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 Nexenta NFS driver

The Nexenta NFS driver allows you to use NexentaStor appliance to store Compute volumes via NFS. Every Compute volume is represented by a single NFS file within a shared directory.

While the NFS protocols standardize file access for users, they do not standardize administrative actions such as taking snapshots or replicating file systems. The OpenStack Volume Drivers bring a common interface to these operations. The Nexenta NFS driver implements these standard actions using the ZFS management plane that already is deployed on NexentaStor appliances.

The Nexenta NFS volume driver should work with all versions of NexentaStor. The NexentaStor appliance must be installed and configured according to the relevant Nexenta documentation. A single-parent file system must be created for all virtual disk directories supported for OpenStack. This directory must be created and exported on each NexentaStor appliance. This should be done as specified in the release specific NexentaStor documentation.

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