Docs: PE 2.6 » Cloud Provisioning » AWS Provisioning

Provisioning With Amazon Web Services

Puppet Enterprise provides support for working with EC2 virtual machine instances using Amazon Web Services. Using actions of the puppet node_aws sub-command, you can create new machines, view information about existing machines, classify and configure machines, and tear machines down when they’re no longer needed.

The main actions used for AWS cloud provisioning include:

  • puppet node_aws list for viewing existing instances
  • puppet node_aws create for creating new instances
  • puppet node_aws terminate for destroying no longer needed instances

If you are new to Amazon Web Services, we recommend reading their Getting Started documentation.

Below we take a quick look at these actions and their associated options. For comprehensive information, see Getting More Help below.

Viewing Existing EC2 Instances

Let’s start by finding out about the currently running EC2 instances. You do this by running the puppet node_aws list command.

$ puppet node_aws list
  created_at: Sat Nov 12 02:10:06 UTC 2011
  id: i-013eb462
  state: running
  created_at: Sat Nov 12 03:48:50 UTC 2011
  id: i-019f0a62
  state: running
  created_at: Sat Nov 12 04:32:25 UTC 2011
  id: i-01a33662
  state: running

This shows three running EC2 instances. For each instance, the following characteristics are shown:

  • The instance name
  • The date the instance was created
  • The DNS host name of the instance
  • The ID of the instance
  • The state of the instance, for example, running or terminated

If you have no instances running, nothing will be returned.

Creating a new EC2 instance

New instances are created using the node_aws create or the node_aws bootstrap actions. The create action simply builds a new EC2 machine instance. The bootstrap “wrapper” action creates, classifies, and then initializes the node all in one command.

Using create

The node_aws create subcommand is used to build a new EC2 instance based on a selected AMI image.

The subcommand has three required options:

  • The AMI image we’d like to use. (--image)
  • The name of the SSH key pair to start the image with (--keyname). See here for more about creating Amazon-managed key pairs.
  • The type of machine instance we wish to create (--type). You can see a list of types here.

Provide this information and run the command:

$ puppet node_aws create --image ami-edae6384 --keyname cloudprovisioner --type m1.small
notice: Creating new instance ...
notice: Creating new instance ... Done
notice: Creating tags for instance ...
notice: Creating tags for instance ... Done
notice: Launching server i-df7ee898 ...
notice: Server i-df7ee898 is now launched
notice: Server i-df7ee898 public dns name:

You’ve created a new instance using an AMI of ami-edae6384, a key named cloudprovisioner, and of the machine type m1.small. If you’ve forgotten the available key names on your account, you can get a list with the node_aws list_keynames action:

$ puppet node_aws list_keynames
cloudprovisioner (ad:d4:04:9f:b0:8d:e5:4e:4c:46:00:bf:88:4f:b6:c2:a1:b4:af:56)

You can also specify a variety of other options, including the region in which to start the instance. You can see a full list of these options by running puppet help node_aws create.

After the instance has been created, the public DNS name of the instance will be returned. In this case:

Using bootstrap

The bootstrap action is a wrapper that combines several actions, allowing you to create, classify, install Puppet on, and sign the certificate of EC2 machine instances. Classification is done via the Console.

In addition to the three options required by create (see above), Bootstrap also requires the following:

  • The name of the user Puppet should be using when logging in to the new node. (--login or --username)
  • The path to a local private key that allows SSH access to the node (--keyfile). Typically, this is the path to the private key that gets downloaded from the Amazon EC2 site.

The example below will bootstrap a node using the ami–0530e66c image, located in the US East region and running as a t1.micro machine type.

puppet node_aws bootstrap 
--region us-east-1 
--image ami-0530e66c 
--login root --keyfile ~/.ec2/ccaum_rsa.pem 
--keyname ccaum_rsa  
--type t1.micro


The following video demonstrates the EC2 instance creation process in more detail:

Connecting to an EC2 instance

You connect to EC2 instances via SSH. To do this you will need the private key downloaded earlier from the Amazon Web Services console. Add this key to your local SSH configuration, usually in the .ssh directory.

$ cp mykey.pem ~/.ssh/mykey.pem

Ensure the .ssh directory and the key have appropriate permissions.

$ chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
$ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/mykey.pem

You can now use this key to connect to our new instance.

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem [email protected]

Terminating an EC2 instance

Once you’ve finished with an EC2 instance you can easily terminate it. Terminating an instance destroys the instance entirely and is a destructive, permanent action that should only be performed when you are confident the instance, and its data, are no longer needed.

To terminate an instance, use the node_aws terminate action.

$ puppet node_aws terminate
notice: Destroying i-df7ee898 ( ...
notice: Destroying i-df7ee898 ( ... Done

The following video demonstrates the EC2 instance termination process in more detail: </param></param></param></embed>

Getting more help

The puppet node_aws command has extensive in-line help documentation and a man page.

To see the available actions and command line options, run:

$ puppet help node_aws
USAGE: puppet node_aws <action>

This subcommand provides a command line interface to work with Amazon EC2
machine instances.  The goal of these actions are to easily create new
machines, install Puppet onto them, and tear them down when they're no longer

  --mode MODE                    - The run mode to use (user, agent, or master).
  --render-as FORMAT             - The rendering format to use.
  --verbose                      - Whether to log verbosely.
  --debug                        - Whether to log debug information.

  bootstrap        Create and initialize an EC2 instance using Puppet
  create           Create a new EC2 machine instance.
  fingerprint      Make a best effort to securely obtain the SSH host key
  list             List AWS EC2 node instances
  list_keynames    List available AWS EC2 key names
  terminate        Terminate an EC2 machine instance

See 'puppet man node_aws' or 'man puppet-node_aws' for full help.

For more detailed help you can also view the man page .

$ puppet man node_aws

You can get help on individual actions by running:

$ puppet help node_aws <ACTION>

For example,

$ puppet help node_aws list

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