Chapter 6 Administrative Tasks

Table of Contents

6.1 Server Management
6.1.1 MySQL Connection Navigator
6.1.2 Server Logs
6.1.3 Service Control
6.1.4 Configuration (options file)
6.2 Users and Privileges
6.3 Server Status
6.4 Status and System Variables
6.5 Data Export and Import
6.5.1 Table Data Export and Import Wizard
6.5.2 SQL Data Export and Import Wizard
6.5.3 Result Data Export and Import
6.6 MySQL Audit Inspector Interface
6.7 MySQL Enterprise Backup Interface
6.7.1 General Requirements
6.7.2 Online Backup
6.7.3 Backup Recovery
6.8 MySQL Enterprise Firewall Interface
6.9 The wbcopytables Tool

MySQL Workbench provides a visual GUI to administer your MySQL environment. The available visual tools help configure your MySQL servers, administer users, perform backup and recovery, inspect audit data, and view database health.

6.1 Server Management

Manage your MySQL instances with a comprehensive view of your MySQL server connections. The visual tree based navigation provides detailed information about server and status variables, including the number of threads, bytes sent and received by clients, buffer allocations size, and more.

6.1.1 MySQL Connection Navigator

The Navigator panel has a Management tab with functionality to monitor and configure your selected MySQL connection.


The Navigator panel also has a Schemas tab for managing databases using your MySQL Connection. For information about the Schemas tab, see Section 8.2.1, “Object Browser and Editor Navigator”.

Figure 6.1 SQL Editor - Navigator Management Tab

SQL Editor - Navigator Management Tab

The Navigator Management tab is separated into the MANAGEMENT, INSTANCE, and PERFORMANCE sections, and the Commercial edition of MySQL Workbench also includes the MYSQL ENTERPRISE section.

6.1.2 Server Logs

The Server Logs page features two subtabs:

Error Log File

General MySQL errors, for more information see The Error Log

Figure 6.2 Navigator Management: Instance: Server Logs: Error Log

Navigator Management: Instance: Server Logs: Error Log

Slow Log File

Slow queries (when available), for more information see The Slow Query Log

Figure 6.3 Navigator Management: Instance: Server Logs: Slow Log

Navigator Management: Instance: Server Logs: Slow Log

6.1.3 Service Control

The Startup / Shutdown functionality includes:

  • Viewing the Startup Message Log

  • Start up and shut down the MySQL instance

  • View the current status of the MySQL instance

Figure 6.4 Navigator Management: Instance: Startup / Shutdown

Navigator Management: Instance: Startup / Shutdown

6.1.4 Configuration (options file)

The Options File editor is used to view and edit the MySQL configuration file (my.ini on Windows, or my.cnf on Linux / OS X) by selecting check boxes and other GUI controls, and then making edits. MySQL Workbench divides the options file into its own groupings as a set of tabs (such as General, Logging, InnoDB, and more). Make an edit and click Apply to commit the changes.

The options file editor includes the following components:

  • Option file groupings, as divided into convenient tabs by MySQL Workbench

  • A Locate option search field to search your MySQL options configuration file

  • Configuration File path, so you know the configuration file you are editing

  • An options file group selector, to select the option [group] to edit. Because the same option can be defined under multiple groupings, it is important to choose the correct group when making edits. [mysqld] (the MySQL server) is the default and most common group. For additional information about groups, see Using Option Files.

A screenshot with the General tab selected:

Figure 6.5 Navigator Management: Instance: Options File: General

Navigator Management: Instance: Options File: General

6.2 Users and Privileges

A listing of all users and privileges that relate to the MySQL connection. You may also manage (add) user accounts, adjust privileges, and expire passwords.

The Users and Privileges page has several sections:

User Accounts

Lists each user account that is associated to the active MySQL connection.


Login information related to the selected user account.

Figure 6.6 Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Login

Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Login

Account Limits

Define limits for the user account, such as the maximum number of queries, updates, connections, and concurrent connections that an account can execute in one hour.

Figure 6.7 Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Account Limits

Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Account Limits

Administrative Roles

To aid in assigning privileges to MySQL Server users, MySQL Workbench introduces the concept of Administrative Roles. Roles are a quick way of granting a set of privileges to a user, based on the work the user must carry out on the server. It is also possible to assign multiple roles to a user. To assign roles, click the User Account you wish to modify, then click the Administrative Roles tab. Then click the check boxes according to the roles you wish to allocate to the user. After you select a role to a user, you will see the accumulated privileges in the Global Privileges Assigned to User panel. For example, if you select the role BackupAdmin, the privileges granted include EVENT, LOCK TABLES, SELECT, SHOW DATABASES. If you also select the role of ReplicationAdmin, the list of privileges expands to include REPLICATION CLIENT, REPLICATION SLAVE and SUPER.

These roles are available:

  • DBA: Grants all privileges

  • MaintenanceAdmin: Grants privileges to maintain the server

  • ProcessAdmin: Grants privileges to monitor and kill user processes

  • UserAdmin: Grants privileges to create users and reset passwords

  • SecurityAdmin: Grants privileges to manage logins and grant and revoke server privileges

  • MonitorAdmin: Grants privileges to monitor the server

  • DBManager: Grants privileges to manage databases

  • DBDesigner: Grants privileges to create and reverse engineer any database schema

  • ReplicationAdmin: Grants privileges to set up and manage replication

  • BackupAdmin: Grants privileges required to back up databases

  • Custom: Lists other (custom) privileges that are assigned to the user account

The Password Validation Plugin (available as of MySQL Server 5.6.6) is supported in Workbench. For information about what these settings mean, see The Password Validation Plugin.

Figure 6.8 Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Administrative Roles

Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Administrative Roles

Schema Privileges

Additional schema privileges that the account can use. For example, the standard mysqlbackup user has "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" on the mysql schema.

Figure 6.9 Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Schema Privileges

Navigator Management: User And Privileges: Schema Privileges

6.3 Server Status

Get an immediate view into the basic health indicators and counters for your MySQL environment. This includes viewing the server's running state (stopped/running), available features, primary server directories, replication state, and security settings for authentication and SSL. Reports also include information and graphs to track memory usage, connections, hit rates, and more.

Figure 6.10 Navigator Management: Server Status

Navigator Management: Server Status

6.4 Status and System Variables

Status and System Variables: Lists all server variables for the MySQL connection. You may also copy all or selected variables to your clipboard.

Figure 6.11 Navigator Management: Status Variables

Navigator Management: Status Variables

Figure 6.12 Navigator Management: Status Variables

Navigator Management: System Variables

Custom Variable Grouping

The status and system variables are each categorized by groups (such as InnoDB or Logging), and you may also create your own custom groups. Right-click on a variable, choose the custom group (or create a new one), and add the variable to the aforementioned group. Your custom groups are listed along with the pre-existing groups.

In the example below, we created a custom group titled "My Variables" and are in the process of adding the Created_tmp_variables variable to it.

Figure 6.13 Navigator Management: Adding A Variable To A Custom Group

Navigator Management: Adding A Variable To A Custom Group

6.5 Data Export and Import

There are three ways to export and import data in MySQL Workbench, each serving a different purpose.

Table 6.1 Methods to Export or Import data in MySQL Workbench

GUI LocationData SetExport TypesImport TypesAdditional Details
Object Browser context menuTablesJSON, CSVJSON, CSVSimple table operations, includes moderate control over the output type (this method was added in version 6.3.0)
Result Grid menu under the SQL editorResult set (after performing an SQL query)CSV, HTML, JSON, SQL, XML, Excel XML, TXTCSVSimple data operations, includes little control
Management NavigatorDatabases and/or TablesSQLSQLDetailed database and table operations, standard backup/restore behavior using the mysqldump command and meta data, includes control over how data is handled, and includes meta data
Management NavigatorDatabases and/or TablesSQLSQLDetailed database and table operations, includes control over how data is handled, can be scheduled and incremental, includes meta data, uses MySQL Enterprise Backup (commercial)

6.5.1 Table Data Export and Import Wizard

This wizard supports import and export operations using CSV and JSON files, and includes several configuration options (separators, column selection, encoding selection, and more). The wizard can be performed against local or remotely connected MySQL servers, and the import action includes table, column, and type mapping.


This wizard only exports/imports tables using the JSON or CSV format. For an overview of the data export and import options in MySQL Workbench, see Section 6.5, “Data Export and Import”.

The wizard is accessible from the object browser's context menu by right-clicking on a table and choose either Table Data Export Wizard or Table Data Import Wizard.

Figure 6.14 Table Data Wizards: Open

Table Data Wizards: Open

Table Data Export Wizard

Export table data to either a JSON or CSV file. The following example exports the table to a CSV file.

Figure 6.15 Table Data Export: Source

Table Data Export: Source

Figure 6.16 Table Data Export: CSV Configuration

Table Data Export: Configuration

Figure 6.17 Table Data Export: Results

Table Data Export: Results

Table Data Import Wizard

Import table data from either a JSON or CSV file. The following example imports the table from a CSV file.

Figure 6.18 Table Data Import: CSV Source

Table Data Import: CSV Source

Figure 6.19 Table Data Import: Destination Table

Table Data Import: Destination Table

Figure 6.20 Table Data Import: CSV Configuration

Table Data Import: CSV Configuration


The Encoding field should correspond with your CSV file.

Figure 6.21 Table Data Import: Results

Table Data Import: Results

6.5.2 SQL Data Export and Import Wizard

From the management navigator, you can export or import SQL generated from MySQL Workbench or the mysqldump command.


This wizard only exports/imports the MySQL SQL format. For an overview of the data export and import options in MySQL Workbench, see Section 6.5, “Data Export and Import”.

Data Export

This tab allows you to export your MySQL data. Select each schema you want to export, optionally choose specific schema objects/tables from each schema, and generate the export. Configuration options include exporting to a project folder or self-contained SQL file, optionally dump stored routines and events, or skip table data.


Alternatively, use Export a Result Set to export a specific result set in the SQL editor to another format such as CSV, JSON, HTML, and XML.

Select the Database objects to export, and configure the related options.


Click Refresh to load the current objects.

Figure 6.22 Navigator Management: Data Export: Object Selection

Navigator Management: Data Export: Object Selection

Optionally open the Advanced Options tab that allows you to refine the export operation. For example, add table locks, use replace instead of insert statements, quote identifiers with backtick characters, and more.

Figure 6.23 Navigator Management: Data Export: Advanced Options

Navigator Management: Data Export: Advanced Options

Click Start Export to begin the export process:

Figure 6.24 Navigator Management: Data Export: Export Progress

Navigator Management: Data Export: Export Progress

This functionality uses the mysqldump command.

Data Import/Restore

Restore exported data from the Data Export operation, or from other exported data from the mysqldump command.

Choose the project folder or self-contained SQL file, choose the schema that the data will be imported to, or choose New to define a new schema.

Figure 6.25 Navigator Management: Data Import: Import From Disk

Navigator Management: Data Import: Import From Disk


You may only select specific data objects (tables) to import if the data export operation used project folders instead of a self-contained SQL file.

Click Start Import to begin the import process:

Figure 6.26 Navigator Management: Data Import: Import Progress

Navigator Management: Data Import: Import Progress

6.5.3 Result Data Export and Import

Export or Import data directly from or into the result set.

Export a Result Set

A result set in the visual SQL editor can be exported to common file formats including CSV, JSON, HTML, and XML.


This wizard only exports/imports data from a result set. For an overview of the data export and import options in MySQL Workbench, see Section 6.5, “Data Export and Import”.

Figure 6.27 Exporting a Result Set

Exporting a Result Set

Import into a Result Set

Records from a CSV file can be imported into the result set of the visual SQL editor.


The result set must have a unique row identifier (such as a Primary Key or NOT NULL unique index) as otherwise values can not be imported because the result set will be read-only.


Alternatively, use Section 6.5, “Data Export and Import” to export larger sets of data, such as entire tables and databases.

6.6 MySQL Audit Inspector Interface

MySQL Workbench offers a GUI interface to the Audit Inspector.

Initially, when you first load the Audit Inspector, you must use MySQL Workbench to cache the audit log for performance reasons. MySQL Workbench will then parse, index, and retrieve values from the encrypted cached file on your local computer.


MySQL Workbench will prompt for sudo access if the MySQL Workbench user is unable to read the audit log file.

At this stage, you also set a password for the encrypted file that will be used when viewing this file. The initial screen looks similar to:

Figure 6.28 Workbench: Audit Inspector: Initializing

Workbench: Audit Inspector: Initializing


Generating the cache file can take a long time. If you press Abort during the caching process, MySQL Workbench will save the results that were cached at the point you pressed Abort.

After caching an audit log, the Audit Inspector page will display the results:

Figure 6.29 Workbench: Audit Inspector

Workbench: Audit Inspector

The search field offers criteria for narrowing the displayed events, including Show events of type Fetch and Show events of type Query, and defaults to Show all events. Custom filters are also available.

You can Add Files to Cache from the main Audit Inspector page:

Figure 6.30 Workbench: Audit Inspector: Add Files to Cache

Workbench: Audit Inspector: Add Files to Cache

Future uses of the Audit Inspector will require the password that you set during the initial step. The login page:

Figure 6.31 Workbench: Audit Inspector: Unlock

Workbench: Audit Inspector: Unlock

6.7 MySQL Enterprise Backup Interface

MySQL Workbench include a MySQL Enterprise Backup GUI interface that is listed in the Management Navigator tab for a MySQL connection. There are two MySQL Enterprise Backup related sections in the Navigator:

  • Online Backup: Sets a backup profile that defines what should be backed up, where the backup should be stored, and when (the frequency) MySQL should be backed up.

  • Restore: Restores the MySQL server to a specific point in time, typically by restoring a backup that was created by the Online Backup feature in MySQL Workbench.

For information comparing the different methods to import/export data using MySQL Workbench, see Section 6.5, “Data Export and Import”.

The MySQL Enterprise Backup configuration is located on the MySQL server, and not locally. This information includes the MySQL Enterprise Backup configuration backup profiles, job scheduling, backup operations, and data. This also means that the backup operations are executed with (or without) MySQL Workbench running.

6.7.1 General Requirements

MySQL Enterprise Backup is a MySQL Enterprise Feature that is separate from MySQL Workbench. For more information about its functionality, see the MySQL Enterprise Backup documentation at MySQL Workbench provides an interface to MySQL Enterprise Backup, as described in the following documentation. In addition to having MySQL Enterprise Backup installed on your host, the following general requirements also apply:

  • A recent version of MySQL Enterprise Backup. The MySQL Enterprise Backup support policy is to support the current GA version of MySQL Enterprise Backup, and the major version before that. This dictates the minimum MySQL Enterprise Backup version required by MySQL Workbench, which is the major version before the current GA release.

  • Managing both local and remote MySQL instances is available on Linux and OS X, and managing local MySQL instances is available on Microsoft Windows. Remote management is configured using SSH Remote Management.

  • A MySQL connection with a root user.

  • The MySQL server configuration file path must be set and correct for the MySQL connection.

  • The user running MySQL Workbench must be a sudoer (Linux / OS X) that is able to execute the MySQL Enterprise Backup binary.

  • Additionally, the sudo user must keep the HOME environment variable when executing system commands, which means adding the following to /etc/sudoers:

    env_keep +="HOME"

And the Prerequisites set in the Settings tab are:

  • A path to the MySQL Enterprise Backup executable. MySQL Enterprise Backup is available via eDelivery or My Oracle Support (MOS). MySQL Workbench attempts to locate the MySQL Enterprise Backup executable, so check the path and adjust it accordingly.

  • The path to the Backup Home Directory, where backup profiles and data is stored. This can be created from within Workbench from the Settings tab.

  • The MySQL account for the Backup Process. The available actions depends on the current state of this set up, with options including:

    • Create MEB Account: Available if a backup user does not already exist.

    • Change Password: Available if a backup user does exist.

    • Fix Grants for MEB...: Available if the user's privileges are invalid, which alters the user by adding the RELOAD, SUPER, and REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* privileges.

Uninstallation notes

  • The MySQL Workbench uninstallation process does not remove the associated MySQL Enterprise Backup backup tasks. To stop the scheduled backups, edit the related "Task Scheduler" entries on Windows, or remove the associated cron jobs on Linux and OS X.

  • The MySQL Workbench uninstallation process does not remove the MySQL Enterprise Backup master related configuration file, the configuration files generated for each defined profile, nor the MySQL backups.

The Settings tab:

Figure 6.32 Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Settings

Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Settings

If any of the requirements are not met, then an error will be generated when attempting to use MySQL Enterprise Backup features.

6.7.2 Online Backup

Sets a backup profile that defines what should be backed up, where the backup should be stored, and when (the frequency) it should be backed up. The main page:

Figure 6.33 Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup

Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup

The Online Backup page is separated into three sections:

  • Backup Jobs: Used for managing backup jobs for the MySQL server. A backup job (profile) is a configuration file used to store information about what is backed up, where the backup is stored, and optionally when backups will be performed.

    Right-clicking on a Backup Job is an alternative way to access the available actions, such as Configure Job, Delete Job, and Execute Backup. Right-clicking also offers two additional options:

    • Execute Backup to Image File: Saves the backup to a single file, and prompts for the file name.

    • Copy Backup Command to Clipboard: Generates a command for executing the backup, and copies it to your clipboard. You might execute this command in the shell or terminal, which looks similar to: /bin/mysqlbackup --defaults-file="/var/lib/meb/foo.cnf" --show-progress=stdout backup --with-timestamp.

  • Backup Job Details: Displays information about the state of a specific (selected) backup job. It includes information from the Settings page, and information specific to the selected backup.

  • Recent Activity: Historical information about the backup operations performed on the server. View the backup log by right-clicking an entry and choosing View Backup Log

A progress dialog is generated for the backup operation.

Backup Jobs

The following information applies to the New Job operation, and Configure Job is used to modify existing jobs.

The Backup Profile Name and its associated Comments field are used to identify the backup job's profile, and this name is listed on the main page.

The New Job scheduling page separates the configuration information into four tabs. The Contents tab defines the schemas and tables to back up, and whether the job is a full or partial backup.

  • Full backup: All schemas and tables are backed up.

  • Partial: Select the schemas and tables (objects) that you want to back up. Choose Select objects to included/excluded to open the table inclusion (and exclusion) options. For additional information about the include, exclude, and Transportable Tablespace options, see the MySQL Enterprise Backup documentation titled Partial Backup and Restore Options.

Figure 6.34 Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Contents for Full Backups

Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Contents for Full Backups

Figure 6.35 Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Contents for Partial Backups

Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Contents for Partial Backups

The Options tab includes settings to modify the default behavior of the backup process.

By default, the Backup Storage Directory is stored under a sub-folder using the name of the Backup Profile Name in the MySQL Backup Home Directory setting. Additional options include compression and apply-log, and the option to Skip Unused Pages.

Figure 6.36 Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Options

Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Options

The Schedule tab optionally sets a backup schedule for both full and incremental backups. The schedule uses the Windows Tasks Scheduler on Microsoft Windows, and a cron job on Linux and OS X. It is scheduled using the operating system user that is scheduling the backup, which is typically the MySQL user.

A full backup is slower than the incremental backup that merges with a full backup. A common scenario is to set a full backup as weekly, and an incremental backup as daily. For additional information about backup performance, see Optimizing Backup Performance.

Figure 6.37 Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Schedule

Workbench: MySQL Enterprise Backup Configuration: Schedule

The Advanced tab allows you to pass in additional MySQL Enterprise Backup options.


These additional options are not validated.

To recover backups, see Section 6.7.3, “Backup Recovery”.

6.7.3 Backup Recovery

The Backup Recovery wizard is used to recover MySQL Enterprise Backup backups. For more information about creating MySQL Enterprise Backup backups using MySQL Workbench, see Section 6.7.2, “Online Backup”

The Backup Recovery wizard allows you to restore backups from folders, image files, and backup profiles created by Section 6.7.2, “Online Backup”. Click Restore from the Navigator, then choose the appropriate option:

Figure 6.38 Workbench: Backup Recovery: Start

Workbench: Backup Recovery: Start

  • Backup Profile: Choose from the available MySQL Enterprise Backup profiles on your system.

  • Backup Image File: Opens the system's file browser; choose a backup image file to restore.

  • Backup Folder: Opens the system's file browser; choose a backup folder to restore.

In our example, we will restore a full backup profile that was created by MySQL Workbench Online Backup. After choosing the "FullBackup" profile that we created earlier, use the next page to review its upcoming restoration:

Figure 6.39 Workbench: Backup Recovery: Profile

Workbench: Backup Recovery: Profile

Optionally, click View Backup Content to view the backup contents for the restoration:

Figure 6.40 Workbench: Backup Recovery: Contents Table View

Workbench: Backup Recovery: Contents Table View


The Show System checkbox toggles internal schemas from view, schemas such as the internal performance_schema and mysql tables.

Clicking Next > will open the Restore wizard. We then clicked Restore > to execute the restoration process, and toggled the message logs in our example below:

Figure 6.41 Workbench: Backup Recovery: Restore

Workbench: Backup Recovery: Restore

6.8 MySQL Enterprise Firewall Interface

MySQL Workbench offers a GUI interface to MySQL Enterprise Firewall.


The MySQL Enterprise Firewall interface was added in MySQL Workbench 6.3.4.

For additional information about MySQL Enterprise Firewall, see

Setup and Configuration

MySQL Workbench can manage the MySQL Enterprise Firewall installation and configuration by installing (or uninstalling) and enabling (or disabling) the plugin.


Alternatively, you can manually install and enable MySQL Enterprise Firewall. For additional information, see Installing or Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Firewall.

  • Enable: Executes SET GLOBAL mysql_firewall_mode = ON; against the connected MySQL server. Disable sets it to OFF instead of ON.

    This is a runtime operation. Configure the MySQL server configuration file to enable MySQL Enterprise Firewall at startup.

  • Install: Executes queries to install the new MySQL Enterprise Firewall tables and stored procedure needed to switch the state. Uninstall reverses these effects, which also removes the recorded rules.

Figure 6.42 MySQL Enterprise Firewall Installation and Configuration

MySQL Enterprise Firewall Installation and Configuration

Because clicking Enable Firewall from MySQL Workbench is a runtime operation, enabling the mysql_firewall_mode option in the configuration option will enable it after a restart. Manually edit the MySQL configuration file, or use MySQL Workbench to edit it.

Figure 6.43 Edit MySQL Enterprise Firewall Options Using Workbench

Edit MySQL Enterprise Firewall Options Using Workbench

Firewall Rules and Information

The Firewall Rules tab lists the active and recorded rules for a given user, the state of each rule, and includes options to add, delete, and save rules.

  • State (mode): Options include OFF (disables the firewall), PROTECTING (enables the whitelist), RECORDING (training mode), and RESET (removes the rules). For additional information about the meaning of these states, see MySQL Enterprise Firewall Procedures and Functions.

  • Administrative actions include Add and Delete for individual rules, and Clear to clear (remove) all rules. Add From File prompts for a firewall rules text file (defaults to the .fwr extension) that contains one rule per line, and Save To File saves the current rules.

  • Active rules are used in PROTECTIVE mode, and Rules being recorded are entries still being RECORDED. Switching from RECORDING to PROTECTING mode copies the recorded rules into the active rule subset.


MySQL Workbench executes queries, gets variables, and performs a lot of checks. For this reason, MySQL Workbench is more useful as an administration tool for MySQL Enterprise Firewall than a tool to record rules. For example, RECORDING rules in MySQL Workbench will record the behind-the-scenes operations performed by MySQL Workbench for the MySQL user. Also, using MySQL Workbench by a MySQL user in PROTECTING mode will attempt to execute operations that a typical firewalled MySQL user might not have access to.

Figure 6.44 MySQL Enterprise Firewall Rules

MySQL Enterprise Firewall Rules

6.9 The wbcopytables Tool

wbcopytables is a command line utility included in MySQL Workbench that allows you to copy table data from a supported source database server to MySQL. It is used by the Workbench Migration wizard to copy data after the schema is migrated and created in the target MySQL server.

wbcopytables can connect to the source database using either ODBC, the Python DBAPI, or the native MySQL client library.

The copy executes a SELECT statement on the source database, and then INSERT's the retrieved rows into the target MySQL server.

Table 6.2 File Location (Default)

Operating SystemLocation
OS X/Applications/
WindowsC:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 6.3\wbcopytables.exe

Connection Parameters

Options for the source connection are:

--odbc-source=ODBC_connection_string: The syntax of the ODBC connection string uses standard ODBC syntax. You can also use a ODBC data source name (DSN).

--mysql-source=MySQL_connection_string: Use for MySQL sources (when doing a MySQL to MySQL migration/copy). It uses the same syntax as the MySQL Utilities:

  • For TCP/IP connections: username[:password]@host:port

  • For local socket connections: username[:password]@::socket_path

You can pass the connection password by using the --source-password option.

For the target connection, the option is: --target=MySQL_connection_string.

You can use the --passwords-from-stdin option to pass a passwords through STDIN. Source and target passwords must be separated by a tab character.

You can use ODBC specific data source options from the source RDBMS to specify the number of rows to fetch at a time for the source SELECT statement.

Table Specification

One or more tables can be specified in the command line for the copy operation. There are two copy types:

  • Full table copy: --table

  • Range copy: --table-range

Both table copy types require a set of common arguments:

  • Source schema: The schema/catalog the table belongs to. If quoting is required, it must be done using the syntax from the source RDBMS. For example, SQL Server uses [square_brackets].

  • Source table: The table to copy. If the source RDBMS uses a schema name in addition to a catalog, both schema and table must be specified here and separated by a dot. For example, [dbo].[mytable].

  • Target schema: The name of the MySQL schema. If quoting is needed, it must use the MySQL backtick syntax. For example, `sakila`.

  • Target table: The name of the MySQL table.

  • Select expression: The list of fields to SELECT. This will be inserted verbatim into the source SELECT statement.


    Use caution as this expression is copied directly into the source SELECT statement.

For the select expression, if both the source and target tables have the same fields in the same order, and use compatible types, you can simply pass * here, which will build a query like "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[mytable]". If not, you can specify the fields as you would in the SELECT statement, which are comma (,) separated and with proper escaping/quoting specific to the source RDBMS. You can also specify typecasts and/or data conversions that the source RDBMS supports. For example:

[client_id], [name], [address], AsText([location])

Because each option must be interpreted as a single option by the wbcopytables command, you must perform OS shell specific quoting whenever necessary. Usually, quoting your parameter values with 'single' or "double" quotes is enough. This is in addition to any database specific quoting you use.

Full Table Copy

This performs a full SELECT on the source table, fetches records, and then inserts them into the target table.

There are no additional arguments required.

The --table syntax is as follows:

--table Source_Schema Source_Table Target_Schema Target_Table Select_Expression

Range Copy

This performs a SELECT copy on the source table for the specified range. The table must have a numeric UNIQUE NOT NULL or PRIMARY KEY that is used to create a WHERE expression for the range.

The --table-range syntax is as follows:

--table-range Source_Schema Source_Table Target_Schema Target_Table Select_Expression Source_Key Range_Start Range_End

The generated expression is:

key_column >= range_start AND key_column <= range_end

If you specify -1 for Range_End, then the expression will be:

key_column >= range_start

Other Options

  • --thread-count=Number: If you are copying more than one table, you can use this option to divide the tables across several threads. There is no support for dividing a single table across many threads.

  • --count-only: Only perform a COUNT(*) of the SELECT which would be generated by the --table option that was used. The target schema and table can be omitted in this case.

  • --truncate-target: Execute a TRUNCATE TABLE command on each target table that is copied.

Trigger Handling

Because there is no way to temporarily disable triggers in MySQL and they can affect the copy process, MySQL Workbench will backup and drop all triggers from the target MySQL database before the copy process starts, and then these triggers are restored after the copy finishes. The triggers are backed up in the target schema under a table named wb_tmp_triggers.

  • --disable-triggers-on=Schema_Name: Performs the backup and DROP process for all triggers in the specified schema.

  • --reenable-triggers-on=Schema_Name: Restores triggers previously backed up to the wb_tmp_triggers table.

  • --dont-disable-triggers: Bypass the trigger disabling step.