Chapter 10 Database Migration Wizard

Table of Contents

10.1 General installation requirements
10.1.1 ODBC Libraries
10.1.2 ODBC Drivers
10.2 Migration Overview
10.2.1 A visual guide to performing a database migration
10.2.2 Migrating from supported databases
10.2.3 Migrating from unsupported (generic) databases
10.3 Conceptual DBMS equivalents
10.4 Microsoft Access Migration
10.5 Microsoft SQL Server migration
10.5.1 Preparations
10.5.2 Drivers
10.5.3 Connection Setup
10.5.4 Microsoft SQL Server Type Mapping
10.6 PostgreSQL migration
10.6.1 Preparations
10.6.2 Drivers
10.6.3 Connection Setup
10.6.4 PostgreSQL Type Mapping
10.7 MySQL migration
10.8 Using the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard
10.8.1 Connecting to the databases
10.8.2 Schemata Retrieval and Selection
10.8.3 Reverse Engineering
10.8.4 Object Selection
10.8.5 Migration
10.8.6 Manual Editing
10.8.7 Target Creation Options
10.8.8 Schema Creation
10.8.9 Create Target Results
10.8.10 Data Transfer and Migration Setup
10.8.11 Bulk Data Transfer
10.8.12 Migration Report
10.9 MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard FAQ

MySQL Workbench provides the ability to migrate ODBC compliant databases to MySQL.

This is not an exhaustive list. The following sections discuss these and additional migration capabilities.

Set up may be the most challenging aspect of using the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard. There is the installation section, which describes setting up ODBC requirements for Linux, OS X, and Microsoft Windows, and the Database Product Specific Notes section that references setup conditions for each RDBMS.

10.1 General installation requirements

The MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard uses ODBC to connect to a source database, except for MySQL. You will need the ODBC driver installed that corresponds to the database you want to migrate from. For example, PostgreSQL can be migrated with the psqlodbc ODBC driver; Microsoft SQL Server can be migrated using the native Microsoft SQL Server driver on Windows or with FreeTDS on Linux and OS X.

The following diagram shows the general components involved in an ODBC connection:

Figure 10.1 MySQL Workbench migration installation diagram

MySQL Workbench migration installation diagram

When specifying the source RDBMS, you can either use a data source configured externally, or provide the individual connection parameters to MySQL Workbench. If you already have an ODBC Data Source configured in your system, then you can use that in MySQL Workbench.


The migration process does not support source or target RDBMS connections through SSH.

A workaround is to set up an encrypted tunnel, and then treat the MySQL target as a standard TCP (unencrypted) connection.

10.1.1 ODBC Libraries


This section may be skipped when using a MySQL Workbench binary that is provided by Oracle.

An ODBC Driver Manager library must be present. Both Windows and OS X provide one.


iODBC: MySQL Workbench binaries provided by Oracle already include iODBC and no additional action is required. If you compile it yourself, you must install iODBC or unixODBC. iODBC is recommended. You can use the iODBC library provided by your distribution by installing the libiodbc2 package on Debian based systems, or libiodbc on RPM based systems.

pyodbc: is the Python module used by MySQL Workbench to interface with ODBC, and may be used to migrate ODBC compliant databases such as PostgreSQL and DB2. In Windows and OS X, it is included with Workbench. In Linux, binaries provided by Oracle also include pyodbc.

If you're using a self-compiled binary, make sure you have the latest version, and that it is compiled against the ODBC manager library that you chose, whether it is iODBC or unixODBC. As of version 3.0.6, pyodbc will compile against unixODBC by default. If you are compiling against iODBC then you must perform the following steps:

  1. For compiling, make sure you have the iODBC headers installed. For Linux, the name depends on your system's package manager but common names are libiodbc-devel (RPM based systems) or libiodbc2-dev (Debian based systems). For OS X, the headers come with the system and no additional action is required for this step.

  2. In the pyodbc source directory, edit the file and around line 157, replace the following line: settings['libraries'].append('odbc') with settings['libraries'].append('iodbc')

  3. Execute the following command as the root user: CFLAGS=`iodbc-config --cflags` LDFLAGS=`iodbc-config --libs` python install

10.1.2 ODBC Drivers

For each RDBMS, you need its corresponding ODBC driver, which must also be installed on the same machine that MySQL Workbench is running on. This driver is usually provided by the RDBMS manufacturer, but in some cases they can also be provided by third party vendors or open source projects.

Operating systems usually provide a graphical interface to help set up ODBC drivers and data sources. Use that to install the driver (i.e., make the ODBC Manager "see" a newly installed ODBC driver). You can also use it to create a data source for a specific database instance, to be connected using a previously configured driver. Typically you need to provide a name for the data source (the DSN), in addition to the database server IP, port, username, and sometimes the database the user has access to.

If MySQL Workbench is able to locate an ODBC manager GUI for your system, the Open ODBC Administrator button on the migration wizard's overview page will open it.

  • Linux: There are a few GUI utilities, some of which are included with unixODBC. Refer to the documentation for your distribution. iODBC provides iodbcadm-gtk.

  • OS X: You can use the ODBC Administrator tool that is separate download from Apple, or an ODBC Management tool from a different vendor. If the tool is installed in the /Applications/Utilities folder, you can start it using the Open ODBC Administrator button.

  • Microsoft Windows: You can use the Data Sources (ODBC) tool under Administrative Tools. If present, the Open ODBC Administrator button will start it.

ODBC Driver architecture

Since the ODBC driver needs to be installed in the client side, you will need an ODBC driver that supports your clients operating system and architecture. For example, if you are running MySQL Workbench from Linux x64, then you need a Linux x64 ODBC driver for your RDBMS. In OS X, MySQL Workbench is built as a 32-bit application, so you need the 32-bit drivers.

10.2 Migration Overview

The Migration Wizard performs the following steps when migrating a database to MySQL:

  1. Connects to the source RDBMS and retrieves a list of available databases/schemas.

  2. Reverse engineers selected database/schemas into a internal representation specific to the source RDBMS. This step will also perform the renaming of objects/schemas depending on the type of object name mapping method that is chosen.

  3. Automatically migrates the source RDBMS objects into MySQL specific objects.

    1. Target schema objects are created.

    2. Target table objects are created.

      1. Columns for each table are copied.

        1. Data types are mapped to MySQL data types.

        2. Default values are mapped to a MySQL supported default value, if possible.

      2. Indexes are converted.

      3. Primary Keys are converted.

      4. Triggers are copied, and commented out if the source is not MySQL.

    3. Foreign Keys for all tables (of all schemas) are converted.

    4. View objects are copied, and commented out if the source is not MySQL.

    5. Stored Procedure and Function objects are copied, and commented out if the source is not MySQL.

  4. Provides an opportunity to review the changes, for editing and correcting errors in the migrated objects.

  5. Creates the migrated objects in the target MySQL server. If there are errors, you can return to the previous step and correct them, and retry the target creation.

  6. Copy data of the migrated tables from the source RDBMS to MySQL.

MySQL Workbench provides support for migrating from some specific RDBMS products. The Migration Wizard will provide the best results when migrating from such products. However, in some cases, other unsupported database products can also be migrated by using its Generic database support, as long as you have an ODBC driver for it. In this case, the migration will be less automatic, but should still work nonetheless.

10.2.1 A visual guide to performing a database migration

This example will migrate a Microsoft SQL Server database to MySQL, and include a screenshot for each step.

From MySQL Workbench, choose Database, Migrate to open the migration wizard.

Figure 10.2 MySQL Workbench migration: Start

MySQL Workbench migration: Start

Read the migration wizard overview:


Figure 10.3 MySQL Workbench migration: Overview

MySQL Workbench migration: Overview

It describes the prerequisites and requirements that should be understood before proceeding further. The Open ODBC Administrator option will load odbcad32.exe, and is used to confirm that the ODBC Driver for SQL Server is installed, and to make configuration changes if needed.

Click Start Migration to continue.

Source Selection

Select the source RDBMS that is migrating to MySQL. Choose the Database System that is being migrated, and the other connection parameters will change accordingly.

Figure 10.4 MySQL Workbench migration: Source Selection (Parameters)

MySQL Workbench migration: Source Selection (Parameters)

Target Selection

The target is the MySQL database that will contain the newly migrated database. The current Workbench MySQL connections will be available here, or you can choose Manage DB Connections to create a new connection.

Figure 10.5 MySQL Workbench migration: Target selection

MySQL Workbench migration: Target selection

Fetch Schemata List

The Schemata list is retrieved from both the source and target RDBMS. This is an automated and informational step that reports connection related errors and/or general log information. Press Next to continue.

Figure 10.6 MySQL Workbench migration: Fetch Schemata List

MySQL Workbench migration: Fetch Schemata List

Schemata Selection

Choose the schemata you want to migrate.

"Schema Name Mapping Method" options while migrating Microsoft SQL Server:

  • Keep schemata as they are: Catalog.Schema.Table -> Schema.Table: This will create multiple databases, one per schema.

  • Only one schema: Catalog.Schema.Table -> Catalog.Table: Merges each schema into a single database.

  • Only one schema, keep current schema names as a prefix: Catalog.Schema.Table -> Catalog.Schema_table: Preserves the schema name as a prefix.

Figure 10.7 MySQL Workbench migration: Schemata Selection

MySQL Workbench migration: Schemata Selection

Reverse Engineer Source

The source metadata is fetched from the source RDBMS, and reverse engineered. This is an automated and informational step that reports related errors and/or general log information. View the logs and then press Next to continue.

Figure 10.8 MySQL Workbench migration: Reverse Engineer Source

MySQL Workbench migration: Reverse Engineer Source

Source Objects

The discovered objects from the Reverse Engineer Source stage are revealed and made available. This includes Table, View, and Routine objects, with only the Table objects being selected by default.

Figure 10.9 MySQL Workbench migration: Source Objects

MySQL Workbench migration: Source Objects


The migration process now converts the selected objects into MySQL compatible objects. View the logs and then proceed.

Figure 10.10 MySQL Workbench migration: Migration

MySQL Workbench migration: Migration

Manual Editing

There are three sections to edit here, which are selected via the View select box on the top right. The Show Code and Messages button is available with every view, and it will show the generated MySQL code that corresponds to the selected object.

  • Migration Problems: This will either report problems or display "No mapping problems found." It is an informational screen.

  • All Objects: An object view that allows you to view and edit the object definitions. Double-click on a row to modify a target objects name.

  • Column Mappings: Shows all of the table column mappings, and allows you to individually review and fix the mapping for all column types, default values, and other attributes.

Figure 10.11 MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Migration Problems)

MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Program Problems)

Figure 10.12 MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (All Objects)

MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (All Objects)

Figure 10.13 MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Column Mappings)

MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Column Mappings)

Target Creation Options

The schema may be created by either adding it to the target RDBMS, creating an SQL script file, or both.

Figure 10.14 MySQL Workbench migration: Target Creation Options

MySQL Workbench migration: Target Creation Options

Create Schemata

Now the schemata is created. The complete log is also available here.

Figure 10.15 MySQL Workbench migration: Create Schemata

MySQL Workbench migration: Create Schemata

Create Target Results

The generated objects are listed here, along with the error messages if any exist.

The migration code may also be viewed and edited here. To make changes, select an object, edit the query code, and press Apply. Repeat this process for each object that will be edited. And then, press Recreate Objects to save the results.


The Recreate Objects operation is required to save any changes here. It will then execute the previous migration step (Create Schemata) with the modified code, and then continue the migration process. This also means that the previously saved schema will be dropped.

Figure 10.16 MySQL Workbench migration: Create Target Results

MySQL Workbench migration: Create Target Results

Data Transfer Setup

The next step transfers data from the source RDBMS to the target MySQL database. The setup screen includes the following options:

Data Copy:

  • Online copy of table data to target RDBMS: This (default) will copy the data to the target RDBMS.

  • Create a batch file to copy the data at another time: The data may also be dumped to a file that can be executed at a later time, or be used as a backup. This script uses a MySQL connection to transfer the data.

  • Create a shell script to use native server dump and load abilities for fast migration: Unlike the simple batch file that performs a live online copy, this generates a script to be executed on the source host to then generate a Zip file containing all of the data and information needed to migrate the data locally on the target host. Copy and extract the generated Zip file on the target host and then execute the import script (on the target host) to import the data into MySQL using a LOAD DATA call.

    This faster method avoids the need to traffic all data through MySQL Workbench, or to have a permanent network connection between the MySQL servers.


    This option was added in MySQL Workbench 6.3.0.


  • Truncate target tables before copying data: In case the target database already exists, this will delete said data.

  • Worker tasks: The default value is 2. This is the number of tasks (database connections) used while copying the data.

  • Enable debug output for table copy: Shows debugging information.

Figure 10.17 MySQL Workbench migration: Data Transfer Setup

MySQL Workbench migration: Data Transfer Setup

Bulk Data Transfer

Depending on the selected option, this will either transfer the data to the target RDMS (default), generate a simple script for the online data transfer, or generate script to execute on the source host that then generates a Zip file containing both the transfer script and data that will be executed on the target host. Optionally, view the logs to confirm.

Figure 10.18 MySQL Workbench migration: Bulk Data Transfer

MySQL Workbench migration: Bulk Data Transfer

Migration Report

And finally, the migration report is available and summarizes the entire migration process.

Figure 10.19 MySQL Workbench migration: Migration Report

MySQL Workbench migration: Migration Report

Pressing Finish will close the migration window. If you chose the online copy then the database can now be viewed within the MySQL Workbench SQL editor.

Figure 10.20 MySQL Workbench migration: Viewing the migrated database

MySQL Workbench migration: Viewing the migrated database


If a MySQL Workbench SQL Editor tab is already opened, then the schema list within the Object Browser must be refreshed in order to view the newly imported schema.

10.2.2 Migrating from supported databases

When a supported RDBMS product is being migrated, the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard will automatically convert as much information as it can, but you may still be required to manually edit the automatically migrated schema for difficult cases, or when the default mapping is not as desired.

Generally speaking, only table information and its data are automatically converted to MySQL. Code objects such as views, stored procedures, and triggers, are not. But supported RDBMS products will be retrieved and displayed in the wizard. You can then manually convert them, or save them for converting at a later time.

The following RDBMS products and versions are currently tested and supported by the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard, although other RDBMS products can also be migrated with Section 10.2.3, “Migrating from unsupported (generic) databases”

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012

  • Microsoft Access 2007 and greater

  • MySQL Server 4.1 and greater as the source, and MySQL Server 5.1 and greater as the target

  • PostgreSQL 8.0 and greater

  • SQL Anywhere

  • SQLite

  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.x and greater

10.2.3 Migrating from unsupported (generic) databases

Most ODBC compliant databases may be migrated using the generic database support. In this case, code objects will not be retrieved from the source database; only tables and data.

When using the generic support, column data types are mapped using the following steps:

  1. It searches for the first entry in the Generic Datatype Mapping Table for the source type name. If the length/scale ranges of the entry matches the source column, it will pick that type. Otherwise, it continues searching.

  2. If no matches were found in the generic table, then it tries to directly map the source type to a MySQL type of the same name.

  3. If the source type name doesn't match any of the MySQL data types, then it is not converted and an error is logged. From here you can specify the target datatype in the Manual Object Editing step of the wizard.

10.3 Conceptual DBMS equivalents

Table 10.1 Conceptual equivalents between supported DBMS products and MySQL

ConceptMS SQL ServerSybase ASEPostgreSQLMySQLNote
Auto_IncrementYesYesYesYesPostgreSQL uses sequences for Auto_Increment.
BackupYesYesYesYesSee MySQL Enterprise Backup
CatalogYesYesYesN/AYou can map a catalog into a schema and drop the , use the owner as the schema name or merge the owner and object name together. ownerobject
Data Dictionary   N/A 
Database Instance     
Foreign KeysYesYesYesYes 
Full Text SearchYesYesYesYesIn InnoDB as of MySQL Server 5.6, and in all versions of MyISAM
Information SchemaYesNoYesYes 
Object Names Case SensitivityDepends on collationDepends on collationMixedMixedMySQL: sensitivity of database, table, and trigger names OS dependent; other object names are case insensitive. PostgreSQL: as specified in the SQL-99 standard, unquoted object names are treated as case insensitive while quoted object names are case sensitive. Unlike the standard, unquoted object names are converted to lowercase instead of uppercase.
Object Naming ConventionsYesYesYesYes 
Performance SchemaN/AN/AYesYes 
Primary KeyYesYesYesYes 
Referential IntegrityYesYesYesYesSybase ASE: referential integrity only through triggers.
RoleYesYesYesN/ARoles are not available in MySQL at the database level.
SchemaYesYes*YesYesEquivalent to database in MySQL. Sybase ASE: Schemata corresponds to user names.
SequencesYes*Yes*YesYes*Standalone sequence objects are not supported in MySQL. Similar functionality can be obtained with IDENTITY columns in MSSQL and AUTO_INCREMENT columns in MySQL
SQL ModesYes YesYesSET_ANSI_* in MSSQL
Storage EnginesN/AN/AYes*YesPostgreSQL itself supports and uses only one storage engine (Postgresql). Other companies have added extra storage engines to PostgreSQL.
Stored ProceduresYesYesYesYes 
TablespaceYesYes*YesN/AMSSQL groups tables in schemata (unless referring to CREATE TABLESPACE). Sybase ASE: tables are grouped in schemata which are more like user names.
Temporary TablesYesYesYesYes 
Unique KeyYesYesYesYes 

Handling Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL structural differences

A Microsoft SQL Server database is made up of one catalog and one or more schemata. MySQL only supports one schema for each database (or rather, a MySQL database is a schema) so this difference in design must be planned for. The Migration Wizard must know how to handle the migration of schemata for the source (Microsoft SQL Server) database. It can either keep all of the schemata as they are (the Migration Wizard will create one database per schema), or merge them into a single MySQL database. Additional configure options include: either remove the schema names (the Migration Wizard will handle the possible name collisions that may appear along the way), and an option to add the schema name to the database object names as a prefix.

10.4 Microsoft Access Migration


This feature was added in MySQL Workbench 6.2.0.

General Information

Microsoft Windows is required because Microsoft Access ODBC drivers are only available on Windows. As for the destination MySQL server, you can have it in the same local machine or elsewhere in your network.

Preparing a Microsoft Access Database for Migration

Microsoft Access stores relationship/foreign key information in an internal table called MSysRelationships. That table is protected against read access even to the Admin user, so if you try to migrate without opening up access to it, then you will get an error like this:

[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'msysobjects'. (-1907) (SQLExecDirectW) 

The steps to grant read access to the Admin are explained below.


The screenshots in this documentation use Microsoft Access 2007.

  • Open up database in Microsoft Access

  • Under the Database Tools menu, click the Visual Basic macro button to open the Visual Basic (VB) console.

    Figure 10.21 Locating the Visual Basic Macro Database Tool

    Locating the Visual Basic Macro Database Tool

  • To confirm that you're logged in as the "Admin" user, locate the Immediate panel and type the "? CurrentUser" and press Enter. This should output "Admin" under "? CurrentUser" in the panel.

  • Also in the Immediate panel, type the following command to grant access:

    CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "GRANT SELECT ON MSysRelationships TO Admin"

    Figure 10.22 GRANT SELECT ON MSysRelationships TO Admin

    GRANT SELECT ON MSysRelationships TO Admin

  • Quit the Microsoft Access application

Start the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard

From the main MySQL Workbench screen you can start the Migration Wizard by clicking on the Database Migration launcher in the Workbench Central panel or through Database, Migrate from the main menu.

Figure 10.23 Start the Migration Wizard

Start the Migration Wizard

A new tab showing the Overview page of the Migration Wizard should appear.

Figure 10.24 Migration Overview Page

Migration Overview Page

Setting Up ODBC Drivers

To check if you have the ODBC driver installed, click Open ODBC Administrator from the MySQL Workbench migration overview page to open the system ODBC tool. Then, select the Drivers tab.

Figure 10.25 Checking the ODBC Drivers for Access Support

Checking the ODBC Drivers for Access Support


MySQL Workbench has both 32-bit and 64-bit executables. The ODBC drivers you use must be of the same architecture as the MySQL Workbench binaries you are using. Because Office 2007 and older was 32-bit only and even Office 2010 installs as 32-bit by default, you may need to install the 32-bit version of MySQL Workbench to migrate from Access, even if you have a 64-bit machine. If during migration you get an ODBC error about "architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application", you installed the wrong version of MySQL Workbench.

In the User DSN tab, click on Add... to create a DSN for your database file. For this example, we created one for the northwind sample database.

Figure 10.26 Adding a New DSN

Adding a New DSN

Setting Up Source Parameters

Click on the Start Migration from the Overview page to advance to the Source Selection page. Here you need to provide the information about the Access database you are migrating from, the ODBC driver to use, and the parameters for the Access connection.

Open the Database System combo box for a list of supported RDBMSes, and select Microsoft Access from the list. There is another combo box below it named Stored Connection. It lists saved connection settings for that RDBMS. You can save connections by marking the checkbox at the bottom of the page, along with a name for the saved connection.

The next combo box selects the Connection Method. This time we are going to select ODBC Data Source from the list. This allows you to select pre-existing DSNs that you have configured in your system.

The DSN dropdown will have all DSNs you have defined in your system. Pick the one you created for the Access database being migrated from the list.

In the Default Character Set field you can select the character set of your database. If your Access version uses western/latin characters, you can leave the default cp1252. However, if you use a localized version of Access, such as Japanese, you must enter the correct character set used by your edition of Microsoft Office, otherwise the data will be copied incorrectly.

Figure 10.27 Access Source Selection

Access Source Selection

Lastly, click Test Connection to check whether an ODBC connection can be established. If you entered the correct parameters then you should see a message reporting a successful connection attempt.

Setting Up Target Parameters

Next, set up the target (MySQL) database parameters by defining the parameters that connect to your MySQL Server instance. When finished, click Test Connection to verify the connection definition.

Figure 10.28 Target Database Selection

Target Database Selection

Select the objects to migrate

Next, you should see the reverse engineering of the selected database objects progress. At this point, the migration wizard is retrieving relevant information about the involved database objects (such as table names, table columns, primary and foreign keys, indices, triggers, views, and more). You will be presented a page showing the progress as shown below.

Figure 10.29 Reverse Engineer Source

Reverse Engineer Source

Wait for it to finish and verify that everything went well. Next, the Source Objects displays a list with the objects that were retrieved and are available for migration. It will look similar to:

Figure 10.30 Source Objects

Source Objects

In the above example, the migration wizard discovered table and view objects for our source database. Only the table objects are selected by default for migration.


You can also select the view objects but you must also provide their corresponding MySQL equivalent code later (no automatic migration is available for them) so our example will leave the views unchecked. The same applies for stored procedures, functions and triggers.

Click Show Selection to configure exactly which objects you want to migrate, as seen below:

Figure 10.31 Source Objects Selection

Source Objects Selection

The objects on the right will be migrated. The filter box can filter the list (wildcards are allowed, as demonstrated above). By using the arrow buttons you can filter out the objects that you do not want to migrate. Before continuing, clear the filter text box to check the full list of the selected objects. Our example migrates all of the table objects so all of them are in the Objects to Migrate list, and the Migrate Table Objects checkbox is checked.

Review the proposed migration

At this point, the migration wizard converts the selected objects into their equivalent objects into the target MySQL server, and it also generates the MySQL code needed to create them. You might have to wait before the Manual Editing page is ready, but here is the initial page:

Figure 10.32 Manual Editing: Initial Page

Manual Editing: Initial Page

The View combo box changes the way the migrated database objects are shown. Click Show Code to view and edit the generated MySQL code that corresponds to the selected object. Additionally, you can double-click on a row in the object tree to edit the object name, or double-click the database row to change its name.

Figure 10.33 Manual Editing: All Objects

Manual Editing: All Objects

The View combo box also has a Column Mappings option. It shows the table columns and allows you to review and fix the mapping of column types, default values, and other attributes.

Figure 10.34 Manual Editing: Column Mappings

Manual Editing: Column Mappings

Create the database objects

Next is the Target Creation Options page:

Figure 10.35 Target Creation Options

Target Creation Options

Here are options for executing the generated code in the target RDBMS (your MySQL instance from the second step), or you can dump it to an SQL script file. Leave it as shown above and move to the next page. The migrated SQL code will be executed on the target MySQL server. You can view its progress in the Create Schemata page:

Figure 10.36 Create Schemata

Create Schemata

Once the creation of the schemata and objects finishes, you can move to the Create Target Results page. It presents a list of created objects and includes any generated errors while they were created. It will look similar to:

Figure 10.37 Create Target Results

Create Target Results

You can edit the migration code using the code box to the right, and save your changes by clicking Apply. If edits were made, you still need to recreate the objects with the modified code in order to perform the changes. This is done by clicking Recreate Objects. In this tutorial we are not changing anything, so leave the code as it is, and continue on to the Data Transfer Setup page.

Transfer the data to the MySQL database

The next step transfers data from the source Access database into your newly created target MySQL database. The Data Transfer Setup page allows you to configure this process.

Figure 10.38 Data Transfer Setup

Data Transfer Setup

There are two sets of options here. The first allows you to perform a live transference and/or to dump the data into a batch file that you can execute later. The other set of options allows you to alter this process.

This tutorial uses the default values for the options in this page as shown in the above screenshot. Next, the data is transferred. At this point the corresponding progress page will look familiar:

Figure 10.39 Bulk Data Transfer

Bulk Data Transfer

Once it finishes, move to the next page. You will be presented a report page summarizing the whole process. Now, review and click Finish to close the wizard.


Now that the Northwind database was successfully migrated, next we will view the results. Open an SQL Editor that is associated with your MySQL Server instance, and then query the Northwind database. You can try something like "SELECT * FROM Northwind.customers":

Figure 10.40 Verify Your Results

Verify Your Results

10.5 Microsoft SQL Server migration

The MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard is tested against the following Microsoft SQL Server versions: 2000, 2005, 2008, and 2012.

10.5.1 Preparations

To be able to migrate from Microsoft SQL Server, ensure the following:

  • The source SQL Server instance is running, and accepts TCP connections.

  • You know the IP and port of the source SQL server instance. If you will be migrating using a Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server (the default in Windows), you will need to know the host and the name of the SQL Server instance.

  • Make sure that the SQL Server is reachable from where you will be running MySQL Workbench. More specifically, check the firewall settings.

  • Make sure that the user account has proper privileges to the database that will be migrated.

10.5.2 Drivers

Microsoft Windows does not require additional drivers to be installed and configured, but Linux (and OS X) do. The following sections include specific instructions for each type of system. Windows

Microsoft Windows XP and newer includes at least one ODBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server, so additional actions are likely not required on your system. Multiple SQL Server driver options exist, as described below.

You can check your ODBC driver information by starting the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator that is linked from the MySQL Workbench migration wizard's home page. Alternatively, open a Windows terminal and execute odbcad32.exe. Open the Drivers tab to see something similar to:

Figure 10.41 Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator: SQL Server Drivers

Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator: SQL Server Drivers

Common ODBC drivers available on Windows are:

  • SQL Driver: preinstalled on Windows, but is limited to the functionality provided by SQL Server 2000. It functions okay if your database does not use features and data types introduced after SQL Server 2000, so it should be enough for you if your database does not make use of the new features and data types introduced after this SQL Server version.

  • SQL Server Native Client XX.X: if you have a SQL Server instance on the same machine as MySQL Workbench, then you will also have this additional driver. This comes with SQL Server and fully supports the companion SQL Server version. If this is not on your system then you can download and install this it from Microsoft. For example, download the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack to install the Native Client that supports SQL Server 2014 and earlier.


    XX.X represents the major version number for SQL Server, so an actual name might be "SQL Server Native Client 11.0".

Decide which driver you want to use, and remember its name as shown in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. This specific name is used in MySQL Workbench to connect your SQL Server instance.

Jump to the documentation titled Section 10.5.3, “Connection Setup”. Linux

Setting up drivers on Linux.


FreeTDS version 0.92 or greater is required. Many distributions ship older versions of FreeTDS, so it may need to be installed separately. Additionally, the FreeTDS version provided by distributions may also be compiled for the wrong ODBC library (usually to unixODBC instead of iODBC, which MySQL Workbench uses). Because of that, you will probably need to build this library yourself.

A script is provided to compile FreeTDS using the options required for MySQL Workbench. You can find it at /usr/share/mysql-workbench/extras/ on Linux or on OS X. To use it, follow these steps:

Using FreeTDS with iODBC

When compiling FreeTDS for use with iODBC (the default with the official binaries), it must be compiled with the --enable-odbc-wide command line. Failing to do so will result in crashes and other unpredictable errors. The provided script does this for you.

  1. For compiling, make sure you have the iODBC headers installed. For Linux, the name depends on your system's package manager but common names are libiodbc-devel (RPM based systems) or libiodbc2-dev (Debian based systems). For OS X, the headers come with the system and no additional action is required for this step.


    If you are using Oracle Enterprise Linux, RedHat, CentOS, and similar, you must have the EPEL repository set up in yum for it to find the libiodbc-devel package. For additional information about this step, see Installing Oracle Enterprise Linux and similar.

  2. mkdir ~/freetds to create a directory - within the users home directory.

  3. Copy the script to ~/freetds

  4. Get the latest FreeTDS sources from and place the .tar.gz source file into the ~/freetds directory. Make sure to get FreeTDS version 0.92 or newer.

  5. cd ~/freetds

  6. Execute

  7. After compilation is done, install it using make install from the path given by the script.

  8. Install the driver using ODBC Administrator so that the ODBC subsystem recognizes it. Open ODBC Administrator from the migration tab in MySQL Workbench.

    Figure 10.42 Open the ODBC Administrator

    Open the ODBC Administrator

    The name of the driver file is and it is located in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. For example, under the ODBC Drivers tab click Add Driver and fill out the description (name) and path to the driver file. Remember the name you define here as it will be needed later on. Save the driver.

    Figure 10.43 ODBC Driver Add/Setup

    ODBC Driver Add/Setup


    Only the driver file name is required, while the setup file name can remain undefined.

  9. Close the ODBC Administrator and click Start Migration. For information about making a Microsoft SQL Server connection using the MySQL Workbench migration wizard, see Section, “Linux”. OS X

See the FreeTDS setup notes for Linux, Section, “Linux”.

10.5.3 Connection Setup

This section focuses on creating a connection to the source Microsoft SQL Server, because creating a MySQL connection is a standard operation.


Prerequisite: that you already installed and configured the required Microsoft SQL Server driver on the system running MySQL Workbench. Windows

Select Microsoft SQL Server as the database system and fill out the remaining options as described below.

Figure 10.44 SQL Server Connection Parameters Example on Windows

SQL Server Connection Parameters Example on Windows

  • Database System: Microsoft SQL Server

  • Connection Method: choose ODBC (native) to use the native ODBC driver that is provided by Microsoft. Alternatives include "ODBC data sources" and "ODBC FreeTDS". FreeTDS is a popular open source driver for SQL Server and Sybase.

  • Driver: use the SQL Server driver name, as described in the documentation titled Section, “Windows”. Typically this will be "SQL Server" or a versioned client, such as "SQL Server Native Client 11.0".

  • Server: the address and optionally instance name of the SQL server, such as "" or "\SQLEXPRESS".

  • Username: the user name on the SQL Server, with "sa" being a commonly used name.

  • Password: optionally enter a password to save locally, or leave it blank to enter the password when the SQL Server connection is made later on in the process.

  • Database: optionally enter a database name. Leave it blank to select a database name after the MySQL Workbench wizard fetches the available databases.

  • Store connection for future: optionally store the connection details locally for future use by checking this box and entering a name for the connection.

  • Advanced: optionally enter additional options.

Click Test Connection to confirm that the parameters are correct before moving on. Linux

Select Microsoft SQL Server as the source database system and fill out the remaining options as described below.

Figure 10.45 SQL Server Connection Parameters Example on Linux

SQL Server Connection Parameters Example on Linux

  • Database System: Microsoft SQL Server

  • Connection Method: choose ODBC (FreeTDS) to use the local FreeTDS that was installed in an earlier step. For additional information about how to install a FreeTDS driver on Linux that will work with the MySQL Workbench migration wizard, see Section, “Linux”.

    Alternatively, choose ODBC Data Source (FreeTDS) if you defined a DSN when creating the SQL Server driver. The available pre-configured DSN options will be available to choose from.

  • Driver: The name of the driver that you created with the ODBC Administrator, as described in the documentation titled Section, “Linux”.

    An example name might be "Workbench FreeTDS", or "FreeTDS", but it is the name you defined in an earlier step, so it may or may not be "FreeTDS". Use the ODBC Administrator to find the correct driver name, as otherwise the connection will fail.

  • Hostname: the address and instance name of the SQL server, such as "".

  • Port: the port number. Port number 1433 is commonly used for MySQL server.

  • Username: the user name on the SQL server, with "sa" being a commonly used name.

  • Password: optionally enter a password to save locally, or leave it blank to enter the password when the SQL Server connection is made later on in the process.

  • Database: optionally enter a database name. Leave it blank to select a database name after the MySQL Workbench wizard fetches the available databases.

  • Store connection for future: optionally store the connection details locally for future use by checking this box and entering a name for the connection.

  • Advanced: Deselect the Driver sends Unicode data as UTF-8 option to use UCS-2.


    If your MSSQL server connection succeeded but the data import failed, it could be because this setting was enabled.

Click Test Connection to confirm that the parameters are correct before moving on. OS X

Connection parameters are similar to Linux, see Section, “Linux”.

10.5.4 Microsoft SQL Server Type Mapping

Table 10.2 Type mapping

Source TypeMySQL TypeComment
FLOATFLOATPrecision value is used for storage size in both
CHARCHAR/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have CHAR columns with a length up to 255 characters. Anything larger is migrated as LONGTEXT
NCHARCHAR/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have VARCHAR columns with a length up to 65535 characters. Anything larger is migrated to one of the TEXT blob types. In MySQL, character set of strings depend on the column character set instead of the datatype.
VARCHARVARCHAR/MEDIUMTEXT/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have VARCHAR columns with a length up to 65535 characters. Anything larger is migrated to one of the TEXT blob types.
NVARCHARVARCHAR/MEDIUMTEXT/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have VARCHAR columns with a length up to 65535 characters. Anything larger is migrated to one of the TEXT blob types. In MySQL, character set of strings depend on the column character set instead of the datatype.
DATETIME2DATETIMEDate range in MySQL is '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59'. Note: fractional second values are only stored as of MySQL Server 5.6.4
SQL_VARIANTnot migratedThere is not specific support for this datatype.
TABLEnot migratedThere is not specific support for this datatype.
HIERARCHYIDnot migratedThere is not specific support for this datatype.
UNIQUEIDENTIFIERVARCHAR(64)A unique flag set in MySQL. There is not specific support for inserting unique identifier values.

10.6 PostgreSQL migration

10.6.1 Preparations

Before proceeding, you will need the following:

  • Follow the installation guide for installing iODBC on your system. For more information, see Section 10.1, “General installation requirements”.

  • Access to a running PostgreSQL instance with privileges to the database you want to migrate, otherwise known as the "source database." The Migration Wizard officially supports PostgreSQL 8.0 and above, although older versions may work.

  • Access to a running MySQL Server instance with privileges to the database you want to migrate. The Migration Wizard officially supports MySQL 5.0 and above.

10.6.2 Drivers Microsoft Windows

Download and install the MSI package for psqlODBC. Choose the newest file from, which will be at the bottom of the downloads page. This will install psqlODBC on your system and allow you to migrate from Postgresql to MySQL using MySQL Workbench. Linux

After installing iODBC, proceed to install the PostgreSQL ODBC drivers.

Download the psqlODBC source tarball file from Use the latest version available for download, which will be at the bottom of the downloads page. The file will look similar to psqlodbc-09.03.0400.tar.gz. Extract this tarball to a temporary location, open a terminal, and cd into that directory. The installation process is:

shell> cd the/src/directory
shell> ./configure --with-iodbc --enable-pthreads
shell> make
shell> sudo make install          

Verify the installation by confirming that the file is in the /usr/local/lib directory.

Next, you must register your new ODBC Driver.

Open the iODBC Data Source Administrator application by either executing iodbcadm-gtk in the command-line, or by launching it from the Overview page of the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard by clicking the Open ODBC Administrator button.

Go to the ODBC Drivers tab in the iODBC Data Source Administrator. It should look similar to:

Figure 10.46 The iODBC Data Source Administrator

The iODBC Data Source Administrator

Click Add a driver then fill out the form with the following values:

  • Description of the driver: psqlODBC

  • Driver file name: /usr/local/lib/

  • Setup file name: No value is needed here

And lastly, clicking OK will complete the psqlODBC driver registration. OS X

To compile psqlODBC on OS X, you will need to have Xcode and its "Command Line Tools" component installed on your system, as this includes the required gcc compiler. Xcode is free, and available from the AppStore. And after installing Xcode, open it and go to Preferences, Downloads, Components, and then install the "Command Line Tools" component.

Download the psqlODBC source tarball file from Use the latest version available for download, which will be at the bottom of the downloads page. The file will look similar to psqlodbc-09.03.0400.tar.gz. Extract this tarball to a temporary location, open a terminal, and cd into that directory. The installation process is:

shell> cd the/src/directory
shell> ./configure --with-iodbc --enable-pthreads
shell> CFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" make
shell> sudo make install          

10.6.3 Connection Setup

After loading the Migration Wizard, click on the Start Migration button in the Overview page to begin the migration process. You will first connect to the source PostgreSQL database. Here you will provide the information about the PostgreSQL RDBMS that you are migrating from, the ODBC driver that will be used for the migration, and all of the parameters required for the connection. The name of the ODBC driver is the one you set up when you registered your psqlODBC driver with the driver manager.

Opening the Database System dropdown will reveal each RDBMS that is supported on your system. Select PostgreSQL from the list. Below that is the Stored Connection dropdown, which is optional. Stored connections will be listed here, which are connections saved after defining a connection with the Store connection for future use as checkbox enabled.

The three Connection Method options are:

  • ODBC (manually entered parameters): Each parameter, like a username, is defined separately

  • ODBC Data Source: For pre-configured data sources (DSN) -- you can optionally create a DSN using the ODBC Administrator

  • ODBC (direct connection string): A full ODBC connection string


The psqlODBC driver does not allow a connection without specifying a database name.

The migration process is similar to other databases. See Section 10.6.4, “PostgreSQL Type Mapping” for information on how the migration wizard migrates types from PostgreSQL to MySQL, and Section 10.2.1, “A visual guide to performing a database migration” for a general migration guide.

10.6.4 PostgreSQL Type Mapping

Table 10.3 Type mapping

Source TypeMySQL TypeComment
SERIALINTSets AUTO_INCREMENT in its table definition.
BIGSERIALBIGINTSets AUTO_INCREMENT in its table definition.
CHARCHAR/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have CHAR columns with a length up to 255 characters. Anything larger is migrated as LONGTEXT
NATIONAL CHARACTERCHAR/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have VARCHAR columns with a length up to 65535 characters. Anything larger is migrated to one of the TEXT blob types. In MySQL, character set of strings depend on the column character set instead of the datatype.
VARCHARVARCHAR/MEDIUMTEXT/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have VARCHAR columns with a length up to 65535 characters. Anything larger is migrated to one of the TEXT blob types.
NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYINGVARCHAR/MEDIUMTEXT/LONGTEXTDepending on its length. MySQL Server 5.5 and above can have VARCHAR columns with a length up to 65535 characters. Anything larger is migrated to one of the TEXT blob types. In MySQL, character set of strings depend on the column character set instead of the datatype.
LINELINESTRINGAlthough LINE length is infinite, and LINESTRING is finite in MySQL, it is approximated
LSEGLINESTRINGA LSEG is like a LINESTRING with only two points
BOXPOLYGONA BOX is a POLYGON with five points and right angles
CIRCLEPOLYGONA POLYGON is used to approximate a CIRCLE

10.7 MySQL migration

Perform MySQL server version upgrades to move off older MySQL versions to the latest version. The standard migration wizard can migrate MySQL to MySQL, and a simpler Schema Transfer Wizard can also be used.

MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard

The MySQL Schema Transfer wizard helps you move your data from an older MySQL server version to a different (typically later) MySQL version. This migration tool is meant for developer hosts as it is simpler than the standard migration wizard, because it only migrates MySQL to MySQL. The data is transferred and not based on a consistent snapshot, so it works best on local MySQL instances.


You should not use this wizard on production MySQL instances.

To open the wizard, select Database, Schema Transfer Wizard from the main menu.

Figure 10.47 MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Overview

MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Overview

Read the overview text and click Start the Wizard to begin.

Figure 10.48 MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Connection Selection

MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Connection Selection

Choose your target and source MySQL connections. After choosing and testing your MySQL connections, click Next to continue.

Figure 10.49 MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Schema Selection

MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Schema Selection

Choose the schemas to migrate, and click Start Copy to begin copying the selected schemas from the source to target MySQL server.

Figure 10.50 MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Copy Databases

MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Copy Databases

Review the Message Log to confirm that the migration completed with success. Click Next to view a summary of the results.

Figure 10.51 MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Results

MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard: Results

Click Finish to close the wizard.

10.8 Using the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard

For a visual walk-through of the migration wizard, see Section 10.2.1, “A visual guide to performing a database migration”.

10.8.1 Connecting to the databases

A connection is made to the source and target database servers.

Source Connection

Select the source RDBMS that is migrating to MySQL. Choose the Database System that is being migrated, and the other connection parameters will change accordingly.


This connection definition may be saved using the Store connection for future use as option, and there is also the Test Connection option.

Figure 10.52 MySQL Workbench migration: Source Selection (Parameters)

MySQL Workbench migration: Source Selection (Parameters)

Target Selection

The target is the MySQL database that will contain the migrated data. Choose an existing MySQL Workbench connection or select Manage DB Connections to create a new MySQL connection.

Figure 10.53 MySQL Workbench migration: Target selection

MySQL Workbench migration: Target selection

10.8.2 Schemata Retrieval and Selection

Retrieve a list of available databases and choose the specific databases (and tables) that you want to migrate to MySQL.

Fetch Schemas List

The Schemata list is retrieved from both the source and target RDBMS. The account used for the connection will need to have appropriate privileges for listing and reading the schemas you want to migrate. Target RDBMS connection settings will also be validated. This is an automated and informational step that reports connection related errors and/or general log information.

The steps that are performed include: connects to the source DBMS, checks the connection, and retrieves the schema list from the source.

Figure 10.54 MySQL Workbench migration: Fetch Schemas List

MySQL Workbench migration: Fetch Schemata List

Schemata Selection

Choose the databases you want to migrate over to MySQL.

This Schema Name Mapping Method options while migrating from Microsoft SQL Server:


This example uses Microsoft SQL Server as the source RDMS. Although the options will be different for other database systems, the concept remains the same.

  • Keep schemata as they are: Catalog.Schema.Table -> Schema.Table: This will create multiple databases, one per schema.

  • Only one schema: Catalog.Schema.Table -> Catalog.Table: Merges each schema into a single database.

  • Only one schema, keep current schema names as a prefix: Catalog.Schema.Table -> Catalog.Schema_table: Preserves the schema name as a prefix.

Figure 10.55 MySQL Workbench migration: Schemata Selection

MySQL Workbench migration: Schemata Selection

10.8.3 Reverse Engineering

The source metadata is fetched from the source RDBMS, and reverse engineered. This is an automated and informational step that reports related errors and/or general log information. View the logs and then press Next to continue.

Figure 10.56 MySQL Workbench migration: Reverse Engineer Source

MySQL Workbench migration: Reverse Engineer Source

10.8.4 Object Selection

Objects discovered by the Reverse Engineer Source stage are made available here. This includes Table, View, and Routine objects, with only the Table objects being selected by default. Use the Show Selection button in order to disable individual table objects from being migrated.

Figure 10.57 MySQL Workbench migration: Source Objects

MySQL Workbench migration: Source Objects

10.8.5 Migration

Reverse engineered objects from the source RDBMS are automatically converted to MySQL compatible objects. Default data type and default column value mappings are used, and the generated objects and column definitions may be reviewed and edited in the next step.

The steps performed include Migrating the selected objects, and generating the SQL CREATE statements.

Figure 10.58 MySQL Workbench migration: Migration

MySQL Workbench migration: Migration

10.8.6 Manual Editing

Use the View select box to choose the section to edit. The Show Code and Messages button is available with on every page, and it shows the generated MySQL code that corresponds to the selected object.

  • Migration Problems: This either reports problems or displays "No mapping problems found." It is an informational screen.

  • All Objects: An object view that allows you to view and edit the object definitions. Double-click on a row to modify a target objects name.

  • Column Mappings: Shows all of the table column mappings, and allows you to individually review and fix the mapping for all column types, default values, and other attributes.

Figure 10.59 MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Migration Problems)

MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Program Problems)

Figure 10.60 MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (All Objects)

MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (All Objects)

Figure 10.61 MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Column Mappings)

MySQL Workbench migration: Manual Editing (Column Mappings)

10.8.7 Target Creation Options

Defines addition settings for the target schema. Configuration options include:

  • Create schema in target RDBMS:

  • Create a SQL script file:

  • An option to keep the schemata if they already exist. Objects that already exist will not be recreated or update.

Figure 10.62 MySQL Workbench migration: Target Creation Options

MySQL Workbench migration: Target Creation Options

10.8.8 Schema Creation

The SQL scripts generated for the migrated schema objects will now be executed in the target database. You can monitor execution in the logs, if errors exist then they will be fixed in the next step. Table data will be migrated in a later step as well.

This is an automated step, where the actions include: Create Script File, Connect to Target Database, and Create Schemata and Objects.

Figure 10.63 MySQL Workbench migration: Create Schemata

MySQL Workbench migration: Create Schemata

10.8.9 Create Target Results

The generated objects are listed here, along with the error messages if any exist.

The migration code may also be viewed and edited here. To make changes, select an object, edit the query code, and press Apply. Repeat this process for each object that will be edited. And then, press Recreate Objects to save the results.


The Recreate Objects operation is required to save any changes here. It will then execute the previous migration step (Create Schemata) with the modified code, and then continue the migration process. This also means that the previously saved schema will be dropped.

Figure 10.64 MySQL Workbench migration: Create Target Results

MySQL Workbench migration: Create Target Results

10.8.10 Data Transfer and Migration Setup

Transfers data from the source RDBMS to the target MySQL database. The setup screen includes the following options:

Data Copy:

  • Online copy of table data to target RDBMS: This (default) will copy the data to the target RDBMS.

  • Create a batch file to copy the data at another time: The data may also be dumped to a file that can be executed at a later time, or be used as a backup. This script uses a MySQL connection to transfer the data.

  • Create a shell script to use native server dump and load abilities for fast migration: Unlike the simple batch file that performs a live online copy, this generates a script to be executed on the source host to then generate a Zip file containing all of the data and information needed to migrate the data locally on the target host. Copy and extract the generated Zip file on the target host and then execute the import script (on the target host) to import the data into MySQL using a LOAD DATA call.

    This faster method avoids the need to traffic all data through MySQL Workbench, or to have a permanent network connection between the MySQL servers.


    This option was added in MySQL Workbench 6.3.0.


  • Truncate target tables before copying data: In case the target database already exists, this will delete said data.

  • Worker tasks: The default value is 2. This is the number of tasks (database connections) used while copying the data.

  • Enable debug output for table copy: Shows debugging information.

Figure 10.65 MySQL Workbench migration: Data Transfer Setup

MySQL Workbench migration: Data Transfer Setup

10.8.11 Bulk Data Transfer

Depending on the selected option, this will either transfer the data to the target RDMS (default), generate a simple script for the online data transfer, or generate script to execute on the source host that then generates a Zip file containing both the transfer script and data that will be executed on the target host. Optionally, view the logs to confirm.

Figure 10.66 MySQL Workbench migration: Bulk Data Transfer

MySQL Workbench migration: Bulk Data Transfer

10.8.12 Migration Report

Displays the final report that summarizes the migration process.

Figure 10.67 MySQL Workbench migration: Migration Report

MySQL Workbench migration: Migration Report

10.9 MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions with answers.

10.9.1. While using the Postgresql psqlodbc driver, I see the following error: ('08001', '[08001] Already connected. (202) (SQLDriverConnect)')


While using the Postgresql psqlodbc driver, I see the following error: ('08001', '[08001] Already connected. (202) (SQLDriverConnect)')

This means that PostgreSQL is not configured to accept connections from the source IP.