Chapter 7 Performance Tools

Table of Contents

7.1 Performance Dashboard
7.2 Performance Schema Reports
7.3 Visual Explain Plan
7.4 Query Statistics
7.5 Tutorial: Using Visual Explain to improve query performance

7.1 Performance Dashboard

View server performance statistics in a graphical dashboard.

Figure 7.1 Performance: Dashboard

Performance: Dashboard

Network Status

This highlights statistics for network traffic sent and received by the MySQL server over client connections. Data points include the Incoming Network Traffic, Outgoing Network Traffic, and Client Connections.

MySQL Status

This highlights the primary MySQL server activity and performance statistics. Data points include the Table Open Cache efficiency, SQL Statements Executed, and counts (per second) for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements.

InnoDB Status

This provides an overview of the InnoDB Buffer Pool and disk activity that is generated by the InnoDB storage engine. Data points are separated into three groups:


Hover over a graph to see additional information, such as a total count.

  • Usage

    • Read Requests: The number of logical read requests (per second) InnoDB has performed to the buffer pool.

    • Write Requests: The number of logical write requests (per second) InnoDB has performed to the buffer pool.

    • Disk Reads: The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool. As a result, these had to be read from the disk.

    • InnoDB Buffer Pool Usage: The percentage of the InnoDB buffer pool that is in use. Hover over the graphic to see additional information, such as Usage Rate and Pages Free.

  • Writes

    • Data Written: The number of writes written to the InnoDB redo log file.

    • Writes: The number of physical writes written to the InnoDB redo log file.

    • InnoDB Disk Writes: Hover over this dynamic graph to see the number of disk writes over a specific second. The available range includes the last 120 seconds.

    • Writing: Total amount of data (in bytes) written using file operations by the InnoDB storage engine.

  • Reads

    • Doublewrite Buffer Writes: The number of doublewrite operations that were performed.

    • InnoDB Disk Reads: Hover over this dynamic graph to see the number of disk reads over a specific second. The available range includes the last 120 seconds.

    • Reading: Total amount of data (in bytes) read in file operations by the InnoDB storage engine.

7.2 Performance Schema Reports

Performance schema based reports provide insight into the MySQL server operations through helpful high-level reports. MySQL Workbench uses the SYS views on the Performance Schema to generate over 20 reports to help analyze the performance of your MySQL databases. Reports help analyze IO hotspots, discover high cost SQL statements, and review wait statistics and InnoDB engine metrics.

Installation and Configuration

A GUI for configuring and fine tuning the Performance Schema instrumentation. Initially, this loads an "Easy Setup" page that is enough for most users. Slide the "Performance Schema Full Enabled" slider to YES to enable all available Performance Schema instruments.


The size of the saved digested query is determined by the MySQL server.

Figure 7.2 Performance Schema Setup: Easy Setup

Performance Schema Setup: Easy Setup

Clicking Show Advanced provides methods to fine tune the Performance Schema instrumentation.

Figure 7.3 Performance Schema Setup: Introduction

Performance Schema Setup: Introduction

Performance Report Descriptions

Figure 7.4 Performance Reports: Top I/0 By Bytes

Performance Reports: Top I/0 By Bytes

The available performance reports include (this is a non-exhaustive list):

  • Top File I/O Activity Report: Show the files performing the most IOs (in bytes)

  • Top I/O by File by Time: Show the highest IO usage by file and latency

  • Top I/O by Event Category: Show the highest IO Data usage by event categories

  • Top I/O in Time by Event Categories: Show the highest IO time consumers by event categories

  • Top I/O Time by User/Thread: Show the top IO time consumers by user/thread

  • Statement Analysis: Lists statements with aggregated statistics

  • Statements in Highest 5 Percent by Runtime: Lists the top 5% statements with the highest runtime (in microseconds),

  • Using Temp Tables: Lists all statements that use temporary tables -- accesses the highest number of disk temporary tables, then memory temp tables

  • With Sorting: List all normalized statements that have done sorts, and accesses them in the following priority order -- sort_merge_passes, sort_scans, then sort_rows

  • Full Table Scans: Lists statements that performed a full table scan. Accesses query performance and the where clause(s), and if no index is used then it recommends adding indexes for large tables

  • Errors or Warnings: Lists statements that have raised errors or warnings

  • Schema Object Overview (High Overhead): Shows counts by object type for each schema


    This can take a long time to execute on instances with a large number of objects.

  • Schema Index Statistics

  • Schema Table Statistics

  • Schema Table Statistics (with InnoDB buffer)

  • Tables with Full Table Scans: Finds tables that are being accessed by full table scans, ordering them by the number of rows scanned (DESC)

  • Unused Indexes: List of indexes that were never used since the server started or since P_S data collection started

  • Waits by Time: Lists the top wait events by their total time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

  • Waits by User by Time: Lists the top wait events by their total time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

  • Wait Classes by Time: Lists the top wait classes by total time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

  • Waits Classes by Average Time: Lists the top wait classes by average time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

  • InnoDB Buffer Stats by Schema: Summarizes the output of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table, aggregating it by schema

  • InnoDB Buffer Stats by Table: Summarizes the output of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table, aggregating it by schema and table name

7.3 Visual Explain Plan

The Visual Explain feature generates and displays a visual representation of the MySQL EXPLAIN statement by using extended information available in the extended JSON format.


The extended EXPLAIN format is available as of MySQL server 5.6.5.

MySQL Workbench provides all of the EXPLAIN formats for executed queries including the raw extended JSON, traditional format, and visual query plan.

Visual Explain Conventions

An example Visual Explain diagram:

SELECT CONCAT(customer.last_name, ', ', customer.first_name) AS customer,, film.title
FROM rental 
INNER JOIN customer ON rental.customer_id = customer.customer_id
INNER JOIN address ON customer.address_id = address.address_id
INNER JOIN inventory ON rental.inventory_id = inventory.inventory_id
INNER JOIN film ON inventory.film_id = film.film_id
WHERE rental.return_date IS NULL
AND rental_date + INTERVAL film.rental_duration DAY < CURRENT_DATE()

Figure 7.5 A Visual Explain Example

A Visual Explain Example

The order of execution is bottom to top, and left to right.

Graphic Conventions

  • Standard Boxes: tables

  • Rounded boxes: operations such as GROUP and SORT

  • Framed boxes: subqueries

  • Diamonds: joins

Textual Conventions

  • Standard text below boxes: table (or alias) name

  • Bold text below boxes: key/index that was used

  • Number in top right of a box: number of rows used from the table after filtering

  • Number in top left of a box: relative cost of accessing that table (requires MySQL 5.7 or greater)

  • Number to the right of nested loop diamonds: number of rows produced by the JOIN

  • Number above the loop diamonds: relative cost of the JOIN (requires MySQL 5.7 or greater)

The associated colors and descriptions used in the Visual Explain diagram:

Table 7.1 Visual Explain Diagram Information

System NameColorText on Visual DiagramTooltip related information
SYSTEMBlueSingle row: system constantVery low cost
CONSTBlueSingle row: constantVery low cost
EQ_REFGreenUnique Key LookupLow cost -- The optimizer is able to find an index that it can use to retrieve the required records. It is fast because the index search directly leads to the page with all the row data
REFGreenNon-Unique Key LookupLow-medium -- Low if the number of matching rows is small; higher as the number of rows increases
FULLTEXTYellowFulltext Index SearchSpecialized FULLTEXT search. Low -- for this specialized search requirement
REF_OR_NULLGreenKey Lookup + Fetch NULL ValuesLow-medium -- if the number of matching rows is small; higher as the number of rows increases
INDEX_MERGEGreenIndex MergeMedium -- look for a better index selection in the query to improve performance
UNIQUE_SUBQUERYOrangeUnique Key Lookup into table of subqueryLow -- Used for efficient Subquery processing
INDEX_SUBQUERYOrangeNon-Unique Key Lookup into table of subqueryLow -- Used for efficient Subquery processing
RANGEOrangeIndex Range ScanMedium -- partial index scan
INDEXRedFull Index ScanHigh -- especially for large indexes
ALLRedFull Table ScanVery High -- very costly for large tables, but less of an impact for small ones. No usable indexes were found for the table, which forces the optimizer to search every row. This could also mean that the search range is so broad that the index would be useless.
UNKNOWNBlackunknownNote: This is the default, in case a match cannot be determined

Visual Explain Usage

To view a visual explain execution plan, execute your query from the SQL editor and then choose the Execution Plan tab in the query results tab. The execution plan defaults to "Visual Explain" but also has a "Tabular Explain" view that is similar to what you would see when executing EXPLAIN in the MySQL client.

7.4 Query Statistics

This Query Stats SQL editor results tab uses Performance Schema data to gather key statistics collected for executed query, such as timing, temporary tables, indexes, joins, and more.


  • MySQL server 5.6 or newer

  • Query, Collect Performance Schema Stats enabled.

  • The performance_schema enabled with statement instrumentation

Figure 7.6 SQL Editor: Query Stats

SQL Editor: Query Stats

Figure 7.7 SQL Editor: Query Stats with Performance Schema Graphs

SQL Editor: Query Stats with Performance Schema Graphs

7.5 Tutorial: Using Visual Explain to improve query performance

In this example, Visual Explain helps locate and fix problematic (slow) queries. This tutorial uses the DBT-3 database, and begins with the following query:

  SELECT * FROM orders
  WHERE YEAR(o_orderdate) = 1992 AND MONTH(o_orderdate) = 4
  AND o_clerk LIKE '%0223';

In the screenshot below, we executed this query and generated a Visual Explain report by selecting Query, Visual Explain Current Statement from the main menu.

Figure 7.8 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Full Table Scan

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Full Table Scan

Figure 7.9 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Full Table Scan: Traditional View

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Full Table Scan: Traditional View

Notice that ...

Why did this query generate a full table scan? Why is our indexed o_orderdate column missing as a possible key? Looking more closely, we notice that our indexed column is being used in an expression as "WHERE YEAR(o_orderdate) = 1992 AND MONTH(o_orderdate) = 4", so its index is not used. To use the existing index we can adjust the query like so:

  SELECT * FROM orders
  WHERE o_orderdate BETWEEN '1992-04-01' AND '1992-04-30'
  AND o_clerk LIKE '%0223';

Figure 7.10 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan

Figure 7.11 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Traditional View

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Traditional View

Notice the differences. The Type changed from ALL to range, possible keys (and used key) changed from NULL to i_o_orderdate, and the number of scanned rows changed from 1.5 million to about 33 thousand. Still, scanning 33 thousand rows while returning just 18 is unnecessary, so we focus on the o_clerk column. An index here should improve performance: so:

CREATE INDEX i_o_clerk ON orders(o_clerk);

Figure 7.12 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Traditional View, After Index

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Traditional View, After Index

Notice that our new index is not being considered as a possible key. This is because we are searching the suffix of the o_clerk column, and indexes do not work with suffixes (although they do work with prefixes). In our simple case, we were being lazy and could have simply used the entire clerk ID. Adjusting the query shows better results:

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE o_orderdate BETWEEN '1992-04-01' AND '1992-04-30'
AND o_clerk LIKE 'Clerk#000000223';

Figure 7.13 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Better

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Better

Figure 7.14 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Better (Traditional)

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Better (Traditional)

The new o_clerk index was considered and used, and our query scanned 1546 rows instead of 32642, and the query execution improved from 0.281 to 0.234 seconds. However, EXPLAIN estimates that this query scans 1546 rows to return 18. After reviewing our query, notice that a multi-column index can meet the conditions of our WHERE clause that is based on both the o_orderdate and o_clerk columns:

CREATE INDEX io_clerk_date ON orders(o_clerk, o_orderdate)

We listed o_clerk as the first column in our index because o_orderdate uses a range. ...

Now, executing the same query shows even better results. An estimated 18 rows are both scanned and returned, and the execution time of our query is 0.234 seconds.

Figure 7.15 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Best

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Best

Figure 7.16 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Best (traditional)

DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial: Index Range Scan: Best (Traditional)

To summarize the results:

Table 7.2 DBT-3 Visual Explain Tutorial Query Comparison

TypePossible keysKeyRows ScannedDuration (seconds)Extra infoRows returned
allNULLNULL1.50M1.201Using where18
rangei_o_orderdatei_o_orderdate326420.281Using index condition; Using where18
rangei_o_orderdate, i_o_clerki_o_clerk15460.234Using index condition; Using where18
rangei_o_orderdate, i_o_clerk, i_o_clerk_datei_o_clerk_date180.234Using index condition18