


LZX: javarpc
JavaScript: javarpc
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.RPC
Declared in: lps/components/rpc/javarpc.lzx


A class to get and use a remote object to invoke remote methods.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » rpc » javarpc

Known Subclasses


Properties (6)

<attribute name="attributename" type="string" value="$once{}" />
public var attributename : String;
Attribute name of server remote object. Name or attributename must be set when scope is 'session' and 'webapp'. Default is the name of this object.
<attribute name="createargs" type="expression" value="null" />
public var createargs : Object;
Used if loadoption='loadcreate' or loadoption='create'. Arguments to construct remote object with. The value passed in must be an array, e.g., [1, 'mystring', 1.45]. Default is null.
<attribute name="loadoption" type="string" value="loadcreate" />
public var loadoption : String;
One of 'loadcreate', 'loadonly', or 'create'. 'Loadcreate' tries to load javarpc object if it exists in the server, else it creates it before loading. 'Loadonly' will only load object if it exists, else an error is returned. 'Create' will always create the object in the server. Default is 'loadcreate'.
<attribute name="objectreturntype" type="string" value="pojo" />
public var objectreturntype : String;
Used to determine what server-side object member values are returned to the client. One of 'pojo' (returns public member values) or 'javabean' (returns members that have associated getters). Default is 'pojo' (plain old java object).
<attribute name="remoteclassname" type="string" />
public var remoteclassname : String;
The remote class name associated with the remote object. This must be set if creating the remote object. If loading the object, the classname will be set during onload.
<attribute name="scope" type="string" />
public var scope : String;
One of 'session', 'webapp', or 'none' to set the scope of the remote object. This attribute must be set before creating or loading the object. If scope is 'session' or 'webapp', name or attributename must be set.

Methods (2)

<method name="load" />
public function load();
Load the object. If successful, this.proxy is set to an object with remote APIs.
<method name="unload" />
public function unload();
Unload the remote object. On, this.proxy is set to null.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="javarpc" extends=" rpc ">
  <attribute name=" attributename " type="string" value="$once{}" />
  <attribute name=" createargs " type="expression" value="null" />
  <attribute name=" loadoption " type="string" value="loadcreate" />
  <attribute name=" objectreturntype " type="string" value="pojo" />
  <attribute name=" remoteclassname " type="string" />
  <attribute name=" scope " type="string" />
  <method name=" load " />
  <method name=" unload " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public javarpc extends  rpc  {
  public var attributename  : String;
  public var createargs  : Object;
  public var loadoption  : String;
  public var objectreturntype  : String;
  public var remoteclassname  : String;
  public var scope  : String;
  prototype public function load ();
  prototype public function unload ();