Chapter 4. Content management

Table of Contents

4.1. Modifying a document
4.2. Creating relations between documents

4.1. Modifying a document

  1. In the workspace, click on the document name to open it.

  2. Click on the Modify tab.

  3. Modify the document's properties. In this case, we change the document's description.

  4. Indicate if you want to update the document's version.

  5. When done, click on the Save button.

    The Summary tab of the document is displayed.

4.2. Creating relations between documents

  1. Click on the document name to open it.

  2. Click on the Relations tab.

  3. Click on Add a new relation.

  4. Fill in the relation creation form.


    Click on the Search button to search a Nuxeo EP document.

  5. When done, click on the Add button.

    The new relation is displayed in the Relations tab, in the Outgoing Relations part of the page.