Docs: PE 2.6 » Cloud Provisioning » Classifying Nodes and Installing Puppet

Classifying New Nodes and Remotely Installing Puppet

Nodes in a cloud infrastructure can be classified and managed as easily as any other machine in a puppet environment. You can add new nodes to pre-existing console groups, further classify and configure those nodes, and install Puppet (Enterprise or open source) on them.

Many of these tasks are accomplished using the puppet node subcommand. While puppet node can be applied to physical or virtual machines, several actions have been created specifically for working with virtual machine instances in the cloud. For complete details, view the puppet node man page and the Getting Started With Cloud Provisioner page.

Classifying nodes

Once you have created instances for your cloud infrastructure, you need to start configuring them and adding the files, settings and/or services needed for their intended purposes. The fastest and easiest way to do this is to add them to your existing console groups. You can do this by adding nodes to a group with the console’s web interface. However, you can also do this right from the command line, which can be more convenient if you’re already at your terminal and have the node’s name ready at hand.

To classify nodes and add them to a console group, run puppet node classify.

$ puppet node classify \
--node-group=appserver_pool \
--enc-server=localhost \
--enc-port=443 \
--enc-ssl \
--enc-auth-user=console \
--enc-auth-passwd=password \

notice: Contacting https://localhost:443/ to classify

The above example adds an AWS EC2 instance to the console. Note that you use the name of the node you are classifying as the command’s argument and the --node-group option to specify the group you want to add your new node to. The other options contain the connection and authentication data needed to properly connect to the node.

Note that until the first puppet run is performed on this node, puppet itself will not yet be installed. (Unless one of the “wrapper” commands has been used. See below.)

To see additional help for node classification, run puppet help node classify. For more about how the console groups and classifies nodes, see the section on grouping and classifying.

You may also wish review the basics of Puppet classes and configuration to help you understand how groups and classes interact.

The process of adding a node to the console is demonstrated in the following video:

Installing Puppet

Use the puppet node install command to install Puppet Enterprise (or open-source puppet) onto the new instances.

$ puppet node install --keyfile=~/.ssh/mykey.pem --login=root 
notice: Waiting for SSH response ...
notice: Waiting for SSH response ... Done
notice: Installing Puppet ...
status: success

This command’s options specify:

  • The path to a private SSH key that can be used log in to the vm, specified with the --keyfile option. The install action uses SSH to connect to the host, and so needs access to an SSH key. For Amazon EC2, point to the private key from the key pair you used to create the instance. In most cases, the private key is in the ~/.ssh directory. (Note that for VMware, the public key should have been loaded onto the template you used to create your virtual machine.)
  • The local user account used to log in, specified with the --login option.

For the command’s argument, specify the name of the node on which you’re installing Puppet Enterprise.

For the default installation, the install action uses the installation packages provided by Puppet Labs and stored in Amazon S3 storage. You can also specify packages located on a local host, or on a share in your local network. Use puppet help node install or puppet man node to see more details.

In addition to these default configuration options, you can specify a number of additional options to control how and what we install on the host. You can specify the specific version of Puppet Enterprise to install (or you can install open source puppet). You can also control the version of Facter to install, the specific answers file to use to configure Puppet Enterprise, the certificate name of the agent to be installed and a variety of other options. To see a full list of the available options, use the puppet help node install command.

The process of installing Puppet on a node is demonstrated in detail in the following video:

Classifying and Installing Puppet in One Command

Using node init

Rather than using multiple commands to classify and install Puppet on a node, there are a couple of other options that combine actions into a “wrapper” command. Note that you will need access to the PE installer, which is typically specified with the --installer-payload argument.

If a node has been prepared to remotely sign certificates, you can use the init action which will install Puppet, classify the node and sign the certificate in one step. For example:

$ puppet node init \
--node-group=appserver_pool \
--enc-server=localhost \
--enc-port=443 \
--enc-ssl \
--enc-auth-user=console \
--enc-auth-passwd=password \
--keyfile=~/.ssh/mykey.pem \
--login=root \

The invocation above will connect to the console, classify the node in the appserver_pool group, and then install Puppet Enterprise on this node.

Using autosign.conf

Alternatively, if your deployment has been set up to use the autosign configuration parameter, you can use it to sign the certifcate automatically. While this can greatly simplify the process, there are some possible security risks associated with going this route, so be sure you are comfortable with the process and know the risks.

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