


LZX: rpc
JavaScript: rpc
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.RPC
Declared in: lps/components/rpc/rpc.lzx


An abstract class to create remote objects.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » rpc

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: javarpc, sessionrpc, soap, webapprpc, xmlrpc


Properties (4)

<attribute name="autoload" type="boolean" value="true" />
public var autoload : Boolean;
Load remote object during init. If false, create remote object by calling load(). Default is true.
<attribute name="proxy" type="expression" value="null" />
public read-only var proxy : Object;
The remote proxy object. Proxy is set after the rpc object loads. Proxy contains client-side function stubs to remote methods. Each method takes an array of arguments and a delegate like: myrpc.proxy.remoteFunc( [ p1, p2, ..., pN ], delegate ); Remote methods with no arguments are passed in an empty array like: myrpc.proxy.otherRemoteFunc( [], delegate ); The delegate is used to handle the return value since RPC calls are asynchronous.
<attribute name="secure" type="boolean" value="false" />
public var secure : Boolean;
Make connection secure between client and the LPS secure (HTTPS). Default is false.
<attribute name="secureport" type="number" value="null" />
public var secureport : Number;
The port to use for the secure socket between the client and the LPS. If secure is false, this value is ignored.

Methods (2)

<method name="load" />
public function load();
ABSTRACT: method to load the remote object interface.
<method name="unload" />
public function unload();
Interface to unload proxy stub. Default is to null proxy.

Events (4)

<attribute name="ondata" />
public event ondata;
This event is triggered when declared inner calls do not handle their ondata events.
<attribute name="onerror" />
public event onerror;
This event is triggered when an error or timeout occurs associated with getting this object or calling one of its remote methods.
<attribute name="onload" />
public event onload;
This event is triggered when the remote object is loaded.
<attribute name="onunload" />
public event onunload;
This event is triggered when the remote object is unloaded.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="rpc" extends=" LzNode ">
  <attribute name=" autoload " type="boolean" value="true" />
  <attribute name=" proxy " type="expression" value="null" />
  <attribute name=" secure " type="boolean" value="false" />
  <attribute name=" secureport " type="number" value="null" />
  <method name=" load " />
  <event name=" ondata " />
  <event name=" onerror " />
  <event name=" onload " />
  <event name=" onunload " />
  <method name=" unload " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public rpc extends  LzNode  {
  public var autoload  : Boolean;
  public read-only var proxy  : Object;
  public var secure  : Boolean;
  public var secureport  : Number;
  prototype public function load ();
  prototype public event ondata ;
  prototype public event onerror ;
  prototype public event onload ;
  prototype public event onunload ;
  prototype public function unload ();