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 Use vCenter storage policies to specify back-end data stores

This section describes how to configure back-end data stores using storage policies. In vCenter, you can create one or more storage policies and expose them as a Block Storage volume-type to a vmdk volume. The storage policies are exposed to the vmdk driver through the extra spec property with the vmware:storage_profile key.

For example, assume a storage policy in vCenter named gold_policy. and a Block Storage volume type named vol1 with the extra spec key vmware:storage_profile set to the value gold_policy. Any Block Storage volume creation that uses the vol1 volume type places the volume only in data stores that match the gold_policy storage policy.

The Block Storage back-end configuration for vSphere data stores is automatically determined based on the vCenter configuration. If you configure a connection to connect to vCenter version 5.5 or later in the cinder.conf file, the use of storage policies to configure back-end data stores is automatically supported.


You must configure any data stores that you configure for the Block Storage service for the Compute service.


Procedure 1.7. To configure back-end data stores by using storage policies

  1. In vCenter, tag the data stores to be used for the back end.

    OpenStack also supports policies that are created by using vendor-specific capabilities; for example vSAN-specific storage policies.


    The tag value serves as the policy. For details, see the section called “Storage policy-based configuration in vCenter”.

  2. Set the extra spec key vmware:storage_profile in the desired Block Storage volume types to the policy name that you created in the previous step.

  3. Optionally, for the vmware_host_version parameter, enter the version number of your vSphere platform. For example, 5.5.

    This setting overrides the default location for the corresponding WSDL file. Among other scenarios, you can use this setting to prevent WSDL error messages during the development phase or to work with a newer version of vCenter.

  4. Complete the other vCenter configuration parameters as appropriate.


The following considerations apply to configuring SPBM for the Block Storage service:

  • Any volume that is created without an associated policy (that is to say, without an associated volume type that specifies vmware:storage_profile extra spec), there is no policy-based placement for that volume.

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