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 Image Sharing

The OpenStack Image Service API v2 allows users to share images with each other.

Let the "producer" be a tenant who owns image 71c675ab-d94f-49cd-a114-e12490b328d9, and let the "consumer" be a tenant who would like to boot an instance from that image.

The producer can share the image with the consumer by making the consumer a member of that image.

To prevent spamming, the consumer must accept the image before it will be included in the consumer's image list.

The consumer can still boot from the image, however, if the consumer knows the image ID.

In summary:

  • The image producer may add or remove image members, but may not modify the member status of an image member.

  • An image consumer may change his or her member status, but may not add or remove him or herself as an image member.

  • A consumer may boot an instance from a shared image regardless of whether he/she has "accepted" the image.

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