Distributions might release OpenStack packages as part of their distribution or through other methods because the OpenStack and distribution release times are independent of each other.
This section describes the configuration you must complete after you configure machines to install the latest OpenStack packages.
To use the Debian Wheezy backports archive for Icehouse
The Icehouse release is available only in Debian Sid (otherwise called Unstable). However, the Debian maintainers of OpenStack also maintain a non-official Debian repository for OpenStack containing Wheezy backports.
Install the Debian Wheezy backport repository Icehouse:
# echo "deb http://archive.gplhost.com/debian icehouse-backports main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list
Install the Debian Wheezy OpenStack repository for Icehouse:
# echo "deb http://archive.gplhost.com/debian icehouse main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list
Update the repository database and install the key:
# apt-get update && apt-get install gplhost-archive-keyring
Update the package database, upgrade your system, and reboot for all changes to take effect:
# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade # reboot
Numerous archive.gplhost.com mirrors are available around the world. All are available with both FTP and HTTP protocols (you should use the closest mirror). The list of mirrors is available at http://archive.gplhost.com/readme.mirrors.