generalized...
- Class WikiRevision
- document (e.g.
- Class WordLevelDiff
- document
- Member Xml ($text)
- Error position reporting return
- Member XMPReader ($content)
- In serious need of testing
- Member XMPTest ()
- This is based on what the standard says. Need to find a real world example file to double check the support for this is right.