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 Adding Neutron DHCP Agent resource to Pacemaker

First of all, you need to download the resource agent to your system:

cd /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/openstack
chmod a+rx neutron-dhcp-agent

You may now proceed with adding the Pacemaker configuration for Neutron DHCP Agent resource. Connect to the Pacemaker cluster with crm configure, and add the following cluster resources:

primitive p_neutron-dhcp-agent ocf:openstack:neutron-dhcp-agent \
    params config="/etc/neutron/neutron.conf" \
    plugin_config="/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini" \
    op monitor interval="30s" timeout="30s"

This configuration creates

  • p_neutron-dhcp-agent, a resource for manage Neutron DHCP Agent service

crm configure supports batch input, so you may copy and paste the above into your live pacemaker configuration, and then make changes as required.

Once completed, commit your configuration changes by entering commit from the crm configure menu. Pacemaker will then start the Neutron DHCP Agent service, and its dependent resources, on one of your nodes.

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