
view (LzView) — The most basic viewable element.


LZX: view
JavaScript: LzView
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: LFC.Views
Declared in: WEB-INF/lps/lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs


The view is the most basic viewable element in an OpenLaszlo application. Anything that is displayed on the canvas is a view or extends the view class. A view is a rectangle, which can be visible or invisible, and which can contain other views or display "resources" such as images, .swf files, or other supported media. One view controls one displayable resource. The view system is strictly hierarchical; that is, each view has a single parent but can have multiple children.

The following code shows one view nested inside another:

 <canvas height="50" width="500">
   <view width="50" height="50" bgcolor="red">
     <view width="30" height="30" bgcolor="blue"/>

LzView extends LzNode, which is the fundamental abstract class of LZX.

For more a gentle introduction to views please see the Laszlo tutorials, particularly Laszlo Basics and Understanding Views. For a more rigorous explanation of views see theDeveloper's Guide, particularly the views chapter.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView)

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: autocompletecombobox, basecomponent, basedatepickerday, basedatepickerweek, basedragimage, baseform, baseslidertrack, basetooltip, basetrackgroup, basevalidator, basezoomarea, borderinput, colorpot, colorrow, datacolumn, dataseries, DebugObject, fisheye, fisheye_item, hbox, hsplitpane, image, linkdialog, canvas (LzCanvas), text (LzText), menuarrow, opttree, richtexteditor, richtexttoolbar, rtmpstatus, shadowbox, simpleinputtext, ulink, valuepoints, vbox, videoview


Static Methods (2)

<method name="addProxyPolicy" args="f" />
static public function addProxyPolicy(f : Function);
Adds a function which can decide how the media at a given URL should be loaded
<method name="removeProxyPolicy" args="f" />
static public function removeProxyPolicy(f : Function) : Boolean;
Removes a proxy policy function that has been added using LzView.addProxyPolicy

Initial Attributes (3)

Initial Attributes are given as attributes in LZX but are not generally available as properties in JavaScript.

<attribute name="clip" type="boolean" />
A boolean indicating that the view is masked if true, the view applies setClip(true) to itself
<attribute name="resource" type="string" />
A string denoting the library resource to use for this view. The default is usually 'theEmptyResource' In addition to any events documented in the section below, these events are also available: onmouseupoutside: Sent when the mouse button comes up outside a view This event is only sent by views which are clickable after it went down over the view. This event is only sent by views which are clickable onmousedragin: Sent when the mouse button went down over the view and the button is still down when mouse rolls back inside the view. This event is only sent by views which are clickable onmousedragout: Sent when the mouse button went down over the view and the button is still down when mouse rolls outside the view. This event is only sent by views which are clickable
<attribute name="stretches" type="boolean" />
A string specifying whether or not the view should stretch its contents. Values are width, height or both. When stretching, the coordinate system of the contents is modified so that the whole view will fit in the given dimensions. If stretches is applied, clip would not be necessary.

Properties (39)

<attribute name="addedToParent" />
public var addedToParent = null;
<attribute name="bgcolor" type="color" />
public var bgcolor : color = null;
The color of background of this view. Null if there is no bgcolor. A number from 0 - 0xFFFFFF.
<attribute name="checkPlayStatusDel" />
public var checkPlayStatusDel = null;
<attribute name="clickable" />
public var clickable = false;
<attribute name="DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME" />
public var DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME = 500;
<attribute name="focusable" type="boolean" />
public var focusable : Boolean = false;
If true, this view will receive focus events. See focus manager (LzFocus) for more details.
<attribute name="focustrap" type="boolean" />
public var focustrap : Boolean;
If true, this view "traps" the focus, for example in a window or dialog. See focus manager (LzFocus) for more details.
<attribute name="fontsize" type="size" />
public var fontsize : size;
Pixel size to use to render text which appears inside this view. The default is 8.
<attribute name="fontstyle" type="string" />
public var fontstyle : String;
The style to use to render text fields that appear inside of this view. One of "plain", "bold" , "italic" or "bolditalic".
<attribute name="frame" type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
public var frame : NumberExpression = 0.0;
If this view has a multi-frame resource, this allows setting which resource frame is displayed. Defaults to the first frame (1).
<attribute name="framesloadratio" type="number" />
public var framesloadratio : Number = 0.0;
For views whose resource is loaded at runtime, the ratio of the loaded frames to the total frames. This is a number between zero and 1.
<attribute name="hassetheight" type="boolean" />
public var hassetheight : Boolean = false;
If true, then setWidth() has been called on this view, and the view will not be sized to its contents.
<attribute name="hassetwidth" type="boolean" />
public var hassetwidth : Boolean = false;
If true, then setHeight() has been called on this view, and the view will not be sized to its contents.
<attribute name="height" type="sizeExpression" />
public var height : Number = 0.0;
The height of the view
<attribute name="layouts" type="css" />
public var layouts : Object = null;
A CSS sequence of layout parameters in 'property: value' form. These values are used to create a layout that is attached to this view. If there is a class property, it names the class of the layout; otherwise simplelayout is used. If the value of this attribute is a single id, it is used as the axis attribute of a simplelayout. Examples: axis: x, class: constantlayout; axis: y; axis: x; spacing: 5.
<attribute name="loadperc" />
public deprecated var loadperc = 0.0;
<attribute name="loadratio" type="number" />
public var loadratio : Number = 0.0;
For views whose resource is loaded at runtime, ratio of the loaded bytes to the total bytes. This is a number between zero and 1.
<attribute name="mask" type="lzView" />
public var mask : LzView;
Reference to closest masked view in the hierarchy above this one
<attribute name="masked" />
public var masked = false;
<attribute name="opacity" type="opacity" value=""1.0"" />
public var opacity : Opacity = 1;
The opacity of the view's contents. @c{1.0} is opaque; @c{0.0} is totally transparent (invisible).
<attribute name="pixellock" type="booleanLiteral" />
public var pixellock : BooleanLiteral = null;
The view system supports sub-pixel positioning to enable smooth animation. This may be turned off to make the view snap to a pixel boundary by setting pixellock to true.
<attribute name="resource" type="string" />
public var resource : String = null;
A resource that is presented in the background of this view. The value can be either the name of a resource defined with the resource tag, a URL, or a pathname. If the value is a URL, the resource is requested when the view is displayed. If it's a pathname, the file named by the pathname is compiled into the application, and attached to this view.
<attribute name="resourceheight" />
public var resourceheight = null;
<attribute name="resourcewidth" />
public var resourcewidth = null;
<attribute name="rotation" type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
public var rotation : Number = 0.0;
The rotation value for the view (in degrees). Value may be less than zero or greater than 360.
<attribute name="setButtonSize" />
public var setButtonSize = null;
<attribute name="showhandcursor" type="boolean" />
public var showhandcursor : Boolean = null;
Show or hide the hand cursor for this view, if clickable
<attribute name="sprite" />
public var sprite = null;
<attribute name="subviews" />
public var subviews;
An array of the subviews that are children of this view. This is initialized to an empty array for views that have no subviews.
<attribute name="totalframes" type="number" />
public var totalframes : Number = 0.0;
The total number of frames for this view's resource.
<attribute name="unstretchedheight" type="number" />
public var unstretchedheight : Number = 0.0;
If stretches is not set to none, the height that this view would be if it weren't stretched. This attribute can be used to scale a view by a percentage of its original size, or to determine the aspect ratio for a view.
<attribute name="unstretchedwidth" type="number" />
public var unstretchedwidth : Number = 0.0;
If stretches is not set to none, the width that this view would be if it weren't stretched. This attribute can be used to scale a view by a percentage of its original size, or to determine the aspect ratio for a view.
<attribute name="updatePlayDel" />
public var updatePlayDel = null;
<attribute name="visible" type="boolean" value=""true"" />
public var visible : Boolean = true;
A value of true means that this view is shown. A value of false means that this view is hidden. Setting this attribute to null means that the runtime will hide this view when: its opacity is 0, it has a datapath that does not match a node, or it is loading its media. In this case, the the value of the visible member of the view will reflect the view's current visible state. This is the default behavior for this attribute. Note that an otherwise clickable view that is not visible will have no click region will not be clickable. Also be aware that in Javascript, the && operator does not coerce values to booleans. For instance, given an expression like this: visible="a && b", if a is null, the value returned by the constraint expression will be null -- not false.
<attribute name="width" type="sizeExpression" />
public var width : Number = 0.0;
The width of the view
<attribute name="x" type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
public var x : Number = 0.0;
The horizontal offset of this view's upper left corner from the upper left corner of its container.
<attribute name="xoffset" type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
public var xoffset : NumberExpression = 0.0;
Specifies a translation point for drawing of this view. If the xoffset is set, then rotation and x position will be calculated by first adding the xoffset.
<attribute name="y" type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
public var y : Number = 0.0;
The vertical offset of this view's upper left corner from the upper left corner of its container
<attribute name="yoffset" type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
public var yoffset : NumberExpression = 0.0;
Specifies a translation point for drawing of this view. If the yoffset is set, then rotation and y position will be calculated by first adding the yoffset.

Setters (29)

Setters for virtual properties, to be used with setAttribute. A setter may or may not have a corresponding getter method; consult the Methods list in this section.

Activate/inactivate children for accessibility
Set accessibility description
Set accessibility name
Set accessibility silencing/unsilencing
Set accessibility tab order
The background color of the canvas.
If true, this view intercepts click events; otherwise they are passed to its container. This defaults to true if the view defines a mouse event handler or a cursor.
Clip the view's contents to its size.
The cursor to display when the mouse is over this view. Any resource can be used as a cursor. This attribute can be set for any view with clickable=true, or any view whose class defaults clickable to true.
A color to use to render object that appears inside this view, which includes any vector or bitmap art in the view's resource and any contained views.
The font to use for any @c{<text>} or @c{<inputtext>} elements that appear inside this view. Like all the font properties (fontstyle and fontsize too) these properties cascade down the view hierarchy until a new value is specified. When the font attributes are modified at runtime, using JavaScript, the font is changed for the view itself, not for any of its subviews.
If true, the resource attached to this view begins playing when the view is instantiated.
Sets the name of this views resource, or the URL from which it should be loaded.
Show or hide the handcursor for this view, if clickable
Setting stretches causes a view to change its coordinate space so that everything it contains (resources and other views) fit exactly into the view's width and/or height. The default for this property is "none". This is used to resize a view's contents by setting its width and/or height.
Creates a constraint on the view's y position which is a function of its height and its parent's height. The default for this is "top".
A value to be added to the x position of this view before drawing it. This affects the apparent rotation point of the view, as well as its apparent x position. It does not affect the view's width or its internal coordinate system.
A value to be added to the y position of this view before drawing it. This affects the apparent rotation point of the view, as well as its apparent y position. It does not affect the view's width or its internal coordinate system.

Methods (68)

<method name="addSubview" args="s" />
protected function addSubview(s : LzView);
Called when a subview is added to the view.
<method name="bringToFront" />
public function bringToFront();
This method makes this view the frontmost subview of this view's parent.
<method name="construct" args="parent, args" />
protected function construct(parent, args);
Base level constructor for views. See construct for more on this.
<method name="containsPt" args="x, y" />
public function containsPt(x : Number, y : Number) : Boolean;
returns true if the point is contained within the view.
<method name="getAttributeRelative" args="prop, refView" />
public function getAttributeRelative(prop : String, refView : LzView);
Transform the specified attribute (width/height/x/y) from the existing coordinate space to the reference view's coordinate space. This transformation takes into account any nested views between the views and the common ancestor view. This method answers the question: what should this view set its width/height/x/y to in order to appear to have the same value for that attribute as the reference view?
<method name="getBounds" />
public function getBounds() : Object;
Returns an Object with x, y, width, and height properties that are the coordinates of the view's bounding box in its immediateparent's coordinate system. The Laszlo view object uses a relatively simple notion for its coordinate system. Note that this function doesn't necessarily return the true bounding box of the view, but a box surrounding the view, since this method respects a set width and/or height and ignores subviews that appear left or above of the view's 0,0 point. The xoffset and yoffset properties of the bounds object are the distance between the view's x or y property and the top or left of the bounding box.
<method name="getColor" />
public function getColor();
Gets the color of the view (the view's resource and any subviews) view as as set with setColor(). Returns A color in rgb format; for example, 0xff0000 is red.
getColorTransform() (as2)
<method name="getColorTransform" />
public function getColorTransform();
Returns an object that represents the color transformation currently applied to the view. The color transform object has the following possible keys o.ra: percentage alpha for red component (-100 to 100); o.rb: offset for red component (-255 to 255); percentage alpha for green component (-100 to 100); offset for green component (-255 to 255); percentage alpha for blue component (-100 to 100); offset for blue component (-255 to 255); o.aa: percentage overall alpha (-100 to 100); o.ab: overall offset (-255 to 255);
<method name="getContextMenu" />
public function getContextMenu();
LzView.getContextMenu Returns the current context menu object
<method name="getCurrentTime" />
public function getCurrentTime() : Number;
Return the elapsed play time within the view's resource.
<method name="getDepthList" />
public function getDepthList();
<method name="getHeight" />
protected function getHeight();
Returns the height of the view.
<method name="getID3" />
public function getID3() : Object;
Returns an object containing the media's id3 tag, assuming it's mp3 loaded with proxy == false;
<method name="getMouse" args="xory" />
public function getMouse(xory) : Number;
This method returns the position of the mouse relative to this view.
<method name="getPan" />
public function getPan() : Integer;
Get the pan of the attached resource
<method name="getTotalTime" />
public function getTotalTime() : Number;
Returns the total amount of time the resource would take to play.
<method name="getVolume" />
public function getVolume() : Integer;
Get the volume of the attached resource
<method name="getWidth" />
protected function getWidth();
Returns the width of the view.
<method name="getZ" />
public function getZ() : Integer;
Get the Z order of the view
<method name="init" />
protected function init();
Called right before the view is shown. See init for more.
<method name="measureHeight" />
public function measureHeight();
reports the height of the contents of the view (not supported in a constraint expression)
<method name="measureWidth" />
public function measureWidth();
reports the width of the contents of the view (not supported in a constraint expression)
<method name="play" args="f, rel" />
public function play(f : Integer, rel : Boolean);
Start playing the attached resource. Note that a compiled resource that begins playing when it is attached (i.e. does not contain a 'stop' instruction in the first frame) will not send events and generally behave correctly unless it is told to play. Resources which are loaded via setSource don't have this issue.
<method name="releaseLayouts" />
public function releaseLayouts();
Releases all the layouts applied to this view. @deprecated
<method name="searchParents" args="prop" />
public function searchParents(prop : String) : LzView;
Search up parent views for a named property. For now, returns when it finds the first one.
<method name="searchSubviews" args="prop, val" />
public function searchSubviews(prop : String, val) : LzView;
Search all subviews for a named property. For now, returns when it finds the first one. This is a width first search.
<method name="seek" args="secs" />
public function seek(secs : Integer);
Skips forward or backward n seconds (depending on the sign of the argument). If playing, continue to play. If stopped, stay stopped
<method name="sendBehind" args="v" />
public function sendBehind(v : LzView) : Boolean;
Puts this view behind one of its siblings.
<method name="sendInFrontOf" args="v" />
public function sendInFrontOf(v : LzView) : Boolean;
Puts this view in front of one of its siblings.
<method name="sendToBack" />
public function sendToBack();
This method makes this view the hindmost subview of this view's parent.
<method name="setAAActive" args="s, mc" />
public function setAAActive(s : Boolean, mc);
Activate/inactivate children for accessibility
<method name="setAADescription" args="s, mc" />
public function setAADescription(s : string, mc);
Set accessibility description
<method name="setAAName" args="s, mc" />
public function setAAName(s : string, mc);
Set accessibility name
<method name="setAASilent" args="s, mc" />
public function setAASilent(s : string, mc);
Set accessibility silencing/unsilencing
<method name="setAATabIndex" args="s, mc" />
public function setAATabIndex(s : number, mc);
Set accessibility tab order
<method name="setAccessible" args="accessible" />
public function setAccessible(accessible : Boolean);
<method name="setAlign" args="align" />
public function setAlign(align);
Sets the alignment for the view to the given value. The alignment is based on the size of this view as compared to the size of the view's immediate parenbgRef.
<method name="setAttributeRelative" args="prop, refView" />
public function setAttributeRelative(prop : String, refView : LzView);
This method is used to set a view's property to match that of another view -- potentially one in another coordinate system.
<method name="setBGColor" args="bgc" />
public function setBGColor(bgc : Integer);
Gives the view a bgcolor that is the same size as the view.
<method name="setClickable" args="amclickable" />
public function setClickable(amclickable);
Makes a view clickable or not clickable.
<method name="setColor" args="c" />
public function setColor(c : Integer);
Sets the color of the view (the view's resource and any subviews) to the the color given. This will completely override any color information in the view or subview resources. Use the view method setColorTransform to tint a view.
setColorTransform() (as2)
<method name="setColorTransform" args="o" />
public function setColorTransform(o);
color transforms everything contained in the view (except the background) by the transformation dictionary given in o. The dictionary has the following possible keys: o.ra: percentage alpha for red component (-100 to 100); o.rb: offset for red component (-255 to 255); percentage alpha for green component (-100 to 100); offset for green component (-255 to 255); percentage alpha for blue component (-100 to 100); offset for blue component (-255 to 255); o.aa: percentage overall alpha (-100 to 100); o.ab: overall offset (-255 to 255);
<method name="setContextMenu" args="cmenu" />
public function setContextMenu(cmenu : LzContextMenu);
LzView.setContextMenu Install menu items for the right-mouse-button
<method name="setCursor" args="cursor" />
public function setCursor(cursor : String);
Sets the cursor to the given resource when the mouse is over this view
<method name="setHeight" args="v" />
public function setHeight(v : Number);
Sets the height of the view the given value. If the view is set to stretch its resource, the resource will be resized to the new value. If the value 'null' is given for the new height, then the height is unset, and the height of the view will be the size measured of its contents.
<method name="setLayout" args="layoutobj" />
public function setLayout(layoutobj : Object);
this creates a specific child layout for this view. When called a second time the first layout will be replaced by the second.
<method name="setOpacity" args="v" />
public function setOpacity(v : Number);
Sets the opacity for the view. The opacity is a number between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque).
<method name="setPan" args="p" />
public function setPan(p : Integer);
Set the pan of the attached resource
<method name="setPlay" args="b" />
public function setPlay(b : Boolean);
Start or stop playing the attached resource.
<method name="setResource" args="resourceName" />
public function setResource(resourceName : String);
This method associates a view with a named library element. If the view's isVisible property is true, the resource will be displayed when it is attached
<method name="setResourceNumber" args="n" />
public function setResourceNumber(n : Integer);
For resources which have more than one frame, this function sets the view to display the numbered resource. For Flash assets, resource numbers correspond to movieclip frames.
<method name="setRotation" args="v" />
public function setRotation(v : Number);
Sets the rotation for the view to the given value.
<method name="setShowHandCursor" args="s" />
public function setShowHandCursor(s : Boolean);
Shows or hides the hand cursor for this view.
<method name="setSource" args="source, cache, headers" />
public function setSource(source : String, cache : String, headers : String);
This function allows the view to load its media from an URL at runtime. Resources loaded with setSource will replace compiled resources when the request is made.
<method name="setValign" args="valign" />
public function setValign(valign);
Sets the vertical alignment for the view to the given value. The alignment is based on the height of this view as compared to the height of the view's immediateparent.
<method name="setVisible" args="amVisible" />
public function setVisible(amVisible : Boolean);
This method sets the visible attribute of the view and also disables or re-enables any click region associated with the view. Note that a value of null is different from a value of false for this attribute. See the description of the visible attribute for details.
<method name="setVolume" args="v" />
public function setVolume(v : Integer);
Set the volume of the attached resource
<method name="setWidth" args="v" />
public function setWidth(v : Number);
Sets the width of the view. If the view is set to stretch its resource, the resource will be resized to the new value. If the value 'null' is given for the new width, then the width is unset, and the width of the view will be the size of its contents.
<method name="setX" args="v" />
public function setX(v : Number);
Sets the x position of the view to the given value.
<method name="setXOffset" args="o" />
public function setXOffset(o : Integer);
Sets the x offset
<method name="setY" args="v" />
public function setY(v : Number);
Sets the y position for the view to the given value.
<method name="setYOffset" args="o" />
public function setYOffset(o : Integer);
Sets the Y offset
<method name="shouldYieldFocus" />
public function shouldYieldFocus();
Determine whether a view should give up focus. Override this method to specify your own policy.
<method name="spriteAttribute" args="attrname, value" />
public function spriteAttribute(attrname, value);
Receive attribute/event change from sprite
<method name="stop" args="f, rel" />
public function stop(f : Integer, rel : Boolean);
Stop playing the attached resource
<method name="stretchResource" args="xory" />
public function stretchResource(xory : String);
Sets the view so that it stretches its resource in the given axis so that the resource is the same size as the view. The has the effect of distorting the coordinate system for all children of this view, so use this method with care.
<method name="unload" />
public function unload();
Unloads media loaded with setSource or the source= attribute.
<method name="updateResourceSize" />
public function updateResourceSize();
Since a view does not re-measure the size of its resource once that resource has loaded, this method is provided to force the view to update its size, taking into account the current size of its resource.

Events (41)

<attribute name="onaddsubresource" />
public event onaddsubresource;
<attribute name="onaddsubview" />
public event onaddsubview;
Event called when this view adds a subview
<attribute name="onbgcolor" />
public event onbgcolor;
<attribute name="onblur" />
public event onblur;
The onblur script is executed when an element loses focus either by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation.
<attribute name="onclick" />
public event onclick;
The onclick script is executed when the pointing device button is clicked over an element.
<attribute name="onclickable" />
public event onclickable;
<attribute name="ondblclick" />
public event ondblclick;
The ondblclick script is executed when the pointing device button is double clicked over an element.
<attribute name="onerror" />
public event onerror;
onerror: Sent when there is an error loading the view's resource. The argument sent with the event is the error string sent by the server.
<attribute name="onfocus" />
public event onfocus;
The onfocus script is executed when an element receives focus either by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation.
<attribute name="onframe" />
public event onframe;
<attribute name="onheight" />
public event onheight;
Event for changes to view's height property
<attribute name="onimload" />
public event onimload;
<attribute name="onkeydown" />
public event onkeydown;
The onkeydown script is executed when this view has the focus and a key is pressed down. Multiple key down events are sent for a key that is held down. If you want the script executed only once, use onkeyup. This event is sent with the keycode for the key that is down.
<attribute name="onkeyup" />
public event onkeyup;
The onkeyup script is executed when this view has the focus and a key is released. This event is sent with the keycode for the key that went up.
<attribute name="onlastframe" />
public event onlastframe;
<attribute name="onload" />
public event onload;
<attribute name="onloadperc" />
public event onloadperc;
<attribute name="onmousedown" />
public event onmousedown;
The onmousedown script is executed when the pointing device button is pressed over an element.
<attribute name="onmouseout" />
public event onmouseout;
The onmouseout script is executed when the point device is moved so that is is no longer over an element.
<attribute name="onmouseover" />
public event onmouseover;
The onmouseover script is executed when the pointing device is moved onto an element.
<attribute name="onmousetrackover" />
public event onmousetrackover;
<attribute name="onmousetrackup" />
public event onmousetrackup;
<attribute name="onmouseup" />
public event onmouseup;
The onmouseup script is executed when the pointing device button is released over an element.
<attribute name="onopacity" />
public event onopacity;
Sent when a view changes its opacity
<attribute name="onplay" />
public event onplay;
<attribute name="onremovesubview" />
public event onremovesubview;
Event called when this view removes a subview
<attribute name="onresource" />
public event onresource;
<attribute name="onresourceheight" />
public event onresourceheight;
<attribute name="onresourcewidth" />
public event onresourcewidth;
<attribute name="onrotation" />
public event onrotation;
<attribute name="onstop" />
public event onstop;
<attribute name="ontimeout" />
public event ontimeout;
ontimeout: Sent when the request to load media for the view times out
<attribute name="ontotalframes" />
public event ontotalframes;
<attribute name="onunstretchedheight" />
public event onunstretchedheight;
<attribute name="onunstretchedwidth" />
public event onunstretchedwidth;
<attribute name="onvisible" />
public event onvisible;
<attribute name="onwidth" />
public event onwidth;
event for changes to view's width property
<attribute name="onx" />
public event onx;
event for changes to view's x property
<attribute name="onxoffset" />
public event onxoffset;
<attribute name="ony" />
public event ony;
event for changes to view's y property
<attribute name="onyoffset" />
public event onyoffset;

LZX Synopsis

<class name="LzView" extends=" LzNode ">
  <method name=" addProxyPolicy " args="f" />
  <method name=" removeProxyPolicy " args="f" />
  <attribute name=" addedToParent " />
  <attribute name=" bgcolor " type="color" />
  <attribute name=" checkPlayStatusDel " />
  <attribute name=" clickable " />
  <attribute name=" DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME " />
  <attribute name=" focusable " type="boolean" />
  <attribute name=" focustrap " type="boolean" />
  <attribute name=" fontsize " type="size" />
  <attribute name=" fontstyle " type="string" />
  <attribute name=" frame " type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
  <attribute name=" framesloadratio " type="number" />
  <attribute name=" hassetheight " type="boolean" />
  <attribute name=" hassetwidth " type="boolean" />
  <attribute name=" height " type="sizeExpression" />
  <attribute name=" layouts " type="css" />
  <attribute name=" loadperc " />
  <attribute name=" loadratio " type="number" />
  <attribute name=" mask " type="lzView" />
  <attribute name=" masked " />
  <attribute name=" opacity " type="opacity" value=""1.0"" />
  <attribute name=" pixellock " type="booleanLiteral" />
  <attribute name=" resource " type="string" />
  <attribute name=" resourceheight " />
  <attribute name=" resourcewidth " />
  <attribute name=" rotation " type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
  <attribute name=" setButtonSize " />
  <attribute name=" showhandcursor " type="boolean" />
  <attribute name=" sprite " />
  <attribute name=" subviews " />
  <attribute name=" totalframes " type="number" />
  <attribute name=" unstretchedheight " type="number" />
  <attribute name=" unstretchedwidth " type="number" />
  <attribute name=" updatePlayDel " />
  <attribute name=" visible " type="boolean" value=""true"" />
  <attribute name=" width " type="sizeExpression" />
  <attribute name=" x " type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
  <attribute name=" xoffset " type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
  <attribute name=" y " type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
  <attribute name=" yoffset " type="numberExpression" value=""0"" />
  <method name=" addSubview " args="s" />
  <method name=" bringToFront " />
  <method name=" construct " args="parent, args" />
  <method name=" containsPt " args="x, y" />
  <method name=" getAttributeRelative " args="prop, refView" />
  <method name=" getBounds " />
  <method name=" getColor " />
  <method name=" getColorTransform " />
  <method name=" getContextMenu " />
  <method name=" getCurrentTime " />
  <method name=" getDepthList " />
  <method name=" getHeight " />
  <method name=" getID3 " />
  <method name=" getMouse " args="xory" />
  <method name=" getPan " />
  <method name=" getTotalTime " />
  <method name=" getVolume " />
  <method name=" getWidth " />
  <method name=" getZ " />
  <method name=" init " />
  <method name=" measureHeight " />
  <method name=" measureWidth " />
  <event name=" onaddsubresource " />
  <event name=" onaddsubview " />
  <event name=" onbgcolor " />
  <event name=" onblur " />
  <event name=" onclick " />
  <event name=" onclickable " />
  <event name=" ondblclick " />
  <event name=" onerror " />
  <event name=" onfocus " />
  <event name=" onframe " />
  <event name=" onheight " />
  <event name=" onimload " />
  <event name=" onkeydown " />
  <event name=" onkeyup " />
  <event name=" onlastframe " />
  <event name=" onload " />
  <event name=" onloadperc " />
  <event name=" onmousedown " />
  <event name=" onmouseout " />
  <event name=" onmouseover " />
  <event name=" onmousetrackover " />
  <event name=" onmousetrackup " />
  <event name=" onmouseup " />
  <event name=" onopacity " />
  <event name=" onplay " />
  <event name=" onremovesubview " />
  <event name=" onresource " />
  <event name=" onresourceheight " />
  <event name=" onresourcewidth " />
  <event name=" onrotation " />
  <event name=" onstop " />
  <event name=" ontimeout " />
  <event name=" ontotalframes " />
  <event name=" onunstretchedheight " />
  <event name=" onunstretchedwidth " />
  <event name=" onvisible " />
  <event name=" onwidth " />
  <event name=" onx " />
  <event name=" onxoffset " />
  <event name=" ony " />
  <event name=" onyoffset " />
  <method name=" play " args="f, rel" />
  <method name=" releaseLayouts " />
  <method name=" searchParents " args="prop" />
  <method name=" searchSubviews " args="prop, val" />
  <method name=" seek " args="secs" />
  <method name=" sendBehind " args="v" />
  <method name=" sendInFrontOf " args="v" />
  <method name=" sendToBack " />
  <method name=" setAAActive " args="s, mc" />
  <method name=" setAADescription " args="s, mc" />
  <method name=" setAAName " args="s, mc" />
  <method name=" setAASilent " args="s, mc" />
  <method name=" setAATabIndex " args="s, mc" />
  <method name=" setAccessible " args="accessible" />
  <method name=" setAlign " args="align" />
  <method name=" setAttributeRelative " args="prop, refView" />
  <method name=" setBGColor " args="bgc" />
  <method name=" setClickable " args="amclickable" />
  <method name=" setColor " args="c" />
  <method name=" setColorTransform " args="o" />
  <method name=" setContextMenu " args="cmenu" />
  <method name=" setCursor " args="cursor" />
  <method name=" setHeight " args="v" />
  <method name=" setLayout " args="layoutobj" />
  <method name=" setOpacity " args="v" />
  <method name=" setPan " args="p" />
  <method name=" setPlay " args="b" />
  <method name=" setResource " args="resourceName" />
  <method name=" setResourceNumber " args="n" />
  <method name=" setRotation " args="v" />
  <method name=" setShowHandCursor " args="s" />
  <method name=" setSource " args="source, cache, headers" />
  <method name=" setValign " args="valign" />
  <method name=" setVisible " args="amVisible" />
  <method name=" setVolume " args="v" />
  <method name=" setWidth " args="v" />
  <method name=" setX " args="v" />
  <method name=" setXOffset " args="o" />
  <method name=" setY " args="v" />
  <method name=" setYOffset " args="o" />
  <method name=" shouldYieldFocus " />
  <method name=" spriteAttribute " args="attrname, value" />
  <method name=" stop " args="f, rel" />
  <method name=" stretchResource " args="xory" />
  <method name=" unload " />
  <method name=" updateResourceSize " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public LzView extends  LzNode  {
  static public function addProxyPolicy (f : Function);
  static public function removeProxyPolicy (f : Function) : Boolean;
  public var addedToParent  = null;
  public var bgcolor  : color = null;
  public var checkPlayStatusDel  = null;
  public var clickable  = false;
  public var DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME  = 500;
  public var focusable  : Boolean = false;
  public var focustrap  : Boolean;
  public var fontsize  : size;
  public var fontstyle  : String;
  public var frame  : NumberExpression = 0.0;
  public var framesloadratio  : Number = 0.0;
  public var hassetheight  : Boolean = false;
  public var hassetwidth  : Boolean = false;
  public var height  : Number = 0.0;
  public var layouts  : Object = null;
  public deprecated var loadperc  = 0.0;
  public var loadratio  : Number = 0.0;
  public var mask  : LzView;
  public var masked  = false;
  public var opacity  : Opacity = 1;
  public var pixellock  : BooleanLiteral = null;
  public var resource  : String = null;
  public var resourceheight  = null;
  public var resourcewidth  = null;
  public var rotation  : Number = 0.0;
  public var setButtonSize  = null;
  public var showhandcursor  : Boolean = null;
  public var sprite  = null;
  public var subviews ;
  public var totalframes  : Number = 0.0;
  public var unstretchedheight  : Number = 0.0;
  public var unstretchedwidth  : Number = 0.0;
  public var updatePlayDel  = null;
  public var visible  : Boolean = true;
  public var width  : Number = 0.0;
  public var x  : Number = 0.0;
  public var xoffset  : NumberExpression = 0.0;
  public var y  : Number = 0.0;
  public var yoffset  : NumberExpression = 0.0;
  prototype protected function addSubview (s : LzView);
  prototype public function bringToFront ();
  prototype protected function construct (parent, args);
  prototype public function containsPt (x : Number, y : Number) : Boolean;
  prototype public function getAttributeRelative (prop : String, refView : LzView);
  prototype public function getBounds () : Object;
  prototype public function getColor ();
  prototype public function getColorTransform ();
  prototype public function getContextMenu ();
  prototype public function getCurrentTime () : Number;
  prototype public function getDepthList ();
  prototype protected function getHeight ();
  prototype public function getID3 () : Object;
  prototype public function getMouse (xory) : Number;
  prototype public function getPan () : Integer;
  prototype public function getTotalTime () : Number;
  prototype public function getVolume () : Integer;
  prototype protected function getWidth ();
  prototype public function getZ () : Integer;
  prototype protected function init ();
  prototype public function measureHeight ();
  prototype public function measureWidth ();
  prototype public event onaddsubresource ;
  prototype public event onaddsubview ;
  prototype public event onbgcolor ;
  prototype public event onblur ;
  prototype public event onclick ;
  prototype public event onclickable ;
  prototype public event ondblclick ;
  prototype public event onerror ;
  prototype public event onfocus ;
  prototype public event onframe ;
  prototype public event onheight ;
  prototype public event onimload ;
  prototype public event onkeydown ;
  prototype public event onkeyup ;
  prototype public event onlastframe ;
  prototype public event onload ;
  prototype public event onloadperc ;
  prototype public event onmousedown ;
  prototype public event onmouseout ;
  prototype public event onmouseover ;
  prototype public event onmousetrackover ;
  prototype public event onmousetrackup ;
  prototype public event onmouseup ;
  prototype public event onopacity ;
  prototype public event onplay ;
  prototype public event onremovesubview ;
  prototype public event onresource ;
  prototype public event onresourceheight ;
  prototype public event onresourcewidth ;
  prototype public event onrotation ;
  prototype public event onstop ;
  prototype public event ontimeout ;
  prototype public event ontotalframes ;
  prototype public event onunstretchedheight ;
  prototype public event onunstretchedwidth ;
  prototype public event onvisible ;
  prototype public event onwidth ;
  prototype public event onx ;
  prototype public event onxoffset ;
  prototype public event ony ;
  prototype public event onyoffset ;
  prototype public function play (f : Integer, rel : Boolean);
  prototype public function releaseLayouts ();
  prototype public function searchParents (prop : String) : LzView;
  prototype public function searchSubviews (prop : String, val) : LzView;
  prototype public function seek (secs : Integer);
  prototype public function sendBehind (v : LzView) : Boolean;
  prototype public function sendInFrontOf (v : LzView) : Boolean;
  prototype public function sendToBack ();
  prototype public function setAAActive (s : Boolean, mc);
  prototype public function setAADescription (s : string, mc);
  prototype public function setAAName (s : string, mc);
  prototype public function setAASilent (s : string, mc);
  prototype public function setAATabIndex (s : number, mc);
  prototype public function setAccessible (accessible : Boolean);
  prototype public function setAlign (align);
  prototype public function setAttributeRelative (prop : String, refView : LzView);
  prototype public function setBGColor (bgc : Integer);
  prototype public function setClickable (amclickable);
  prototype public function setColor (c : Integer);
  prototype public function setColorTransform (o);
  prototype public function setContextMenu (cmenu : LzContextMenu);
  prototype public function setCursor (cursor : String);
  prototype public function setHeight (v : Number);
  prototype public function setLayout (layoutobj : Object);
  prototype public function setOpacity (v : Number);
  prototype public function setPan (p : Integer);
  prototype public function setPlay (b : Boolean);
  prototype public function setResource (resourceName : String);
  prototype public function setResourceNumber (n : Integer);
  prototype public function setRotation (v : Number);
  prototype public function setShowHandCursor (s : Boolean);
  prototype public function setSource (source : String, cache : String, headers : String);
  prototype public function setValign (valign);
  prototype public function setVisible (amVisible : Boolean);
  prototype public function setVolume (v : Integer);
  prototype public function setWidth (v : Number);
  prototype public function setX (v : Number);
  prototype public function setXOffset (o : Integer);
  prototype public function setY (v : Number);
  prototype public function setYOffset (o : Integer);
  prototype public function shouldYieldFocus ();
  prototype public function spriteAttribute (attrname, value);
  prototype public function stop (f : Integer, rel : Boolean);
  prototype public function stretchResource (xory : String);
  prototype public function unload ();
  prototype public function updateResourceSize ();