
basecomponent — an abstract class which all components subclass


LZX: basecomponent
JavaScript: basecomponent
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Base Components
Declared in: lps/components/base/basecomponent.lzx


An abstract base class that handles focus, the text attribute, and style.

an abstract class which all components subclass

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView) » basecomponent

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: basebutton, basedatepicker, basegrid, basescrollbar, basescrollthumb, basetabpane, basetabs, basetabscontent, basetree, basevaluecomponent, basewindow, chart, menu, menubar, menuseparator, roundrectbutton


Properties (11)

<attribute name="doesenter" type="boolean" value="false" />
public var doesenter : Boolean;
if set to true, the component manager will call this component with doEnterDown and doEnterUp when the enter key goes up or down if it is focussed.
<attribute name="enabled" value="true" />
public var enabled;
when false the component should appear as its disabled state and not respond to user events (default: true) The component is automatically set to clickable when enabled, and not clickable when disabled.
<attribute name="_enabled" value="${this.enabled && (this._parentcomponent ? this._parentcomponent._enabled : true)}" />
protected var _enabled;
used by the component to determine whether to display its disabled state. A component is enabled if its "parent component" is enabled and its 'enabled' attribute evaluates to 'true' (its "parent component" is the first component above it in the view hierarchy)
<attribute name="focusable" type="boolean" value="true" />
public var focusable : Boolean;
when true, the component can be focused.
<attribute name="hasdefault" value="false" />
public var hasdefault;
set to true when this component will receive enter key events
<attribute name="_initcomplete" value="false" />
protected var _initcomplete;
set to true in init method, after subviews have been created and initialized
<attribute name="isdefault" />
public var isdefault;
If set to true, this component will be the default (and will therefore receive the enter key) if it is nearest to the focussed view, and if that focussed view does not have doesenter set to true. "Nearness" is defined to mean the closest common parent with the focussed view that is not excluded from the mode, and which is visible onscreen.
<attribute name="_parentcomponent" value="null" />
protected read-only var _parentcomponent;
<attribute name="style" value="null" />
public var style;
if null, the style is set to the inherited style from the parent component, if no parent component the style will be the canvas 'defaultstyle' attribute
<attribute name="styleable" value="true" />
public var styleable;
whether style should be applied to this component
<attribute name="text" type="html" value="" />
public var text : html;
the label or title of the component: instead of using this attribute text may instead be placed withing the tag, for example: <button>OK</button>

Methods (8)

<method name="_applystyle" args="s" />
protected function _applystyle(s);
this method applies the style object's attributes to this component
<method name="doEnterDown" />
public function doEnterDown();
Called if this component has the focus and the component has doesenter set to true and the enter key goes down
<method name="doEnterUp" />
public function doEnterUp();
Called if this component has the focus and the component has doesenter set to true and the enter key goes up
<method name="doSpaceDown" />
public function doSpaceDown();
Called if this component has the focus and the space bar goes down
<method name="doSpaceUp" />
public function doSpaceUp();
Called if this component has the focus and the space bar goes up
<method name="setStyle" args="s" />
public function setStyle(s);
Sets this component's style
<method name="setTint" args="v, color, brightness" />
public function setTint(v, color, brightness);
colorizes a view, such that 50% gray appears as the given color with shades of color darker and lighter. This will not tint the background color (unless its a swatchview) but will tint any resources and all subviews. param LzView v: the view to colorize param Number color: the color to use for tinting (e.g. 0xddddff) param Number brightness: -255 to 255, optional parameter will lighten or darken everything that is colorized
<method name="updateDefault" />
public function updateDefault();
this method can be called to force the default button to update

LZX Synopsis

<class name="basecomponent" extends=" LzView ">
  <attribute name=" doesenter " type="boolean" value="false" />
  <attribute name=" enabled " value="true" />
  <attribute name=" _enabled " value="${this.enabled && (this._parentcomponent ? this._parentcomponent._enabled : true)}" />
  <attribute name=" focusable " type="boolean" value="true" />
  <attribute name=" hasdefault " value="false" />
  <attribute name=" _initcomplete " value="false" />
  <attribute name=" isdefault " />
  <attribute name=" _parentcomponent " value="null" />
  <attribute name=" style " value="null" />
  <attribute name=" styleable " value="true" />
  <attribute name=" text " type="html" value="" />
  <method name=" _applystyle " args="s" />
  <method name=" doEnterDown " />
  <method name=" doEnterUp " />
  <method name=" doSpaceDown " />
  <method name=" doSpaceUp " />
  <method name=" setStyle " args="s" />
  <method name=" setTint " args="v, color, brightness" />
  <method name=" updateDefault " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public basecomponent extends  LzView  {
  public var doesenter  : Boolean;
  public var enabled ;
  protected var _enabled ;
  public var focusable  : Boolean;
  public var hasdefault ;
  protected var _initcomplete ;
  public var isdefault ;
  protected read-only var _parentcomponent ;
  public var style ;
  public var styleable ;
  public var text  : html;
  prototype protected function _applystyle (s);
  prototype public function doEnterDown ();
  prototype public function doEnterUp ();
  prototype public function doSpaceDown ();
  prototype public function doSpaceUp ();
  prototype public function setStyle (s);
  prototype public function setTint (v, color, brightness);
  prototype public function updateDefault ();