Docs: PE 2.6 » Appendix

User's Guide Appendix

This document contains additional miscellaneous information about Puppet Enterprise 2.6.


For help with Puppet specific terms and language, visit the glossary

Release Notes

PE 2.6.0

The first release of PE 2.6.

Known Issues

As we discover them, this page will be updated with known issues in Puppet Enterprise 2.5.x. Fixed issues will be removed from this list and noted above in the release notes. If you find new problems yourself, please file bugs in Puppet here and bugs specific to Puppet Enterprise here.

To find out which of these issues you are affected by, run /opt/puppet/bin/puppet --version, the output of which will look something like 2.7.12 (Puppet Enterprise 2.5.0). To upgrade to a newer version of Puppet Enterprise, see the chapter on upgrading.

The following issues affect the currently shipped version of PE and all prior releases in the 2.x.x series, unless otherwise stated.

Users Logged in During Upgrade Cannot Access Console

PE 2.6 deletes console login cookies when upgrading from PE 2.5, but a bug in 2.6.0 causes failures when users with old login cookies attempt to connect, displaying the following message:

Puppet Dashboard encountered an error.

Something went wrong, and Puppet Dashboard was unable to render the requested page. Please contact your site’s help desk or systems administrator; if that happens to be you, please check Dashboard’s logs for more information.

The problem can be fixed for each user by visiting the URL (substituting your console server’s hostname) and then logging back in.

This will be fixed in a maintenance release of PE 2.6, and future upgrades will not cause this problem.

Issues with Compliance UI

There are two issues related to incorrect Compliance UI behavior:

  • Rejecting a difference by clicking (-) results in an erroneous display (Google Chrome only).
  • The user account pull-down menu in the top level compliance tab ceases to function after a host report has been selected.

EC2/Dual-homed Systems Report Incorrect URIs for the Console.

During installation, the PE installer attempts to automatically determine the URI where the console can be reached. On EC2 (and likely all other dual-homed systems), the installer incorrectly selects the internal, non-routable URI. Instead, you should manually enter the correct, external facing URI of the system hosting the console.

Answer file required for some SMTP servers.

Any SMTP server that requires authentication, TLS, or runs over any port other than 25 needs to be explicitly added to an answers file. See the advanced configuration page for details.

Upgrading the Console Server Requires an Increased MySQL Buffer Pool Size

An inadequate default MySQL buffer pool size setting can interfere with upgrades to Puppet Enterprise console servers.

The PE 2.6 upgrader will check for this bad setting. If you are affected, it will warn you and give you a chance to abort the upgrade.

If you see this warning, you should:

  • Abort the upgrade.
  • Follow these instructions to increase the value of the innodb_buffer_pool_size setting.
  • Re-run the upgrade.

If you have attempted to upgrade your console server without following these instructions, it is possible for the upgrade to fail. The upgrader’s output in these cases resembles the following:

(in /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard) 
== AddReportForeignKeyConstraints: migrating ================================= 
Going to delete orphaned records from metrics, report_logs, resource_statuses, resource_events 
Preparing to delete from metrics 
2012-01-27 17:51:31: Deleting 0 orphaned records from metrics 
Deleting 100% |###################################################################| Time: 00:00:00
Preparing to delete from report_logs 
2012-01-27 17:51:31: Deleting 0 orphaned records from report_logs 
Deleting 100% |###################################################################| Time: 00:00:00
Preparing to delete from resource_statuses 
2012-01-27 17:51:31: Deleting 0 orphaned records from resource_statuses 
Deleting 100% |###################################################################| Time: 00:00:00
Preparing to delete from resource_events 
2012-01-27 17:51:31: Deleting 0 orphaned records from resource_events 
Deleting 100% |###################################################################| Time: 00:00:00
-- execute("ALTER TABLE reports ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reports_node_id FOREIGN KEY (node_id) REFERENCES nodes(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;") 
rake aborted! 
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Mysql::Error: Can't create table 'console.#sql-328_ff6' (errno: 121): ALTER TABLE reports ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reports_node_id FOREIGN KEY (node_id) REFERENCES nodes(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
!! ERROR: Cancelling installation

If you have suffered a failed upgrade, you can fix it by doing the following:

  • On your database server, log into the MySQL client as either the root user or the console user:

      # mysql -u console -p
      Enter password: <password>
  • Execute the following SQL statements:

      USE console 
      ALTER TABLE reports DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_reports_node_id; 
      ALTER TABLE resource_events DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_resource_events_resource_status_id; 
      ALTER TABLE resource_statuses DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_resource_statuses_report_id; 
      ALTER TABLE report_logs DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_report_logs_report_id; 
      ALTER TABLE metrics DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_metrics_report_id;
  • Follow the instructions for increasing the innodb_buffer_pool_size and restart the MySQL server.
  • Re-run the upgrader, which should now finish successfully.

For more information about the lock table size, see this MySQL bug report.

pe-httpd Must Be Restarted After Revoking Certificates

(Issue #8421)

Due to an upstream bug in Apache, the pe-httpd service on the puppet master must be restarted after revoking any node’s certificate.

After using puppet cert revoke or puppet cert clean to revoke a certificate, restart the service by running:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/pe-httpd restart

### Internet Explorer 8 Can't Access Live Management Features

The console’s live management page doesn’t load in Internet Explorer 8. Although we are working on supporting IE8, you should currently use another browser (such as Internet Explorer 9 or Google Chrome) to access PE’s live management features.

Dynamic Man Pages are Incorrectly Formatted

Man pages generated with the puppet man subcommand are not formatted as proper man pages, and are instead displayed as Markdown source text. This is a purely cosmetic issue, and the pages are still fully readable.

To improve the display of Puppet man pages, you can use your system gem command to install the ronn gem:

$ sudo gem install ronn

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