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9.1.7. A/P Reports Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns Unposted Vouchers Open Items by Vendor A/P Aging Check Register Voucher Register A/P Applications Vendor History Payables Journal Check Journal

A/P Reports section.  Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns

To view uninvoiced Receipts and Returns, select the "Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns" option. The following screen will appear:

Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns

When displaying uninvoiced Receipts and Returns, you are presented with the following options:

All Sites

Select to display uninvoiced Receipts and Returns for all Sites.


Specify Site whose uninvoiced Receipts and Returns you want to display.

All Purchasing Agents

Select to display uninvoiced Receipts and Returns for all Purchasing Agents.


Specify Purchasing Agent whose uninvoiced Receipts and Returns you want to display. Users may be designated as Purchasing Agents at the system level.

P/O Receipts

Display lists uninvoiced Receipts and Returns, using the specified parameters.


The primary path for marking Purchase Order Line Items as invoiced is on the Voucher Item screen. If received (or returned) quantity is tagged as "Yes" on the Voucher Item screen—and the Voucher is then posted—the quantity will no longer appear on the "Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns" screen.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on a Receipt in the P/O Receipts list enables you to select from the following menu options:

Mark as Invoiced

Select to mark the specified Receipt as invoiced.

Correct Receiving

Select to correct the received quantity for the specified Receipt.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.

If you right-click on a Return, the following option will be available:

Create Credit Memo

Select to create a Credit Memo for the specified Return. P/O Liability Distribution

To mark a Line Item Receipt as invoiced, highlight the Receipt and then select the "Mark as Invoiced" option from the right-click menu. The following screen will appear:

Mark Receipt as Invoiced

When marking a Line Item Receipt as invoiced, you are presented with the following options:


Select the Account you want to use opposite the P/O Liability Clearing Account. When this transaction is posted, the P/O Liability Clearing Account will be debited with the distribution amount—and the Account you specify will be credited. In this way, you will be sure to clear P/O Liability when marking Receipts as invoiced outside of the typical vouchering process flow.

Amount to Distribute

Displays the Line Item Receipt amount to be distributed to the General Ledger when the transaction is posted.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without marking the Receipt as invoiced, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to post the distribution, using the specified Account.  Correct P/O Receipt

To make corrections to a Purchase Order Receipt, select the "Correct Receiving" option from the right-click menu. The following screen will appear:

Correct Purchase Order Receipt

When correcting a Purchase Order Receipt, you are presented with the following options:

P/O Number

Displays the selected Purchase Order Number.

Line #

Displays the selected Line Item Number from the specified Purchase Order.

Item Number

Displays Item Number associated with the specified Line Item Number.


Inventory Unit of Measure.

Vend. Item Number

Displays the Item Number the Vendor uses.

Vendor Item Description

Displays the description for the Vendor Item Number.

Vendor UOM

Displays the Unit of Measure the Vendor uses for the specified Item.

Inventory/Vendor UOM Ratio

/Vendor UOM Ratio: Displays the ratio between Inventory and Vendor Units of Measure.


The Inv./Vendor UOM Ratio specifies the ratio between Inventory and Vendor Units of Measure (UOM). For example, if you store an Item in single units, but a Vendor sells you the Item in cases of 12, then the ratio would be 12—or 12:1. When an Inv./Vend. ratio is specified, the system allows you to purchase Items using the Vendor's UOM; however, when the Items are received, the system will automatically convert the Inventory to your Inventory UOM.

Due Date

Displays the date when the Line Item is due.

Qty. Ordered

Displays the original Line Item quantity ordered.

Qty. Received

Displays the total Line Item quantity received to date.

Correct Qty. to

Enter the quantity you want to correct the received quantity to. This correction will create adjusting General Ledger entries when the CORRECT button is selected.

Correct Freight to

Enter the amount you want to correct the Line Item freight to. This correction will create adjusting General Ledger entries when the CORRECT button is selected.


This is a scrolling text field with word-wrapping for entering Notes related to the correction.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without entering a correction, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to post the correction. This action will result in adjusting General Ledger transactions. Unposted Vouchers

Vouchers may be posted individually or in groups using the Unposted Vouchers screen. After they are posted, open Vouchers may later be voided using the right-click menu on the Vendor History screen. To display unposted Vouchers, select the "List Unposted Vouchers" option. The following screen will appear:

List Unposted Vouchers


Actual Costs for purchased Items will be automatically updated when Vouchers are posted if there are differences between current Actual Costs and the vouchered Costs for the Items in question. Please keep in mind that Actual Costs only will be updated at posting. For new Costs to be recognized as Standard Costs, Actual Costs must be posted to Standard.

The "Vouchers" screen displays information on all unposted Vouchers, including Voucher Number, Purchase Order Number, Vendor Number/Vendor name, Vendor Invoice Number, and distribution date. Users with the appropriate privilege will also see the G/L distribution date column.


You may select multiple Vouchers for posting by highlighting them using your mouse—or a combination of your mouse and either the SHIFT or CTRL keys.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Runs the report associated with this screen.


Opens screen for creating a new Voucher.


Opens screen for creating a new Miscellaneous Voucher.


Enables you to edit highlighted Vouchers. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Voucher—except that when editing, the fields will contain Voucher information. Double-clicking on a Voucher will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a Voucher and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.


If you have a Purchase Order Voucher that was corrupted by, for example, a sudden power outage, you can clear the record by running the Post Vouchers screen. In most cases, this action will remove the corrupted record and allow you to voucher the Purchase Order with a fresh Voucher.


Highlight one—or multiple—Vouchers, then select this button to post the selected Voucher(s). By default, Vouchers post to the General Ledger (G/L) on their distribution date. However, users with the appropriate privilege may change the G/L distribution date to an alternate date during the Voucher posting process. If used, Vouchers will post on the alternate date. The ability privileged users have to change the distribution date applies to the posting of both individual and also batches of Vouchers from this screen.


Highlight a Voucher and then select this button to remove the Voucher from the list.

Print Journal after Post

Select if you want to print a copy of the Payables Journal after the selected Vouchers are posted.

Right-clicking on an unposted Voucher in the list of unposted Vouchers enables you to select from the following menu options:

Edit Voucher

Enables you to edit highlighted Vouchers. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Voucher—except that when editing, the fields will contain Voucher information. Double-clicking on a Voucher will also bring you to the editing screen.

View Voucher

Highlight a Voucher and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.

Delete Voucher

Highlight a Voucher and then select this button to remove the Voucher from the list.

Post Voucher

Highlight one—or multiple—Vouchers, then select this button to post the selected Voucher(s). By default, Vouchers post to the General Ledger (G/L) on their distribution date. However, users with the appropriate privilege may change the G/L distribution date to an alternate date during the Voucher posting process. If used, Vouchers will post on the alternate date. The ability privileged users have to change the distribution date applies to the posting of both individual and also batches of Vouchers from this screen.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.  Open Items by Vendor

To view open A/P open items by Vendor, select the "Open Items by Vendor" option. The following screen will appear:

A/P Open Items by Vendor

When displaying A/P open items by Vendor, you are presented with the following options:

Vendor #

Enter the Vendor number of the Vendor whose A/P open items you want to display.

Start Date

A/P open items for the specified Vendor entered on and after this date will be displayed.

End Date

A/P open items for the specified Vendor entered on and before this date will be displayed.

As of Date

Specify the date you want the A/P open items to be relative to. The report will include any A/P items which were open—that is, not yet paid—as of the specified date. This feature provides "point-in-time" open balance functionality.


The payment date used as a reference for the "As of Date" field is the G/L distribution date, not the posting date.

A/P Open Items

Display lists A/P open items by Vendor, using the specified parameters.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on an Item in the A/P open items list enables you to select from the following menu options:


Select to edit the specified item.


Select to view the specified item.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.  A/P Aging

The A/P Aging report gives you the ability to view A/P open items in a bucketed, time-phased perspective. And this perspective is portable, allowing you to view point-in-time snapshots of open balances.

An open Item is recognized by the A/P Aging report "as of" the item's document or distribution date. In the case of Vouchers, the distribution date is the date the Voucher is distributed to the General Ledger (G/L). (A/P Debit/Credit Memos are distributed to the G/L on their document date.) For example, if you post a Voucher on January 1, but the G/L distribution date is February 15, then the "as of" distribution date for that open item will be February 15 while the doc date will be January 1. This means, if you run the A/P Aging report with an "as of" distribution date in January, the open item distributed to the G/L on February 15 will not appear in the report. In fact, it will not appear in the report until an "as of" date of February 15 or later is specified.


You can view the document date for an open item by right-clicking on a line in the A/P Aging display. You can also find open item details on other screens—for example, Vendor History, Open Items by Vendor, etc.

The grouping of open items into time-phased buckets is driven by a document's due date. In other words, if a due date falls within 0-30 days of the "as of" date specified when the report is run, then the open item will appear in the first bucket. If the due date falls 31-60 days past the specified "as of" date, then the open item will appear in the second bucket. And so on.

To view Accounts Payable (A/P) open items from an aging perspective, select the "A/P Aging" option. The following screen will appear:

A/P Aging

When displaying aging A/P open items, you are presented with the following options:

All Vendors

Select to display A/P open items for all Vendors.

Selected Vendor

Select to display A/P open items for a selected Vendor.

Selected Vendor Type

Specify Vendor Type whose A/P open items you want to display.

Vendor Type Pattern

Enter a Vendor Type pattern to select a range of Vendor Types. Refine your search using Regular Expressions.

As of Date

Specify the date you want the A/P open items to be relative to. The report will include any A/P items which were open—that is, not yet paid—as of the specified date. This feature provides "point-in-time" open balance functionality. But again, keep in mind that the document date for an A/P open item (e.g., Voucher distribution date) must be on or before the specified "as of" date for the item to be recognized by the report.

Use Custom Calendar

Select if you want to display A/P open items using a custom Calendar of your choosing. If selected, the screen will present a series of different options, including the option to select a Calendar and associated periods.

Use Doc. Date

Select if you want to display A/P open items relative to the Document sate.

Use G/L Dist. Date

Select if you want to display A/P open items relative to the G/L distribution date.

A/P Open Items

Display lists aging A/P open items, using the specified parameters.

To view A/P open items using a custom Calendar, select the "Use Custom Calendar" option above. The following screen will appear:

Custom A/P Aging Calendar

When displaying A/P open items using a custom Calendar, you are presented with the following options:


Select the Calendar you want to use for the report. Associated Calendar periods will be displayed.

Name/Selected Periods

Select as many periods as you want to display. Selected periods correspond to Calendar specified in the "Calendar" field. Select individual periods or groups of periods together. To select an individual period, highlight the period using your mouse button. The period is now selected. To select a sequence of periods, highlight the first in the sequence using your mouse button. Then, holding down the SHIFT key on your keyboard, highlight the last period in the sequence. The entire sequence is now selected. To select periods that are out of sequence (e.g., January, April, July, October), highlight the first period in the group. Then, holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard, highlight the next period you want to select. Continue highlighting periods with the CTRL key depressed until all desired periods are selected. The entire group is now selected.

A/P Open Items

Display lists time-phased A/P open items, using the specified parameters.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.


Runs the report associated with this screen.


Select to submit report to the Batch Manager.

Right-clicking on a Vendor in the A/P open items list enables you to select from the following menu options:

View Open Items

Select to view open Items for the specified Account.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.  Check Register

To view Check Registers by Bank Account, select the "Check Register" option. The following screen will appear:

Check Register


You can void posted Checks using the right-click option on the Check Register display. When voiding a Check, you will be given the option to specify the void date. Apply-to records will also be reversed on the void date you specify.

When displaying Check Register information, you are presented with the following options:

Bank Account

Specify the Bank Account whose Check Register information you want to display.

Check Number

Enter a Check Number or Regular Expression. The display will show Check(s) matching the specified Check Number(s).

Show only checks written to:

Select if you want to limit the results to any of the following Check recipient types:


Select to include only Checks written to Vendors in the report.


Select to include only Checks written to Customers in the report.

Tax Authority

Select to include only Checks written to Tax Authorities in the report.

Start Date

Checks posted on and after this date will be displayed.

End Date

Checks posted on and before this date will be displayed.

Show Item Detail

Select to include Check detail information in the display. If selected, the Vouchers and/or Debit Memos associated with Checks will be displayed in a nested list. Be sure to use the QUERY button after selecting this option to ensure detail is included in the display.


Display lists Checks by Bank Account, using the specified parameters. This display is a nested list, with a plus ("+") sign located to the far left of the display next to each date. By clicking your mouse on a plus sign, you reveal lower levels of information related to transactions on that date. The total amount of all Checks will also be displayed.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on a posted Check in the Register enables you to select from the following menu options:

Void Posted Check

Select to void the specified posted Check.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.  Voucher Register

To view the register of Voucher transactions, select the "Voucher Register" option. The following screen will appear:

Voucher Register


You have the ability to void posted Vouchers using the right-click menu in the Vendor History report.

When displaying the Voucher Register, you are presented with the following options:

All Accounts

Select to display Voucher transactions for all G/L Accounts.

Selected Account

Specify G/L Account whose Voucher transactions you want to display.

Start Date

Vouchers posted on and after this date will be displayed. This is a required field.

End Date

Vouchers posted on and before this date will be displayed. This is a required field.


Display lists Voucher transactions based on the specified parameters. The totals for the included transactions will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Show Username

Select to display the username of users associated with transactions.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters. Start date and end date must be entered for request to proceed. Results will be displayed in the "Vouchers" list.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on a Voucher in the list you to select from the following menu options:


Select to view the specified item.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.  A/P Applications

To view details concerning the application of Checks and Credit Memos to A/P open items, select the "A/P Applications" option. The following screen will appear:

A/P Applications

When viewing A/P application details, you are presented with the following options:


Select all or specific Vendors whose A/P Applications you would like to view.

Start Date

A/P applications made on and after this date will be displayed.

End Date

A/P applications made on and before this date will be displayed.

Show Checks

Select to display only Check application details.

Show Credit Memos

Select to display only Credit Memo application details.

Accounts Payable Applications

Display lists A/P application details, using the specified parameters. The amount of each A/P Application is displayed in the document's Currency. The total amount of all applications during the period will display, normalized to the Base Currency using the Currency Exchange Rate effective on the document's Posting Date, at the bottom of the screen.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on a Document in the A/P Applications list enables you to select from the following menu options:

View Source

Select to view the source document detail.

View Apply to Voucher

Select to view the Voucher the specified document was applied to.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.  Vendor History

To view Vendor history, select the "Vendor History" option. The following screen will appear:

Vendor History


You can void posted Vouchers using the right-click menu on the Vendor History screen.

When displaying Vendor history, you are presented with the following options:

Vendor #

Enter the Vendor number of the Vendor whose history you want to display.

Find Vend. Invoice#

To search for an Invoice in the Vendor History display, begin typing an Invoice Number into this field. As you type, the list will automatically scroll toward the Invoice Number you are typing. You can also search for Invoices manually by scrolling through the list.

Start Date

Vendor activity entered on and after this date will be displayed.

End Date

Vendor activity entered on and before this date will be displayed.

Vendor History

Display lists Vendor history, using the specified parameters.

This display is a nested list, with a plus ("+") sign located to the far left of the display next to each Document That may be expanded to lower levels. By clicking your mouse on a plus sign, you reveal lower levels of information related to the Document.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on an Item in the Vendor History list enables you to select from the following menu options:


Select to edit the specified item.

View A/P Open

Select to view the AP open item.

View G/L Series

Select to view G/L Series information for the specified document.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.

If the selected document is a Voucher, the following additional option will be available:

View Voucher

Select to view the specified Voucher.  Payables Journal

When posting Vouchers in batch mode, you are given the option to print a Payables Journal. To print a Payables Journal, select the "Payables Journal" option. The following screen will appear:

Print Payables Journal

When printing a Payables Journal, you are presented with the following options:

Journal Number

Specify the number of the Payables Journal you want to print. Payables Journals are created when Vouchers are posted. The Journal Number you select will include both the Payable Journal Number and also the date when the Vouchers were posted.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without printing a Payables Journal, returning you to the application desktop.


Runs the report associated with this screen.  Check Journal

When posting A/P Checks in batch mode, you are given the option to print a Check Journal. To print a Check Journal, select the "Check Journal" option. The following screen will appear:

Print Check Journal

When printing or reprinting a Check Journal, you are presented with the following options:

Journal Number

Specify the number of the Check Journal you want to print. Check Journals are created when A/P Checks are posted. The Journal Number you select will include both the Check Journal Number and also the date when the Checks were posted.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without printing a Check Journal, returning you to the application desktop.


Runs the report associated with this screen.