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 Add an Image Tag

PUT /v2/images/<IMAGE_ID>/tags/<TAG>

The the tag you want to add should be encoded into the request URI. For example, to tag image e7db3b45-8db7-47ad-8109-3fb55c2c24fd with 'miracle', you would PUT /v2/images/e7db3b45-8db7-47ad-8109-3fb55c2c24fd/tags/miracle. The request body is ignored.

An image tag may be up to 255 characters in length. See the 'image' json-schema to determine which characters are allowed.

An image can only be tagged once with a specific string. Multiple attempts to tag an image with the same string will result in a single instance of that string being added to the image's tags list.

An HTTP status of 204 will be returned.

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