oF structure

by Roy Macdonald

Let's get into openFrameworks (I'll refer to it as oF from now on). The philosophy chapter talks about oF in a very abstract and conceptual manner, which is really useful for understanding the design of the oF environment. Now, let's take a look at what the oF download looks like.

I have found it very useful to explain oF by making analogies to cooking. Coding and cooking have a lot of things in common, and most people are familiar with the act of cooking. In this chapter, I'll be drawing connections between processes and terminology in cooking and oF.

First things first

You need to download the oF version and the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that suits your platform. The IDE is a piece of software that will let you write, compile, run and debug the code you write. It is "integrated" because it uses other pieces of software to do each of the mentioned tasks. You can run your code without using the IDE, but the IDE will make your programming life much easier.

Go to http://openframeworks.cc/download and download the version that you need. By the side of each available version you will find a link to download the matching IDE and how to install it.

Welcome to your new kitchen


As said before, the Integrated Development Environment, IDE, is the application you will be using to build your oF projects. It will let you write code, compile (bake it), test it and debug it (find out what is giving you a problem, if there is any, and fix it). There are several different IDEs, at least one for each platform you might be utilizing.

The IDE is your new kitchen, where you'll find all the tools to cook incredible stuff. Yet there are a lot of different kitchen brands, just like IDEs. All do the same basic things but might be laid out and named in a slightly different way. If you know how to use one, you can use any other. For clarification, I will go through each IDE and show where you will find the most used commands, controls and settings. Only read for the IDE you are going to use.

All IDEs have a similar interface:

Abstract IDE interface
Abstract IDE interface

Apple Xcode

Xcode is Apple's IDE. It is used both for iOS apps and desktop apps. Even though there are other IDEs for OS X, Xcode is a pretty mature one with lots of nice and useful features, especially for dealing with iOS apps.

Use the latest version of Xcode and read the setup guide.

Xcode screenshot
Xcode screenshot

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express

Visual Studio is Microsoft's IDE, which is aimed at Windows development. It's a commercial product, but there's a free version you can download called "Express".

Visual Studio screenshot
Visual Studio screenshot


Code::Blocks is a free/libre IDE. It runs on several platforms, but oF supports it for Microsoft Windows and Linux. It is quite "light" in terms of downloading and we (the contributors to this book) use it in workshops over Visual Studio, which can be a bit intimidating for beginners. For Microsoft Windows, follow the setup instructions (including step "e") carefully. There are scripts that help install dependencies and the Code::Blocks IDE for Linux.

Code::Blocks screenshot
Code::Blocks screenshot

Running examples

Find the oF version that you downloaded and decompress it. From now on we will refer to this folder as the oF root folder. You can place the oF root folder anywhere you like. One thing to stress is that oF is designed to be self contained -- everything you need will stay in one folder and this folder can even be moved around on your drive if need be. If you download another version of openFrameworks, it should stay in it's own folder and don't try to merge them.

Open it. Inside of it you will find several folders which we will describe below in more detail. For now, navigate to the examples folder and let's try to compile examples/graphics/graphicsExample. If you are on OS X, click on the graphicsExample.xcodeproj. If you are using Visual Studio, choose the ".sln" file. On Code::Blocks, choose the ".workspace" file.

A quick side note about workspace files. The reason we ask you to open those rather than the project file is that they contain a sub-project to build the oF library also. If you have any doubts, please read the readme for your given platform.

Now your IDE should open and load this example. It should look like the IDE screenshots above. Locate the "Run" button or menu option and click on it. The example should compile (which might take a while, since the first time you compile you are also compiling the oF library). You'll see a lot of files being compiled the first time -- don't worry, this will just happen once, when the oF library needs to be rebuilt. Feel free to get a cup of coffee or stretch. Long compile times are great moments to take a screen break.

If everything went well, a new window will pop up and display the example you just compiled. If this happened, congrats! You just have installed and compiled openFrameworks successfully and you are ready to go on. If this didn't happen, the first rule is, don't panic! Check the notes below for each IDE and be sure to read the release notes that come with oF.

If the graphics example works, spend some time going through the other oF examples and running them. Usually it's good practice to close the current project / workspace completely before you open another one. Once the oF library is compiled, the projects should build quite quickly!

If you have trouble, please keep track of what errors you have, what platform you are on, and start using the oF forum to find help. There's years of experience there, and really helpful folks who can help answer questions. First, try searching for a specific error and if you don't see it, post a question in the forum. When you are beginning it can be quite frustrating, but the community is very good at helping each other out.

Once done continue reading.

oF folder structure

Inside the oF root folder you will find several other folders, at least, the following:


The "addons" folder will contain the included "core" addons. Addons are extra pieces of code that extend oF's functionalities, allowing you to do almost anything with oF. Addons are usually written by third parties that have shared these. The "core" addons, the ones already included in your oF download, are addons that are used so frequently that it has been decided to include them as part of the official oF download. These are coded and maintained by oF's core developers.
Check the examples/addons folder in your oF root folder where you will find at least one example about how to use each of these addons. You can also go to ofxAddons where you'll find a huge collection of additional addons from the community.


This is the folder where you put your project files as you make new projects. Your current oF download contains the folder named "myApps" inside of "apps", and this is where the project generator will default to when you make a new project. One important thing to note is that the project is positioned relatively to the libs folder, i.e. if you were to look inside the project file you'd see relative folder paths, i.e. ../../../libs. This image is showing how ../../../libs might work visually:

app position to root
app position to root

A key thing to note is that your project files always have to live at this depth from the root. If you alter their depth, they won't find the other pieces they need to compile. This is a very common mistake for beginners, especially as you start to find example projects and bring them in oF to test, etc. Please make sure you understand that projects are always setup relative to the root level. This is what makes the whole oF folder able to be anywhere on your hard drive -- it's a self contained package. This is probably the #1 issue beginners have, so it's worth emphasizing.


This is a folder with examples, sorted by topic. There are a big bunch of examples that cover almost all of aspects oF. Each example is made with the idea of keeping it simple and focused on the particular aspect it tries to address. Therefore it should be easily understandable and a good starting point when you want to do something similar in your project.


These are the libraries that openFrameworks uses to compile your project. They include things like FreeType for typography support, FreeImage for image loading, glfw for windowing, etc. Also the code for openFrameworks is in libs, as well as the project files that help compile oF. If you need to look at the source code, here's where to look.


Here you'll find an Arduino sketch for using with the serial example located at examples/communication/. This is handy to check that your serial communication with Arduino is set up correctly and working.


oF now ships with a simple project generator which is really useful for making new projects. One of the larger challenges has always been making a new project. This tool takes a template (located in the scripts folder) and modifies it, changing the name to a new one that you choose and even allowing you to specify addons. It allows you to place the project anywhere you want, and while we've structured all the examples to be a certain distance away from the root, you can set the position using this tool (e.g. if you put the project deeper, it will change the ../../../libs to ../../../../libs). It's designed to make it easy / trivial to start sketching in code, without worrying too much about making a new project. In the past we've always recommend that you copy an old project and rename it, but this is a more civilized approach to making projects. Check the readme file where the usage of this app is described.

The oF Pantry

Your default new kitchen will only have tools for coding, but the oF kitchen comes with a super nice pantry, filled up with really nice, cool and useful stuff.

Imagine that you want to cook something but your kitchen has no pantry or if there is one it is completely empty. Cooking anything would be quite difficult under such conditions, as you'd have to go out and buy the things you need and you probably won't find everything in one outing. This is not a nice scenario, especially if you want to get creative and make awesome things.

So, what happens when you have your pantry filled with oF's components? You will be able to cook whatever you want because some really good ingredients are already there. Additionally, there are some really nice tools in there. This will let you complete recipes in a short amount of time, leaving you more time to get creative and try out new and more delicious recipes.

What is inside the oF pantry

Here you will find a lot of different things, from ingredients to tools, all ordered according to use. This is a breakdown of how oF code is organized (as well as the examples) and should give you a sense of what oF contains:


As mentioned before, addons extend oF core functionalities. In each oF distribution there are several included addons, usually referred to as "core addons":

That's what's in the pantry. What do you want to cook?

please note that this book / chapter is a work in progress. Feel free to suggest edits / corrections here